To those who have been authorised to see this,
Preparations for CASE RANCOR have been authorised imminently. As many of you know and realise, this has been a long time coming. We have of course planned auspiciously for this occasion for sometime, and now it is time to begin slowly beginning our ascendency. This is not however a carte blanche effort, and we will still need to retain our place as loyal subjects to the office of Sovereign Imperator. But of course, with the changes within the political and military landscape, we will need to
Given some of you have been preparing for this moment for some time, while others may not have realised this day would be coming so soon. I nonetheless feel, given you are to be the subjects of an intense pressure to perform, a justification for my actions. The reason I am pivoting us toward this maneuver is this is for a number of changes in the political landscape.
- CIGARRA: The death of CIGARRA was unfortunate, and unprecedented. As you know, we would have taken care of him in PHASE THREE, but this was unfortunately not the case. The loss of leadership damages stability, and gives us an opportunity to ramp up production. CIGARRA however, being the lynchpin he was in diplomatic affairs, does potentially bring us into a future conflict with GALACTIC ALLIANCE or SILVER JEDI CONCORD.
- MASK: The ascendency of MASK to succeed as Sovereign Imperator, complicates matters greatly. I will personally charge it my mission to investigate and gauge what this man’s work will be, and his agenda. But until the dust has settled, we will be incapable of gauging his longer term thoughts regarding the New Imperial Order, internal politics and the like.
- PRINCELING//SOLDIER: The deaths of PRINCELING and SOLDIER have far reaching effects politically. These two were from their respective domains, the face of populist support within the New Imperial Order. Without them, as a means to placate the population with tacit reforms to governance. Without them, there will need to be new populist figures fostered. Level PRYDE operatives are to find, and lionise these individuals, and mold them into acceptable, palatable puppets for us. However in the interim, we will need to keep closer surveillance of the populace.
- THE HAG: The arrival of THE HAG into the fold from the FIRST ORDER is a devastating blow to our operations should she be allowed to linger. We have worked hard to maintain our position in the Navy, and THE HAG cannot be allowed to jeopardize operations or be seen to challenge my authority, and must be stymied at all levels by our officers within the Navy.
- SEER: The secession and betrayal of the New Imperial Order by SEER has potentially both increased our power, and damaged it. I am under no illusions MASK will keep operations like ours under a close eye. But if we continue to ingratiate ourselves, I am certain he will not be concerned with our work.
- MAW: It is inevitable now that the New Imperial Order will seek conflict with the MAW. And they are not wrong. The MAW will deserve to die, and the New Imperial Order is righteous in this regard. What must however be accounted for, is an increase in war time production. With the MAW having attracted the ire of not just us, but CONFEDERATE, ALLIANCE and SILVER JEDI governments. We may be able to reap the benefits. But must also be wary of internal threats as with SEER.
As it sits, the full scope of PHASE ONE mobilisation will not be occurring, until we ascertain the full extent of the new change of leadership style by MASK, and how a war with the MAW will escalate. However, for now, the following operations are to be undertaken, to begin preparations for CASE RANCOR:
- UNTERNEHMEN FELDGRUEN: In the sectors of agricultural development, we will require an increased yield of 26%. This yield, is to be disseminated and processed into rations for cold storage at CLASS H Facilities, for use by personnel. As of now, used up subjects from FALL UNTOTER will be dispatched to increase fertilizer, as their bodies are rich in nutrients.
- OPERATION KINDERNACHT: Operations to recruit within the IRON RING are to be increased by forty four percent. An ideal target would to have another Ten Brigades recruited, and for training to begin. Age brackets for recruitment will now be lowered from 18 Months Old, and increased to 15 Years. Work by the Prefsbelt Office of Information and Entertainment will be used to ensure compliance.
- FALL FABRIK: Raids on the industry and industrial working class within the IRON RING are to be escalated, with a push for an increase of seventeen percent for immigration. This along with continued work to appropriate heavy industrial components to Prefsbelt IV.
- SUB-OPERATION VADER: FALL FABRIK is to be undertaken along with the arming of Ex-SITH IMPERIAL militia’s within the IRON RING. Operatives must continue to work using surplus SITH EMPIRE equipment to aggravate and push the population toward the New Imperial Bloc. I will make a case within the IMPERIAL ASSEMBLY to subsume these territories as to restore order there. And as a consequence; have Prefsbelt Command take nominal control.
- PROJECT RUUSAN: With the ascendency of MASK to power, Project RUUSAN research will be deviated to more uses. And to see if we can develop a discrete means of removal for MASK, and any others who may rise within the assembly of his kind.
- CASE GOLDENEYE: Thrysus will need to be pulled into the fold. Tacit negotiations will be attempted with THREEPIO, and his associates to gauge whether closer ties can be managed. The SUN GUARD could be powerful allies.
- OPERATION CANDIDFOX: Continued logistical support for our naval commanders. Approximately fifteen percent of all naval officers have been assessed by the Office of Entertainment and Information as being ‘LOYAL’ to myself. And this must continue. Foster connections, social and professional. Poach their loyalty, from beyond the ASSEMBLY and MASK, and to ME.
- OPERATION GRAVEDIGGER: For the Prefsbelt Office of Industry and Labour, it will be tantamount for them to begin the erection and expansion of fortification. As shown with SEER and the situation of secession there, a lack of erected fortification and redoubts caused a vulnerability. An increase in the deployment of Ion and Hypervelocity batteries, aided by Shield Generators and mountainside barracks must be implemented. For PHASE FOUR to at all be successful, Prefsbelt must be made a veritable, self-sustaining fortress.
- UNTERNEHEMEN [REDACTED]: With the retrieval of [REDACTED] from [REDACTED], and engineering teams working on [REDACTED], personnel working in Class TARKIN and Class D-4 are to begin screening candidates who mate the following criteria.
- Excellent genetic make up.
- Above average intellect.
- Veteran military service.
- Undying loyalty to myself and Prefsbelt Command
The launching and amendments to these operations on a base level, do not change anything. We will still take orders from leadership, and adhere (mostly) to the dictates of the IMPERIAL ASSEMBLY. In the short to medium term, it is our continued cooperation with the escalating war effort. But, it will also mean shoring up our own borders, and ensuring the continued secrecy of our actions.
All copies of this memorandum are to be destroyed. No copies are to be kept aboard vessels, or in private logs, unless you are based on Prefsbeltl IV, or one of the REPRISALS. Your silence is a necessity, and should you be questioned by COMPNOR, you are to deny everything. You have risen to the posts you have for your diligence. Your hard work. You have experienced the luxuries afforded, because of your merit. Do not undo what has been done. Should it be learned that this memorandum has been shared, or improperly disposed of, a punishment of the highest severity will be issued.
Comrades, we embark now on an unprecedented era, with many new challenges awaiting. We have thus far, bided our time and worked very hard to ensure our place in the Iron Sun. This cannot be jeopardised totally. So once again, we must wait until the time is right to strike. Until then, maintain the course. Act discretely, and act carefully. We will be victorious. We will win. We will crush those who oppose us. We will inherit what is ours!
Long live the Empire!
From the desk of Carlyle Rausgeber,
Grand Admiral of Prefsbelt Command.