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Approved Planet Terraris

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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S



  • Planet Name: Terraris
  • Demonym: Terrarian | Formerly: Nelvaanian
  • Region: Unknown Region
  • System Name: Heimr
  • System Features: The Heimr system is not a very large system. There are a total of seven planets around a tiny and cold star. Of these, three are exo-planets and the remaining four are gas giants. In addition, there are two asteroid belts in the system. Terraris is the only planet in the system that is habitable.
    • Eyktar: The sun is a middle-aged star, tiny and cold, likely to exist for billions more years.
    • Fyrir (Heimr I.): The first planet is also in habitable proximity, but an old asteroid impact destroyed the atmosphere and made the once prosperous planet uninhabitable. Nowadays, they mainly have mining colonies on it and archaeological excavations.
    • Terraris (Heimr II.): Is a planet with a cold climate, typically covered in ice and tundra, but the other climate zones are also found on it.
      • The planet's orbit and rotation is slower than the standard, so time is calculated differently at this location. 100 standard seconds a minute, 100 minutes an hour, 27 hours a day, and 400 days a year, so a “year” equals with 3.42 standard year:
        1 year = ~ 3.41 standard years
        1 month = ~ 2.23 standard months
        1 week = ~ 4.46 standard weeks
        1 day = ~ 3.125 standard days, 75 standard hours | 27 hours in local time.
        1 hour = ~ 2.7 standard hours
        0.5 hours = ~ 1.4 standard hours
        0.25 hours = ~ 41 standard minutes
        10 min = ~ 16 standard min
        1 min = ~ 1.6 standard min, 100 standard seconds
        1 second = 1 standard second
      The planet has one smaller Moon.
    • Drekka (Heimr III.): The next planet is already too far from the habitable zone, there has never been life on it. It has some precious metal and other mining options on it.
    • Ganga: The next zone is the inner asteroid belt, a remnant of a destroyed planet, and as such is a very good opportunity to mine on asteroids. Water can also be found here, not just ores and metals.
    • Mikill (Heimr IV.): The gas giant has several smaller and larger moons, and countless gases can be extracted from the atmosphere, such as hydrogen or tibanna gas.
    • Vestr (Heimr V.): The gas giant has several smaller and larger moons, and countless gases can be extracted from the atmosphere, such as Clouzon-36, helium or methane gas.
    • Vetrrar (Heimr VI.): The gas giant has several smaller and larger moons, and countless gases can be extracted from the atmosphere, such as rethen, irolunn gas, Kyvalon-4 or methane gas.
    • Akala (Heimr VII.): The gas giant has several smaller and larger moons, and countless gases can be extracted from the atmosphere, such as tambic gas, kesium gas or tibanna gas.
    • Elding: The four gas giants are followed by another dense asteroid belt, which closes the system, making it difficult to transport, travel and commerce if someone does not know the area.
  • Location: Link.
  • Major Imports: Refined and raw materials, industrial materials and luxury goods.
  • Major Exports: Droids, ships, vehicles, food, different services, technology, bank services, military products, medicines and mining products.
  • Unexploited Resources:

  • Gravity: Standard.
  • Rotational Period: 3,2 Galactic Standard Days; ~ 75 Galactic Standard Hours
  • Orbital Period: 3,42 Galactic Standard Years
  • Climate: Cold, mostly tundra, but climatic zones exist. | Most cities have shields under which there is an artificial climate.
  • Primary Terrain: Tundra or taiga, Mountains, Oceans, Frozen Oceans, small Cold Deserts and small Grasslands, with a minimal Tropical area.
    Much of the planet has a tundra and cold taiga climate and about 80% of the planet is covered by oceans. Due to the cold climate, there are a lot of frozen oceans. There is a very short and narrow tropical zone around the equator, which is colder than the standard tropical areas on other planets. Above and below these are narrow grassy or desert areas before the tundra and taiga follows that cover a significant portion of the globe. The planet is volcanically active, and the locals also use magma as energy to operate shields, cities, infrastructure, etc.
  • Atmosphere: Type I, Type II.
    The atmosphere in much of the planet is Type I. However, in some parts of the ocean, or in frozen areas, countless toxic gases also emerge from the depths of the earth and ice, either due to volcanic activity or other toxic gases found only mainly on ice planets, but these are isolated cases.

