Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction To Speak With Authority (GA/MP)

Fondor. It wasn’t Coruscant, but it was the newly minted beating heart of the Galactic Alliance government and seat of the Senate. Where politicians called home… A more wretched hive… Ijaat had been here many times in his younger years. But it had been since Sarge had been at large since he had stepped on the soil of the planet or took in it’s shipyards. The Svarog had departed with a small escort of fighters at the edge of the system, leaving the bulk of the fleet escort behind and in waiting.

The larger-than-average patrol craft had followed all the protocols and sliced through the atmosphere with much less grace than the Alliance escort that took over for his Protector pilots and their disparate craft. Touching down Ijaat had exited the craft flanked by Drego Ruus Drego Ruus , his Warmaster, Mia Monroe Mia Monroe his left hand and more, a Protector-armored Darius Mereel Darius Mereel had been seconded as his guard, to give his son experience in command.

The guards at the Senate Doors had balked at the armored Mandalorians, and it had been a tense moment where Darius Mereel Darius Mereel , in his resplendent blue and green armor, had almost backhanded one of the Guards of the Chamber for the demand to surrender weapons. But in a show of faith, Ijaat had surrendered his arms in a small pile greeted by growing alarm as he pulled knives and knuckledusters and blasters from concealed places and added to the dozen or so piled together.

Waiting for the others to either state their case or follow, Ijaat also turned to the Guard Captain and lifted his hands, removing his helmet with the Mask clipped to it and cradling it in h is arms.

“I am made aware Valery Noble Valery Noble is within, and we are expected…”

“Sir, we await the Mandalorian leader, not mercenaries. Step aside or be removed from these grounds by force if needs be.…”

With an unnatural quickness belying the white in his hair, Ijaat produced a kal knife from Manda knows where and spun it between his fingers like a gambler with a coin-rolling trick. With a mirthless smile, he flicked the knife into the table with his other belongings, sticking it point first.

“Ijaat Mereel, the Rekindler, Mand’alor of my people. At your service. Inform your superiors I am not used to being kept at the gates, guard.”

The lowercase ‘g’ in the title was somehow painfully apparent, and the man survived without new holes based solely on the fact Ijaat appraised his knowledge of the Mando’ade as painfully ignorant. And so only playful threats were made, rather than serious injury. And with a step back, the Manda’lor spread his hands to indicate his disarmament was as complete as they could prove short of stripping him to his flesh, and reiterated his request.

“Master Noble, if you please. I'd like to speak with authority...”
A Real Motherfucking Stormtrooper




It wasn't what Drego expected when he came back to the GA for the first time since the invasion of Kiffu. Part of that felt like years ago. His life as part of the GADF, it was all coming back.

As they entered the senate building, Drego felt a bit of a frog in his throat. He hated dealing with politicians, but, this was the job he signed up for.

The plan was simple. They wanted a pact with the GA, one that would ensure both the safety of the Protectors, but of the GA's northern border. And...maybe a few other things, if talks were to go well.

"Here's to luck." Drego whispered to Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel and Mia Monroe Mia Monroe as they entered the senate floor.



Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel Drego Ruus Drego Ruus

As the Trade Federation completed the establishment of their office in Fondor's Senatorial Building, a sudden commotion echoed through the corridors. Lodd swiftly made his way towards the front entrance, where heightened security measures were in place to protect the Federal Assembly from any potential threats, be it foreign invaders or bounty hunters with sinister intentions. However, he couldn't help but wonder if these measures were as futile as the security at the Coruscant Senate.

Following him were numerous Trade Federation Envoys and two Trade Barons, ready to delve into some crucial discussions.
"Have the necessary supplies reached Bescane?" Lodd inquired, casting a worried glance at his assistant. "They have indeed, Minister. It won't be long before the Dark Empire's attention shifts from Coruscant," the aide assured, passing him the datapad displaying the trade flow to the Imperial Holdout on Bescane, a possible obstacle for the Dark Empire as they sought to aquire more support from ex-members of the New Imperial Order.

