Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Zinn Zinn Bink'sa


Name: Zinn Zinn Bink'sa
Homeworld: Naboo
Sex: Male
Rank: Sith Apprentice
Species: Gungan
Age: 21
Height: 1.9 Meters
Weight: 100 Kilograms
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: None
Force Sensitive: Yes

Zinn Zinn's personality is a mixture of brute force, and inquisitively. Like the rest of his people, he is very prone to questions about the world around him. Often seeking to find out what the wider galaxy holds, what the Force entails especially the darker parts of it. Despite being plagued by bouts of clumsiness and rants often in gunganese due to episodes of insanity, Zinn Zinn still holds larger goals in mind for the wider galaxy. Especially that of the Sith in hopes of no longer being made an outcast, and to one day rule all over Gungans. Taking them from a mocked race to one day set sights on taking control of Naboo one day. His pride in his people is as deep as his lust for deeper secrets of the Force. His inquisitive nature takes him to the deepest darkest places, even though oftentimes showing fear for things that he does not entirely understand. When not in the thrill of battle, he is studying anything and everything around him. He also holds an immense dislike for the Naboo.


Born to a dark priestess and a banished one. Zinn Zinn belonged to Clan Bink'sa, some would say was a cursed clan that came from the being known as Jar Jar Binks. While such things remained lost to time, such like Jar Jar himself, much of the clan was made of banished ones and Gungans who lusted for greed, power, and the darker sides of the Force. Such was the clan so, some say the clan had worshipped a shrine to Jar Jar, with some claiming he was a Sith that brought forth Emperor Palpatine to power, holding true to such a legend, Jar Jar was revered as an outcast god for all. However, Zinn Zinn was brought up to think of the fabled maker of the clan as a god of sorts. However during his youth, his clan was made the laughing stock, and persecution of both fellow Gungans, and the Naboo alike.

Only when Naboo was brought deeper into the fold of the galaxy did Zinn Zinn learn the truth, as he matured he began to manifest the Force. Not in the purest form, but that of a darker aspect. Zinn Zinn overthrew the leader of Clan Bink'sa and was established as its head. When he read the history of Binks and that of clan Bink'sa. He regarded it all as nothing more than useless. Binks in itself while a figure that played a part in the Sith's schemes, was something that the Gungan questioned on if it was real or not. At the end of it all, he was determined to be the greatest one of his people, even if it was by evil means. Gaining control of his clan, he managed to go on a raid to acquire a ship from a pair of wealthy Naboo, but the attempt in itself brought the ire of the Naboo guard, and when most of clan Bink'sa was being slaughtered. Zinn Zinn tapped into the dark side to slaughter the Naboo Guards, and to steal the ship in a short time while narrowly avoiding capture of the authorities.

With a ship, and a means to travel outside of his home, on a path that leads him as the sole survivor of his clan. On the path towards the Sith themselves, will Zinn Zinn reach the heights of what power could behold, or would he end up as Binks once did? An outcast was forgotten through the pages of history. He didn't know. The galaxy faces a new variable, this is where Zinn Zinn's tale begins.

Zinn's Zinn's appearance was once that of fair-skinned gungans, but the experimentation with the darker side of the Force, has led the skin to grow harder, his eyes more disturbing than the typical stock appearance of gungans, his build becoming more muscular as a result. Scars adorn his skin, all the while the skin turned into patches of blackness, as a result of dark side corruption, although while muscular still possess a slim build.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Inquisitive: Always seeking out questions and answers, Zinn's Zinn's own curiosity about the wider galaxy is a remarkable trait, as well as useful for the machinations of a Sith.

Tough: Despite most of his species being seen as cowardly, and at times more agile fighters, Zinn Zinn has agility but progresses in raw brute force.

Darker Spirit: Easily called to by darkness, by hearing the dark side, and reaching out through strong emotions thus increasing his power.

Clumsiness: Often at times being clumsy, this in itself tends to get in the way of Zinn Zinn's plans.

Insanity: Upon being an outcast from birth, shunned by both Naboo and Human, has sent him on bouts of insanity and rants of both Gunganese and Basic

Mechanics: Despite being skilled in combat, Zinn Zinn does not do well with fixing things, if not always breaking things when trying with certain tech.

Bounties: None

Kills: None


Ship: Nubian Royal Ship



Vemric Keldra

Lifts eyebrow

Would be interesting to see how he got past the entire armada hanging over Naboo and the rest of the sector as well as the entire Knights Obsidian Force Order stationed on Naboo ;)

All kidding aside, love the character! MOAR GUNGANS!!! \o/

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