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Approved Lore Young Squires

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: Expand on the Shadow Knights
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Links: Vashyada, To Hell and Back, Eldorai Exodus, Twin Exiles, Eldorai, Xioquo, Blades of Reason, Kar'zun, Qadiri, Ashiranism, Emissaries of Illyria.

Organization Name
: Young Squires
Classification: Youth wing of the Shadow Knights.
Affiliation: Court of the Shadows, Shadow Knights, Naesala Faethyra, Asuran Star Combine.
Organization Symbol: Eagle with outstretched wings.
Description: The Young Squires are a mass youth organisation in the Shadow Knight movement. Similar to Scouting organisations, the Squires aim to support young people in their spiritual, mental and physical development so that they can play constructive roles in society. There is a strong focus on sports, physical fitness and survival skills. As the Shadow Knights are centred on a nomad fleet, members also often learn the basics of piloting, mechanical and salvage skills and so on. First aid courses are also part of the curriculum.

However, the group is also very politicised. Young Squires are taught to be diligent, patriotic and uphold the ideals of Shadow Knight society. The aim is to help prepare them for their lives as soldiers, workers and so on and so forth. While membership is voluntary, it looks good on the resume and helps ease the path to Citizenship, though military service is still required. This is pertinent because only Citizens can vote or hold office. Moreover, certain sensitive jobs are restricted to Citizens or are easier to attain for them.

Rituals such as saluting the Shadow Knight flag are an important part of Squire life. The Young Squires also seek to provide its members with alternative leisure activities that promote the improvement of society. Life in the Squires also includes self-defence training and rifle practice. A number of activities closely resemble military training with weapons training and basic tactics. These activities are supervised by adult soldiers. Young Squires also participate in scouting missions when the Shadow Knights launch exploration missions to planet they have come across. They are also taught skills such as foraging and map reading. Moreover, the Squires are mobilised as an auxiliary for welfare organisations to collect charitable donations.

They also help with recycling by gathering old metal, old paper and so on. In addition, there is a voluntary labour service for youngsters. Music and singing are also common activities. Moreover, Young Squire leaders organise sports competitions between different units. Naesala and other Shadow Knight leaders have on occasion appeared at Squire functions to meet the young ones and give speeches. However, there is no cult of personality surrounding them. The Squires do have a couple martyrs they treat with reverence though. These are members who died for the cause, such as during the Long Night and the Kaeshana Rebellion.

A key element of the life of a Young Squire is the Journey. This is an important quest where young elves on the cusp of adulthood experience the world outside of the nomad fleet and undergo a rite of passage. It is reserved for the older members of the group. They are given the task of obtaining something of value for the fleet. What exactly that is varies. It can be information, a cultural heirloom of their people, money, medical supplies, food or fuel, technology, knowledge that will improve life in the fleet or even a ship.

Some gifts are more valuable than others, but it is considered bad form for a captain to reject one, though making a truly poor effort can cause social stigma. In practical terms, there is little a bunch of Squires can actually bring back to the fleet. The majority of such returns are salvage, hints about possible mining sites, stolen designs or software, weapons and, on occasion, a ship. There are exceptions, of course. Simple but practical returns such as medical supplies, databases, a bunch of blasters or advanced technology will still be met with a positive response.

A poor showing but demonstration of skills in high demand in the fleet, such as piloting, astrogation, medical skills or engineering, will still be seen as acceptable. Social status also plays a role: the daughter of an officer is expected to obtain something more valuable than that of a common deckhand. However, it is forbidden to obtain an item by harming a fellow Asuran.

Aside from the above, the various blocs in the movement tend to use it for different ends and purposes. The Ashirans, Arrynists etc. see it more as a traditional pilgrimage, going out and converting or recruiting others. They are also interested in recovering lost Eldorai artefacts and cultural heirlooms. The Rationalists view as a chance to acquire technical know-how and act as military observers, learning how the galaxy does things and bringing those ideas back. The Emissaries of Illyria meanwhile view it as as a way to seek weapons, martial skills and to learn more about their enemies. Xioquo are often eager to learn about machines, while Vashyada and Qadiri use the chance to explore and act as trailblazers.

: Part of the Shadow Knights' migrant fleet and based on the Defiance. Their headquarters on the aforementioned worldship is called the Hall of the Squires.
Domain: The Squires are a youth movement and thus do not control any domains. Their headquarters is based on the Defiance and the Squires are an active part of the community aboard the worldship. They are the main youth movemen of the nomad fleet and recruit their members from among its youths. They are involved with the community in various ways, from providing a voluntary labour service, acting as an auxiliary to welfare institutions and the exploration corps. Moreover, it is their mission to prepare their members for adulthood and their future rules as citizens.
Notable Assets: No notable assets. The Young Squires are funded by the Shadow Knights' central leadership as well as via member donations.