  • Capital City: N/A (HPI Metropolis) | Each city/corporate area can be considered a separate country/city with its own laws and rules.
  • Planetary Features:
    • Feigr Gap: The Nether Rift; the Valkyrja chose the place for their home in the Netherworld for a reason, and the reason was that Terraris and the House of Völva were connected by a Nether Rift. The rift on the Terraris is located in Rocksolid, under the rule of House L’lerim. Note: a thread about the Rift will be made.
    • Planetary Shield: The shield that surrounds the planet, which is always active and protects the planet from attacks.
    • Mining Area: There are countless mining areas on the planet.
    • Ancient Ruins: Almost on the entire planet, though typically in a tropical climate, ancient ruins can be found that are remnants of the civilization that once lived here. Some of them sank into the ocean, others were found on land.
    • Ocean: The ocean is found in much of the planet, it is frozen in a lot of places due to the cold climate, but it is warm enough at the equator, and many people also vacation in this area. Most living things, especially large ones, are found in the ocean.
    • Holiday Zone: The locals just call this area like this. This area around the equator with a lot of smaller islands where there is always a tropical climate, the locals like to have a holiday and vacation here.
  • Major Locations: These states and cities can also be considered a corporate giant, which is why they got their name after the companies. Which is true for every place, in addition to the planetary shield, every area also has a planetary grade shield, under which Environmental Condition Stabilizer System (ECSS-01) is used to create an artificial climate.
    • HPI Metropolis: The largest city on the planet, located on the coast of one of the continents, is hundreds of kilometres long; most similar in structure to planetary cities (Nar Shaddaa, Coruscant, Denon, Empress Teta). With many storeys, huge tower buildings. Its tallest building, modelled on Zakuul, ends in space.
    • Rocksolid: It is located in the northern region, in the coldest areas of the planet. They are inhabited by the Clans, and the capital (Rocksolid) and the other cities are partly on the surface and partly underground due the harsh conditions. -100°C or colder is not uncommon in these areas, so they have to build underground.
    • Pride: Located nearly two thousand kilometres north of HPI, the "country" is located in a large area like Rockolid, in rather harsh conditions, which fits perfectly with what they represent. The area consists of huge fortified cities, of which Pride is also the capital. Every city is developed, surrounded by walls and shields, and the interiors are real metropolises.
    • Vex: After HPI, Vexillium (Vex) is the richest city-state on the planet, a metropolis. They are located close to Spear and Drox. The city is developed and very green, full of gardens and parks. The city itself is famous for its green and golden dome, stretching into huge skies, beneath which are the skyscrapers..
    • Drox: Along with Spear and Vex, Drox is the third city-state in the desert and tropical neighbourhood. A few hundred kilometres south of the dome of Vexillium is the city of Gold and Steel, i.e. Drox. It is also a developed city-state, with skyscrapers, it does not necessarily look like an industrial city. There is a similar dome around the Drox as in the case of the Vex.
    • Spear: Spear is a beautiful but secluded city-state in the only truly desert area on the planet. After HPI, it is the most modern city with Force User training and the only Nexus on the planet under the Spear leaders' tower. The city, by the way, is typically built around the number three, indicating the reign of Dragon, Beast and Curse.
    • Sivary Union: They are Spear's counterpart and enemies. They occupied one of the smallest continents completely. They have advanced technology and use them to build the environment and states here, which were then attached to the Sivary Union. They did not participate with the others in building the advanced infrastructure and did not ask for this. They have moderately developed cities and states.
    • Unknown Empire: An area with a special atmosphere where religion gets a central role. They also have advanced technology, living in many big cities that are close or far apart. Architecturally, perhaps they are the ones with the most peculiar and unique architecture after Rocksolid. The architectural style is most reminiscent of Atrisia's style.
    • Militia: It is an extensive multi-city community united by a mafia, the Militia. Many large cities and metropolises summarize this area, typically in a tropical climate and south of it. Typically, all cities and most of their territory are located on the oceanfront.
    • Agrarian Federal Union: They also take up quite a bit of space, mostly in the temperate zone, between the tropics and the taiga. There are vast plains and farming areas in their territory, which is also necessary, these are the food chambers of the planet who are typically engaged in farming. Many smaller and larger cities and towns are scattered in the area.
    • United Republics: The place is made up of many smaller and larger cities, the two big cities, the metropolis, is the centre of this region, Herund 1 and 2. On the planet, it is essentially the only place where companies from the off world are welcomed, nowhere else. Herund 1 and 2 are true megacities; a significant portion of the United Republics' population lives here, and like most states, it is located on the oceanfront.
    • Ostarich: A very modern place in a large area. Like HPI, there are huge cities here, with large populations. They also have a special architectural style, not just monotonous and one-plane black architecture. Here, too, cities reflect the structure of planetary cities. Several more “medium” megacities are connected to each other. In addition, and within the cities, there is a lot of green space, they try to pay attention to the environment as well.
    • Shadow Cemetery : The Shadow Company's territory; they rebuilt here their first base what originally located in Tigeria, in a vast wreckage cemetery, or rather below it, the Shadow Cemetery, where the corpses of various machines are scattered. Below this is a complete base and associated service units for the army. A logistic centre connected to this HQ. The centre is located near Shadow Cemetery, where support and logistics personnel are responsible and work for the entire logistics and supply of the Shadow Company.
    • Conting: The Frost Company's territory; they rebuilt here their second base what originally located in Kalidan. This is a square plateau that stands out from the tundra landscape of Terraris. There is an air base on the plateau where quite a few planes are stationed. There is only one path up to the plateau, the contingent gap. First a steep slope stops the road, followed by an ice wall forty meters long and hundreds of meters deep. Climbing this, you can get to a relatively thin steep cliff a few hundred meters away. There are continuous snowstorms here under the influence of weather manipulating machines and deliberately extreme conditions. It feels as if the laws of nature seem to terminate service. Passing through the cliff, minefields, watchtowers, patrol soldiers, traps stand in the way of the intruder. Finally, a gorge one hundred meters wide follows, through which you can reach the base. Transportation is very difficult in this area. Transport and navigation at this location are further prevented by Ethmane gas.
    • Ambassador Quarter: There is a separate area on the planet for different species and persons from other planets, so this is the diplomatic quarter. There are several different cities close to the HPI Metropolis from which all parts of the planet can be reached. The most significant part of this area is the Terraris Command's allies' area, which have probably been associated with the HPI Consortium and clans for hundreds of years. Note: In the future it is possible I'll write and develop these species and planets as well.
      • O’xa: A city with beautiful gardens where nature and modern culture are in perfect harmony. The buildings are also overgrown with plants, a real gem on the planet. Countless plant species can be found here from the galaxy, including real rarities.
      • Mezuhren: A completely average smaller town with tall buildings; not really any special, Empire (HPI) standard small town.
      • Regendes: Because there are very few flora and fauna in their own world, there are many gardens, parks, forests and wildlife in the place. It most closely resembles the territory of O’xa.
    • Infected Areas: An oceanic archipelago in the tropics where states and regions test their various biological weapons. The area is unsuitable for human life due to various chemicals and radiation.

