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Public After Action Reports: Ilum





Jedi Temple | Ilum | NJO Outpost
With a deep sigh, Valery entered her meditation room at the Ilum Temple and dropped down into a seat. Not long ago, Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze and her had sent out a group of Padawans to investigate a strange disturbance in the Force she had sensed on Ilum. It was supposed to be a training exercise for them to work together and strengthen the bonds between students of this new generation of Jedi.

Never had she imagined that things would play out the way they did.

The Empire had made a move against Ilum to mine its crystals and build new superweapons capable of mass destruction. It marked the beginning of a new conflict that would undoubtedly slow down the Alliance's attempts at liberating the core. But now, with the invasion finally over, she was first focusing on the reports coming in from those she had sent out earlier, hoping they all got through it alright.

Meanwhile, IVI IVI would be receiving reports from Task Force Ysalamiri and the GADF members who had joined, and later she would meet with the woman to discuss future plans.

Originally inspired by this blog
All participants of Ilum — or people who wished they were a part of it — are encouraged to join and document their exploits as a summary of The Ilum invasion. Padawans who participated in the
Cold Warning thread are encouraged to report back to the Jedi Temple specifically.

Reports will be used for in-character promotions and awards.

NAME: Shai Maji
REPRESENTING: Mandalorian Enclave
MISSION: Assassination
TARGET: Lord-Regent DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran



:: As a member of the Mandalorian Enclave, it is my duty to honour the pact my nation has towards the Galactic Alliance to come to its aid when under threat. With an attack on a planet as culturally -and tactically- important as Ilum, it is only natural to heed the call.

My mission was simple. Cut off the head of the snake. Eliminate the Empire's commander in chief, Lord-Regent Erskine Barran, to disrupt the Empire's chain of command in hopes of securing an Alliance victory. After studying his camp for several hours under cover, an opportunity presented itself to eliminate the target when he ventured onto Lake Tellan's frozen surface on his own without any guard or company.

Due to... insufficient long range weaponry... I had to close distance in order to eliminate my target. An... attempt... was made to convince Lord-Regent Erskine Barran to abdicate, relinquish control, and retire effective immediately, with the added advisement to leave Ilum immediately. It should be noted that I was... emotionally compromised with this exchange. But regardless, he refused and I was forced to engage.

He was armed with a Galidraani basket-hilt broadsword, and I... accepted... the challenge of a duel with my own Beskad. It's a type of Mandalorian short sword, for those not informed.

We were locked in the duel for an unkown amount of time, but the intervention of a star destroyer crashing into the planet's surface forced us to disengage and get off the frozen lake as the ice began to shatter. Due to this, I resorted to more conventional... more... apologies, give me a second. ::



:: Apologies for the interruption. Due to the intervention of the starship, I was forced to resort to more conventional means in order to complete my mission. I discharged the heavy blaster, integrated into my right vambrace, into the left side of his abdomen. This impact inflicted severe damage to his internal organs. After a few minutes, the Lord-Regent was confirmed as deceased.

Attached to this audio file is a video clip from my helmet. You will se me holding the Lord-Regent in his final moments, my Heads-Up Display will confirm his vitals coming to a halt. I apologize ahead of time for the audio, my emotional state wasn't adequate in this timeframe.

After confirming his passing, I left the scene with an emotionally charged warning over his commlink to his men. I realize this action was very unprofessional, and I do apologize for that as well. I did not wait to confirm whether or not his men found his body. After this, I headed back to my private starfighter and headed to Coruscant to refuel and deliver this report.

For any further questions or need of clarification, my contact details are linked below. If the links are broken by any chance, Jedi Master Valery Noble has my details as well.

End recording. ::

//Recording ended//

//Files attached//

//Report log sent//

Encrypted transmission received from ANV Revenge
Rear Admiral Constantine Oliva speaking
En route to Imperial Space

The incident at Ilum did not go as planned. The Imperial forces had significantly more forces than thought, and their superweapon ended any chance of a rapid breakthrough. We did what we could, though after the first firing the 11th Flotilla was cut off from the rest of our forces. Another Imperial force arrived in the system after the firing. From what my intelligence crews could gather, this fleet was primarily Onager Class Star Destroyers, and we confirmed it was under command of Admiral Gallius Orcana. I led several ambushes in the debris field against this force, and was successful in destroying several enemy ships and damaged many more. However, we were pinned against an impassable section of the debris field and I was forced to negotiate.

Admiral Orcana had orders to target my forces in particular, with the goal of capturing me. To what ends, I do not know, but I have my guesses. I believe that he intends to bring me to his master, Julius Haskler. Haskler is an Anaxsi noble in exile, and I suspect he intends to convert me to his side. I will gather as much information as possible.

I agreed to go with Orcana, on the condition that the rest of the 11th be allowed to leave safely, and I retain control of the Revenge. He agreed to these conditions. I am currently in hyperspace as I make this report. The Revenge will use its extensive sensor and communications monitoring equipment to gather intel while in Imperial space, and will deploy her probe droids. We will withdraw to Alliance territory when the opportunity presents itself.

Though I am technically captured, I have managed to maintain control of my flagship, and control over the circumstances of my “surrender.” I will use these circumstances to benefit the Galactic Alliance to the best of my ability, and will make efforts to discern if further attacks are imminent. Should I discover they are, I will do what I can to sabotage these attacks.

Oliva out.

Aschwin Vethres


Aschwin Cassirer Vethres
Imperial Knight Templar
Heir of House Vethres
Shield of Bal Talmshaa
Commander of the 293rd

Final concept

Fortress Delzotto ; Bal Talmshaa

The clanking of his armored footwear could be heard within the abandoned west hall of Fortress Delzotto on Bal Talmshaa. Aschwin said little as he approached the wooden doors into his father's study. Clutching his lightsaber within his hands for just a brief moment as the conflict on Ilum hit him like a brick. The Empire had to retreat from the battlefield and his personal mission to protect the mining of the crystals was considered an immense humiliation to the Vethres Bloodline.

A soft push of the door with his armored hand let him inside to the warm study where his father lay within his favorite chair by the fire. Smoking a wooden pipe as the smoke billowed from it into the atmosphere of the room. "Father, I have returned." Aschwin said with a quiet whisper unusual to his arrogant and uptight attitude he displayed on Ilum. Kanollic's eyes locked onto him for just a brief moment before turning his head away in apparent disappointment with him.

His head held low until the voice of his father rang true within his ears.