: As with many groups, the Young Squires have a hierarchial, top-down organisation. The group is organised along paramilitary lines, which is in keeping with the Shadow Knight's philosophy. The smallest unit is the cell. Multiple cells form a Squadron. The next hierarchial unit is the Detachment, then a Centuria and a Banner. The largest organisational unit is the Corps, which is led by the overall leader of the Young Squires, who bears the title of Seeker. The process of selecting a Seeker has some democratic elements, though it is still rather top-down. The Squires themselves put forward three options, and the Archon and her advisors choose one. The Seeker changes every year.

The Seeker is appointed by the Archon and assisted by a personal staff. Ideally every civilian ship in the nomad fleet has a cell, though depending on the size of the population, it has multiple ones. Cells hold weekly meetings at which various Shadow Knight beliefs are taught by adult leaders. Leaders often organise rallies, exercises and missions where several cells participate. The Young Squires consider themselves a training ground for future leaders and maintain basic training academies comparable to preparatory schools.

Membership: Must be a member of the Shadow Knights. Open to all youths in the Shadow Knight nomad fleet who are the elf equivalent of 10 - 20 in human years (Eldorai and their subraces age and mature at a slower rate than humans due to having a longer average life span). It maintains a separate, but subordinate branch organisation for young children. The Shadow Knights espouse the unity of all Asurans, so the group is not limited to Eldorai. Vashyada, Qadiri and Xioquo are welcome to join.

Must believe in the Shadow Knight ideals and swear to uphold them. While the official dictum is that no child should be held responsible for the sins of the parent, children of former royalists face a degree of social stigma. Most members are Eldorai, with Qadiri being a close second. Being more free spirits, Vashyada find it difficult to adjust to the more regimented style, which is why their membership is rarer. There are a number of Xioquo members though. Their natural affinity for technology makes them useful for a spacefaring society. However, racial tensions are an issue.

Climate: The Young Squires aim to foster a spirit of camaraderie. They seek to teach their members about independence, self-reliance, discipline, resolve and their place in society. The group is supposed to prepare them for their future roles as Shadow Knights. There is a strong focus on hands-on learning and practical experience. Activities include sports, private recreation, personal fitness, scouting, employment preparation and survival training.

Operating in small groups, Young Squires work together in a familial environment. There is an effort to get the elves from the various races and factions to mingle and recognise the other as fellow Asurans. Trying to bring the youngsters together through practical work, games and songs is an attempt to build bridges and foster a spirit of patriotism and togetherness. Detractors have criticised the movement for being authoritarian and an adjunct of the Shadow Knight military. The Young Squires counter this argument by saying they are preparing their members for the future roles as citizens by teaching them about their rights and duties.

Moreover, the fractured nature of the Eldorai has always been their greatest weakness, so it is their duty to do their part to unite their people and forge bonds. The Shadow Knights have rejected the idea of a state church like the Church of Ashira, so the Young Squires espouse the principle of freedom of conscience. Broadly speaking, one can compare the atmosphere to that of a Scouting organisation.

Different groups of Squires often compete against one another in tournaments. Physical education is an important part of their activities. But they also learn about piloting, starship maintenance, survival in the wilderness, salvage, scouting, recycling and so on. Moreover, they assist welfare organisations, such as by collecting donations. Getting together to sing songs and tell stories is also a popular activity. All elf races have a love for oral and theatrical performance, so this is something the Squires embrace. But, as the name implies, the Squires also have a somewhat militaristic vibe. Adult soldiers, normally retired one or reservists, supervise rifle practice for the older Squires. Saluting the Shadow Knight flag is a daily ritual for the Squires.

One of the duties of the Squires is educating their members about the importance of participating in the political process and casting their ballot on election day. The Shadow Knights view voting as a civic duty and practice compulsory voting. All citizens have the responsibility to choose their representatives and hold them accountable. This is a duty, not an inherent right. This ties in with the Shadows' belief that citizenship must be earned through service to the community.

If people grow apathic and stay at home, a government will lose legitimacy and no longer be responsible to the electorate. This would allow a self-interested minority to dominate the government and separate it from the people. It is also meant to improve the quality of individuals who are elected to office. Members of the Court who fail to vote in an election are subjected to loss of citizenship unless they can provide a valid reason, such as illness, or pay a fine. Repeat offenders lose their citizenship. They can regain it, but it takes work.

Reputation: The Shadow Knights treat it with great respect and appreciation. They are happy that their young are learning the ways of freedom. Those outside would be largely neutral. It is a Shadow Knight group, so your beliefs about the one would decide the other.

Curios: Members receive a uniform. Headgear is typically a beret with the group symbol emblazoned upon it. Adolescent Squires receive a knife.