  • Intent: As an explanation for why the Spear chose this very area as their own city. And to create the Nexus for possible future plots.
  • Nexus Name: Trinity or Triad
  • Nexus Alignment: Neutral
  • Size: Medium
  • Strength: Moderate
  • Accessibility: A medium-sized place, the Tower of Three in the town of Spear was built around and on it. This tower, not only the company’s HQ, but three Spear executives also live here (Dragon, Beast and Curse). The place is quite guarded, with countless soldiers, Sithspawn and other constructs guarding the place, not to mention a precautionary measure taken in the Force. The Nexus itself is found in the cave systems under the building, but expires here only from the Tower of Three.
  • Effects: The Nexus doesn’t have too much effect to the world, meaning nothing spectacular. Its effect is that it facilitates concentration and finding inner peace. Since this is a neutral Nexus, inner peace does not necessarily mean it is Light Side peace, but helps everyone find their own peace of mind, inner peace. This is why the Nexus stays neutral, because it allows it to get emotions from all sides at once. In addition, it makes the use of the Force easier a bit.

  • Native Species: N/A; the planet was uninhabited.
  • Immigrated Species: Humans, droids, twi'leks, rodian, Valkyri, various sithspawn, near-human species, chiss, many other species.
  • Population: Heavy | ~ people
    The planet is heavily populated, although much of the planet itself is uninhabited. The population of the planet is limited to just over a few dozen major cities and areas. These places could be almost overcrowded, but the population is only large/heavy for the entire planet. About five billion people live in populated areas, which are not necessarily evenly distributed among the areas and cities. There are places where few live, elsewhere they are crowded like Coruscant. Depends entirely on the company / city and region.
  • Demographics: About 95% of the planet is made up of human and near-human populations, droids are not counted as the population as they have no rights on the Terraris. On the entire planet, they are treated only as objects. Otherwise, the number of droids would be nearly five times the total population. The locals are not explicitly racist (not all of them), although there are many who do not like alien races, but are basically accepting. The only common point is that no droid on the planet can be free, and only objects, devices. That’s why they’re happy to see any species other than free-willed droids. However, there are regions, "societies'', that do not like settlers and outsiders.
  • Primary Languages: High Nelvaanian | Galactic Common
  • Culture: One important thing is worth noting, they may have been on the same Corporate Council, they control the planet together, with HPI leadership, most companies and states hate each other, over the centuries, millennia, a lot of opposition has developed between them. That is why it is easy to imagine that they will be openly hostile to each other. The whole planet has a very militaristic attitude and most places have very strict laws.
    • HPI, Metropolis: The HPI or the Empire, which has really grown into a complex empire here on the Terraris. Their city is the largest part of the Empire. It is a huge city along the east coast of one continent, characterized by tall black buildings, its largest tower is the Shard, specifically ending in space, like the Zakuulian main tower on Zakuul. Below the area is a huge underground complex where research and development is taking place, that is the company's real area. It is the most modern, so almost everything is perfect here, nothing can be found flawed, every little detail is flawless, special emphasis is placed on this. The city is protected by a combination of many shields, but in addition, many buildings also have extra protection. Perhaps the buildings are already too monumental, one can feel as if there is only one ant in a world designed for giants. This is where the people who faithfully serve the ruling power live, as nothing can be but black and white only.

      The people living here are genetically modified and perhaps it can be said that they form a distinct species, grow older more slowly, become more difficult to become ill, more resistant to toxins and weak radiation, have regeneration, their human abilities are equal with an elite athlete's abilities, they are all very attractive because of their gene pool. They were essentially modified with bioengineering and probably with Sith alchemy.

      Their society is developed, because with technology, everything that a person needs can be produced, they lack nothing. Here, every person has a huge apartment where they cover all their needs (for free, they don't need to work for this), if they want they get more vehicles, equipment, weapons or whatever they may need. In addition, they even get money for the work they do, which they can also spend on anything, for example luxury goods. All people in society are pretty much equally educated and useful, as they have genetic memory thanks to genetic engineering, which means a fairly broad general knowledge for them.

      Citizens can choose what they do in their lives, mostly join Terraris Command and become soldiers, or work in research complexes. But there are many who chase only pleasures all their lives, they have nothing else to do. The work is usually done by machines, so people have plenty of time if they want to. However, creativity and the arts are highly valued, which is why there are so many artists among them.

      The system and power structure of the Empire/HPI is clear, the Supreme Leader is Tyrant, and the power is represented by his people, and they too appoint people to other positions. No one abuses his power because he cannot do it, because of strict laws. As well as the sophistication of the control system. They are a strongly anti-Force society, Force users are discreetly and quietly removed from their ranks, the L'lerim bloodline members are the only ones who are tolerated by Tyrant.

      In Metropolis, everyone is constantly monitored as the whole MANIAC MANIAC is under their supervision. Every HPI person gets a chip in their brain at birth, through which MANIAC makes backups of even thought waves and they can communicate with the AI easily. The city is full of cameras, drones, and surveillance droids. Practically, the supercomputers that control the city know everything, see everything, and MANIAC controls them and everything in the city.

      The judiciary is very strict. Those who go to court do not even have the opportunity to defend themselves, they can only watch the recordings and relive the situation accompanied by their witnesses, the accused from their own point of view and then wait for the verdict. There is no death sentence, however, anyone can be sentenced to life imprisonment for a simple theft or assault. The prisoners are transported to the Black Rock. All of these are taken care of by MANIAC MANIAC , it keeps the whole city running, no people take part in the operations. Interestingly, all harmful passions are forbidden (smoking, alcohol, drugs and more). This is why the residents often come to have fun to the Pride, Vex or Militia area because they can do it legally there.

