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You're Grounded For, Like, Ever! (Tegs/Aba)

[member="Tegaea Alcori"], [member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

"A Qadiri general called Brahdok once tried to conquer the Vashyada. That's what remains of her fortress. It's said her head was put on a pike for all to see as a warning to other intruders," Siobhan explained to Abaigeal when the yacht approached the shore, revealing the remains of the primitive fort along with some skeletons.

Beach covered in gravel, short patch of cleared land, a foreboding forest that seemed like a natural fortress. The trees were like a wall. Siobhan was no expert in Force Sense, but after many years spent as a soldier she had good instincts. Thus it was no surprise that they were being watched.

A storm of arrows was probably waiting to be unleashed. She gave Chesna a nod. "Alright, do your thing. No firing without my permission," she spoke, directing her last words towards the Firemane guards. In the shadows, shielded by the trees, Wood Elves lay in wait.


One got too nervy or paranoid, then the first arrow flew. Then several others followed. Some of them seemed to be guided by the Force, be it consciously or unconsciously was something Siobhan could not assess. Her Force manifested a barrier to shield Chesna and the others. The storm of primitive projectiles impacted upon it and the arrows disintegrated.
As Abaigeal left the ship and found her way to the peddled beach, her feet crunched with every foot step. She was on a meter or so behind the two mothers, not wishing to place herself in any position of authority. She felt it too, a sudden warning through the force that there are beings around them and watching. She was about to speak when the first arrow fizzed through the air toward them.

Even more so, she sensed the great power coming from Sio as she put up the force barrier to surround them all for protection. More arrows came, hitting the shield only to disintegrate. She had to wonder what the Elves would think of that, magic, as he eyes searched for them among the forest. Her force senses would guide her to their location, there was a lot of them and so very well hidden among the trees. But she could see some movement, only slight as the Elves would move position. It was eerie and yet intriguing.

Abaigeal waited .. this would be Chesna's show to win them over ..
[member="Tegaea Alcori"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Chesna had winced and moved aside before realising the arrows were being caught before reaching her. She coughed, straightened her robe and stepped forward.
Reaching out with her Sciia she found the minds of the four Vashyada watching them. They were alarmed, determined…she sought to soothe them and at the same time she reached to grasp their language.

“Wait! We come in peace, we mean you no harm! We wish to talk to your leaders.” Pulling the language from the mind of the others she spoke as if with their accent and dialect perfectly. It was something she was very, very good at.
At first there was silence, but she knew they had heard her. Finally one of the Vashyada called back.
“Who are you? Why are you here?”
Chesna translated this for Aba and Siobhan. “What do you wish me to reply with?”
[member="Tegaea Alcori"], [member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

First Contact ensued! As expected, the situation was tense. A misstep could easily lead to unpleasant bloodshed. Good thing Siobhan had majored in xenorelations and diplomacy. Well, actually she hadn't.

At least the wood elves had stopped firing volleys of arrows at them."I am Lady Siobhan Kerrigan. The Dark Ones call me Kariszhar. " That was the Xioquo word for 'Destroyer'. "I come in peace and wish to speak with your leaders. I'm from the stars and defeated the horde of slavers who came from the sky to assail this world." Well, actually she hadn't been involved in that operation, since it had taken place in the first dominion, but whatever. Most of the victims of the slavers had been Qadiri, but Vashyada had been abducted as well.
She remained close to Sio well protected by the bubble and listened to Chesna use the strange language. Nothing of it could Abaigeal grasp, maybe in time, but for now there was no hints.

Unsure of what to do or say, she decided the best action was to remain silent and keep her mouth shut. Besides she had nothing to say. The arrows had stopped, at least for now as the talks seemed to be working. But there was a sense of tension in the air and one wrong move would see a restart of the attack, and probably more so as the first round was probably a warning.

Abaigeal saw one of them, a female by the eyes of her, it was only a flicker of a face and soon the elf had vanished in the woods again.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Tegaea Alcori"]

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Abaigeal E'ron"]
(Next post I'll move things on so you both have more to do.)

There was a pause as Chesna translated. Finally, a pale skinned elf with blonde hair descended to the ground and approached them, her hands clasped before her in a sign of peace.
Tegaea gestured for their party to stand down, and doubtless Siobhan would do the same.
Still, the Vashyada looked wary, and Chesna could feel her anxiety clearly. They clearly feared a trap.