"Excellent, we should be able to delay full-scale war for several months." The Minister said, resting comfortably as they finally reached the corridors where the Mandalorian Delegation was. He offered a brief glance towards Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel as they wanted to enter inside but was held up by the Senate Security Forces.

"Ah, It is not often that we get the attention of the Mandalorian Clans. What do we owe the pleasure." Lodd exclaimed.



Fondor. Yet another ecumenopolis world closer to the center of the Galaxy. Aisha stared silently from the chromed visor of her buy’ce as she took in the sights while her group was being processed. Even with said helm on, she could tell this place reeked of politics. All her life, she had seen the failure of government time and again when it came to the commoners amongst the stars. Pirates raiding her birth village and snapping chains on her. Her second home on Mandalore being soaked in blood by the Sith. The various criminals hounding the defenseless during her years marshalling on Saleucami. Yet, for Ijaat's sake, she would play nice.

”That should be all of it.” She gestured at one of the guards.

As with the self-proclaimed Mand'alor, she had discarded all of the weapons on her person. Blasters, knives, even her vambraces. In her mind, she did not need them should something go awry. Any Mandalorian worth their blood could use their very bodies as a weapon. The Togruta sighed a little as they awaited before the Senate doors. Through her helm, she spied a Neimoidian in senatorial garb. One could almost feel her eyes roll.

Kriffing great... She thought to herself, Not even in the chamber, and the first thing I see is a worm

Ah well. This visit to the Alliance couldn't get worse....could it?


Projected into the Fondor Senate Chamber
Transmitted from Coruscant

The Senator of Obulette and High Noble of House Mecetti did not sit in the Senate chambers of Fondor.

In fact, the man had not visited Fondor since the aborted vote about where the Capital of the Galactic Alliance should reside.

Nor would he.

Not until and unless Coruscant was actually taken by an enemy force.

Most of the House Mecetti home fleet now orbited Coruscant, adding a nominal but symbolically important force to the planet's defense.

"Blood on the Border" was an old tradition of House Mecetti. Perhaps even older than hyperdrives. It was an essential principle that supported their House Motto: "Family in Service to the State, the State in Service to the Family."

It was the earliest basis on which the nobles of House Mecetti ruled: When danger lurked, they were willing to put their own flesh and blood on the border to oppose invaders. Seldom were they ever in real danger, of course. But the gesture was felt. The symbol was meaningful.

Casteban's absence from Fondor was as crucial as his presence on Coruscant. He was rejecting the undemocratic actions of their leader, and promising that he was not abandoning the people of Coruscant to the enemies of the Alliance.

House Mecetti was not generally a popular or well-liked force within the Alliance. Casteban was stodgy and inflexible. His son Maldor had turned traitor, and fled to the Empire.

Still, despite it all, they were known to have their own peculiar principles, and they were seen to abide by them.

From his seat on Coruscant, a holoprojection made him aware of events throughout the chambers of Fondor. He could turn his head and see the chambers as though he was there personally, with only a few scanlines to mar the view. Now he could see the disturbance of new arrivals- a more raucous disturbance than the Senate was used to.

The Mandalorians had arrived.

Inconstant Allies. Periodic and terrible foes. What would they become today, he wondered?

He watched in silence for now.

Tine would reveal the truth of things.

Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel | Drego Ruus Drego Ruus | Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin Aisha Garon Aisha Garon | Valery Noble Valery Noble


Everything had happened so suddenly.

No sooner had she found herself in office as the senator for Nubia did everything around her seem to fall apart at the seams. While this was not necessarily the fully reality there was no denying the threat of Deep Core collapse. It was in light of this very real danger that she had made the move from Coruscant to Fondor along with a number of the senators who felt comfortable relocating away from the veritable fortress world of a city planet. It was no Nubia or Coruscant but her father had taught her that some opinions were best kept to oneself.