"My son, you're failure is a stain on the Vethres Bloodline and a personal spite to our Ancestors." Kanollic said with a semi harsh tone turning his head towards him. The Vethres Household was strong but it lacked the connections within the Imperial Hierarchy to truly matter. His inner thoughts was running rampant with the actions of the Empire's Triumvirate. How could they be so foolish as to attack Ilum without having a guaranteed supply chain in the event that the superweapon was disabled.

"Yes father, I will strive to erase this disgrace from our name." Aschwin said moving to take a seat next to his father within one of the empty chairs within the room. Placing his lightsaber on the table beside them both as the memories of the blades clashing against each other on the battlefield overtook him for just a brief moment. Those padawans had skill enough to become powerful jedi in the future. They must not be allowed to become such if the Imperial Knights were to survive.

"Aschwin as my only heir still living, you are tasked with carrying on our name. However..." Kanollic began to say towards him until a knock on the door was heard. "Enter!" he shouted with an annoyed tone at having been interrupted from spending time with his only surviving son. Aschwin was broken out of his stupor to see the door open and the sight of an Imperial Uniform come through. The standard issue boots walked across the carpet of the study until coming within inches of them both.

"Forgive the intrusion; Moff Vethres." The Voice of Admiral Charidot said with a respectful bow towards him. "The 400th Talmshaa Fleet has been mobilized as you instructed." Charidot further said having been given the task of assembling a fleet while the Moff was currently preoccupied with the Imperial Inspectorate. While the Fleet was officially commanded by Moff Kanollic II Vethres; he had been granted full operational control and moved into Acting Fleet Admiral for the time being.

"Then we have everything ready; to begin expanding our powerbase within the Empire." Kanollic said with a grim tone; the Moff Council needed to act swiftly before the Triumvirate began making more and more mistakes on the battlefield. The Grand Moff was also partially responsible for the loss at Ilum and he would voice his concerns at the next moff council meeting. Moving away from his chair towards his desk within the room.

"Aschwin you have one more chance to prove yourself."

Kanollic II further added with a single finger pointed towards him. As the Moff of Bal Talmshaa took his seat with a soft thud on the chair and begin looking through papers for the Imperial Inspectorate alongside Admiral Charidot.

Aschwin moved out of the room with the thunderous sound of his boots following him. Moving through corridor after corridor of the immense Fortress Delzotto. The Battle at Ilum was a stepping stone for his career within the Imperial Knights and his recent failure had affected his morale somewhat. Nether the less he would have to erase the stain on his father's legacy by any means necessary. His cape flowing behind him as the wind rushed through the exit of the fortress into the icy landscape.

"I will not fail again"

NAME: Jos Krayt
REPRESENTING: Mandalorian Enclave
RANK: Alor of clan Krayt. Fleetmaster of United Enclave Navy emergency task force.
MISSION: Support Alliance Naval Vessels.
TARGET: Imperial Navy. Imperial prototype superweapon.


:: Firstly, I would like to extend my formal apology to the Galactic Alliance leadership for not being able to deliver this report in person. State matters back home required that my fleet and I return as quickly as possible. Although, I would also like to extend my gratitude to the Coruscant shipyards for receiving us. The price for the fuel and emergency repairs will be repaid in full as soon as we are able to.

Furthermore, I have been made aware that our former clan leader, Shai Maji, was also present on Ilum. I am not aware of her intentions for being there, and I must also formally declare that she was acting on her own volition in the eyes of the clan and the Enclave. However, as her successor, I accept full responsibility for her actions.

As the current leader of clan Krayt, and also a Fleetmaster of the United Enclave Navy -our equivalent of an admiral for clarification- it was our duty to honour the defense pact we have with the Galactic Alliance. By the time we arrived, the Alliance fleet was already engaging the Imperial blockade. It must be noted that as a former Baran Do sage and currently a Shaman in the Enclave -our equivalent to a Jedi Master for clarification- I was able to feel a catastrophe coming. But I was unable to realize the means in time to warn the Alliance Fleet before the Imperial superweapon fired.

This was also when we were first made aware of the weapon's existence.

We lost one cruiser in the weapon's shot with all hands as we pushed the Imperial left flank. I must also bring it to the attention of the Alliance leadership that fighters from the Alliance Naval Vessel 'Wildfire' was targeting the escape pods of Imperial survivors in the aftermath of the first salvo, and that we managed to save a number of those escape pods and bring them aboard our ships. But in accordance with state security, I can not elaborate on the whereabouts of these prisoners of war.

We continued to engage the Imperial left flank, using the debris field as cover as we overwhelmed them. Our mission was to make an opening to disable that modified Onager-class Star Destroyer. Eventually our fleet was locked in a brutal close quarter battle with the enemy. It was a costly brawl that cost us two frigates, but one of our frigates, the 'Huntress', managed to get through to the superweapon after it fired its second shot planetside. The 'Huntress' proceeded to plot a collision course before her crew abandoned ship. Unfortunately, in accordance with state security, I can not confirm nor deny whether the captain of the 'Huntress' was under the influence of spice when this decision was made.

Regardless, the 'Huntress' collided with the superweapon and proceeded to explode. This dealt a significant blow which seemed to have sufficiently crippled the modified Onager-class, rendering it disabled for the duration of the battle. After this, the Imperial blockade retreated from Ilum's orbit.

Attached to this audio log is a folder containing recordings from every Enclave ship, as well as helmet footage of the inside of that Onager-class Star Destroyer. Due to state security, the audio for these recordings have been removed and are classified at present. They will be sent through once they are declared as fit to be distributed.

If any more information or clarification is needed, my contact details are attached below as well.

End Recording. ::

//Recording ended//

//Files attached//

//Report log sent//



The brown hazel eyes of Addison Porte stared at a blank After Action Report (AAR) on the data screen before her and had been for the last twenty minutes or was it longer? A sip of now cold, strong black caf was taken with the hope it would help to get the creative juices to flow in what was left of young Taanabian's fried or more rightly so frozen brain.

Needing to clear her mind of the traumatic and very chaotic last several hours or was it days? It was anyone's guess at this point. The rookie Jedi pilot took a breath in, then let it out releasing the angst and anxiety she had into the Force. A moment later she finally was ready to begin typing the details of her participation in the mission to Ilum where members of Revenant Squadron had been assigned to Echo Group, an ad-hoc squadron of snowspeeders designated to give Close Air Support (CAS) to the Alliance ground troops and to stop the Empire's advance.

