Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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You Want to be Gods? This is What You Will Become. [Horde Dominion of Arcadia N-30]

Break graciously bowed to Dredge.

"I thank you my Lord..."

Break was happy the people of this world would know the happiness of not being..dead... Break rose from his knees and placed his blade back in its place. He once again held composure and dignity.

[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"]
"INCOMING!!" As the doors bursts down the main doors of the capital building it quite guarded. Over fifty men lined the balconies above the main lobby floor all pointing their rifles down at the mando. Their commander walked out in his Dress uniform and pencil stache and simply pointed a knife hand at the man afterwards speaking in a very entitled accent "Open fire!" Soon after giving his order the soldiers poured blaster rounds at the mando wanting him dead for his aggression. The elected official was In the bunker bellow but the mando could more than likely get the information from one of the many living men here. Around him were few points of cover two hallways both leading left or right with no directory to show where he was going and in front of him a large wooden counter that spread in a circle for secretaries to answer complaints and book appointments. The merc had his work cut out for him [member="Ragnar Ordo"]

"Purge four five directions uploaded! You are to head to this planets force user establishment and burn it down and crucify all Jedi or forcers that resist! Or secondary objective of blowing up the planets stock market building! It's up to you!" As the commands were given down to the merc other militia forces burst up from corners and various areas of the building around them. The planets civilians were starting fight back and they would need to be purged quickly and swiftly to show the others what it meant for you to resist. The merc had his choices though and he would get an extra bonus for every force user crucified or killed as well as elected officials
@Kung Seilois
With all his weaponry ready, Nar'Vash went to the bridge once more as his Ranator Class Star Destroyer exited hyperspace. The months since he last saw Dredge had been busy ones. The ground troops of his ship had been trained in much more stealthy - but ruthless tactics. The pilots were now ready to sacrifice their lives beyond anything they had been ready to did before. And Nar'Vash himself was ready for more blood after getting a good taste for it with his new ship.

Pulling up a screen he quickly hammered out a message before going to the shuttle bay to launch his own assault:

~Overlord, I am here with my forces and within the hour, we will touch down and begin the silent, unseen assault toward the capital. I have retrained many men to meet my needs and they shall provide a different method of death than the larger force. Upon sending this message, I will be in my shuttle bay, launching in full force the arsenal of this ship. God speed.~

No sooner did he send the message did he rise from his seat, tucking a database into his belt in case he got a response. A comm unit was shoved onto his wrist and he left.

In the hangar, his personal guards stood waiting at the load ramp for his personal drop ship. The lead of his guard stood at the ramp itself holding a small controller. "On me." Were Nar'Vash's only words, of which all eight guards plus the lead followed him onto the ship. They took off from the forward launch into space. When they left the hangar, the lead of his guard looked to him, "Now, sir?" A grunt from Nar'Vash was the signal that now was the time. A small beep was emitted from the controller. 10 seconds later and ships of from all three hangars were flooding the area. All aimed to one destination: the planet, Arcadia N-30.

[member=Supreme Overlord Dredge]
"I want you to see something break, come with me. Commander Savan oversee the invasion and see to it that the troops know what they are doing. I don't want anyone flying blind down there." Walking forward he mentioned break to follow him and see what he was going to show him. This galaxy was corrupt with people who fancied themselves gods. Really he had no quarrel with force users, what his problem was that most force users in this galaxy stood to satisfy their own needs rather than the needs of their people or the needs of their gods. He wanted them to know that if you stood against them and stood only for yourself you would be lashed to the cross and flayed. "I'm going to explain something to you break." He said walking past the windows of the ship outside dead bodies floated throughout space with the ruined ships dotting the sky [member="Break"]

[member="Nar'vash Ver-Sha"]
Outside in the black of space turbo laser fire flew everywhere from a fortified position where two heavy cruisers and a flak frigate had made their stand to secure the star port space station that orbited the planet. It was a standard dock and it would soon be destroyed. But the frigate and cruisers lite up space as it shot at the commanders ships. They were proving to be a problem but the fleet was moving to handle it. They could move in and attack the ships or bypass them and hit the ground. But more than likely the best choice was to hit the ground and support the main invasion force hitting the capital city
[member="Darth Vulcanus"]

The newly christened Sith Jusik launched from his Emperor's Star Destroyer in the latest model TIE available. He felt alive, more than he ever had when he was with the Jedi. His Juyo had evolved to a level where he could competently face most Jedi one on one, through his duel with Krag and another with Tye. Things were looking up.

The TIE rolled smoothly through the black as the apprentice rolled it about. It was a farcry from a few weeks ago. When he'd been a slave to the traditions and Jedi dogma, flying a junker when he needed to travel. Now he was a personal apprentice to the Emperor himself and flying an advanced weapon of war to annihilate an inferior set of opponents. With a squad of aces at his back to boot.

Atmo shook the short range fighter as Jusik launched it towards the surface. The Vong seemed to have the planet's Capital under control. Jusik had another target, him and the pilots under his command were to destroy the Planetary Government's Air Hub. Which included both Military and Civilian targets. Mostly government.

Vincent gunned the engines as they neared the target area.