She couldn't help but shift uncomfortably in her chair as her thoughts on the state of the senate filled her head. An unpleasant agitation lingering in the recesses of her mind as she struggled to make herself comfortable in one of the only pieces of furniture she would have happily been rid of amidst the transition between worlds. As each thought drifted away into the wind, bluntly drowned out by discomfort she couldn't ignore, she unleashed a caustic sigh.

Just how long is this going to last? She asked herself as she stood from the chair and pressed her hands against the cool wood frame of her father's old desk.

Her question would go unanswered, however, as the sound of a clamor from the main hall quietly permeated the walls of her senatorial office suite; something she knew her father had arranged prior to his retirement with a rather vivid story. Shifting herself on the ball of her foot, hearing a few voices of senators in the room outside but hardly recognizing the enough to distinuish who was who let along if there were new faces within their midst.

Curiosity won out, however, as she made her way calmly to the door and waited for it to hiss open so that she could carry herself to the audience chamber without delay. A trip that was, admittely, far more preferable to the sight that awaited her in lieu of stories her father had told her of his time with the Alliance in the years before the Second Great Hyperspace War. Stories he had recounted a dozen and a half times but would never grow tired of.


The old man hated them. She knew this. In spite of this she couldn't help but look on at those that had arrived with a sense of curiosity that stemmed solely from the fact she knew nothing of the decades her father discussed. The only thing she saw before her were a number of soldiers and their leaders; all worthy of deliberation as she allowed her personal thoughts and opinions float.

Following in suit with the hologram of Casteban Mecetti Casteban Mecetti she stood in silence some distance from the Nemoidian sentor as to stand clear of any unnecessary interruption or, at it's worst, interjection.

She did not share her father's animosity but their presence warranted caution.

Turning, Ijaat cocked his head to the side but inclined it slightly in greeting. As attention began to drift to them in ones and twos from his display and disturbance, he drummed his fingers along the dome of his helmet clipped to his hip. To put it on now would signal to his people that he distrusted these aruetii. Which, he did. But it would carry a more wary tone of danger than was needed, and would very likely alarm the Senators and be seen as aggression, an outward act rather than inner. Once again, Ijaat took a half turn to calm himself inwardly at having to play politics, then grin crookedly at the Neimoidian. It was an almost feral, and certainly showy expression.

"Ahhhh, a neimoidian. At last, someone with plain motives! My delegation and I are here to speak to the Senate and the Jedi on matters of an accord. A Master Noble had arranged us to arrive. But this eager young man here seems to doubt I am who I say I am. Does this suffice for you?"

With a blink, a long chain code displayed from Ijaat's suddenly raised vambrace, cycling in Galactic Basic and Mando'a in turns. It's roll of members of ancestry was a mixed bag of long and storied warriors of fame, and unremembered farmers and craftspeople. As would almost any Mandalorian here or elsewhere's be. The most notable members, for any who knew galactic history, being a branch that founded Clan Fett through Jango and Boba, and Jaster Mereel himself during the era of the Clone Wars.

"I am Ijaat Mereel, Mand'alor the Rekindler, and these are my most trusted advisors and guards. We have surrendered weapons as asked, and await entry to the chambers beyond for our invited audience. I would remind you, the last time Mandalorians came near a Senate with me in my day, we had a much different encounter than this peaceable one. I hope that the current conduct today shows that we as a people are sincere in our words and deeds, no matter the content. But if he searches me much more, the lad will owe me coin after."

Charming, in his own rough manner, and ever the one to layer insult and threat behind an easy guise of cultural misunderstanding, Ijaat trusted the Senator to get his drift:

We were invited, and now stand accosted and accused. Fix this, or we will.

Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin | Drego Ruus Drego Ruus | Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch | Syala Braste Syala Braste | Casteban Mecetti Casteban Mecetti | Aisha Garon Aisha Garon | Valery Noble Valery Noble
As soon as her inauguration gala had ended on Fresia, the newly made Senator had taken the first trip to Coruscant. Of course Fondor would have made more sense, but there were people still left on Coruscant. She wanted to at least be a symbol that not everyone had abandoned the planet. Even if she personally didn't have much of an opinion about most of the Senate having been moved. It was a smart move in her eyes. She already knew that her father probably wouldn't approve of her decision to have went to Coruscant instead of Fondor but he wasn't the mouth for Fresia anymore.

The concept of making her first appearance in the Senate via holoprojection felt wrong to her but it was either that or not show up at all. Taking a moment to steady herself, and make sure everything was in place, Magant sat herself down before turning on the holoprjection, a part of her eager to see what was going on in the chambers.

There was at least a small sense of relief at the sight that she wasn't the only person appearing via Hologram, thanks to Casteban Mecetti Casteban Mecetti but she turned her attention away from that to the others in the Chamber, trying to wrap her head around what the situation was going to be. It was going to be time to sit back and listen to what was going to be said. It was an uncomfortable feeling at the end of the day. Her words and actions would represent her home in front of some of the most important people in the Galaxy. Was it too late to back out?...Urgh. She shouldn't even entertain that thought.

Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin Drego Ruus Drego Ruus Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch Valery Noble Valery Noble Syala Braste Syala Braste Aisha Garon Aisha Garon Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble Casteban Mecetti Casteban Mecetti Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin Syala Braste Syala Braste Drego Ruus Drego Ruus Aisha Garon Aisha Garon Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel Magant Kiles Magant Kiles

Rens Ahim was not at Fondor but still on Coruscant. He was at a makeshift tent within Level 1313's main landing pads. Outside he can hear Alliance personal help citizens get to the transports he had arranged for this evacuation. Despite agreeing to move the capital from Coruscant to Fondor the former prosecutor wouldn't leave now. He will do everything he can to get as many people out as possible from the coming battle.

But right now his focus was on the session unfolding in the new parliament stars away from. His Holographic projection was present and quietly observed what was transpiring. The Mandalorian Protectors had come. Given the fallout with the late Enclave while back he was concerned but with the Dark Empire they can't afford to make enemies with Mandalore.

Mand'alor's declaration he had to suppress a groan. An overly zealous guard offended the armored warriors. He turned to the young man before calmly ordering him.

"Return all their weapons immediately, Captain."

If they really wanted to use those weapons they wouldn't have bothered with talking right now. His eyes back to Mandalore’s new chieftain Rens then with his arms folded in front of the chest he nodded in respect. He will not cower before them but neither would he insult them.

"Mand'alor thank you for your patience, that mistake will be corrected. We will listen to what you and your kin have to say."

He was well aware most Mandalorians if not all look down on career politicians in general. His nephew in the Alliance navy who fought beside some Mandalorian warriors during the Battle of Illum against the former Empire made that clear to him awhile ago. Better to be direct now than waste one another's time with pleasantries.
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A Real Motherfucking Stormtrooper

As they entered the senate chambers proper, Drego suddenly felt a bit inadequate for the moment. Not that anyone would be able to tell, but he dreaded this moment.

Brave face, Ruus.

"We seek an audience with Auteme Auteme and the senate of the Galactic Alliance." He started, using his voice modulator to sound a bit more official. "As Warmaster of the Protectors, we understand that the Alliance has a...troubled history with our culture. We would like to ease those worries by stating off the Protectors have no intention of being like the demagolka of the Enclave. We speak for the Mandalorian Culture with fresh eyes, and a new perspective. Some of you may doubt that, but let us the chance to persuade you." He let out a breath.

He wished Mia Monroe Mia Monroe had come with the forward party, and not insisted in coming in later.

