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Private A Dark Trail


Outfit:Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery sighed and reached up to pinch her temples between her thumb and middle finger. First, the Mandalorian attack had thrown old alliances into chaos, then the Sith Order unleashed its undead army in the Outer Rim, and now another group was wreaking havoc. New potential allies had shown themselves as well, but she couldn't help but feel as if the Alliance was surrounded by more and more dangerous enemies, all focused on destroying the peace that had lasted for years now. It often kept her up late at night to submit or review reports about recent attacks, or even to lead and coordinate efforts to stop the enemy directly.

This was one of those nights.

Not long before the skirmish on Onderon, dangerous people had been broken out of a Coruscant prison. Now, she was being plagued by visions of a much larger threat, and she couldn't help but feel there were connections to make. But where should she start, and where was all of this going to lead her? Valery wasn't quite sure yet, but it was her duty as the Sword of the Jedi to address this head-on.

She had neutralized the Brotherhood of the Maw, and she wasn't going to allow the emergence of another destructive group to bring down everything she had fought to defend.

For now, that meant going through more reports.


Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Operation: Absolution was initiated at the turn of the century to free incarcerated members of the Brotherhood of Maw and other undesirables as a prelude to war with the Galactic Alliance. Among the Sith, Imperial Knights, and other such criminals (who now filled the ranks of the Dark Empire) was a relic of a bygone era. As Valery scrolled through the SIA files on the inmates now at large perhaps a peculiar but particular file on a former Knight of the Old Republic caught her eye.

Ella Nova was a Jedi Knight whom served the Galactic Republic in the 840s. Trained by Jedi Master Sochi Ru Nova defended the Republic against the onslaught of the One Sith. By the end of the decade the Republic had been defeated, so several other organisations or factions were being formed in it's subsequent loss of the war, such as the Silver Jedi or the first iteration of the Galactic Alliance. At the end of the war Nova disappeared with rumours circulating among the remaining Jedi that she had left the Core in search for the Butcher King Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex .

Nova's attempt to bring Carnifex to justice had not gone well. The SIA report states that she was captured by the One Sith and imprisoned in a compound belonging to Carnifex on Coruscant. Known as the Black Pyramid the compound served as headquarters and prison for the Dark Lord. It is unspecified how much time Nova spent in this prison but by the time of the One Sith collapse the Black Pyramid was shut down as Carnifex and the other Sith pulled out of the Core. What is known to the SIA is that by this time Nova was no longer imprisoned.

Some years elapse between Nova's second disappearance (from her time being incarcerated by the One Sith) until she resurfaces again on Humbarine. Using her former ties to the Jedi Order to gain leverage politically Nova is elected as representative to Humbarine in the Alliance Senate. Later, due to her Senatorial position, Nova is invited to the Summit of Governments: a gathering of political leaders, diplomats and organisations from across the Galaxy to debate or discuss peace. The summit was hosted by Alexandra Feanor, and her husband Vulpesen Vulpesen .

During the gathering Nova is exposed by an unknown third party as a Sith infiltrator looking to sabotage the event. Before she can finish her attack the many Mandalorians, Jedi and Imperials attending the summit turn their weapons on Nova. The SIA notes that in particular Vulpesen was crucial in Nova's eventual capture and incarceration. The incident ends with Nova's flagship- the Ayrix- crashing into the Temple of Balance and results in the destruction of the ship. Constructed on Naboo by Theed Palace Space Vassal Engineering Corps the Ayrix was a Indispensiable-class Corporate Flagship that the SIA learned to have belonged to Darth Ayra Darth Ayra : a minor Sith Lord who served the One Sith in the 840s.

After the summit Nova was transported to Coruscant where she was trialed and subsequently found guilty for acts of sedition, treason and murder, with hundreds of citizens losing their lives in the wake of the Ayrix being purposefully crashed into the Temple of Balance. After being found guilty the Jedi Order petitioned for Nova to be held in stasis indefinitely, and that jurisdiction of her incarceration was passed onto the Jedi Council. This was agreed, and so for over five decades Nova was held in a cryochamber, on a maximum security ward in the prison, until Operation: Absolution was launched by the Dark Empire which resulted in Nova and several other in-mates being freed.

The SIA report indicates that Darth Ayra was Alicia Drey Alicia Drey : a business entrepreneur from Chandrila who took a loan from the InterGalactic Banking Clan of Muunilinst to create two start up companies. The first was Chandrila Group: an agricultural organisation who produced and sold foodstuffs across Chandrila's capital cities, and towns. The second was Chandrila DataTech: a technological developer who sold datapads and computers. Drey was also the co-owner of Emeritus Industries (formerly Subach-Innes) which was a corporation founded in the 830s and who sold weapons, vehicles and ships for the Sith Empire's naval and military forces.

When the Empire was defeated in the early 840s by the Republic Emeritus would continue to supply and sell assets to the naval and military forces of the One Sith. This corporation held assets across the Galaxy including several Cortosis mines on Obredaan. The SIA learned that by the 850s Drey had left the company and had taken with her a Cortosis mine. By the turn of this decade Drey had sold all her shares and assets in both Chandrila start ups, as well as a subsidiary that she had come to own called Imperial Arms Incorporated. It is said that Drey made a substantial amount of wealth through this liquidation.

Serj Sularis was an investment banker who worked for the InterGalactic Banking Clan for over a century. He was the Muun who had supplied both of Drey's start ups the loan that had allowed them to begin business on Chandrila. The SIA also learned that he was Drey's representative on Naboo that had seen to the acquisition of the Ayrix: the same ship that was used during the attack on Alderaan during the Summit of Governments that had seen Ella Nova captured and imprisoned on Coruscant.