“The High King and Queen will wish to meet with you. If you wish to come with us, it is not far up the river. We must ask that we hold your weapons before you approach them.”
Chesna looked at Siobhan and Tegaea after translating. “My Mistresses do not like to be unarmed or giving their weapons to others.” She left out the fact that the Force users were permanently armed with the Force, and were far more deadly with that than any mere weapon.
The Vashyada seemed in an impossible position, but finally she nodded. “As you wish, but we ask you leave them with your people outside our city.”
“That is acceptable,” Chesna said. She looked to Siobhan and the others. “We’ll leave our weapons with the group outside. They don’t want us to go before their rulers armed.”
“I’ll keep a hold of them,” Tempest volunteered. “Never was one to deal with queens and kings unless I had to,” she commented. It would also allow her to be separate from the group in case there was any trouble.
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"], [member="Tegaea Alcori"]

"That's fine with me. Aba, give your sabre to Tempest," Siobhan said in Basic and began removing her weapons. Lightsabre, bolt pistol and sonic blaster. These she passed over to Tempest.

"Stand watch. Be ready to call down a storm if I give the signal," she added in Dahomian. Her grasp of the language wasn't the best, but the amazon would be able to understand her. Speaking of amazons, it just occured to this writer that at 6'1 Aba was a hell of a lot taller than her mother. Suffice to say Siobhan was wearing a pair of particularly imposing boots in an attempt to make the significant height difference a bit less obvious.
She did not really like the idea of handing over her saber, but reluctantly she did as asked. Moving over to Tempest, she gave the girl a look that suggested she be ready as well, who knew what would happen at any given moment. Abaigeal placed the saber in Tempest hand and went back to join the Sio and Lady Tegaea.

But there is more to a Jedi or force user then a saber, Sio was a weapon herself and Abaigeal was learning fast. She would wait for the signal to move out. The wood elves seemed to be edgy always mindful of their surroundings and attuned the nature. There are some attuned to the force, she could sense them, but whether they are aware of it she did not know. This in a way, made them more dangerous and unpredictable, Abaigeal would keep vigilance on those ones.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Tegaea Alcori"]

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

With the weapons handed over, the other Vashyada descended from the trees and put their weapons away. Silently, they led the party under the eaves of the forest and down to the river where a pair of large canoes were concealed. Pulled out, they were rowed up the steam, and it was hard work going against the current until they came to a branching stream where the going was easier.

A day passed with little contact between the Vashyada and their guests. All around them the forest grew thicker and thicker, only the occasional strand of golden light piercing the canopy. Occasionally the Vashyada whistled or made horn calls, which were answered by unseen Vashyada. Those with the Force would sense the presence of many Vashyada observing and shadowing their march before returning to errands.

When at last they came to landfall it was night and the party made camp with some fires in a clearing used for this purpose. The Vashyada provided food in the form of a strange mushroom cake with some odd meat. Though not terrible tasting, it was strange, and Tegaea at least favoured her rations instead.

The next morning, a few miles along dizzying paths took them to some wooden palisades, but there was no sign of a city…until one looked up. High above, like the villages on Kashyyyk and Endor, the city expanded into the canopy. Rope ladders were lowered and the guests brought up the dizzying heights to sturdy platforms fully twenty metres above the ground.
Beyond, on the ground, was the shores of a lake and some facilities for smelting which was impractical to do in the air.

Tempest and the Firemane personnel stayed on the ground and were invited to investigate and explore the inside of the palisade if they wished.

An honour guard of Vashyada was waiting for Siobhan and Tegaea, and they were led through a procession to a fall coated in tapestries and adorned with two large thrones where the High King and Queen were waiting for them.
Chesna looked to Siobhan. “From what I gather, these two are the joint ceremonial rulers of the Vashyada, both equal to the other. They’re ‘married’ but only symbolically. How should I announce you both?”

Meanwhile Aba was somewhat left out of proceedings and had been left to stand at the balcony. The original blonde guard who had met them on the beach came over to see her, smiled at her.
“May we talk?” she asked in galactic basic. It was slightly accented, but the fact she could speak a language ostensibly she’d never heard before hinted there was more to her than met the eye.
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"], [member="Tegaea Alcori"], [member="Valiens Nantaris"]


Siobhan would not admit it to anyone, but the ascent into the hidden city in the woods had made her feel rather dizzy. Despite the fact that she could theoretically fly and would ironically have a good chance to survive an abrupt fall. However, she was a city girl at heart. Being in a place so alien was something that unnerved her a bit.