Echo Three had stayed in close formation with the rest of the group, then broke away to follow Echo Leader's order to begin a strafing run on one of the Imperial walkers along with her wingman. The battle after that basically was a blur, but the flameout of the Javelin's engines and subsequent crash landing into the snowy tundra was clear as day to her.

Either crossfire had hit Three's craft or perhaps the Imperial TIE fighters swooping down from above had done the job. It didn't really matter though. In the end, the padawan had to use the Force to keep the Scramjet she was flying from careening into a rocky face of the Western Kyber Mountains. A snowdrift rather gave Tinks a softer landing and a chance to survive the crash.

The high impact though had knocked Addison out for some time. A healing trance had taken care of the sore ribs suffered from the crash webbing doing its job and a mild concussion when her flight helmet made contact with the side of the snowspeeder's canopy. She only wished others had been so lucky...

There had been a faint disturbance felt in Force while Addy made her way back to the allied lines. It turned out later to be the passing of one of the Jedi Knights, whom she had never had the honor to meet.

War was not kind nor pretty. It sucked quite frankly. Death would take all of them someday. It was part of the circle of life, and something to accept but not to go into without a fight.

The Jedi Code reads: There is no death, there is the Force. And with that, there is hope still present.

Also too before I forget, my wingman, Echo Five, followed my distressed ship down and retrieved me despite his own snowspeeder having taken battle damage. Now, that was a hoot, two in a single cockpit!

OCC: To be clear, I didn't actually post in the invasion. I planned to but dropped out before getting my intro posted due to RL getting in the way. I just thought this was a nice cover story for my gal. :)
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After Action Report
Name: Kara Jade
Rank: Padawan


Before I begin, I want to preface this with the fact I’m currently in the Medical Bay as of writing this. So I may miss some details here and there, but I’m sure the other Padawans’ reports will fill in what I miss.

Myself and a number of other Jedi Padawans were sent to Ilum on a mission, by Master Valery Noble Valery Noble and Knight Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze . The original objective was to investigate seismic activity that had been reported from the crystal caves. Our trek there wasn’t without its hiccups, as progress had been impeded by quakes a number of times.

But we were eventually able to reach the caves. However, we almost immediately picked up on something being off about the situation. Despite it though, we delved deeper through the network of tunnels until we stumbled across them.

The Empire, the Imperials. They were mining the kyber right out from the planet’s surface.

We were trying to figure out our next course of action, when we got caught. Probably had been long before we even found the mining operation. The SCAR Squad had us all cornered by a ledge, in an open area. Us Padawans split up, forming either into pairs, or smaller groups. Each seemed to square off against one or two Imperials. For me, I fought alongside Silas Westgard Silas Westgard , and our opponents were…

I don’t think I ever learned more than their call signs. But they were “Reaper” and “Spectre.” We engaged them in combat, but it wasn’t long before their commander/leader/captain/whatever attempted to cave in the ceiling above us. Fortunately, with a bit of distraction and intervention from one of the other Padawan groups, we were able to split up and fall back into the tunnel system.

That’s when things got a bit…messy.

As we were running, something crashed into the caves. We assumed it was just another quake at the time, but later we learned the Courageous had been the source.

The tunnels we were in started to collapse, so we ran. However, as we did that I noticed that we weren’t going to be able to outpace it. So I acted on instinct, and used the Force to push Silas out of the way.

Suffice to say, I owe Iris Arani Iris Arani my life. I don’t know what she did, but at one point I got what I guess was a ‘Force booster’. Revitized me enough to blast my way out of the rocks that had buried me. If not for that, I would’ve died.

The last bit is still a bit of a blur unfortunately. But I do remember getting picked up by some of the other Jedi, who had commandeered a transport or something.
:Taken as dictation from Commodore Jadwiga Drozd from her hospital bed:

The Battle of Ilum will forever haunt me. Even as I lay here recovering from my wounds I can see the brilliant flash and then the sudden darkness. I have never seen a weapon more devastating and evil in my life. In the Corluag Academy they told stories of an ancient weapon that was the predecessor to this one, about how it destroyed a planet and left nothing but death and sorrow in its wake. The Empire that built it then was led by a Sith. This one is not. But it might as well be considering they unleashed unmitigated devastation without regard to any of their own vessels as well.

I felt broken in the wake of that weapon firing. Outraged, and I allowed my outrage to control my actions momentarily. Never had I seen such destruction. Not even in the simulations in the academy could they have prepared me for what I saw at Ilum. I drew fire from the Imperial vessels by targeting their damaged ships and escape pods. My logic at the time was that an enemy that does not follow the same rules of engagement does not deserve the same treatment or respect. I firmly believe they still do not deserve mercy.

My ship suffered massive damage and casualties as well. I ordered my ship into direct conflict with the leader of the Imperial fleet to give our smaller and damaged vessels time to escape or regroup. Over the course of the battle my fighter pilots suffered tremendously. We all know what military service can mean but my heart breaks for them. I have penned and signed hundreds of letters to inform the families of the lost. Even that does not feel like enough contrition to make up for what happened. I have ordered my suviving crew to speak to psychiatric specialists while we are on furlough and the Wildfire is drydocked. They need the respite, and so do I.

It is my suggestion to the Senate, and military command, that the Empire be treated wtih extreme prejudice. They have unleashed a weapon of war that the galaxy has not seen in centuries and have shown that they have no regard for rules of engagement. They do not deserve courtesy or respect. Their willingness to use such a weapon opens a box they cannot close anymore. Once you do something like that it's not going to just go away. The galaxy knows what they did and they will be judged for their actions. They will know what it means to suffer for what they have done to Ilum.

I will not apologize for destroying escape pods and damaged vessels. They were enemy combatants and save for the escape pods were still able to fire upon Alliance vessels. Enclosed with this report is footage of the Imperial superweapon firing and the direct aftermath. My memory is not perfect but the recording should suffice to display to you just what kind of evil we are dealing with here. I cannot stress enough the very real danger this thing poses to the Alliance, and how imperative it is that it be destroyed without hesitation once it is found. There is nothing more important to the security of our people than the annihilation of that weapon and the death of those responsible for building it in the first place.

Commodore Jadwiga Drozd
ANV Wildfire

:End Dictation:



1st PLATOON B-CO 8th BATT (Airborne) 501st LEGION (Stormtrooper)
MISSION //: Protect kyber crystal extraction and mining operations on Ilum. Against Jedi incursion and intervention ( Ichika Masudo Ichika Masudo , Ariana Du Couteau Ariana Du Couteau )

EXECUTION //: 1st Platoon engaged several Galactic Alliance and Jedi forces, able to secure sizable harvest of Kyber Crystals but unable to secure permanent foothold in caves due to Jedi presence and super weapon firing.