Sularis was said to have worked with Drey exclusively for many years until a funeral was held on Chandrila. After her death the Muun continued to work for the InterGalactic Banking Clan on a minor basis, with no deals or business worthy of note until very recently. The SIA learned that Sularis had put feelers out into the black market to arrange an auction on Sojourn: a relatively unknown moon (found in the Outer Rim Territories) colloquially known to others as the Hunter's Moon. A sect of Sun Guards are said to live on this moon, and are based in a building known as the Fort.

The SIA attempted to gain an invitation to this event but were passed over in favour of other guests. However, the Agency were able to obtain the list of guests that were invited to Sojourn to attend the auction. These were: Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti , the former Senator of Obulette who now lives in exile in the Empire of the Lost; Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau , of the Arceneau Trade Company; Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf , a traitor who defected from the Jedi Order to the One Sith at the height of the war in the 840s; Commodore Helix Commodore Helix , of Helix Solutions; and Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar , who the Agency has linked to the mysterious Tsis'Kaar. It is said that the auction was set to sell the personal collection of the late Darth Ayra, and included rare technology or Sith paraphernalia that had belonged to the Sith Lord before her apparent death in 851 ABY.

The name 'Drey' has also come up in recent inquiries into the Empire of the Lost. A start up company, recently founded on Lianna, and who shares the same name has begun business on the recently annexed worlds of Lothal and Ruisto. This company is said to specialise in the manufacture, production and distribution of foodstuffs. It owns several assets across Lothal and Ruisto which includes farm land, buildings, vehicles and fishing villages located across the coast of Ruisto's vibrant saline ocean.

Mysteriously- fifty years after it's destruction on Alderaan- the Ayrix has resurfaced as part of the flotilla belonging to Mecetti Nationalized Industries and has been recently sighted in the Obredaan system.

The SIA concludes it's findings and reports on Ella Nova with the following summary:

"It is clear to the Agency that Ella Nova was a hero to the Galactic Republic during a time of war. We can speculate that following the Republic's defeat she sought to seek atonement or retribution against the One Sith by targeting one of their key targets in Darth Carnifex, but this is mere speculation, and her reasons for leaving the Jedi Order are unknown. Our speculation ends as we cannot make sense of Nova's clear connections to Alicia Drey, who was a minor Sith Lord known to the One Sith as Darth Ayra. Her brief time representing Humbarine in the Senate and the subsequent attack on the summit on Alderaan is a mystery that warrants further investigation now that Nova is at large following the success of the Dark Empire's Operation: Absolution.

On the recommendations of the Jedi Order Nova was incarcerated in another prison (not to be confused with the Black Pyramid, which was decommissioned decades ago) and was held in stasis under the preview of the Jedi Council. When Operation: Absolution was initiated by this newly rising Dark Empire we can speculate that the other prisoners being held in the same facility were their true targets, and that Nova's freedom was a by product result of the attack on the facility. Whether Nova joined Darth Solipsis or Ignacious Korvan warrants further investigation.

The Agency sent agents to Chandrila to investigate the alleged death of Alicia Drey. There was nobody to be exhumed. It is said that when Drey's funeral was held her ashes were scattered into the Silver Sea by those who had attended. However, with the re-emergence of the investor Serj Sularis; the auction that was hosted on Sojourn; and the new start up company on Lianna suggests that her death may have been faked. This is not an abnormal coincidence when it comes to the behaviours of the Sith. Further investigation is warranted into whether or not Drey is still alive.

Since being freed by the Dark Empire there has been no word or signs of Ella Nova. The Agency continues to investigate for any sightings but our reach is limited outside of Alliance space. Recommendations have been passed onto the NJO for a Knight to be assigned so that Nova can be found and brought back in. Curiously the New Imperial Security Bureau of the Empire of the Lost made great efforts to obfuscate the Drey company when the Agency launched it's inquiries, but were unsuccessful as we have evidence of accounts belonging to Serj Sularis being used to form the company, with hundreds of thousands of dataries converted into Imperial credits and Calamari Flan that were used to buy up new assets which now belong to Drey across Lothal and Ruisto."


Outfit:Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Valery looked up from her datapad and blinked when she realized just how late it was. She had been sitting in her chair for hours now, reading through reports and findings about just one of the escapees. This Ella Nova, Alicia Drey or Darth Ayra — assuming all assumptions and connections to be legitimate — had quite the history to them. So despite her not having been the target of the assisted escape, Valery couldn't help but focus on her.

The SIA recommended a Jedi Knight to investigate this, but she wasn't going to send one of her Jedi to handle this. She was going to look into this herself, and she had plenty of leads already.

Tapping her comms unit, Valery left a quick message for the rest of the Council and stood up to already make her leave. The hour was late, but she figured she could sleep on the way to her destination — Lianna. It was only one of several planets mentioned with potential assets belonging or being tied to Alicia Drey, but it felt like the best starting point. Finding her business there wouldn't be too demanding or difficult and with reports suggesting that it all started there, it would hopefully be the quickest path to finding the woman.

If she was out there somewhere, Valery would find her.

Soon enough, the Jedi Master had boarded her shuttle. It wasn't her fighter or even a Jedi specific craft. She had chosen a shuttle with a civilian registry not tied to the Alliance. These were used on undercover missions, and with her having to travel into mostly mysterious Empire of the Lost territory, she couldn't be too careful.

On-board, she had quite the collection of undercover gear and equipment ready, too. Even if there had been little to no communication between the Alliance and Empire of the Lost, she assumed it was highly likely for them to know who she was. Valery's face and interviews with her were scattered all across the Alliance, and even far beyond, after all.

"Alright, coordinates set," Valery muttered to herself, as she stared out into space. Her hand reached for the Hyperspace lever, and without further delays, she made the jump.


Location: Northwest Spaceport, Landra.

"Information is a commodity. It can be traded, sold, and purchased. And in the end, credits are only as useful as the secrets they can buy."
-- Darth Bane.

Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble

As the Jedi Grandmaster boarded her transport, and made their way into the heart of the Empire of the Lost to find her target, she had, in turn, put into a motion a series of events that were set to shake the very foundations of the galactic powers.

The city of Northwest, located on the smaller of Lianna's two continents Landra, was colloquially the only spaceport on the planet's surface. This was done by design, of course. With the sprawling megacomplexes and buildings which lined the inner walls of Lianna City (the planet's capital and ecumenopolis) made it some what of a logistical nightmare for the purposes of surveillance, and order, such was the size of the city in comparison to smaller ones like Northwest. The Peacekeepers and contingents of Stormtroopers which patrolled the capital city would be overrun in their duties without the surveillance apparatus that served the Empire. So the Bureau had taken steps to co-ordinate with their patrols, and deliver the necessary information to ensure that the Capital was secure. After all, it was the primary mission of the Bureau to maintain security, and order across the Empire at any cost, especially in the Capital of Lianna City.

In it's initiatives to keep the planet under their control the New Imperial Security Bureau had done well to stop the lobbyists petitioning to re-open the now abandoned spaceports inside the city. Their pleas, which were based on arguments for better lines of commerce and trade, had fallen on deaf ears. To the Moff Council maintaining security, and order, took precedent over the economical advantages that a spaceport in the capital would provide. So, instead, new arrivals were directed to the lesser known Northwest so that their surveillance apparatuses were better equipped in the monitoring of domestic or foreign arrivals to the planet. Away from the noise and overpopulated crowds of the Capital this much smaller (and arguably more eloquent city) was prime for the DSDT Program as there was less domestic foot traffic to monitor, leaving them the time to track foreign travellers that had come to Lianna. Leave the domestic work for the other DSDT Outposts in the Capital, and other cities across the planet.

Outpost Northwest's primary concern was the spaceport, and all those who came or went from it.

At the turn of the new century the Bureau had- with the financial backing, and approval of the reigning Moff Council- founded the Direct Surveillance of Domestic Threats program, or DSDT for short, with the objective of putting every star system, planet, and city within the Empire into a sophisticated security apparatus unparalleled in it's design and ability to monitor targets. The idea of Alicia Drey Alicia Drey (the new sitting Staff Director of the Bureau) there are outposts across the Empire that are keeping an eye on you. Using modern day technologies and A.I (which followed sophisticated algorithms of Drey's own design) there wasn't much missed by the Bureau today's day and age. Indeed, the program was the envy of the Secret Intelligence Agency of the Galactic Alliance as well as their enemies in the Sith Order and their Tsis'Kaar or their new enemy in the Dark Empire and their Imperial Security Bureau.

Naturally, these outposts were linked to the mainframe of the Bureau and it's other branches of intelligence gathering, monitoring and security apparatuses. A list of individuals spanning across the entire Galaxy had been drafted as 'persons of interest' to the Bureau. Some were enemies, of course, and others were neutral, or friendly. It didn't matter who you were: the NISB always held an interest into the dangerous, the rich, powerful or influential, both inside and out of the Empire. Friend, or foe. All of this matched not only the Bureau's original directives, but that of Director Drey and her Order of Sith Lords.

If a member of the Sith Order were to step foot onto a world belonging to the Empire, for example, then chances were they would find themselves under surveillance and consequentially terminated or detained rather quickly. The same would be true for neutral factions, or organisations. If Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau appeared on Lianna, or any other planet that the DSDT Program had under surveillance, then chances were she would be picked up for interrogation too. Nobody came or went from the Empire of the Lost nowadays without extreme methods of anti-surveillance, and training. There were also other people that the Director had put into the mainframe itself. Alicia had interests in a wide variety of individuals across the entire Galaxy. With the Bureau under her control she was set to use it as the foundation for the creation of a vast conspiracy set to engulf all the major factions. In this way Darth Ayra continued to weave herself into the tapestry of the Sith'ari. She was confident Bane would approve of her work.

From the Tsis'Kaar to the Corporate Sector to the boardroom of the Trade Federation and the dark meetings of the Dark Side Elite Alicia was on a recruitment drive designed to create an organisation that had no name, or face. A conspiracy in which only she and her Apprentice were in the full knowledge of who were both set to bring in the spies, politicians, heads of business, senators, diplomats or crime lords to conspire with both Sith through acts that were covert, clandestine and often compartmentalized. Initiatives, such as the Direct Surveillance of Domestic Threats program, were mere stepping stones to a much larger thing she was growing in the shadows, and all of it inadmissible to any scrutiny from the likes of Velran Kilran Velran Kilran and his Moffs. If they were to ever inquire, or interfere with her work then Alicia was confident she would find them in admiration. They too had their own paradigms in motion that were of need of an intelligence apparatus of a scale such as the DSDT that, in turn, she was set to corrupt and turn to her own schemes. As Alicia had been taught during her early years of training and study in the dark side the act of manipulation was to make them think that your ideas were theirs. In the DSDT Program Alicia had accomplished exactly that.

In her seminal efforts in creating the DSDT Program Alicia had drafted up a list of people that she was set to target. The reasons for their entry on the list were numerous, and convoluted. There was, of course, the heads of business and corporations, such as Arceneau and her trade company, but also enemies or threats to herself that would need to be kept an eye on, and if necessary, eradicated. It just so happened that on this particular fateful day, as a public transport begun docking procedures in Northwest Cities Spaceport, one of those threats had just been picked up by Outpost Northwest: a building located in vicinity of the Spaceport, and whose A.I had just recorded a picture of Valery Noble Valery Noble that held a mere 58% match.

It was enough to send the Agents who manned the Outpost into a state of shock, and frenzy.

A call was going to be made.



Location: Lianna City, New Imperial Security Headquarters.

