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Approved Tech Dreadstar Class Biot

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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
  • Intent: To create Sasori/Saotome droids
  • Image Source: Return of the Jedi
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Self Repairing
  • Advanced Systems for ship boarding/hyjacking, crushing larger more advanced armies and disposing of organic battlefield debris
  • Advanced Systems: Designed to be a highly advanced model personal assistance droid for aiding admirals, assembly members. With a number of systems built in to ease their day to day operations.
  • Self Repairing: ABle to restore itself over time depending on the level of damage done.
  • Built in power source: Designed with its own internal power source that is long lasting but it is largely able to power the armor and systems of the vehicle but when damaged it is highly explosive.
  • Self Repairing: Can take hours, week, days or longer depending on level of damage done.
  • Sleg: A powerful energy enhancer, the sleg absorbs and channels the excessive heat generated by the operation of the droid. Making them maintain a stronger level of power but also increases the chances that they could explode from the heat.
  • Biological: The nature of the biot is living flesh and it is able to be infected with sickness or virus such as flesh eating sickness.
Designed by Sasori based upon their advanced biot technologies.... In this case developing a strong infiltration model... for ships and facilities. Using something that is legendary for stealing ships. The Ewoks.... who defeated and later possibly ate imperial soldiers on Endor and stole not once but twice the dreadstar destroyers. Their advanced model is made for being small to go through vents and they are able to use weapons and equipment as needed to achieve their goals. The biots are fully decked with the latest intelligence for ship schematics and designs... able to move quickly and arouse as little suspicion as possible before they have a need to strike.
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