"The Protectors come seeking a simple agreement. A Defensive pact to secure the northern borders of both the Galactic Alliance, and the Protectors. Box this Dark Empire in, and keep them on their toes. The Protectors are willing to keep the Imperials at bay both in in the north, and the self proclaimed Empire of the Lost in the south, should the GA provide us the security to do so. We seek arms and supply to keep the enemies of the GA at bay."

And those were the terms, laid out as simply as Drego could.

Now it was up to these senators to argue them.


Lodd was naturally hesitant to allow battle-hardened Mandalorian Warriors access into Fondor's Senatorial Building. Various potential scenarios ran through his mind, including the possbility of them serving as a distraction while other infiltrators made their way inside while security was preoccupied at the entrance.

Despite the initial apprehension, he accepted Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel as the Manda'lor of the Protectors, a recent military power within the galaxy and a natural ally in the fight against the Sith Order and the Dark Empire.

A multitude of senators flocked to the Neimoidian Delegation near the entrance, including Syala Braste Syala Braste , Casteban Mecetti Casteban Mecetti in holographic form, Magant Kiles Magant Kiles , and Rens Ahim Rens Ahim .

It was evident that the Mandalorians had no intention of prolonging their wait, as indicated by Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel 's menacing words amidst a supposedly peaceful outlook.

Drego Ruus Drego Ruus made their intentions clear, wanting to speak with the Chancellor and the Federal Assembly regarding a defensive pact with the Mandalorian Protectors.

"You can belay that order, Captain. Senator Ahim needs to be reminded that we do not control the Senate Security Force." The Neimoidian said casting a glance over to the Senate Captain and Senator Rens Ahim Rens Ahim .

"The Senate is eager to form a defensive alliance with the Mandalorian Protectors, Lord Mandalore. However, there are worries about how military actions against the Imperialist Governments could affect trade and commerce. Can you shed some light on your intentions?" Lodd exclaimed in typical Trade Federation fashion.

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Drego Ruus Drego Ruus | Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel | Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin | Casteban Mecetti Casteban Mecetti | Syala Braste Syala Braste

The holographic projection of Caulder Dune wore an aloof expression.
Mandalorians comprised some of the most depraved scum in this galaxy, but the delicate art of realpolitik indicated it would be better to strike an accord. If these culturally stunted barbarians wanted to throw themselves on the enemies of the Alliance, who was he to stop them? Still, there would need to be some theater first.
"We are honored to receive you, Warmaster, and honored still to receive your offer of friendship," Caulder droned, "I am heartened to hear your disavowal of the so-called Enclave. Many lives were lost in their unprovoked attacks on Alliance worlds."
An astute eye would spot the Ascania Medal of Altruism he had pinned to his breast. The Commerce Guild had, in fact, made similarly large donations to the governments of Yag'Dhul, Kiffu, Thyffera, and others in the wake of those attacks. But the medals he received from those governments were not nearly so nice.
The official story was that the depravity of those attacks had moved old Caulder's heart, and that he was the driving force behind the Commerce Guild's unprecedented financial action. That was half true. The real reason was simpler: he hated Mandalorians more than anything else in this galaxy, and would give anything to repair the scars left behind after their witless crusades.
He continued, "I am curious to know the following: how many members of the Enclave have since joined your ranks? How many of those persons were an accessory to attacks against the Alliance? And how do you intend to hold them accountable for their crimes? You have made efforts to prevent them from joining your cause, have you not?"
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The seated hologram of Senator Laveaux watched the proceedings from her private quarters. It was not really a secret that she hated Mandalorians; statements made early in her political career could be dredged up as proof of her anti-Mando views, and if one were to look into her private financial records it would be found that she had donated to the cause of wiping them out. Of course, if you try to fight a warrior culture, they thrive on that chit, so she soon abandoned these initial efforts. Luckily, it seemed the current generation of bucketheads were intent on their own self-destruction as they made increasingly lame attempts at rebranding themselves into tough-but-friendly folksy foreigners that just really liked to wear armor. Some of them started that crap even back during the war. Imagine saying "I come in peace", while your compatriots are busy raping and pillaging Alliance worlds in the background.