In the engagement, Platoon Leader Kriegan Tavlar became personally engaged in close combat with two Jedi Padawans, sustaining trauma wounds rated at ‘serious’ and bodily wounds rated at ‘serious’. Breaking regulation, 2LT Tavlar not only chose to address himself to the enemy but did so using his ‘Imperial’ name and not his Stormtrooper serial number. The reveal of his identity to a hostile party further places him at risk of Jedi and Galactic Alliance intelligence operations.

In the midst of the combat however, the Platoon Leader’s adversary revealed herself under the surname ‘Masudo’. Previous Imperial military encounters associate the name with other Jedi.

SUSTAIN //: In spite of the overwhelming odds both environmentally and tactically, 1st Platoon demonstrated an ability to see through the execution of its mission while persevering through adverse conditions. Commitment to the mission, discipline and toughness continue to be traits displayed universally throughout the 501st, the Stormtrooper Corps and the Imperial Army in its operations in the field.

IMPROVE //: Greater unit cohesion in moments of duress and chaos could act to prevent loss of life and casualties in further engagements.

PLAN OF ACTION //: 1st Platoon Leader will make greater efforts to improve communication abilities within the unit to ensure chaos and disorganization does not hinder it in further engagements as well as maintain operational security to ensure the personal identities of any other Imperial personnel are put at risk.


TK-492 ‘2LT Kriegan Tavlar’ - “When operating in Alliance Space, additional Imperial Knight attaches need to be considered for conventional Imperial Army units. All notes for improvements and sustains are acknowledged and Enigma Platoon will implement the necessary adaptations in its next combat deployment.
This document features an attached personal holovid of two dogs playing.

Jedi Padawans Kyell Laysel and Miri Nimdok successfully intercepted Hacks Hacks on Ilum. Target was found inside an abandoned outpost, using the computer systems to remotely disrupt the Alliance battlenet and communications. Hacks was apprehended and the outpost facility was destroyed. Files downloaded from the outpost systems prior to their destruction have been attached.

- Miri Nimdok

A second document was sent shortly after the first with a much more extensive attachment file.

Apologies, my previous message had the wrong attachment. Here are the files downloaded from the outpost systems.

- Miri Nimdok


Location: Ave Imperator Command Deck - Naval Spacedock - Niruaun
Date: One Week After Ilum


The mood aboard the command deck of the Legate-class Battlecruiser dubbed the Ave Imperator was, in a word - sober. When the 43rd Imperial Battlegroup, code named Vengeance was not engaged within the developing wars of the Empire, Grand Moff Korvan could be found often in repose; staring outside of the viewport of the Observation Deck in the Bridge. It was considered borderline taboo to approach him during these quiet moments, with most duty officers instead carrying out their responsibilities as efficiently and thoroughly as possible whilst in his indirect presence.

Some supposed that was why he chose the Bridge for his moments of reflection; at least the ones outside of his private office aboard the ship. He was known to have a cool head when under fire, but no one had thus far deigned to test his patience or demeanor outside of combat; that is, none save for Rear Admiral Feros on occasion.

This time, despite the mystery surrounding the contents of his thoughts, they drifted to this very spot in a bygone era. Nearly two-decades ago, Ignacious had led his men aboard an Imperial Star Destroyer he was stationed within into open mutiny against their commander, wherein they seized control of the ship and made way to this very planet.

Niruaun was the birthplace of the New Imperial Order - the place in which the Declaration of Defiance rang loudly throughout the extremities of the Sith Empire and beyond. He remembered the thoughts that had clouded his mind then; the uncertainty, the momentary regret. But he was faced with no other options back then, given the... difficulties in his relationship with his father; if a man could call attempted filicide ‘difficulties’. Ignacious never was able to rise to the expectations his father had set for him, all because he could not manipulate the ‘force’ as his father and two sisters could. It didn’t matter how well he did in the Naval Academy on Dromund Kaas, or how well placed he had become due to the work he had put in, despite his father’s numerous attempts to undermine his career. Had the fates been crueler than they were, Korvan would likely have died an ignominious death in service to an Empire that didn’t care, and as a result of the machinations of a father who didn’t...

Who didn’t love his own son.

Niruaun was more than just the birthplace of the Empire that now stood atop the ashes of the one preceding it. Niruaun was the birthplace of the man Ignacious was today. The man who rose to the rank of Admiral in his mid thirties, and was appointed as a Moff just shy of 40. The man who now stood as one of a handful of Grand Moffs throughout the entirety of this New Empire. He held immense power in the palm of his hand, all without some unknown ‘force’ that ‘surrounded all living things’.

He was appointed to this position to wield that power to great effect. He did so in the Tion Cluster, wherein he rebuffed the Alliance Fleet and their pitiful efforts to liberate the people of New Aldera; and he did so again on Ilum. The fools on Coruscant probably considered themselves victorious after hearing about the damage sustained by the Empire’s prototype superweapon, despite it being at the hands of the Mandalorian Enclave. But they would see just how wrong they were, and soon.

Soon, the Empire would wield ultimate power in the universe - and soon thereafter, they would use it. The Kyber Crystals they had procured on Ilum would see to that end quite nicely...

But for now, it fell on his shoulders to once again rise to the defense of Niruaun. This time, it was not in the wake of vengeful Sith Overlords, or the barbaric tides of manic Mawite hordes. No, it was in the face of rebellion, by a people thought to be among the most loyal in the Empire. The Chiss had emerged, and had taken much from the Empire. But Korvan would take it back, whether it be in fire or blood or otherwise.

This reclamation would start from this very world. A smile creased upon his lips as he glanced down to his datapad, which displayed large block letters in glowing yellow font.


‘Yes...’ Korvan thought to himself.

‘They shall know the cost of treason.’


ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴅᴜᴇʟɪsᴛ


After the chance to recover somewhat, Jand was asked to report his activity on Ilum. He took his place before a holo-recorder, and waited until he was told to speak, before doing so:

"I was part of the Padawan group sent to Ilum, to investigate a disturbance in the Force felt by Master Valery Noble Valery Noble .

"The group was sent into the caves to look into potential disturbance, and I maintained a rear-guard for the purposes of protection. The effects of the mining were not immediately visible, but there were rumbles, cracks, and other environmental effects that had started to appear. It wasn't long after that the tunnels began to shake and crack, resulting in several Padawans falling into a newly created hole. I believe those that went down were
Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri , Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el , and Thalia Senn Thalia Senn ...