"Reminds me of Kashyyk. You remember that little adventure back in the old days? I remember you pinching my sabre and carving through a gunship. After we killed a terentatek. That was cool," she whispered to Tegaea, reminiscing about an old battle from the early days of the 'Pyre. It had been so long ago. Her eyes swept across the buildings that arose high above the ground in the woods.

An honour guard clad in ceremonial armour escorted them into the royal presence, while their daughter waited on the balcony. The High King and High Queen, seated upon imposing thrones, awaited them. Siobhan inclined her head slightly after being led towards them, though she halted her steps at a respectful distance.

"Introduce us as Countess Siobhan Kerrigan and Countess Tegaea Alcori of the Firemane Matriarchy. Bonded wives and matriarchs of House Kerrigan-Alcori, Favoured of the Star Queen of the Eldorai, Warlords of Gehenna and Arkas, High Mistresses of the Goddess Ardarvia, Bane of the Dark Ones, Generals of the Ever-Victorious Army. Those who have traversed the stars and the void," Siobhan instructed Chesna. Presumably her trollish wife was either rolling her eyes or suppressing the urge to burst into laughter. Or both. I so need a herald, Siobhan thought to herself. Clearly Silaqui and Semiramis had rubbed off on her. "Tell them we come in peace and extend cordial greetings from Her Majesty the Star Queen."
The journey up river took them deeper into the forests, Abaigeal sat on tender hooks feeling so vulnerable exposed so but as the journey progressed and nothing happened she finally relaxed somewhat. In the trees more and more elves appeared, some curious came to look at the new comers strange to them as they are to her. But they are beautiful to behold, not just physically but their spiritual awareness of their surroundings was something she envied.

And yet, in time and practice, she will be as aware as they.

Finally the journey ended, and they are escorted deep into the forest. There is a sense of calm around the air, sitting their in harmony with the landscape and as her eyes lifted to see the structure in the high branches they widened in wonder. This place is so majestic, light and serene. Although there is fire in the souls of the elves, they are equal to the place.

Lady Tegaea and Siobhan will be required to speak to the leaders, Abaigeal only along for the trip would bow to the command of all of them and await their return. This would give her opportunity to explore, if allowed, or simply to stay and drink in the new experience. It did not take long before she was approached by one of the guards, "Of course, it would be my pleasure", she replied turning to face the female guard with full attention.
[member="Tegaea Alcori"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

Tegaea had shaken her head, sighed.
“There are some nights when I don’t remember that, and I’m glad. Hanging off a gunship, using a lightsabre to hack at it. I was young and reckless then. I like to think I’m a bit less impulsive these days!”

Facing the Queen and King she had contained a smirk at the titles. Siobhan loved imposing and grand titles, and here was a good time to show them off. Since her wife seemed to be having such fun with diplomacy, she didn’t intervene.

There was some discussion between the monarchs and a servant. It seemed that the Vashyada had a herald who would be handling the actual talking.

“My Lord and Lady greet you, Ladies of Firemane. High King Svatol and High Queen Iriyana greet you and wish you long life and prosperity.”
That was what the herald said. Iriyana looked like she had intended something a lot more bitter, considering she looked like she’d been eating lemons all day. The King meanwhile looked rather more interested, even engaged.

The King spoke, the Herald interpreted, Chesna translated. It was like Chinese Whispers.
“My Lord King wishes to know the purpose of your visit and also to know more about you. Your titles are very impressive, but they speak of places that we know not.”

The Queen spoke flatly and with more hostility, causing a slight pause as the monarchs and the unfortunate herald argued.

“Perhaps…perhaps we can save the explanation for after our business is concluded,” the Herald finally said.

Chesna looked to Siobhan expectantly for a reply.

The guard standing beside Aba nodded her thanks.
“For a long time we have heard rumours of strange people from the sky. Many here dismissed those rumours as fantasies. The universe beyond this world is something few grasp. We live in this forest and are content, but occasionally those outside intervene.”

She looked across at Aba. “You are different from the others. One of your mothers is filled with a great and terrible power, a darkness such as I have not seen in a long time. Your other mother cannot reach the spirits, but she is strong and brave. You though, you have the power of Light in you. It is a curious family, yet despite your unusual clothes and dress you are not so different from us. The guiding spirit you follow does not determine your actions, and I deem you would not stay them were their actions contrary to your morals, and vice-versa.”
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"], [member="Tegaea Alcori"]

"Well, I was real scared for you. Looking back it was kinda cool though. You should wear your armour for me some time," Siobhan whispered to Tegaea, while the wood elf rulers were speaking to their herald. "By the way, can we get a herald, too? Please!"