Alicia often found herself on the rooftop of the Bureau's headquarters when she was on Lianna. She had just returned from a successful trip on Obredaan only a few days ago, and up here she could think. Her time back had seen her convene with the Staff Deputy Director, Sector Commanders and Agent Commanders which made up the head brass of the organisation. The agenda of the meeting had been in regards to the Tsis'Kaar. Now that the Empire had entered into conflict with Sith on Felucia there were major concerns with the Bureau regarding the security risks posed by the secretive organisation that they were now set to do battle with in the shadows. They were right to be afraid of them. In comparison to the power of the dark side the Bureau were not much of an opposition, even if the followers of the Tsis'Kaar followed the diluted ways of the modern Sith.

Standing up on this building, while watching over the city, was a comfort Alicia allowed into her life. It allowed her to think, and ponder on her next move. It involved furthering the corruption of the Bureau from the top to bottom. She would need to court another person to fill the role of Staff Deputy. The current man was not someone that Alicia would be able to manipulate, coerce or blackmail. He was a stout Imperial- a loyalist to the Empire and doctrines of the New Order. Their replacement would be someone that Alicia could use, and act in her place, so that her trips off-world to the likes of Obredaan could be done without affecting her duties back here on Lianna. They would need to be someone capable of fulfilling the role while she would be away. A believer in her cause, and the plans that she would put into motion. Not someone who would know the full extent of her plans, but an individual who would buy into an idea that they would think is theirs, but would be hers in realit-


Alicia turned her gaze from the street traffic below to her hip. The familiar sound of her commlink pinging to her left broke her thoughts. Annoyed, Alicia lowered her hand down to her hip to remove the device and open it. "This better be good," Alicia spoke curtly to the person on the other side.

"Director Drey," replied the nervous tones of a male. Alicia already guessed by his voice that he was someone in their early twenties. Native to Lianna based on the accent. Nervous because he was low in rank and talking to the second most powerful person in the entire Empire. "I am Agent Barut from Outpost Northwest..." The annoyance that Alicia felt graduated away rather quickly as Barut continued to speak. She recognised the outpost as one belonging to the DSDT. Now she was intrigued instead. "...we have a message on display here to contact you directly."

"Yes, Barut. Who is that you have found?"

"You won't believe this, ma'am, but our A.I picked up a sighting of Valery Noble in the spaceport,"
Barut explained. He did well not to stammer in his explanation, and Alicia did the same not to break out into laughter. Was he being serious? "We can't be a hundred percent confident on the match but we're now making enquires to get a confirmation. It could be someone who looks like her, so we're looking into it now. Just to be sure. But we were passed orders on by the A.I to contact you if a..."

Alicia looked away from the commlink quietly to stare back out at the city as Barut's voice trailed off somewhere in the distance. Her eyes became unfocused, and the mind begun to race. Alicia knew that after Coruscant there was going to be someone after her. Her expectations had rested in some Jedi of relative obscurity, or a spook working for the Secret Intelligence Agency. Someone was definitely going to come after her, she had foreseen it. Given her recent arrangements with the Mecetti she had, in fact, expected them to have something to do with it. After all, Casteban Mecetti Casteban Mecetti was a Senator and a cunning man at that. It made a lot of sense for one of them to put the might of the Alliance on her heels given the things she had discovered about them.

Fight fire with fire, as the saying goes.

But not the Jedi Grandmaster herself and here on Lianna of all places? Was this because of Tython and her recent duel with Vulpesen Vulpesen ? Had her recent meetings with the heads of Mecetti Nationalized Industries, Trade Federation of Planets, Corporate Sector and the dozen other organisations warranted the full attention of the most powerful Jedi today? Had she underestimated Casteban and the investigation he was going through into Alicia and her affairs after what happened to Relux Relux and the incident on Obulette? Or was this was the move of an unknown rival in the Dark Empire or Sith Order who were simply following the old maxim of the enemy of my enemy is my friend? Out of all the prisoners who were freed in Operation: Absolution had she been really far up the rest of criminals to kill, or bring back in, that the leader of the Jedi Order would come here, for her?

The variables were numerous. Far too many to consider, and ponder on. This required her full attention. The ways of the dark side compelled her to act.

"Agent Barut,"
Alicia replied after a long bout of silence. Far longer than it should have been to reply too his brief report. Her eyes narrowed, and the cunning mind that she possessed begun to assert control of the growing situation. "I am on my way to your Outpost right now. I want eyes kept on the suspect at all times. Contact me immediately when you have a full picture, or recording of Noble. I want an exact match beyond a shadow of a doubt. Do not let local authorities know of this sighting yet. We have to be sure before we make our move. You have five minutes."

The last part had been a lie. If she were a real Imperial fulfilling the duties of the Staff Director then a 58% match to Valery Noble Valery Noble was more than enough to send in the Peacekeepers to apprehend and detain the suspect until a positive identification was made. This would require some explanation later if internal affairs were to look into this incident. But Alicia would worry about that for later. If it really was the Jedi Grandmaster then they were here on Lianna and it was either for her, or they were up to something else. Both were intriguing, and dangerous. If it was the former- rather than the latter- then Noble's presence here on Lianna risked catastrophe to Alicia and her place in the Bureau. If it was the latter then it still warranted her full attention.

As far as Alicia was concerned the newly anointed Emperor of the Lost and his council of Moffs did not know Alicia Drey was in fact a Sith Lord nor the former Jedi Knight who served in the Old Republic. Of course, it was possible that Kilran did know who she was and was playing a cunning game that Alicia did not yet understand or know about. With Maestus Maestus at his side there were already connections to be made and it depended on what the Twi'lek would do with what she knew. Then, of course, the man was an extremely powerful individual with his own powerbase to work with. It was entirely plausible that Kilran had his own sources to work with outside the ones Alicia knew about.