"I was able to remain with the original group, and separated, it was decided to push forward and rejoin the others below where we could. This was prompted by the onset of tunnel collapse, which meant remaining would likely be too dangerous. The remaining group, with myself,
Corin Trenor Corin Trenor , Iris Arani Iris Arani , Kara Jade Kara Jade , Hollis Orenn Hollis Orenn , Jem Fossk Jem Fossk , Silas Westgard Silas Westgard , Sōla Taan Sōla Taan , Ichika Masudo Ichika Masudo , Inyak Yash Inyak Yash , Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce , Ariana Du Couteau Ariana Du Couteau , and Justice Lesan Justice Lesan continued until we discovered a large mining cavern, manned by the Imperials and their mining crews."

Jand cleared his throat, as he remained passive, his gray eyes blinking slowly.

"At that point, our group was ambushed by specialized Stormtroopers. They were helmeted, so I cannot readily identify most of them, save the leader. At that point, a combat started. The instability of the tunnels was increasingly dangerous, the Padawans were separated, with some being pursued by the enemy into different tunnels, and I remained with both Corin and Iris to confront the - presumed - squad leader who had announced himself, and the other Stormtroopers, to us.

"Sadly, I do not know this individual's name.

"The Stormtrooper shot a gauntlet rocket at us, which caused the tunnel immediately behind us to collapse, mostly cutting us off from the others. I also sustained injury to my right side, with numerous impacts of shrapnel. With no other choice, Corin, Iris and I engaged the threat. Throughout the course of the battle, we exchanged strikes and injury. Through the Force, I felt the warning about a starship about to crash into the planet surface, above the tunnels, and I suggested we withdraw to avoid serious injury or even death from that impact; this suggestion was ignored, the combat continued, and the resulting crash landing of the Courageous resulted in widespread damage to the cave systems. I was knocked from the cavern walkway by another rocket. I lost consciousness over the chasm for several moments, but managed to climb back up, as my Jedi cloak hood had caught on the bent and twisted railing.

"I saw that Iris had disappeared, I did not know where at the time. There was another tunnel collapse, which I believed might have caused her disappearance, though the combat had continued and Corin was starting to struggle. To give him time to recover, and to learn what happened to Iris, I suggested Corin look for her. I re-engaged the enemy, to delay the opponent, though I assume Corin disagreed with my suggestion, and joined the combat again. It was after this, that Iris sent hopeful sensations and support through the Force, which revitalized me somewhat. And together Corin and I combined our skills to overcome the Stormtrooper - who, by this point, had removed his helmet. I saw his face clearly. I might be able to identify him, with holo-images if they are available.

"It was after a further combined effort we finally sent the Stormtrooper into a fall, where he grasped a chasm edge. This tactic resulted in my broken shoulder, which gave Corin his opening to land the strike that ended the combat. Corin decided to help the Stormtrooper up, however I disagreed with that assessment, and elected to deliver the final strike to end the life of the opponent and to assure he wouldn't pose a future threat to the Jedi... unfortunately, Corin was then stabbed in the hand by the Stormtrooper for his efforts, which might have been significantly worse had the enemy been pulled upward, closer to vital areas - such as the humanoid neck.

"The Stormtrooper then fell, I can only assume to his death, but I cannot say for certain.

"After that, I assisted Corin to his feet, we walked further out toward the mining cavern, and soon witnessed the arrival of both Iris and Amani Serys Amani Serys in a procured mining hauler. We boarded, Iris applied healing to Corin, and I waited to be seen to as his injury allowed. It was with Jedi Knight Amani's help that we were able to further collect lost Padawans, and eventually used her personal vessel to leave the battlefield... and now here I am, speaking to you."

Jand sat back, as he reached down to his belt, ruffling through his Jedi robes. His hand came up and placed the small item on the table, then looked to those in the room.

"I also found this, after the engagement with the Stormtrooper. A blue kyber crystal. It called out to me and was encased in rock. I plan to use it for my first lightsaber, when it comes time to construct it."

Jand regarded the others, still passive in demeanor.

"I believe that is my completed report, thank you."


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Day 1 Post Ilum
10:33 am

Well, I'm back at the temple now, so I guess I got to fill out one of these things again. Jeez, that didn't sound professional at all. Ehem... This is my report on the events of the recent invasion of Ilum. It started with us being dropped off to investigate recent anomalies on the planet. Weird signals, increased seismic activity, that sorta thing. I was separated from the main group of Padawans pretty early on, falling- well, willingly following a few fallen individuals deeper into the planet. Thalia Senn Thalia Senn and Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri if I'm not mistaken. We actually ended up finding the Bendu, the plant entity that also became a storm cloud I think? I need to figure out what the deal with that was... Anyways, it said it was the guardian of Ilum and seemed to believe that the Jedi had betrayed it. I think that it ended up mistaking those Imperial Knights for members of our order. I tried speaking to it, but it didn't seem to be up to negotiation at the time, so I told it I'd get back the kyber, which it called it's children. Now that I think about it, there was a large chunk of kyber in his chest...

Er, right. When we left, another quake brought the tunnel down and I got separated from my peers. I briefly encountered an imperial ( H Hyena ), but I wasn't able to confront him for very long before another quake split up the fight. I... should also mentioned that he killed a padawan, a younger one from the looks of it, but I didn't get the chance to recover the body... Please keep an eye out for them. I... They should be laid to rest properly.

After that, things got pretty chaotic with the falling vessel and whatever that weapon was that was fired. That was about when the Bendu showed up and started helping out, so I guess whatever I said to it changed it's mind. After that I was picked by Amani Serys Amani Serys and Iris Arani Iris Arani . By then the battle had sort of run it's course. I got out pretty much untouched. I should feel fortunate. Others weren't so lucky. I should, but...

N-never mind. What's done is done now. My peers have been through a lot. I should see how they're doing. Also, if there's any work that needs to be done following the events of Ilum, consider this my formal request to volunteer in whatever way I can. That concludes my log. Yeah, I think that does it.

- End Log

After action report by Minerva Fhirdiad, Si'kayha of the Mandalorian Enclave

The only reason I bother to transmit this record is because my Al'verde convinced me that it is important. So that you Alliance types and Jedi understand the role of our unit in the boarding action the Imp ship called the Reckoning. Commander should be the one writing this down but he claims I would provide a fresh perspective.