There were times when Siobhan sounded more like an overeager teenager than someone who was in her late thirties. This was one of them. However, she straightened and was pure business again when Chesna translated the herald's words.

The High Queen looked like she'd tasted something terribly sour and wanted everyone to experience that as well. The High King looked rather engaged by comparison. Both were very cute. Maybe she could seduce one of them. It didn't look like an amicable marriage, but more of a dysfunctional political arrangement.

"Thank you. That is satisfactory. I am flattered by their majesties' interest. It would be my pleasure to tell them about ourselves and the beautiful and terrible worlds we've travelled at their convenience," she said smoothly.

"As for the reason of this visit, I wish for peaceful relations between our people. I know that the Vashyada are a proud, noble race who have successfully resisted many attacks upon their independence and I have no designs upon their lands." At some point Siobhan had received etiquette lessons from Anya and Tarissa so that she could speak in a more refined manner. She still couldn't quite get the posh aristo accent right, though.

"I believe we could benefit from trade, as we have many advanced technologies your people might find useful. I also wish to learn about your people and their culture. Your city is very beautiful. We are settling in the northern continent of Tygara, and have clashed with the Xioquo. I understand they've been hostile to your subjects and tried to take them as slaves. I have defeated them in many battles and it's my intention to take their capital and put an end to their evil machinations."
She took her gaze from the illuminated forest, with it wonderful buildings high in the tree tops. "There are so many worlds out within the known galaxy that even I shall not see, let alone those undiscovered. And with it comes much beauty, beyond anything anyone could describe, but like all things in life there is the dangerous and ugly as well. The spirits you speak of, we call it the Force. In a way it writes our behaviour but it is more a guidance and gives us strength to be able to do what we wish in life".

She turned to give the guard her attention more. "And like everything in this life, there is good and bad. So people walk a path that helps people, they are good and try as they might, they try and protect those that cannot protect themselves and there are others that only have a vested interesting in destroying things, good things like freedom and to remove choice. Hurt people badly. Those people, regardless of what had gone before them, what had influenced their lives choose to continue on this destructive path. And yes, they choose it until even they are destroyed".

"Both my mother's have seen far more of this destruction then I have, and they both work tirelessly to fight against those that will hurt others. As you say one of them is dark in nature but she is good .. her methods may not be those of mine but her heart is set to help those that can't help themselves just like I do .. she just does it differently".
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Tegaea Alcori"]

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

Tegaea mentally made a note to talk with Chesna about being a herald. The trollish woman would probably accept, if only to be in the middle of gossip and strife.

In the here and now, the royals listened to her words with varying attitudes. The King seemed a good deal more impressed than the Queen, who seemed entirely dismissive.

The herald had a good deal of heated, whispered conversation. Chesna, who was at heart a telepath, kept her face level but transmitted to her two Mistresses.
‘Seems you’ve caused a rupture. The King wishes to ally with you, the Queen doesn’t believe your story.’

Finally the Herald cleared her throat.

“Their majesties welcome your peaceful intentions and are happy to treat with you,” she said. “They would like to praise your nobility of purpose and spirit and thank you for your defeat of the Dark Ones.”

Queen Iriyana muttered something caustic, but kept it concealed.

“His Majesty wishes to know the terms for your agreement,” the Herald said, slightly louder so it overwhelmed the Queen’s poison tongue.


Outside, the guard smiled at Abaigeal.
“You are wise beyond your years, Abaigeal, Iella’s daughter,” she said, nodding. She was showing a great capacity for knowing things she shouldn’t.

“I apologise if I offended you, Abaigeal. It has been a long time since someone from the outside galaxy came to Tygara. Our ways seem rustic and backwards, and they are, but they are for the most part peaceful. This forest breeds hard people, but it also dissipates conflict. On the hot plains of the north the Qadir grow and multiply and fight great wars and wreck devastation. Better to live in peace I think.”

“So what brings you, you specifically, here to us, Abaigeal? Curiosity of the woodland folk? There are things we could teach you, as you us.”
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"], [member="Tegaea Alcori"]

Well, things were going well. The Queen seemed dismissive and acidic. Shame. However, the King was quite cute. Perhaps she should get to know him more...intimately!

"I thank their majesties. Their wisdom does them and their race credit," Siobhan said politely. Royals liked flattery! Well, Siobhan certainly did. "My terms are that Firemane be given permission to establish a trading port. I believe the site of Brahdok's fort will be a suitable location." That way it would be at a place ships could easily reach, but it would also be outside of the wood elves' villages and city.