      Tyrant is the head of state, not the HPI Consortium as a company. Ideas and systems evolved over the centuries, but the HPI Empire and the HPI's species only emerged here on Terraris as a separate state / empire from the company. There are only humans living in the city, an HPI citizen can only be a human, that is, this species created by bioengineering. The city’s leaders are former people who have been given gene therapy to be better and more than they were. Interestingly, Ingrid grew up with the ideals of HPI and Rocksolid, which makes her a perfect citizen of the Eternal Empire.
    • Rocksolid: Clans of which the L'lreim, Ragal and Hyrrokkin clans are also members. At first, they were a nomadic ethnic group living on looting, even before they arrived in Nelvaan. Once they found this planet they settled down and the nomadic lifestyle also ceased. Over time, countless outsiders came here from different worlds and married into the clans, but the most significant trace was left by the Valkyri culture.

      Over the years, the tribes have also fused into their own religion, worldview, and fighting manners the worldview of members of the Valkyri species who have settled from the outside world, all of which are still dominant and important in the Rocksolid culture to this day. Improved versions of traditional techniques began to be used, raiding both the waters and the air, keeping the area in awe (nearby systems). Rocksolid fighters are masters of melee, in addition to their general task, all men and women, but even older children are great fighters, because as children they start learning to fight.

      Instead of raiding military operations, they now use massive attacks against their enemies. Their spelling also uses runic-like signs, and they also speak an ancient language that is different from High Nelvaanian. It is very important for them to protect their family, tribe and pass on customs. These things also hold the enemy tribes together. Rocksolid has one of the most advanced droid technology on the planet. They are able to make combat droids that use their army in battle. This army is most often called Infinite. They are equipped with energy-based weapons, extremely resistant and destructive at the same time. Their state form is a tribal monarchy, the current chieftain is Tubrok Ragal.

      Today, Rocksolid consists of nine tribes / clans: L'lerim, Hyrrokkin, Ragal, Höll, Moldenson, Greut, Sevn, Eleint, Geirr. The clanless, excommunicated, or traitorous peoples are the Aces.
    • Pride: Located nearly two thousand kilometres north of HPI. An absolute military state, it has a strong relationship with the Empire. They once formed a tribal community with the Rocksolid tribes, but they broke away from them because of their completely different views, and it was then that Pride was formed from the separated tribes. It brings together clans and warriors who used to live here. A so-called conquering country, Tyrant graciously allowed by the soldiers of the country to do the dirty work instead of their own people (HPI) and even in return to humble themselves before it, in return they receive inviolability on the planet.

      The place itself is a contagious sin, its cities are ruled by chaos and disorder, the principle of their leaders that the stronger have the right to live and oppress the weak. It’s mainly about their punk-like style and drug addiction that comes from here. Respectively, clans still exist in various forms, most of those living here are soldiers, warriors. Pride is not only the name of the country, but also of the capital and the strongest, largest clan.
    • Vex: It is a city-state close to Drox, essentially a small metropolis, a city of freedom. Its leaders form a five-member council, they use old techniques (from the age of the Clone Wars) that no one remembers anymore and that is why they are able to defend themselves against Tyrant with whom they signed a non-aggression treaty. Like the Drox, they were outsiders, but later became the cornerstones of Nelvaan and HPI Consortium, mainly because of finance.

      The people who live here are mostly farmers, merchants or mercenaries. Vexillium is not only the name of the city, but also of the bank, which is responsible for the finances of the Eternal Empire. The city itself is famous for its green and golden domes stretching into huge skies, beneath which are the skyscrapers. Vex is the world's largest supplier of drugs, alcohol and tabac. Nevertheless, a developed and orderly state, and in addition to the Black Sun, they have the second greatest influence in the underworld of the Eternal Empire.
    • Drox: The city of Gold and Steel is located a few hundred kilometres south of the dome of Vexillium. Vex’s main ally is Drox, a city-state-led council of six people who have been allies and friends of Vex leaders since time immemorial. Their entire social, economic, military system is the same. They are Terraris’ largest suppliers of weapons and precious metals. They also signed a non-aggression treaty with Tyrant.

      The inhabitants of the Drox and Vex states are members of an ancient nation that once lived outside Nelvaan at the beginning of the Galactic Empire and from there went to Nelvaan and then to Terraris. Therefore, outsiders who later moved under their rule, so who are not members of the ancient people, are distinguished from themselves, they are not allowed into high ranks, leadership. Moreover, only those who have previously proven their worthiness can move into the Drox area.
    • Spear: The third half of the ancient people of Vex and Drox, who made peace with Tyrant in the same way as the other two states mentioned earlier. This was the most expedient step, as Spear works very often with HPI, especially in the field of bioengineering and Force Alchemy.

      Their only city-state in the desert area is led by three special leaders, Dragon, Curse, Beast. There are few with small populations, mostly focused on defence. Their power is given by their three leaders, who possess the knowledge and power of an ancient culture, and all three are Force Users.

      Ancient culture and technology are so different from the modern HPI technology, powerful, their weapons, defence systems, vehicles, machines, that they represent a serious force despite their small numbers. Their way of thinking also rather reflects the long-extinct species. They remain neutral, only defending their own interests, self-sufficient and avoiding contact with the outside world. Nevertheless, they are happy to help and welcome all Force Users among themselves in certain circles. Their famous motto is "Only the Force Matters".
    • Sivary Union: Sivary represents another branch of Ancient technology and knowledge used by Spear. They use so-called dark technology, which is incomprehensible to most average people at first sight and goes against the basic laws of physics, chemistry and other sciences. While this is also typical of Spear’s technology, Sivary’s devices are also changing their users, both mentally and spiritually, permanently. Sivary is led by Horsemen, individuals selected by a special artificial symbiote.