If you ask me, Al'verde just doesn't want to deal with messaging more reports than he is already doing. It is a great burden on him. So as his comrade in arms I'm obliged to do this little favor.

Okay anyway during the battle of Ilum our unit and among others of our brethren stormed the NVS Reckoning by assault pods. Our objective was to disable the Empire's new toy gun. As soon as we made it our warriors engaged the Imperials in a few sectors aboard. Up to that point I had only fought pirates, mercs, thugs and monsters but not any professional military.

Needless to say the Imps didn't disappoint, whether they be stormtroopers and crewmembers. They put up quite the fight, making us work hard for it most of the way. Still we pushed on through, capturing the chief barracks but we encountered greater resistance at the adjacent mess hall.

Apparently the Imps were supported by mercs in that skirmish. They gave us their worst and we returned the favor. One of those hired blasters( Jas Katis Jas Katis ) proved to be a cunning fighter. I could barely land any hits on him while the merc constantly moved around from cover to cover and shot back at me.

It was only when I managed to fire a missile that I was able to wound him but he still shot me down, disabling my jetpack. Still trying to repair it by the way and feeling sore all over. So in all honesty there was no true victory in that duel, only a draw. Still I'm proud of how our warriors drove the enemy back. The mercenary was dragged away by his fellows during their retreat so I suspect he is probably still alive out there.

Anyway shortly after that firefight it was when one of our frigates the Huntress rammed into the superweapon. Manda for the next few minutes we weren't even able to stand due to the sheer force of that collusion and the one after that. The power went out and we had to resort to sensors to see anything. It was only afterwards did we learn of what happened and our Al'verde made the call for us to get off that floating cannon since completing the objective was no longer possible.

While other Mandalorians not present with our team made their own departures via escape pods we found out about the Jedi led team in the hangar bay who had been attempting to sabotage the superweapon as well. Al'verde ordered us to there to assist and secure a ride off the enemy vessel.

Afterwards we arrived and fought off Imperial reinforcements attacking our allies. During the chaos I discovered a shuttle that by a miracle managed to not be wrecked from the all destruction wrought on the hanger. After the shuttle was claimed I flew it toward my vod and our allies including the three Jedi(Caedyn Arenais, Judah Lesan Judah Lesan , Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor ) and a fellow Mandalorian( Domina Prime Domina Prime ) present with them.

Once all of the survivors we found were inside our makeshift group finally withdrew from the Reckoning. Afterwards we eventually linked up with Alliance forces on Ilum.

To any Alliance personal and Jedi reading this report remember we fulfilled our pledge and at great cost. Many of my fellow warriors gave their all. They're not some random numbers on your datapads, they're men and women who had hopes and dreams and loved ones. Nevertheless they willingly came to your aid and many of them died.

Don't you dare waste their sacrifice. It has to mean something. Because considering the firepower and tenacity the Empire brought at Ilum this quarrel between your two states is far from over. Whatever happens I will do my part to honor my people and live as a true warrior.

Ibic cuyir miai.
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Caedyn Arenais

//Encrypted Message//
//Recipient: The Jedi Council > The New Jedi Order//
//Origin: Comport Account #5040 > Caedyn Arenais//

Greetings Councilors,

The following is a personal accounting of the events that recently transpired over Ilum, concerning the Scientia Strike Team ( Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor , Domina Prime Domina Prime & Judah Lesan Judah Lesan ); our boarding of the NIV Reckoning and the following engagement of Imperial Forces accompanied by Mercenaries.

My Arrival at the Ilum System was accompanied by the Crew of the Vagabond, a Heavy Assault Cruiser for which I have served and lived alongside. Our Infil was swift and would see us positioned at the front of the Alliance Fleet, providing initial covering fire and upon identifying the NIV Reckoning and the Superweapon it was equipped with, proceeded to target her with heavy ION weapons fire while I rendezvoused with the rest of the Scientia Strike Team prior to our boarding the Imperial Flagship.

It is my deepest regret to report the loss of the entire crew and vessel. The Strike team was successful in infiltrating the NIV Reckoning with the support of the Vagabond; However, the NIV Reckoning's Superweapon fired upon both Imperial and Alliance Vessels. The resulting damage was extraordinary and devastating. Reports indicate no crew members were recovered, and entire sections of the ship itself were reportedly disintegrated.

5000 lives were lost aboard the Vagabond, alone.

Jedi Masters Caltin Vanagor and Judah Lesen, A Mandalorian known as D I M A, and I were successful in our breaching of the NIV Reckoning's primary Hangar. Our transport was damaged in the initial landing, and we immediately engaged Imperial Forces, resulting in direct combat.

Two Mercenaries ( Varm Nul Varm Nul & Koda Fett Koda Fett ) accompanied by reinforcements arrived, forcing us to engage and prioritize targets. Our assault on the Superweapon was subsequently halted as these two Mercenaries proved to be significantly problematic.

At some point during this engagement, allied reinforcements arrived from the Mandalorian Enclave ( Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad & Jos Krayt Jos Krayt ). They would go on to prove themselves pivotal in our extraction from the NIV Reckoning as the Imperial Ship would suffer catastrophic damage as it seems the Reckoning was struck by another Starship. The Mandalorian’s were able to gain access to a transport; However Master Vanagor was injured and rendered unconscious during the fight. Together, with the assistance of our Mandalorian Allies, we succeeded in getting him clear any further harm, reach the shuttle and exfiltrate safely.

As for my own injuries, I suffered a dislocated shoulder and multiple abrasions during the battle. Fortunately, my wounds were not severe and I have been given medical clearance to resume active duty. I intend to assist with the recovery and cleanup on Ilum before returning to Coruscant.

This concludes my report, and I welcome any further discussion should the Council have questions or further concerns.

Jedi Knight, Caedyn Arenais.

//End of Transmission//


SCAR SQUADRON (Imperial Special Forces) 501st LEGION (Stormtrooper Corps)
MISSION //: Secure and protect kyber crystal extraction and mining operations on Ilum. Against Jedi incursion and intervention ( Jand Talo Jand Talo Iris Arani Iris Arani Corin Trenor Corin Trenor )

EXECUTION //: SCAR Squadron, supported by 1st Platoon 'Enigma' engaged a dozen of Jedi combatants, retaining operational continuity of kyber cargo extraction to Imperial starfleet but unable to sustain protection of the mining operation as a whole due to Jedi and Alliance incursion, superlaser firing and cut-off from expected friendly support.