She had considered observing this meeting in silence, never contributing anything to the conversation. It would be safer, given her intensely negative view of the Mandos. And it would be less likely to result in her having a violent coughing fit. One cannot afford to waste breath when one is ill.

But then Caulder Dune spoke, and she smiled. Finally someone had asked a logical question, the very query that was on all their minds. Now watch this entire fething meeting collapse under the weight of basic common sense.
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A Real Motherfucking Stormtrooper

"The Senate is eager to form a defensive alliance with the Mandalorian Protectors, Lord Mandalore. However, there are worries about how military actions against the Imperialist Governments could affect trade and commerce. Can you shed some light on your intentions?"
"Currently, we have no intentions of disrupting trade any more than it already has. Your federation has embargoed the Empire of the Lost, yes? We've had a few border skirmishes with them now, the future of our operations is a bit murky at the moment, but it's not hard to see war on the horizon. I would assume you have no immediate trade with the sith as well, which is our other immediate target." Drego chose his words very carefully, eyeing the senator of Neimoidia. Bounty Hunting made the man wearing of anyone who cared more about credit than morals. Hunters like that were usually so because of their lack of skill, taking dirty contracts to keep themselves afloat because the good men wouldn't take them.

His eyes turned to Caulder Dune Caulder Dune and Sycorax Laveaux Sycorax Laveaux , a small frown forming under the ever-neutral helm.

"I am curious to know the following: how many members of the Enclave have since joined your ranks? How many of those persons were an accessory to attacks against the Alliance? And how do you intend to hold them accountable for their crimes? You have made efforts to prevent them from joining your cause, have you not?"
"As far as I'm aware, none." He started simply. "The Mando'ade of Kestri seem content to stay on their own self-proclaimed homeworld, and haven't made much attempt to join our ranks. While we do have a few passing through our territory from time to time, we weren't a part of the Enclave attacks on your territory, as our government didn't exist at the time. As for our attempts to hold them accountable, to be blunt, we've been busy. Rebuilding a ravaged world takes precedent, and those who did partake in the attacks on your worlds haven't made any such attempts on ours. If you'd like to put out formal bounties on specific individuals, I could perhaps convince some of my vod to seek those bounties for the right amount of credit, but as far as I'm aware, the only standing bounty was on the Enclave as a whole, which isn't something we can act on."

Drego's logic was simple. The GA needed to police their own criminals, and the Protectors shouldn't be expected to do it for them in our territory.

Drego Ruus Drego Ruus | Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel | Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin | Casteban Mecetti Casteban Mecetti | Syala Braste Syala Braste | Sycorax Laveaux Sycorax Laveaux
Caulder Dune raised an eyebrow. "One of the benefits of a government is that it comprises many people, and many people may focus on many different things. Claiming to lack the capacity to assess whether your 'vod' may be complicit in war crimes against a potential ally - and to participate in securing justice where appropriate - merely indicates to me that perhaps your administration may not care."
Surely, of all people, Mandalorians understood the best that actions spoke louder than mere platitudes. If not, then perhaps the Warmaster and his coterie had a career in the Senate ahead of them yet.
"Taking the steps to ensure that the Mandalorians who butchered our citizens do not find a home again on your Mandalore would speak more to your sincerity in making friends of the Alliance than requesting we... Issue a series of bounties." His lips formed into a wry smile. "I have often lived by the phrase 'trust but verify.' So I shall trust you, Warmaster, when you say the Enclave have given you a wide berth, and leave it to SIA to verify."
There was a dryness in his tone when he mentioned SIA. The irony of leaving this matter to the same people who had missed concerted Imperial activity a stone's throw from Coruscant was not lost on him. But it didn't matter now. His part in this pageantry was concluded. Now they could commence feeding these armored apes into the meatgrinder that was the 'Dark' Empire.
The old umbaran appeared to relax in his seat - wherever he was - and leaned back.
"The Commerce Guild yields the remainder of its time. We look forward to a fruitful partnership, as always."
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The Neimoidian's disappointment was considerable over the lack of transparency exhibited by the Mandalorian Protectors when it came the crucial matters of free trade and commerce that crossed the vast expanses of the galactic border worlds. Within the prominent circles of the Trade Federation, whisphers and speculations had begun to circulate, suggesting that the Mandalorians might indeed by contemplating the implementation of tariffs on the hyperspace routes that intertwined within their territories.