But if Noble made contact with any of them, or were discovered by the Empire before Alicia could intervene, then it spelled doom for her. She had to find Valery first, and stop her before the other powers that be here on Lianna made their move. The only advantages that Alicia possessed at this time was first knowledge, and control. It was days like today that made the effort and expense of the Direct Surveillance program worth while. She would get to Noble first, before the Emperor, his Council or others discovered her. Darth Ayra was a Master of the dark side and a true master never revealed him or herself.

In the here, and now, Alicia knew of a possible threat and it warranted her full powers in the dark side. Switching frequencies from Outpost Northwest to her personal ship Alicia called up Arsix: an old astromech droid left over from Ella Nova's time. "Arsix. Activate the protocol unit on board the Initium and have it take the ship directly to my position. I am on top of the Bureau headquarters in Lianna City."

replied the astromech on the other end. Closing the commlink and pocketing it Alicia begun to unfasten the white tunic that she was wearing. As the flap came undone and loosened Alicia bowed her head in concentration. She reached out into the Force for guidance, and answers. As the gusts waged around her, threatening to knock her off the ledge of the headquarters, Alicia felt nothing. Was it really Grandmaster Noble, or was it a false positive?



Outfit: Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Even before her shuttle settled down inside the spaceport, Valery felt a strange tremor through the Force. The same kind she felt whenever she walked through the jungles of New Cov and knew she was being watched by some of the most lethal predators and plant-life in the entire Galaxy. It put her on edge and forced her into a state of focus that kept her from being distracted by anything. One wrong move inside the Jungle was enough to never emerge from it again, after all.

Now, she had to survive this Duracrete Jungle and find her target.

After walking down the ramp of her shuttle, Valery raised her wrist and tapped away at the display of her wrist-comm unit. She was carefully mapping her path through the city, just in case she were to disappear or be forced to find her way back from somewhere within its depths. She couldn't be too careful — not with this constant feeling that she wasn't just being watched, but that the entire world was coming down upon her. The people around her paid no attention to her, but someone was.

Maybe, I just have to let you come to me.

The lips of Valery's lips curled up into a smirk and without any further delays, she began to walk. Her usual Jedi attire was very unique and one recognized across the Galaxy, but out here, she wore a much simpler outfit. Jeans, tall boots, a tank top and a jacket in which she could hide the hilts of her lightsabers. Sunglasses kept people from seeing the striking orange eyes, but now that she had made up her mind about her approach, Valery took them off.

Within a crowd, nobody would notice, but there was no way that someone paying attention would miss it.

For now, Valery's target remained the same. She was planning to head to where her intel told her this woman's business empire had started. But something told her that she'd never quite reach that destination.

Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble

As Alicia entered the Outpost she needn't have been Force-sensitive to feel the excitement in the air. Walking past the officers which were manning Northwest they raised their arms in salute to their superior as she made her way further into the building. Somewhere in the background the Initium was powering down and it's landing ramp retracting after Alicia locked up the ship. When Director Drey finished entering the Outpost she turned to survey the room of officers and asked: "Status report?"

"The target has been seen leaving the Spaceport on a route that would take her to one of the public transports,"
stated one of the Staff Officers. "It would appear that they are heading out of Northwest on course for Lianna City."

"Is it the Grandmaster?"
Alicia enquired.

"We have run fresh composite scans of the individual and our A.I is telling us that it is an 88% match to Valery Noble. It's her ma'am."

Alicia pouted her lips in thought. What was she going to do now? It would be very easy to bring the might of the Bureau down upon the Jedi and take her into custody. But then that would lead to an interrogation, or worse still, the interest of the Emperor and his Moffs. She had no doubt in mind that if that were to happen she would be exposed. Through the Force Alicia felt that this was about her. That the Jedi Grandmaster had come to Lianna to find her.

To bring her in.

"I am suspending every man or woman that mans this building with full pay," Alicia begun to say to the room. "Effectively immediately Outpost Northwest is hereby shut down until further notice. Report into Headquarters to turn in your badges, weapons and equipment. As of now this incident is classified. Return to your homes and await further instructions."

The shock that swept through the room was palpable, and as the Staff Officer turned to stare at his operatives in disbelief, Alicia turned to exit the Outpost. She hoped that with them being suspended with full pay would buy her enough time to perform a cover-up of this incident. That they would keep their mouths shut until further orders came in from the Staff Director or the other leadership in the organisation. But Alicia didn't know if they would.

Everything was up in the air now as to what would happen next.



Outfit: Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

"I'd like to go to the business district," Valery requested from the droid that worked as taxi pilot. She wasn't sure if they were programmed to recognize her or not, but considering there weren't any blasters pointing her way just yet, she assumed that she'd be fine. To be safe, though, she purposefully decided against the taxi bringing her to her exact destination. The business district was quite extensive, but she had no trouble walking the rest of the way.

If she even made it that far.

Her presence on the planet was never going to go completely unnoticed. Perhaps she had hoped for it before arriving, but from the second she had felt that ripple in the Force, she knew that this was going to be more interesting. Now, she was playing bait, and she had a feeling they knew that as well. It made no sense for them to not immediately come to detain her, otherwise. So, how far could she push them before they'd make a move?

From within the back of the taxi, Valery closely watched the stream of traffic around her. Down on the surface, she had her methods to avoid being captured, but inside the vehicle, she was more exposed.

"How long before we arrive?"

Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble
Location: The Initium

After Alicia had closed Outpost Northwest she had sliced the buildings network and linked it to her computers on board the Initium. With the transmission secured Alicia had initiated lockdown protocols in the Outpost until it's artificial intelligence received her codes and then exited the building. Returning to her ship Alicia sat activated a protocol unit on board to pilot the ship while she dealt with the incoming stream of information that the DSDT Program was delivering to her about Valery Noble Valery Noble and her location.