After all, the Vashyada were a rather isolationist people. "In return, Firemane ships will be deployed in the waters to stop slavers. Our methods against such scum are swift and efficient. We punish them severely for their crimes. I'd ask that your people be given freedom to trade and visit us," she looked at her wife to see whether she had anything to add.
"No .. just have had experience with the darkness first hand", she said looking at the guard with surprise. "There is no offense, because you said nothing that would give it", she smiled. "There are many places in the galaxy that are what you consider 'rustic', there are some not to far away from here .. I don't consider you or anyone else less for it, this lack of understanding of what is out there, or our ways, in fact .. I kind of envy you". But she also knew that no place in this galaxy could ever remain untouched by outsiders, they all come eventually.

"I know very little of you and your people, and yes I was curious but as a Jedi it is important for us to seek knowledge of all things not just the force .. but I would love learn what you would show me. It would be an honour", she bowed a Jedi bow to the guard.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Tegaea Alcori"]

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Abaigeal E'ron"]

Outside, the guard nodded. “I would love to show you all we have to offer. But first, I fear I must cut this short. I think I am needed. Come with me into the hall.”


If there had been disagreement before, there was outright debate now. The King seemed to be all for it, but the Queen was stubbornly refusing to yield.

The herald seemed to be getting more and more embarrassed at this lack of decorum. Finally the King rose, clearly annoyed.

“They’ve put out the call for a mediator. They’re calling for…Tylania,” Chesna said, pausing slightly. “Now there’s a name I have not heard for a while.”

“Nor have I heard yours for equally long, sister,” a voice said from behind them.

Entering the hall, the guard’s visage and clothing changed from that of a common soldier to a lady all in white, her golden hair running long down her back. Suddenly, where there had been just a normal presence in the Force there was a nova as the hidden aura was uncloaked.
Tylania was very powerful in the Force, and strong in the Light, and as she approached she nodded to each person in turn before coming to stand beside the King and Queen.

“Ty…” Chesna said softly.

“We will have time for family catchups later, Chesna. For now….”

Her next words were not verbal, but telepathic, heard and understood by all in the room.

“I apologise for not telling you my identity to begin with, Lady Kerrigan, Lady Alcori. I wanted to gauge your intentions and person without you knowing it. I see your intentions are noble, and I agree with your plan to build the trading post on the shore.”

To just the outsiders she continued. “Your daughter is a very special person, if Abaigeal wishes I would like to talk more with her. With all of you, but her especially.”
[member="Abaigeal E'ron"], [member="Tegaea Alcori"]

Well, things had turned dramatic! Siobhan liked royal intrigue and apparently she'd caused a rupture between the two monarchs. Then suddenly the Vashyada Paragon appeared! It was a sisterly reunion.

She was...tremendously hot. Just look at all that gourgeous blonde hair. Moreover, she had excellent fashion sense. Siobhan wanted a white dress just like hers. Maybe with more jewellry. The Light Side was also oozing from her. This made Siobhan feel slightly sick, though she managed to keep her nausea down.

After all, making a scene would've been embarassing. "Lady Tylania, I presume," Siobhan said, mainly because this writer likes obscure historical references. "There's nothing to apologise for. You had valid reasons. It's an honour to meet you. I am glad we can reach accord," she glanced over to Aba. "Yes, she is a very special girl."
"Of course, if I could be of any assistance I will do my best". she replied as the guard moved toward the hall. As they entered the room, Abaigeal found Lady Tegaea and Siobhan conversing with what appeared to be the King and Queen. There is a sense of doubt in the room, mainly centered around the Queen and a stale mate had stopped proceedings. Unsure of why or what she could do here, Abaigeal remained in her position but she graced the royal couple with a bow of respect.

However, as she did so, and stood back up straight the guard beside her shimmered with a white light and changed into a beautiful women of regal nature that even surpassed that of the King and Queen. Abaigeal looked upon her with wonder which would be seen in her wide eyes, like that of a child seeing something out of a tale of legend come to life.

She could suddenly sense the force around her, it had been concealed while they spoke outside and she is powerful, to the point it was humbling to Abaigeal. Yet, the words she spoke made Abaigeal blush, the heat of it inflaming her cheeks. That is how she knew my mother's name..

Abaigeal decided to remain silent, although she relished the idea of speaking and learning from this vision of white.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Tegaea Alcori"]

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