      These artificial beings change the Horsemen’s consciousness, leaving their mindsets, memories, views untouched, but making it their primary goal for Sivary to rule everything and everyone, turning them into blinded leaders. The artificial liquid metal life form endows the wearer with general abilities. The Horsemen aim to occupy and rule a given planet and find other suitable individuals to increase their own power.

      The separate small continent is completely under their rule. These are undeveloped areas compared to the rest of the planet. With their technology, they built new states / cities that were linked together in a union. Thus, these areas and cities have already reached a medium level of development. A population living in former poverty and in a hopeless situation serves the system here.

      There is dictatorial power in the territory of the union, keeping every person under his control. It is based on materialism and the pursuit of equality. Private property is limited and accounted for, everyone has equal opportunities, rights and property, centrally allocated and accounted for, without social classes. Because of this, many refugees are also coming to this region from the wars in the Galaxy.
    • Unknown Empire: It is a state that includes the eastern part of the eastern continent, has several names, none of which are used by the locals. They are also a conquering state. Religious state, headed by high priests whose words are the law, they are the administrators in the strict caste system. They live in prosperity with advanced technology, here even the poor do not suffer from a lack of basic needs.

      They believe their souls are a constantly flowing energy that can be steered in the right direction if they live in strict castes. Because of this, they don’t really make a difference between life and death anymore, no one mourns anyone, because they know they’ll be reborn soon anyway. The locals here are highly educated and intelligent people, usually measured and conscious, easy to get to know about their style and religious determination. They are also cruel warriors.
    • Militia: They were formed at the same time as the Shadow Company and Frost Company, a team of trained/veteran soldiers, there are about a thousand (their numbers are pretty much constant). They played a key role in the formation, operation of the HPI Consortium and in the Assassin War

      A team of individuals with unknown identities, still members of one of the largest criminal organizations, murderers, traitors, crime lords, distributors. Their headquarters are on a continent south of the HPI, home to the heart of their criminal organization that encircles the southern continent. They also have power over all the cities here. Their relationship with the Empire is interesting, the members of the Militia are willing to go to war on command, in return Tyrant ignores their underworld.

      At first glance, the Militia itself looks like a mob with untidy equipment, light armor, weapons used during clone wars, and a high level of indiscipline. But the appearance is deceiving, they only use weapons that seem archaic on the outside, because otherwise they all like modern and the most destructive weapons with which to keep their organization in check. The organization is an allied army of the Empire (HPI) and part of Terraris Command.

      They have a hierarchical system, there is poverty in many places, everyone has to fight to get ahead, which is probably the easiest through the underworld. Thus, there is no person in this area who is not connected to the underworld on some level. It is impossible to get around this.
    • Agrarian Federal Union: They also take up quite a bit of space, mostly in the temperate zone, between the tropics and the taiga. There are vast plains and farming areas in their territory, which is also necessary, these are the food chambers baskets of the planet who are typically engaged in farming. Many smaller and larger cities and towns are scattered in the area.

      A federation of states with a developed agriculture, a non-military country with a medium level of development. It mainly brings together smaller countries developing in peace, working together to develop. Their importance lies in their high agricultural knowledge, they feed more poor areas, preventing the planet from becoming extinct, and they also take on peacekeeping roles if necessary.

      The locals are very different peoples and species, each with different nations, with different characteristics, only their faith in the covenant is common. They also preserved the democratic form of government and the principle of consumption-based growth. They defend their borders with all their might against the attacks that hit them.
    • United Republics: The United Republics is a state with a monarchical system and constitutional rule, where for a long time the rulers and nobles who came here could build their own countries without conflict, and this also meant the creation of many companies.

      The place is made up of many smaller and larger cities, the two big cities, the metropolis, is the centre of this region, Herund 1 and 2. On the planet, it is essentially the only place where companies from the off world are welcomed, nowhere else. Herund 1 and 2 are true megacities; a significant portion of the United Republics’ population lives here, and like most states, it is located on the oceanfront.

      Like the Agrarian Federal Union, they are able to trade a wide variety of heavy and agricultural products to poorer, less developed areas and other planets due to their organization. In addition, they maintain a significant force to defend themselves, with a line-up. Masters of traditional warfare, not using the alternatives provided by the new level of development, they developed further the old ones. They employ mechanized divisions equipped with tanks, fighters, bombers, transport vehicles, warships, submarines, a total of fourteen.

      The people who live here work hard, with a lot of time, to advance on the social ladder to have as much power as possible. In addition, they strongly condemn all other “species” or "nations” other than their own, although they welcome foreign companies for profit.
    • Ostarich: It is a state at the level of HPI development that is fully technocratic and autocratic. An HPI competitor area/state which can be tempting because there are no restrictions in it like at HPI. They are very vocally HPI critical and openly competitors. Their name means "new, bigger, better." Here, people are free, independent, unattended and without Maniac's control. While the HPI / Empire is highly xenophobic and fascist, there is no trace of this in Ostarich.