As the Initium flew cloaked and it's dampening field active (to prevent detection) Alicia learned that the Grandmaster had entered a taxi and was enroute to the business district. Now why would you be going there? Alicia thought to herself. As the on board camera- found inside the taxi's compartment- streamed Valery to her Alicia didn't need the program to tell her that it was Jedi Grandmaster now. When Alicia had been building the DSDT initiative she had personally programmed several names into it's database on the off chance one of them ended up on a world belonging to the Empire and Valery Noble had been one of those people. As she sat there, flying through traffic en route to Lianna City, Alicia pondered on what to do next.

That was when an idea struck her.

Worming her hands across the keyboard in front of her Alicia sliced into the droid piloting Valery's taxi and delivered too it new instructions. Instead of taking Valery to the business district the taxi would be diverted to a more secluded area of Lianna City that Alicia knew about. Every ecumenopolis had a slum and from her surveillance of the planet she had learned of a particular place in the city where the homeless had taken refuge from the Peacekeepers whom patrolled the city. Homelessness was illegal in the Empire, so if these down trotted few were ever picked up, then it was a one way ticket to Stygeon Prime to join the prison colonies there. So they had chosen an area of the city that was patrolled rarely. A forgotten place in Lianna City that had been left behind a long time ago as it had expanded it's borders. A fitting place to deal with her before she undid everything Alicia had been working towards since Operation Absolution.

"Not long left now ma'am,"
replied the Taxi droid as it diverted it's path away from the business district to the slums. In the distance the Initium loomed as it followed the Taxi on it's new trajectory. As it dived and flew downwards into the city Valery would noticed that they were leaving the lavish upper levels of Lianna City and flying into the areas that were visibly more urban than the top. In their conceit the Empire had made great efforts to show the stability, security and order that it had brought to Lianna following the troubled times when Carnifex's Sith Empire had pulled out of the system by making the upper levels clean, rich and prominent. Like a paint job that did well to cover the cracks and yet the cracks would still persist underneath.

A fitting irony given the circumstances that had taken Valery Noble to Lianna in the first place. Long ago, at the end of a war that had seen the end of the Galactic Republic, a crack had seemingly begun to form in the heart of a former Jedi Knight whom Valery was now investigating, and as her investigation took her deeper into the cracks of the undercity, one had to wonder what had made Ella Nova turn her back on everything she had stood for?



Outfit: Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

What could drive a once-respected Jedi to these extremes?

Valery pondered the question, as she took notice of a rather sudden shift in direction. Planets such as Coruscant and Lianna had very strict and guided traffic flow — one stray vehicle could otherwise cause unimaginable chaos among the thousands if not millions of speeders and shuttles that were up in the air at any point in time. For her taxi to suddenly change which stream it followed, clearly away from where she wished to be, could only ever mean one thing. Someone or something had altered its instructions. With that feeling of being constantly watched still pulsing through the Force, Valery believed that her change of plans was working.

She didn't need to find Alicia Drey Alicia Drey . The woman would come to find her.

"Thank you," Valery told the taxi driver, as they made their way down into the slums. "Put me down there and I'll find my way." She knew it wouldn't be long before someone would come for her. Whether it was Alicia herself or someone working for her, remained to be seen. Perhaps she had even misjudged the entire situation and another paranoid Imperial was worried about the presence of a Jedi on this planet. But something told her that the latter wasn't the case. Every piece of intel, every feeling or echo in the Force had brought her to this very moment for a reason.

She would have her answers.

Soon enough, the droid piloted the taxi down into the slums, to where no official drop-off point could ever be. Valery opened the door and without saying anything about having been displaced, she turned and smiled once more, "Thank you for your service." She closed the door and watched the taxi move away, back into the endless stream of traffic that flowed around the enormous skyscrapers of Lianna.

Now, she waited.


Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble

As the Taxi begun to rise and return to the upper levels of the city the sound of ion engines roared in the slums. The Initium decloaked just as it's landing procedures were initiated by the protocol droid piloting it. As the cloak dispersed and the landing gears engaged to land the ship the mouth of it opened and vented hydraulic gas across the street. The nearby homeless immediately begun to clear the area. They recognised a Sith ship when they saw one and so they knew when to get out of dodge. As the landing ramp lowered a hooded figure emerged from the bowels of the ship.

It was Ella Nova. Knight of the Old Republic. Escapee from the maximum security ward on Coruscant.

In the flesh.


As Darth Ayra walked down the ramp of the Initium the curved Lightsaber blade, which hung from her hip, concealed by the dark robes that she wore, was a comfortable weight in the presence of the Jedi Grandmaster. A pair of hands lifted themselves to the hem of her hood as she walked down the ramp, and they did well to keep the cowl of her robe in position as the hydraulic gas vented to threaten it's removal. As the hydraulics stopped venting Ayra stood at the foot of the ramp and her gaze turned to Valery Noble Valery Noble with a sombre expression.

Noble hadn't been around when she had served the Galactic Republic. She didn't know much about them. There were rumours that had circulated about the black markets, where superstitions and myths were traded if they were facts, that the Grandmaster had defeated Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis at the end of the Second Great Hyperspace War. But then that couldn't possibly be true because if Valery had defeated the self-proclaimed Sith'ari then he would not have stood on that summit on Carlac to address the Dark Empire. For fifty-years Ayra had slumbered in a cryochamber in the underground of Coruscant while Noble became a leader to the Galactic Alliance.

Now one former hero of the Republic faced off against the hero of the Alliance.

Victory has defeated you.

Solipsis' words had resonated with Ayra on that day. Now, in front of her, was the Jedi who had stood up against him in the old war, and now stood up against him in the new. Although a name hadn't been christened for this Star War that now raged between the Galactic Alliance and the Dark Empire Ayra was sure that Valery Noble would be remembered by both sides. Here was an opportunity to end the Grandmaster and secure a victory for her side.

But then Ayra wasn't on anyone else's side but hers.