Rules: As a youth movement of the Shadow Knights, the Young Squires espouse the belief of their parent organisation. These are, in a nutshell, the unity of all Asurans, the principle that service guarantees citizenship, that only those who have proved themselves willing to make sacrifices on behalf of society should have a say in society, republicanism, nationalism, discipline, freedom of religion and social justice. Moreover, they stress the importance of self-reliance, in keeping with the Shadow Knights' belief that the elves must learn to stand up for themselves instead of relying on outside benefactors or believing that a Goddess will descend from the sky to save them. Thus the movement strives to pass on these principles to its members. It views itself as a training ground for future leaders in the Shadow Knight movement. As the movement is composed of young people, there is a great deal of idealism, which sometimes clashes with the less rosy reality. Squires are encouraged to volunteer for communal work, join the militia and serve their time in the military. The importance of responsibility is stressed on all levels.

The Young Squires view themselves as a progressive group that has a mission to overcome the historic divisions within and between the Eldorai races, so that their people can build a better future. Of course, despite these idealistic goals, they have to deal with the usual problems of being part of a revolutionary movement that is rather fractured. The main power blocs within the Rationalist movement, the Rationalists, the Aspirants and the Emissaries of Illyria, are all represented within the movement. The same applies to the Eldorai and their three subraces. While the Young Squires try to ensure that the different groups mingle and learn from one another, disputes sometimes turned into brawls. Idealism cannot override sentient nature, after all. Besides, kids will be kids. Trouble has occured when young activists take things too far.

The ideology of the Shadow Knight regime strives to break down barriers considered harmful to the unity of all Asurans. One of these barriers is sexism. The movement endorses the principle of equality between women and men. Men are supposed to be on the same level as women, rather than being treated as second class citizens. There are also practical reasons for this, because the nomad fleet needs all hands on deck. The Young Squires have pushed hard to recruit young men and raise them in this new consciousness. Rather than stay at home and do housework, men are supposed to play an active part. Membership in the Young Squires can be a doorway into public life at a level previously unheard of for men. This has led to many young males to join the group, as it offers them a chance to distance themselves from the traditional matriarchal power structure. It also provides them with educational opportunities.

However, even though the movement preaches equality, women dominate the upper ranks of the Young Squires' leadership. Upward mobility is still rather hard for men to achieve. Moreover, the group still openly encourages its male members to pursue traditional vocations, such as teaching and nurturing young Asurans rather than assume positions of real leadership. Here one must take into account that beliefs differ slightly between the various races. While the Vashyada are very egalitarian and for the most part do not understand what all the fuss is about, the Xioquo are misandrist to a degree that even most conservative Eldorai consider extreme. In a number of cases the Young Squires have helped create opportunities; in others they have reinforced traditional gender roles.

Goals: Provide education and training for young elves to prepare them for their future roles as adults in the Shadow Knight movement. Carry out a quest called the Journey.

Telara Maedis: Telara is a Forsaken and Kaida's subordinate and understudy. The tomboyish Eldorai girl was born to low class parents and had to earn coin as a servant girl to a Cadalthor noblelady. Her mistress was pompous and cruel. Left behind on Kaeshana, the girl was forced to grow up fast, learn how to fight and protect herself. She is a tough cookiee, but cynical beyond her years, especially where other Eldorai are concerned. Though she does her best to hide it, she is rather traumatised by what she endured on the streets and in the wastes of Kaeshana. She feels strong resentment towards those born to a life of privilege.

Telara's experiences have hardened her. She still has a very strong sense of right and wrong which she takes very personally. But, that does not mean she will do wrong to pay wrong: she definitely will. She still has a good heart buried beneath the ice and snark, but has a very violent streak in her personality. In combat she relies more on finesse and subterfuge than brute strength, not the least due to her small size.

Her relationship with Kaida is not free of tension. Kaida alternatives between finding her annoying and appreciating her skill and street smarts. Her demeanour clashes with Telara's distrust of formal hierarchies. However, while Kaida is not loveable, she is honest with Telara and is teaching her essential skills to survive. Her small size and knack for stealth means that Telara often acts as a scout. Kaids is, in her own way, protective of her, though she adamantly denies this. Telara is involved with the Young Squires. While lacking a formal education, she has shown leadership potential, having already led a youth gang on Kaeshana.

Tanelia Eladi is one of the senior leaders of the group. She succeeded Meira Vallana as leader after her predecessor was killed during an Archangel raid. Tanelia no longer holds this position, as it is an elected one, but is still important. Whereas her predecessor was an exile, Tanelia is a member of the Forsaken. This is what the Eldorai who were left behind on Kaeshana during the Exodus call themselves. Formerly a courier, she served as the gunner for an old flak cannon the crew she belonged to had been able to salvage. She was credited with shooting down three First Order TIEs, but lost an arm during the Battle of Kaeshana.