      Their form of state, their way of life is technocratic, militaristic and nationalist, but next to it, a clean and slick. Their autocratic leader is a scientist. Everything is very advanced but, with a nice clean look, and they have a large population. The population is enlightened, but nationalist, with a nearly similar view.
    • Shadow Company: A team of elite soldiers with unknown identities, they are exactly two hundred, their equipment is black clothing similar to commandos, their weapons are apparently outdated. Nevertheless, they have very advanced technology. Their main profile is camouflage, infiltration, espionage, assassination, bodyguard duties in extreme cases. They are able to make themselves visually invisible with technology, their shading technique makes them neutral for almost all sensors, they often take on a shape that fits the environment with holographic projectors. But not only their camouflage but also their sensors are very advanced, so they know about the enemy long before it can reach them. They use special weapons, which also serve as camouflage, and their goals include the development of weapons that do not produce any light or sound effects, i.e. they would create weapons that work on a magnetic basis.
    • Frost Company: A team of elite soldiers with unknown identities, there are exactly two hundred. Their organization got their name from the white clothing designed for the seemingly cold. They also have very advanced technologies, and the army has been prepared to fight in extreme conditions. They are able to perform tasks even in the midst of the biggest disaster. Their clothing uses a special material (enviroweave) and so they are able to easily survive even in extreme conditions while fighting. For example, travelling in a lava flow (for a short time), at the bottom of the ocean, at a temperature close to absolute zero, during a free fall, or even during a rocket attack. They can be deployed anywhere, anytime, tanks, helicopters, fighters, gliders are also used in combat, their weapons use projectile acceleration.
    • Nite: The Nite has been around for a long time as its own intelligence network for the Three Clans (now House L’lerim). For a very long time, the organization only operated on Nelvaan, and then as the HPI Consortium gained interest on more and more planets, so did Nite. Not only have they collected data from their own planet, or from the sector and their Faction, but over time, their agents are pretty much everywhere in the Galaxy who are constantly sending a report on what’s going on in the Galaxy. In addition to espionage and intelligence, assassinations are also carried out if necessary. Nite itself is a huge information network in which the connection points are the agents and data can be uploaded or downloaded to this network. Nite's network spans almost the entire Galaxy. The organization is everywhere in secret, they steal technology, collect and grow stronger, evade the dominance of factions, and stay in the background for as long as possible.
    • Allied Species: The three largest allies of Terraris Command (in addition to the Eternal Empire) are present on the planet with a small colony, and they also belong to the Lore, so that's why I'm writing about them. Note: In the future I'll write develop these species in a media (lore submission).
      • O’xa: The species O’xa lives on the planet O’xa and its solar system (the planet’s position is unknown). They are almost entirely human on the outside, only their fingers are longer and their irises are often mixed with bright colours, they are probably near-humans rather than a separate species. They have a colony of about ten thousand people lives on Terraris.
      • Mezuhren: The Mezuhren are the second species. They are largely, but less look like a human than the O'xa, artificially inserting elements into their genetic stock during their evolution, resulting in a high level of genetic modification, their skin color has become almost transparent white, and due some genetic modifications may cause some individuals' noses or ears to be sharper than average. They have a colony of about ten thousand people lives on Terraris.
      • Regendes: The third species are also very similar to humans, but they already seem to be non-human, even at first glance. They have a different anatomy at their joints and neck, not nearly as solid, able to rotate their limbs and head to a great extent. They also live on a planet called Regend (location unknown) similar to the name of the species. They have a colony of about ten thousand people lives on Terraris.
    • The New Resistance: Near to the Vex-Drox-Spear areas a new resistance was beginning to organize, the people living here were fed up with the manic methods of the Empire, so they began a deliberate careful organization. They don’t draw attention to themselves, they stay hidden, they try to circumvent Maniac’s safety rules and also disturb its signs. They haven’t done much yet, they just organize and gather members. They mainly have smaller towns, city-states, military bases and underground complexes at their disposal.