Squad Leader Hal Vaiken engaged three Jedi combatants, considered 'Padawans' as per COMPNOR Force User Guidelines and Categorizations, sustaining both penetrating wounds at 'serious' and blunt force trauma wounds at 'critical'. Adhering to the Imperial Code of Conduct Art. 71, para 3, MSTG Vaiken refused an offer of uncertain surrender to enemy Jedi combatants and opted for the route of potential death.

Squad Leader Hal Vaiken was safely extracted by Leto Karazyn from the field of battle and saved from impending death by the quick intervention of SCAR Squadron Combat Medic Katja Javik Katja Javik

SUSTAIN //: In spite of the overwhelming odds both environmentally and tactically, SCAR Squadron demonstrated skills and abilities up to the desired standard of the Task Force. Adverse conditions and the high risk of death did not faze any SCAR trooper from fulfilling his duty and service to the Empire by committing to the mission at hand no matter the cost.

Imperial Security Bureau Checksheet:
No concerns of wavering loyalty have been displayed for the Bureau's intervention as per Squad Leader.
Squad Leader remains fully committed to supporting any ISB investigations should they raise a note of concern.

IMPROVE //: Recruitment of a Heavy Weapons Specialist into the ranks of SCAR Squadron for provision of superior firepower against Jedi enemy combatants [Ref: Notes].

PLAN OF ACTION //: SCAR Squadron Leader will provide a list of potential candidates for the role of Heavy Weapons Specialist in the Notes section for the careful consideration of the Honorable 501st Recruitment Board, also forwarded for screening purposes as per regulation to the Imperial Security Bureau.


Imperial Army Communique #225110.37k

// FROM: Master Sergeant Vaiken
// TO: Colonel Braven
// CC: Station Chief Allem

  • Val Baize​
  • Mar Pellian​
  • Cran Thalcard​
  • Monton Kinall​
  • Ianar Laga​
  • Garm Corruss​
  • Vinis Donnall​
  • Race Typho​
  • Varlo Karaay​
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Be careful what you wish for.

DIRECTED TO: New Jedi Order Council
FROM: Jedi Master Caltin Anselmo Vanagor (Message prepared by proxy)
RE: A.A.R. Imperial invasion of the Galactic Alliance Planet Illum

  1. The purpose of the report is to provide a concise review of the mission that saw Imperial Forces attempt to invade Illum and attempt to do nearly irreversible damage.
  2. Vanagor, along with Jedi Master Judah Lesan Judah Lesan , Jedi Knight Caedyn Arenais, and Mandalorian colleage Domina Prime Domina Prime deployed with 365th Special Forces Unit "The Rapiers" originally set on going down to the planet's surface. The Jedi were going to help with the defense as "The Rapiers" were going to slip in behind enemy Forces and begin a series of sabotage effects. This changed midway through with the CO of the Special Forces team being contacted with new orders to board the Imperial Warship "Reckoning" and disarm, disable or destroy the rumored "superweapon" aboard. Rumors were confirmed when the weapon fired on the Alliance fleet and destroyed "The Vagabond." The group successfully breached the hangar bay of the Imperial ship and were immediately met with heavy resistance. Two mercenaries( Koda Fett Koda Fett and Varm Nul Varm Nul ) were alongside a platoon of Stormtroopers and the mission to distract them to allow "The Rapiers" to do their work was successful but at the cost of half of their team. The ship was soon rammed and the damage too severe to stay in the battle so plans were made to exit to hyperspace.
  3. Issues that could have been avoided (but easy to spot after the fact) would be a larger force having assaulted "The Reckoning"
  4. All Alliance personnel made it off of the ship safely ("The Rapiers" secured an escape pod) thanks to Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad and her team securing transport.

Against all odds, Amani had managed to get her cart full of padawans offworld. Those injured (which were, well, most of them) were immediately brought into the medbay. Thankfully, it was well-equipped, and with her and Iris at the helm also well-staffed. Only after hours of continued stress and work passed, along with a much-needed nap, did Amani even consider making some kind of report. Finding herself with a bit of time alone, she headed to the cockpit and activated a voice log.

As the recorder hummed to life, the first few sounds to register were the rustling of hair and a tired groan, "Oookay… This is Amani Serys, Knight and Chief Healer of the New Jedi Order, en route to Coruscant following the conflict on Ilum. Report: Planetside, my goal was to locate and recover the missing padawans from the main mining trench."

"In the beginning of the battle I scouted throughout the tunnel systems, running into little resistance along the way. But later, when I went to investigate a data console, I did encounter an Imperial agent. I never learned her name, but she actually… helped me. She gave me access to a surveillance feed which assisted in pinpointing the location of the padawans. Not to mention, she also gave me… an EMP grenade. Just in case I ran into any of her fellow imperials. Hm."

"I don't know where she is now, but I hope she's done some proper reevaluating of her loyalty to the Empire since." Zoraya Ives-Ayres Zoraya Ives-Ayres had been an interesting case. Whatever she had done in service to the Empire before Amani couldn't say, but there was some semblance of decency in her heart. And for that she was grateful.

"On board I have padawans Iris Arani Iris Arani , Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el , Corin Trenor Corin Trenor , Jand Talo Jand Talo , Sion Lorray Sion Lorray , Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce , and Varen Ardos Varen Ardos …"

A sigh cut through the static, "But that isn't all of them. There are still several unaccounted for. It's only been a few hours, I don't know who all has made it or--"

"...I can confirm for myself that Nida Perl Nida Perl is MIA. I retrieved her lightsaber in the caves but couldn't sense her anywhere."
The gentle clinking of a lightsaber, weighed in her hand, could be heard.

"Trenor, Talo, and Pryce all suffered extensive injury, but are expected to remain stable. We worked on treating them as soon as we were in the clear; Something that would have been much more difficult had it not been for Iris' efforts in stabilizing them over the course of our escape."

"On Ilum the padawans were attacked by a squadron of elite stormtroopers, forcing them to scatter and fight. At least one trooper is presumed dead, but there's little to go off beyond assumption. I'm sure the padawans will have their own reports that can give a more accurate recounting of those particular events. As I said before there are still multiple whose whereabouts I cannot confirm. I just have to hope, somehow… they got out."

There was a long pause, the silence filled only by the faint hum of the recording device.

"Sometimes I don't know how I do this job. I'll be lucky if I can stave off the gray hairs until 25."

The sounds of shuffling followed, and shortly after the log ended.