Her section was decimated. She was given an award, but the battles she had fought left her deeply shell-shocked. While trying to deal with the trauma, she composed a song to honour her dead comrades. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be very popular and she has honed her musical talent since then, performing for soldiers and civilians. Tanelia has a way with words and is an amateur holographer, with a knack for a capturing holographs for use in various media.


Like the Shadow Knights themselves, the Young Squires are a fairly young organisation. Both are children of the great cataclysm that devastated Kaeshana. With the help of Firemane, the vast majority of the Eldorai were able to escape Kaeshana before a huge asteroid brought ruin to their planet. But not all. For those who were left behind, it was a harsh, bitter life. Struggle for survival was constant, as were attacks by pirates and raiders. The Shadow Knights were formed to wrest some order from the chaos and protect surviving Eldorai communities, though warlords contested them.

Obviously the young ones suffered greatly. Families had been ripped apart by the Exodus, children had been orphaned during the cataclysm or the chaotic aftermath. Many orphans organised themselves in street gangs. Others were conscripted by warlords and cults. Meira Vallana, a young officer in the services of Naesala Faethyra, the Shadow Knight leader, resolved to do something about this. She herself had been abducted by slavers at an early age before being rescued.

So with the permssion of her superior, she started a youth division of the revolutionary movement. It focused on helping war orphans, street urchins and child soldiers who had been pressed into services by rival warlords. The focus was on resocialising and educating the young ones, ensuring they had a home and were looked after. They were also mobilised for community work to help with the reconstruction. In deference to the fact that Kaeshana had become a very dangerous place where struggle for survival was constant, they also received military training. Meira tried to recruit qualified personnel to help youths that had suffered severe trauma, though obviously therapists were in short supply.

The work of the group was hampered by scarcity of resources and power struggles between the various blocs that constituted the Shadow Knights. Meira, who was herself an Ashiran, tried to keep the Young Squires out of such intrigues. The Young Squires gained a prominent martyr when Meira was killed during an Archangel raid. The stories of her death have become more than a little embellished over the years, but it is certain she died valoriously. The group threatened to splinter, but the Archon herself took an interest in it, ensuring it received funding from the movement. Meira was succeeded by Tanelia Eladi, one of the Forsaken, as the Eldorai who were left behind during the Exodus called themselves. Tanelia had been a courier and then a soldier.

The Shadow Knights sided with the Tygaran Alliance and the Galactic Alliance during the Kaeshana Rebellion. Several Squires served in auxiliary, non-combat roles, some of the older ones ended up seeing combat. Tanelia herself lost her right arm during the battle. The Shadow Knights were forced to retreat from Kaeshana after the First Order took control. From now on their efforts centred on a nomad fleet, as they sought to find a new home for their people that was not controlled by foreign powers or the traditionalist Matriarchy many of them disdained for abandoning Kaeshana. Thus the Young Squires were reorganised. Changes have been made to adjust to a life in space. Moreover, they have been turned into a mass movement. Every revolutionary movement has tried to win over the youth to its cause and the Shadow Knights are no different in that regard.

It was around this time that the concept of the Journey was introduced. The Shadow Knights regard themselves as a meritocracy and believe that an individual must contribute to society. The Journey is supposed to broaden the horizon of a Young Squire, allow them to experience the Galaxy outside of the fleet and return with knowledge or an item that can benefit their people. The Young Squires have since become a permanent fixture in the nomad fleet and in other independent Eldorai communities influenced by the Shadow Knights. The group receives funding from the government, but funds many of its activities through member donations and charities.

While membership in the Squires is voluntary, good work in them helps ease the path to citizenship. Membership is also useful for networking, as many Squires form long-lasting bonds. Patronage networks have always played an important role in Eldorai society. The Young Squires are not the only youth movement in Shadow Knight society. Others have been founded by the political, religious or racial blocs. Or are just spontaneous gatherings of youngsters unbound by politics or race. However, they are certainly the most important one.

The Young Squires are also a way for the Shadow Knights to identify young Force-Sensitives through standardised tests. This is pertinent because the law dictates that all Force-Users must receive training to learn how to control their powers so that they do not become a danger to themselves and others. Most are allowed to leave and pursue a vocation of their choosing once their training is complete, though they are lightly monitored to ensure they do not abuse their gifts. However, Force-Sensitives who display an aptitude for combat are conscripted by the military.
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No submission for it at present. But the Shadow Knights are an Organisation using the Lore template and part of a minor faction, so nomad fleet doesn't refer to hordes of warships etc. Think of it as a rag-tag 'fleet' like ME Quarians (smaller, obviously).
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