"Master Noble," Ayra said as she lowered the cowl of her robe. "I didn't plan for us to meet so soon. You are a long way from home. Have you come to stop me?"



Outfit: Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

As the Initium made its way down to the metal surface of Lianna's slums, Valery's gaze shifted around only once. A sign to those watching to depart immediately. Because even with all of the intel she had available, Valery had no real profile that described Darth Ayra's skills, nor her willingness to exploit potential hostages. These people were not of the Alliance and perhaps Alicia's duties, in theory, meant she needed to protect them, but Valery wasn't so convinced.

Most Sith only cared for themselves.

Soon enough, the ship touched down and sent currents of exhaust winds towards the Jedi Master, but she stood her ground and only felt her hair moving along to the chaotic flow. The ramp then lowered with a familiar hydraulic hiss and from within the ship, the woman she had been reading so much about finally emerged.

But was she truly alone?

As arrogant as Sith could be, there was no reason for her to come alone. Why take the risk when confronting the one Jedi most would actively avoid if they could? Valery wasn't quite sure, but perhaps it spoke to the nature of her relationship with the Empire of the Lost and its people.

"Alicia Drey," Valery began with a faint smile touching her lips. "Or should I say Ella Nova?" Valery tilted her head slightly and watched to gauge the woman's reaction.

"I'm quite sure you know why I'm here. Running away and hiding doesn't mean we forget."

Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"What is it that you remember, Master?"

Ayra lowered her hands away from the hem of her dark robes as she begun to pace in a circle around Valery. A pair of blue eyes glared at the Jedi Grandmaster as Ayra walked and they conversed. "The two of us are veterans of different times, aren't we? In my time there was a Galactic Republic which espoused peace, and justice. As a Jedi I served the Republic for years as it was invaded by the One Sith just as you now serve the Galactic Alliance. Have you seen your civilization die yet, Grandmaster? This is what I remember."

Ayra turned her gaze from Valery as she continued to pace and talk. "Our coming together was an inevitability. After all we have common goals. But if you have travelled all this way to kill me then I am afraid that you are mistaken. For fifty, long years I rested in that cryochamber. Consigned to serve a sentence that I did not deserve. Your predecessors- blinded by the power of the dark side- were strung into a series of events which resulted in my incarceration, and how ironic that the Jedi Council could be so willing to do what He wanted them to do?"

Ayra stopped circling with her back turned to Valery. She lifted her gaze up and through the canopy that she could almost spot the top of the city. Unlike Coruscant- whose ecumenopolis was so gargantuan in size that it stretched the entire planet- Lianna City was far smaller by comparison, and therefore it's levels were not as deep. Still, at this distance, it was difficult to see the grey skyline of the planet Lianna and it's star that barely twinkled through the clouds that hung over head. It had been raining constantly now for several months, and sections of the city were reporting flooding. Almost like the planet was crying at her presence here.

"I would love nothing more than to come home," Ayra murmured. Her voice was suddenly heavy with emotion. Sadness perturbated the Force as she stood there in the rain. Reminiscent about the Galactic Republic and what had been lost. It had been so long that she couldn't even remember the voices or faces of the people that she had lost to the One Sith. All that she had left were the feelings left behind, and the Work.

"But it was all destroyed by the Sith. The only thing I have left is to finish what they started all those years ago."

Ayra turned her gaze to look over her shoulder at Valery, and as they looked each other in the eyes again, the blue eyes were gone. Bloodshot, and yellow. Corrupted by the dark side. "Don't make me hurt you. We should be working together to destroy Darth Carnifex. Not fighting each other," Darth Ayra declared.



Outfit: Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

"I've seen my entire world fall apart from one second to another," Valery began after first having listened to the woman. She watched, as Ayra circled around her, and did her best to genuinely listen and understand. "You and I share something in common. We've both been through stasis, though mine was more than a few life times long. From one day to another, I saw my Enclave go from healthy and thriving, even in a time of war, to being left in ruins and long-forgotten." While it had been one of the most difficult days of her life when she first learned of what happened to her Enclave, Valery recalled the memory without any hints of sadness to her voice. It was in the past.

Ayra turned her gaze over her shoulder, her eyes burning with that familiar corruption of the Dark Side. It flowed strongly around her, but Valery could tell there was more to her than just pitch black. Every part of her voice and soul was filled with sorrow, and Valery couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

"About 10 years ago, my old Enclave was rebuilt. It's never too late to rebuild or repair anything, Ella," Valery said with a much calmer voice. "You can still come home and leave all of this behind. The darkness, the paranoia and this self-destructive path you're on. It's never too late to turn away from it." She knew that mere words were unlikely to change anything now, but if she could even plant just a little seed of hope, she'd be content with this conversation.

"I can not join your side, nor can I allow you to roam free the way you are now. But I can help you, if you let me."

Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Ayra turned her gaze away from the Grandmaster as she finished her retort. She settled her eyes on the skyscrapers above, and felt the specks of rain pouring from above assault her. How she longed not to be here in this alleyway talking with Valery. "I still remember the Agricultural Corps," Ella murmured to herself. "I hadn't shown any signs of promise with the Force. Wasn't even ready for my initiation. Carn Dista saw it. Life would have been so different if I had just been left alone in those gardens. It was peaceful."

"I miss home."

The nostalgia passed and Ayra turned her body fully around to look upon Valery Noble Valery Noble . She resumed the same pace as before. Circling the Grandmaster and attempting to court her favour in the Work.

"We share nothing in common, Master. I was there at the rally on Carlac. I listened to the Despot and his Emperor talk about the past. That was when I knew that I was in the company of losers. They lost the Second Great Hyperspace War to your Alliance. You succeeded where I failed. I could not save the Republic."

"I won't let you stop the work that I am doing here in the Empire of the Lost. I will finish what I started with Carnifex. He will pay for everything that he did to the Republic, to me, and to the entire Galaxy. Do not let Jedi pragmatism blind you to the opportunity that is present here. We can work together to bring Carnifex down."