  • Government: Monarchy with Corporate Council [ Terraris Command ]
    The government is a bit complicated on Terraris, the real power is in the hands of the House L'lerim, and so Ingrid L’lerim as an Empress, yet one Corporate Council aka the Terraris Command is what controls the planet, since the Empress performs the duties of the Eternal Empire as the Eternal Empress. Each separate area is a company or a subsidiary; the HPI Consortium, which is 70% owned by House L'lerim they have the greatest power and influence. Each subsidiary sends people to the Corporate Council (their number varies). It should actually be decided together, but in 99% of cases, the will of Tyrant (he represents Ingrid in her absence) and Adam Osborn prevail on the part of HPI.
    That’s why Terraris Command made up mostly of people from House L'lerim and HPI. However Tyrant doesn’t really care much about this, so the actual heads of Terraris Command (in Ingrid's absence) are Admiral Adam Osborn and General Jon L'lreim. Osborn is responsible for the fleet / navy and for the space battles, and L'lerim is responsible for the atmosphere and land (i.e., planetary) battles, for the army. Osborn's deputy is his son, Cal Osborn. L'lerim's deputy is one of the Terraris Command's elite soldier, Phantom Dos.
    Although the IGBC has a 10% stake in the HPI Consortium, it has no say in the affairs of the planet, meaning it has no authority in the Corporate Council i.e. in the Terraris Command.
  • Affiliation: Terraris Command | [ HPI Consortium | House L'lerim ]
  • Wealth: Wealthy
    The planet can be said to be very rich as it is owned by company giants that cover a lot of different categories. The planet's source of income mainly comes from trading, technologies are sold across the galaxy and can be found on countless planets. They may be in a very strange and outside region of the galaxy, but even from here they find a way to reach every part of the galaxy. They have good relationships and also huge revenues through trade. This wealth is also evident in society in many places.
  • Stability: High
    Every region / city on the planet has different laws. Yet the greatest influence is on the HPI, which has laws at least as strict as the Eternal Empire. There are more dangerous places on the planet than Sivary, or the Militia area, or Pride. Sivary is purely dangerous, Militia is underworldly self-governing, and in Pride the principle is that only the strong can survive. But overall, for the whole world, stability and public security are strong and stable. Entry is safe except for droids, as long as the visitor obeys the laws and recommendations, the place is safe. The areas of Sivary, Militia and Pride are well worth to avoid as tourists, but the other places are really safe.
  • Freedom & Oppression: This is not entirely definable because nothing is black and white. Although almost everything and everyone on the planet is under constant observation by MANIAC MANIAC , freedom is also huge. Anyone can leave the planet at any time, or move freely there. Only on the surface of the planet and everywhere that Terraris Command owns (fleet, ships, companies, company buildings), MANIAC observe the population and the environment there. Largely for the safety of the locals (especially the Imperials). Elsewhere, culture and local leaders define it all (see above under Culture); it all depends on who is where on the planet anyway. They have their own network, the HPINet what is independent of HoloNet, which is fully controlled and monitored by MANIAC.
    • Cybernetics and Bioengineering: Both are essentially fully accepted everywhere on the planet. In many places, they replace limbs with cybernetic implants, or that’s what locals are trying to improve themselves with. Bioengineering is the same, although in the Empire it is forbidden for citizens to make changes to themselves that would give them different abilities. Might exceptions in the Empire are high-ranking officers or volunteers.
    • Religion and Force: The Empire openly has anti-Force views, there can be no such person among their members (senior officers, their relatives, test subjects might be an exception, as is the L'lerim bloodline). In all other places, all this is common, with the proportion of Force Users among members of Spear, Sivary and Unknown Empire being quite high. Religion is allowed everywhere, as is free religious practice, although 99.99% of the Empire is atheist. Rocksolid, for example, follows a religion very similar to Valkyri, almost everyone is religious here. The same is true of the Unknown Empire, where the Force is essentially the centre of their religion and the leading class is the priesthood.
    • Droids: It is the same everywhere on the planet; droids cannot have their own will, only devices, objects, nothing more. Anyone who considers them more than a simple object, everyone considers these people weak people everywhere. If a droid is brought in from the outside world here, or arrives as an individual, it loses that right, it will not be considered an independent being here, even if it is outside the planet. They cannot move around the planet freely without a registered, available owner.
    • Commerce: Anyone can trade freely with anyone, anyone on the planet or beyond. Although a significant portion of these are done through HPI, as they are classified as Consortium and everyone else is just a subsidiary. In addition to HPI, Vex will almost certainly will be involved into the treaties, as they are the bank. But apart from that, there is really free trade, with favourable and not too high tariffs and VAT.
    • Slavery: It is officially forbidden and condemned everywhere. Slavery are also severely punished in many places, such as HPI, Vex, Drox, Spear, Sivary, Rocksolid, AFU (Agrarian Federation Union) and UR (United Republics). There is no official slavery in Militia, Unknown Empire and Pride, it is practically common, in the Unknown Empire these are mainly prisoner-of-war camps. However, other states are trying to eliminate all of this, so it is very rare to meet it, and if someone be caught because of slavery, the can expect severe punishment.
    • Different Species: In most places they are very accepting of them and have no objection to them. Ironically, it is the Empire and the United Republics that are the two states who are the most xenophobic. They both do business with them only for profit and compulsion. Except for these two places, they are nowhere to be discriminated against. In the HPI, the hatred/dislike of other species is at such a level that citizens are forbidden to mix with other species, although this rule have no need for it, almost all of them are xenophobic. But as always among senior and high-ranking officers, they may keep lovers from other species, the High Command will forgive them due their rank. This is in stark contrast to the fact that the Eternal Empire, for example, is not xenophobic at all.
    • Foreign Companies: This is a complicated issue, it is not officially forbidden for anyone to come here and start a company, but in practice the Consortium will make it impossible for anyone who wants to do this. The states of the planet are also companies, they don’t really like competition and rivals. The United Republics, Rocksolid, Pride, Agrarian Federation Union, and Vex are the five places where outsiders can set up companies without having to worry about someone trying to make their operations impossible. And local businesses have essentially everything on the planet.
    • Underworld: With the permission of Tyrant, the Militia and the Vex are the ones who rule the underworld. Outside/except for HPI, their power and influence reach everywhere. The Militia should also serve as an army in the Empire and the Terraris Command, the Vex have to serve and help the HPI in banking and finance; in return for these, Tyrant forgives the underworld deals for them. No outside world organization is present on the Terraris, if they try to operate here, the Militia and Vex will certainly hunt them down.
    • Laws: In Pride, essentially, this concept doesn’t exist, but there are strict laws that copy everything that everyone has to follow. Also for those who just come to visit the planet. There are also death sentences in many places; in the HPI, for example, there are no death sentences, but very severe penalties can also be obtained there. There is not really global legislation, everyone is subject to the laws of the state where they committed the crime. It is for this reason, and under the strict laws of the HPI, that the imperials go to the Pride, Vex, and Militia areas to have fun and do things that would be forbidden in the Empire, but they can do them outside the HPI. Since everyone is afraid of Tyrant and the HPI in most places, the Imperials there is no reason to be afraid or fear from anything outside the Empire. They know exactly if someone hurts them, the Empire will retaliate if they are members of the Terraris Command, this is exponentially true.