Such a scenario, if accurate posed a significant challenge to the mega-corporation, whose connections with the Sith Order's Kainite Branch could be seriously impacted. The mentioned embargo against the Empire of the Lost was enacted to calm the tensions between the Lost Empire and the Sith Order whose clashes and skirmishes would affect the more prominent hyperspaces lanes.

Glancing over to the Commerce Guild Senator, Caulder Dune Caulder Dune to give him a subtle message that he would like to speak to him in a more private setting.

"Before we presume anything, Warmaster. It would be prudent to remind you that the Galactic Trade Federation is a neutral entity during times of war stretching back to the Ancient Commerce Treaty of 1647. We would hope that the Protectors honor such neutrality, should full-scale war come to the Sith Order. That is all I can say on such a complicated matter." The Neimoidian explained to Drego Ruus Drego Ruus avoided answering such a question, not least in front of the other delegations of the Alliance.

Well. Tensions were certainly high in the meeting. Not to be surprised, considering Mandalorians had left some scars on the Alliance, scars that might be hard to heal, if not impossible. She wouldn't blame those with a hatred towards Mandalorians, but in her eyes...It was better to hear them out than risk an attack from multiple different directions. The Dark Empire already had a foothold in the centre of Alliance space, and Fresia was close to being threatened. Of course, the assistance of the Protectors should be taken with a grain of salt.

Of course there was also the fact that plenty of soldiers in the GADF would probably be discontented with having the Mandalorians becoming allies considering the previous attacks. The Fresian Senator linked her hands together and rested her chin atop of them, frowning in thought. They'd need something to try and at least get rid of some of the bad blood. Hm...There was an idea that was jogging around in her mind as her holographic self looked around the hall, before clearing her throat.

"May I suggest a proposal, for this defensive pact as well? Perhaps we could have some units of the GADF work under the Protectors in their space, to work alongside them, and vice versa with some of the Protectors' troops working under the command of the GADF. To help promote cooperation, of course alongside fostering trust. Of course, the troops would be purely used for defense against the Dark Empire."

It wasn't worth the potential nightmare of having GADF troops used against the Empire of the Lost, causing the Alliance to get yet another enemy. Of course, it was possibly only a matter of time before the Empire of the Lost got involved...but hopefully in that time, they'd just happen to get lost on the way.

"It could be some kind of treaty. The Galactic Alliance And Mandalorian Treaty Organisation. GAMTO. Somewhat similar to the Mandalorian "Beskar'Gam" No? There could also be joint training between both sides, to add to the potential benefits. I am sure there is plenty that the great Mandalorians could teach the Defense Force alongside plenty that they can be taught."

Of course there was other benefits. Joint Technology creation could be a possible boon now that she thought of it...She'd have to think about getting Incom involved in that, if the treaty idea was seen with actual potential

Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel Drego Ruus Drego Ruus Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin Syala Braste Syala Braste Aisha Garon Aisha Garon Casteban Mecetti Casteban Mecetti Rens Ahim Rens Ahim Caulder Dune Caulder Dune

Projected into the Fondor Senate Chamber
Transmitted from Coruscant

"Obulette speaks," Casteban interjected from his holo-projected place in the chamber.