Pa'Kar Sang





GADF : Secret L-Class

Crimson Lance Command
Admiralty Committee
Battlegroup Kenobi Assault Group 1​

Subject: Battle Skirmish Over Ilum
  • Battle Progress Report submitted for official Defense Council review: Initial patrol group lost all hands. No response from Night Hammer Command [Believed Long-Distance Jamming VIA Imperial warships]. Orders for Battlegroup Kenobi Assault Group 1 and 74th Expeditionary Strike Flotilla to deploy to Ilum System from High Admiral Hoid Hallafax executed by Admiral Pa'Kar Sang and Rear-Admiral Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause . Imperial Force strength - Unknown. Fleet assaulted by unknown weapon class and unknown ship-type. Weapon displayed [REDACTED]. Assault Group 1 saw 70% losses: ANV Courageous Lost [REDACTED] Casualties - [REDACTED] MIA - [REDACTED] Injured. ANV Accordance Lost ALL HANDS. ANV Archex Lost ALL HANDS. ANV Yrica Lost ALL HANDS. ANV Rosan Lost ALL HANDS. ANV Intrepid Crippled - En Route to Allied Chiss Ascendency CORMIT for repair. ANV Aspiration Criplpled - En Route to Allied Chiss Ascendency CORMIT for repair. Total Casualties [READACTED]. Report continued by High Admiral Hoid Hallafax - Confidentiality Code Top Secret: M-Class.

Shift resources from Uknown Regions front of Night Hammer Command to border worlds of Kril'Dor, Myomar [CRITICAL], Aphran, Billbringi [CRITICAL], Ord Antalaha [CRITICAL]. Shift alert status of Night Hammer Command from Lv 3 to: Lv 2. Shift alert status of Azure Hammer from Lv 2 to Lv 1. Shift Alert Status of Steel Blade Command from Lv 4 to Lv 2. General Alert Level Shift to Lv 3-2. Promotion of Commodore Pyek to the rank of Rear-Admiral.​

Holo Recording:
The battle over Ilum was a harsh one. The Imperials took the Alliance by surprise, attacking a small patrol group and jamming the system's communications. Despite the Jedi Order presence on the surface they were able to quickly establish a defensive front and seemed to be waiting for Alliance reinforcements. Elements of my Battlegroup arrived on the scene before Night Hammer command vessels could respond but we quickly came to the realization that we were outgunned and outmatched. The fleet size of the Imperials was...Well, I hadn't seen anything like it since Bastion if I'm being perfectly honest. It makes me wonder if the Imperials have been sandbagging this entire time during our presumably shared conflict against the Brotherhood of the Maw, waiting for our forces to become weak enough for a strike. This coupled with the Imperial attack on independent New Alderaan and the Tion Republic worries me. Unfortunately, this will be my final report for quite some time as I have been temporarily medically discharged due to the effects of the Imperial Superweapon, an as-of-yet unknown type of particle or beam weapon. Initial reports from Jedi and others with more experience in the field of turbolaser technologies seem to point to some sort of enhanced Kyber-based technology, though I haven't seen anything this destructive despite similar weapons being deployed by both the Sith Empire and the Empire. The weapon deflecting off of our shield has left me entirely blind. I think I will take this time to reconnect with my roots. I've heard Mount Tellec is beautiful this time of year and a place of peace. But I digress, I do get rambly sometimes on these reports.

After the Courageous crashed I was escorted to safety by my second-in-command Commodore Pyek. If not for him I would not be here to give my testimony and so I am officially giving my recommendation for the promotion of Commodore Pyek to the rank of Rear-Admiral. Luckily Pyek and I were rescued by some Jedi after the Imperials began their retreat. I am currently holed up in the Ilum Temple's medical bay. The healers are trying their best but as I said earlier in this report, my eyes are indeed lost. This is Admiral Pa'Kar Sang signing off.

Report Assigned:
Approved: Yes
after-action report



Welcome to the IMC Terminal,
The official archive-interface of the Imperial Medical Corps.

Print: Authenticated
Retina: Authenticated
ID Code: IMC-487-SC
Clearance: Blue Tier + Added Sapphire-Grade Surgeon's Permissions
Name: Cruz, Salazar
Rank: Consult-General

"Record Doctor's Log", selected.
Manual and voice permissions granted.

Further instructions available.

Designation: Surgeon's Log
Archival Priority: High

Name: Barran, Erskine
Status: Stable, Temporary Induced Coma
File: ERSK001(1)

Recording commences in 3, 2, 1....

Alright, this is the second surgeon's log regarding one Erskine - Barran, and whether the ears I want to hear this get to do so or not is still as debatable as ever, but here we go.

The time here in Ravelin is currently two minutes after midnight, the Lord-Regent is stable with a calm heartbeat, but all surgical staff on duty agreed to keep him in an induced coma just so we can let our hard work heal up a little. Making it easier was the fact everyone was on the same page, with each and every last one of them well-aware of the fact people are too quick to forget the vital details on matters like these.

The early stages of the healing process are often the most important building blocks to a full-recovery, and in consideration of the simple, singular function of surgical stitching, the petty ability to hold everything in place at least offers a chance for the body to heal itself properly. Even worse that we had to work with charred-tissue residues sporadically throughout, not easy stitching glowing new-spleen with old, enflamed spleen with the removal of the burned remnants behind from the blaster shot from before.

Not easy at all.

But we got there by the end of the second procedure, and by the time everything began to look at least a little like it should, we had nothing left of importance to work on. But its his age that worries me though, and on this matter, I've personally had myself put down as his general practitioner for the time-being. His heartrate's strong for an old man, this can't be doubted, and he's physically strong for his age too, almost unnaturally so, but I feel like context is needed to explain my concerns.

Taking everything of the second procedure into account, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the work we put into replacing his lung and his kidney on the left side, and the bacta-syringe applications to the Lord-Regent's aortic surface area, as no normal or great men are ever expected to survive the strains of surgery like this - let alone the elderly sort that refuses to grow old gracefully.

I know this man, but I also know it would be as insane to roll back supervision as it would be to let him wake just yet. Our Erskine is no doubt made of sterner stuff than most, but being perfectly honest with whoever listens to this in the near-future, we know we've been testing that a tad too much for comfort. And - I don't abide leaving hunches in the hands of others, so I'm recording this log with the Lord-Regent in sight with the mind to see this hunch through personally. Not only for my good friend, but also in obligation to my guiding principles as an IMC Surgeon-Corpsman.

Field-Surgeon in action since '63, Karksuckers! I'm not giving up on a comrade, ever! Not even if it means looking like an ass to keep him safe.

Though naturally we hope my third entry ends up being a much smaller file in the end.

End recording.


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