Ayra stopped near Valery and extended her hand out to her for it to be taken. The two women locked eyes, and Ayra declared:

"I do not want to hurt you, Master. Take my hand and together we will stop the Sith."



Outfit: Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

"Just because you failed doesn't mean we're different. You've fought and bled for the Republic you served, and you did so for a reason. That makes us more alike than just about anything else ever could." Valery looked Ayra in the eyes as she turned around once again, and hoped to find even but a shimmer of Ella. Of the woman she once was, and left behind when she fell and went down a much darker path.

Nobody was ever truly gone.

"You can still go home. This isn't it," Valery said as she gestured around to the city and its people. "This is your means to an end. Something you use to complete your goals and satisfy your lust for revenge. But do you really care for it?" Valery challenged with a rising intensity in her eyes. The proposition sounded good in theory — set aside some differences to fight a common enemy. One that had plagued this Galaxy for many years, and destroyed countless lives.

But they fought for very different reasons. Too different.

"I can't accept your hand, Ella. Not for this." She let out a deeper breath and kept her gaze fixated on Ayra's eyes. "I will accept your hand when you decide to make the right decision. Until then, I can't allow you to continue."


Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Darth Ayra lowered her eyes to the hand that she had outstretched for Valery to take. Droplets of rain created beads which ran across the surface of her palm, and fingers. She watched one of them fall from the tip of her index finger as doubt begun to seed it's way into her. As that very same doubt begun to etch it's way across her face Ayra contemplated, for the first time, of letting go of her revenge. Leaving it all behind. To go back to the Core, and prove that the Summit of Governments had been orchestrated by Carnifex. That he had set her up, and the heroes that had gathered on that day had been deceived. To go back to the Jedi and begin the path of redemption; becoming the hero that she had once been for the Galactic Republic in the face of the One Sith- only now- it would be the Dark Empire that she would stand against instead.

Instead of walking the path of solitude, where there would be no light of comradery or thanks- no adulation, or gratitude- Ayra could become Ella Nova again. To walk the path of the light side, and bring peace to the Galaxy. It was tempting. So many dark days spent lying to the upper echelons of the Empire and the Imperials who governed it. Dealing with the likes of the Tribunal, Dark Side Elite and New Sith Order whom served Solipsis and his Dark Empire. Coercing, blackmailing and manipulating individuals to pursue her own agenda. It was a lonely life. Tiresome.

Worth it.

"I don't believe you," Ayra said sadly as her hand dropped back to her side. As she turned away from the Grandmaster Ayra begun to unfasten the cloak that she wore and discarded it into the wet pavement. As it fell to the ground Ayra unfastened the curved Lightsaber blade from her utility belt and thumbed the activation button.


As the blade hummed in the humid, wet alleyway- with her back still turned to Valery- Ayra stated:

"If you are not with me then you are against me, Grandmaster. You are forcing me to destroy you."
Only a Sith deals in absolutes.



Outfit: Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

"I don't believe you,"

Valery frowned and watched the woman withdraw her hand with a saddened expression. She hadn't expected Alicia to turn her life around here and now, but there was always that hope. For now, Valery would have to hold onto a different hope — that her offer and words would eventually resonate and perhaps help Ella improve her life. Until that day, Valery would remain patient and do whatever she could to encourage it.

But in this very moment, she knew that she'd have to defend herself.

"You're forcing yourself to do that," Valery replied, as she drew the hilt of her lightsaber into her hand. With the familiar snap-hiss, the violet blade ignited and was promptly raised into a guard.

"I don't want to hurt you or bring you more suffering. I just want to help." But she didn't see it that way, and Valery could feel that hatred guiding her. The darkness that consumed her thoughts and actions. "I hope you do find your way back, Ella, but I will not allow you to cause harm to myself or anybody else."

"It needs to stop."


Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble

You are forcing yourself to do that.

Darth Ayra lowered her gaze to the humming sound that emitted from her now ignited Lightsaber blade. She allowed the moment to envelope her. Through her confrontation with the Jedi Grandmaster- the most powerful Jedi alive today- Valery Noble has retaliated with a choice. As she traversed the path of the dark side, from the moment she had been freed from the cryochamber on Coruscant, Ayra had not expected a fork to open on that road.

Now she had to make her choice.

I don't want to hurt you or bring you more suffering. I just want to help.

Darth Ayra lifted her gaze up from the crimson light to stare out into space. The words rung true in her mind. There was a kind authenticity in them which conveyed truth. The Force told her that Valery did not want to fight her.

I hope you find your way back, Ella, but I will not allow you to cause harm to myself or anybody else.

Darth Ayra rolled the curved hilt in her palm expertly. The humming motion snapped her out of it. Her body turned to face Valery and begun to open itself up. The illusion of choice had been shattered by the Grandmaster's ultimatum. Far too many had perished in the scheme that Ayra had been working on since finding her freedom after the Dark Empire freed her from the Galactic Alliance. Tython, Gala, and now even Tion had been sacrifices in the work Ayra had been pursuing to destroy the Sith and reform the Sith Order in it's natural paradigm.

Two there should be. No more, no less.

Ayra had come too far to step back in the light now, and as she finished contemplating it, she felt no desire too.

It needs to stop.

"No it does not, Master. What I am doing is... necessary."

The dark cloak that Ayra had been wearing was caught in the ventilation of a nearby conduit. Caught in the stream of hydraulic air it flowed through the space between Darth Ayra and Grandmaster Noble. Before it dropped to the ground Ayra made her move. A flurry of strikes begun to rain down upon the Jedi as Ayra adopted the basic form of Shii-Cho: the first Lightsaber technique all Jedi Initiates learn as they begin to study the craft of Lightsaber fighting.

Ironic that it was now being used to kill Valery where she stood.

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