  • Military: The Terraris Command. The question of the military and fleet is an interesting one. A part of the army and navy are both members of the Eternal Empire and the Terraris Command. This is possible by the fact that the members of the clans are members of both states, although primarily loyal to the Terraris Command and Ingrid L'lerim, for them the Eternal Empire is only second. Previously, it could be said that the army consisted mainly of mercenaries, but after they settled on the Terraris, the mercenary Corporate army became the planet’s permanent army. In addition to the living army there is a large droid army. In addition, smaller and larger fleets also protect space (the larger one means a planet-size, not an intergalactic state level). The planet is also surrounded by countless satellites and a planetary shield too. In addition to these, there are numerous natural obstacles in the system, which ones help the local army and fleet. Most of the soldiers who joined Terraris Command come from the HPI, i.e. the Empire.
  • Technology: Highly Advanced; the technology on this planet is much higher than the galaxy's average. All of this is also due to the fact that different companies make up and inhabit the planet, and most are involved in the development and elaboration of different technologies. As a result, there are many unique and advanced technologies on the planet.

Truth be told, the history of the planet is not very exciting. Life appeared on it quite late, not long after another planet in the system exploded. However, the planet was cold, so meaningful life also developed for a very long time. By the time this happened, the first planet in the system was completely depopulated and extinct, supposedly a meteor had ruined the atmosphere. The inhabitants of the Terraris later came to this conclusion, just like the HPI's scientists.

On the planet, civilization was mainly concentrated around the equator, but when there was a population explosion and there was not enough food here, the locals went to war and exterminated each other and almost every living thing on the planet. It all happened about fifty thousand years ago, and the Nexus was formed as a result of this event.

Later, the Rakata discovered the now almost completely dead planet, but because it had a cold climate and not really habitable atmosphere at the time, they did not deal with the cold planet, which was then nicely forgotten, for the next tens of thousands of years because it is in such an outer region. During this period, the place was not inhabited either, and traces of earlier civilization became only ancient ruins.

Not so long ago, the planet was rediscovered when the Eternal Empire moved to the Unknown Region and the HPI Consortium sought a planet for itself in this region as well, where they could carry out productions, make improvements, and execute experiments. Possibly their complete production can be moved to this location. Since both Nelvaan and Kalidan are ice planets, they sought such a place mainly. The result of several months of research was that the Heimr system was found.

Here, Heimr II was perfect for what they wanted, so they started to colonise it. The HPI Consortium and its subsidiaries, as well as the clans, invested quite a bit in colonising the planet that was given the name Terraris. Several major cities and megacities have begun to be built on the planet so that each subsidiary and its territory get its share.

They had the infrastructure and technology to do this, and the Heimr system and the planet itself were abundant in raw materials, so they were able to rebuild everything here and even had more freedom than before. It was a big help that the system was uninhabited so they didn’t have to fight with anyone. All the companies built the different cities together, thanks to which the first inhabitants were settled even within a year or two.

As residents arrived and more and more people moved here, cities also grew steadily. They were left out from the war, but the companies only grew, the planet became more and more rich, and eventually the cities and territories on the planet called Terraris, were fully developed.

Terraris Command, the Corporate Council was established, which also brings together the entire army of House L'lerim and the HPI Consortium's and its subsidiaries' army too. And as in all cases where HPI is involved, the entire planet is overseen by MANIAC MANIAC , who has so-called absolute power in this place, given his own limitations, of course, but he oversees all networks, communications, production, construction, and networks.

It can be said that in just a decade, Terraris has grown into a real jewel and a rich planet in this corner of the Galaxy, where it is really worth moving there as a civilian, as a job seeker. Of course, if the views and laws on the planet, laws do not bother them. However, due to the wars of the last decade, the demise of Csilla, many refugees have arrived on the planet who have settled here, away from the madness taking place in the Galaxy.

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Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Hello and sorry for the wait! This is an awesome creation and there's only a few things to address with image credit population.

There were some images I couldn't find while others just took a bit to track down. I'll detail what I found below:

  • Finnian MacManus is the source for Unknown Empire 1. I've linked his art station account. I fully accept his name may be listed on the website you provided, however I can't get Google to translate the page for me!
  • ANTIFAN-REAL is the artist for the first Drox image.
  • For the United Republics image Richard Wright is the artist and his website has been linked.
  • The first image for the Sivary Union is attributed to Grivetart on DeviantArt.
  • AndreeWallin is the artist for the second Spear image.
  • Ostarich 1 is credited to jordangrimmer on DeviantArt.

In Population you detail the O'xa, Mezuhren, and Regendes. I really love the world building and the amount of lore you've detailed here along with their biomes in the Ambassador Quarters (Location Information). While you noted you may further develop them in the future codex rules require these to be linked to a source (as clarity for other writers). A suggestion is to drop them from the sub temporarily so you may create their subs then request to add them to Terraris at a later date.

That being said those issues are all I found! Phenomenal work so far.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Saket Keane Saket Keane

Thank you for the feedback!
Pictures are edite, about allied races/species and their culture. If possible, I would keep them there because there are colonies of nearly ten thousand people on the planet (all of them are nearly ten thousand people).
But if necessary, I'll use the Codex rules (that any number of extra fields can be added to the template) and I'll create an extra field/area at the end of the submission and I'll copy the affected part to there if this more acceptable.
Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Thank ya for the image edits!

You can leave the species mention in the sub but you'll need to trim their details since this work is for a planet only. One way you can do this is focus on the political and/or economic influence they have with the planet instead of cultural details. Mention they exist, what affect they have, and some sparse detail of their near-humanity. Essentially they are a footnote for the sub. The sections below the Ambassador Quarters will be fine as they are if this approach is taken.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Saket Keane Saket Keane

I'm a little sad about it, but deleted nearly two pages from that area, and I kept only one-one paragraphs from each. And I think I'll post the deleted part in a "media" (lore) submisssion as a holo recording/Audio Recording, if our sixth heatweave is over finally....
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