"I find it premature to discuss a pact, and immaterial to discuss past affiliations.

We are here to deal with the current threat, not past transgressions or former relationships. Seeking justice, redress, or purity pledges will avail us nothing whatsoever."

He looked over the chamber, then focused his attention on the Mandalorians.

"What I care about is that you have a commitment to the current conflict. The so-called 'Dark Empire' festers like an open wound at the center of the galaxy, and has frightened many of our faint-hearted Senators away to Fondor.

This cannot stand.

Join us in a strike against them to prove your intentions are valid.

If you can help us kill our enemies and retake our territory, that is all the vetting I require. I am not interested in discussing a pact until that commitment is proved.

Put your blood on the line.

Only then we can form a deeper agreement."

His hologram stood up, glowering proudly at the universe.

"House Mecetti stands ready to attack these foes on behalf of the Alliance.

Join us.

Or don't.

This is the only commitment I care about.

Everything that matters will be found in your response to this invitation."

Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel Drego Ruus Drego Ruus Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin Syala Braste Syala Braste Aisha Garon Aisha Garon Casteban Mecetti Casteban Mecetti Rens Ahim Rens Ahim Caulder Dune Caulder Dune Magant Kiles Magant Kiles
A Real Motherfucking Stormtrooper

"Before we presume anything, Warmaster. It would be prudent to remind you that the Galactic Trade Federation is a neutral entity during times of war stretching back to the Ancient Commerce Treaty of 1647. We would hope that the Protectors honor such neutrality, should full-scale war come to the Sith Order. That is all I can say on such a complicated matter."
"The Protectors are more than happy to honor your neutrality, representative, but if I remember correctly, the Galactic Alliance does not allow corporations to vote in your senate. The Mandalorians reserve our right to make war with the Sith, as all should. We shall not attack your vessels, but we hope you will not make an enemy of us through trade with those who seek to overthrow your own governments."

Drego had dealt with these types. Corpos who think themselves self important, above the realms of foreign governments.

Then the old man spoke, and a fire was lit under the Warmaster's chair.

If you can help us kill our enemies and retake our territory, that is all the vetting I require. I am not interested in discussing a pact until that commitment is proved.

Put your blood on the line.

Only then we can form a deeper agreement."

"Was Teta not enough?"

The former officer of the GADF spoke with that most authoritative tone, one he once reserved for men under him. "We held the line on your soil. We fought alongside your men. We pushed back the horrors of the Mawites while your men died alongside us. I was the only man standing up against the Imperials who took down the planetary shield generator. I saw a stormtrooper detonate themselves in front of me on Teta. How dare you insinuate we need to spill more blood for our loyalty to be trusted. Or would you prefer us to be like the Enclave? Another enemy, straddling your borders. We come to you with intentions of peace, and you spit in our face. I once stood by the GA as one of your defense force, and you led me into a massacre. Do not speak to me as if you have superiority over me Senator."

Drego paused, looking to Magant Kiles Magant Kiles , his tone softening.

"That, we can abide by. The Protectors, despite the disrespect of your cohort, are not opposed to a agreement of self defense. Perhaps I could set up a sort of war game for our men to work with. I would enjoy that, actually. Good to see someone here has a good idea, at least."


TAGS: @open

Matthew listened attentively to the various speakers, his sharp cerulean blue eyes observing everyone present. He was keenly making mental notes, discerning which individuals conducted themselves with professionalism and courtesy, and those who did not. Although Centerra was not currently under the purview of the Galactic Alliance's Senate, Matthew had a vested interest in their politics. With future collaborations in mind, he understood the importance of grasping the dynamics of this powerful entity's political landscape and its leaders.

Throughout the session, Matthew remained standing, his majestic, feathered wings adjusting slightly as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. A look of surprise crossed his features at some of the statements made during the meeting.

As he processed the information, a speculative thought crossed his mind—perhaps Mercetti's age was causing him to confuse his facts.


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