Kung Seilois

Freelancer Extraordinaire
"Purge four five directions uploaded! You are to head to this planets force user establishment and burn it down and crucify all Jedi or forcers that resist! Or secondary objective of blowing up the planets stock market building! It's up to you!" Seilois raised an eyebrow, he was being given the mission of eliminating their force using HQ? That was... a high value target for the Vong, did they hope to get him killed so they didn't have to pay him? Seemed likely, but yet not the Vong's style. They seemed to be more upfront with their killings.

Seilois paused behind some cover as he thought over his options. The Stock Market would be less guarded and easier to destroy, but he wouldn't get as many credits. Destroying the Force User Establishment was a much higher risk, but it would nab him a bonus as well as any Force Users he personally killed would earn him a bounty. Force User Establishment it was, "Boys, we got Jedi to kill, move to Objective A. Double time it."

Of course, he didn't know if they were truly Jedi, but the word did the trick. The Vong seemed to straighten at the prospect of killing Jedi. As they started to job through the ruined streets, they started to take fire from various directions as four of his Vong fell, one of the four trying to crawl away before taking another bolt to the back finally finishing the job.

"Get to cover!" He shouted, almost unnecessary as the Vong soldiers already hit the nearest cover available. Their new fresh foes weren't armored and, more importantly, seemed to lack military cohesion. Militia it was then, "Funnel them into Kill Zones," He commanded as he and the squads started to back up making it look like they were falling back which encouraged the Militia to charge... where they were cut down.

His paranoia told him that there were likely to be more ahead, so he radioed in the Frigate that the Overlord had allowed him temporary control over. It seemed the Overlord trusted him to a degree... a degree higher then most other Mercs which, on a normal day, would make him suspicious, "Frigate Ironside, requesting bombing run on these positions," He requested pushing in the locations of where the local militia was likely to gather, strong buildings, alleyways, and other areas people would conjugate in fear.

"Push forward," Seilois ordered as he hoped over the barricade and lead the fourteen remaining men towards the Force User Establishment, "We don't want to make the Jedi wait long."

[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"]
In the ship thousands of men - those left to the ship - scurried through the massive destroyer quickly, applying many things the old Dathomir had told them. The ship operated differently than it did with the old commander who was less involved with the entire ship and more with his personal affairs. Blasters were firing with rotating patterns meant to cause confusion to the enemies, all the gunners were communicating to keep themselves in synch.

In the outer atmosphere, the shuttle Nar'Vash was in traveled silently. With all 200 or so ships following and some remaining to fight for the ship. Minutes passed as the shuttle flew fast toward it's designated point. The back door opened as the dropship grew close to the middle of a battle field just outside the already burning capital. And on a timed mark, all ten men launched themselves from the ship.

Dirt sprayed out with a loud thump in ten consecutive counts. Ten sabers jumped from their hilts within a fraction of a second and they all tore into the enemies surrounding them. Nar'Vash though, did this calmly. He blocked blasters and sliced off heads as he casually strode his way toward the capital.
"This Wanga Ironsides, we are currently engaged at the moment. But we are re routing more forces to you over." The battle in space was still waging hard, most of the ships were occupied with the airhub and star port above the planet. But soon they would all fall in the face of the horde's fleet. But soon the air strike wouldn't be needed, walking over his men were large jet black leviathans that stood twenty meters tall, they would be the support for this group of troops headed to a high priority target. As the giant monsters opened their mouths they drenched the buildings and militia with fire not only burning them but everything living inside. They were on a rampage now burning through the city as if it were nothing. Back with the mans squad they would find directions leading to the temple. Really it was more of an academy set up by the local government to train force sensitive agents but it would do all the same. In the distance the large tower stretched out and that would be the mercs objective @Kung Seilois

Back in space the new sith would find it a bit harder than expected to access the air hub and star port of the planet. They were still under heavy guard from the three ships. The two battle cruisers and the flak frigate that would chew fighters up for days. Taking aim at the incoming fighters the flak frigate fired its guns destroying a TIE or two within the mans ranks. He would have to out maneuver the ships or ask for assistance from the surrounding ships that were engaging other civilian and merchant ships trying to flee the system [member="Vincent Jusik"]
Karking ships.

Vince winced as two of his fighters were hit in the opening attack. A waste. One blinked out big red, signifying death, complete obliteration and the turning of it's contents into space dust. The second pulsed blue, signifying a failure of life support systems. The pilot would still be alive and be picked up as soon as the air was cleared.

Which would only be a few moments.

"Pincer." Vincent spoke over his TIE's connected coms. The squad members reacted immediately, like the highly trained pilots they were. Six went up, four down, Vincent among them. The Gs of such a move were intense but infinitely worth the end result.

He'd trained with this group personnally for two weeks, learning a hell of a lot about flying while giving them a few unorthodox strategies to run.

This was one of those. The seperate groups kicked their engines, soaring well above and bellow the three targets positions at lightning speed. After reaching heights and depths where it appeared they'd retreated the groups positioned themselves over and below the Flax Frigate, leveling out appropriately.

"Load protons."

The order was again silently obeyed as the pilots leveled their vessels carefully at the body of the Frigate.

"Go." Vince uttered as he launched the strategy with a mere word. The entire group gunned their engines at the same moment, locking their missiles at critical components on the much larger vessels. 1500 meters. 1250 meters. 1000.

Vincent tensed as the target approached. The strategy allowed for as little space between the target and the missile as possible. A dangerous tactic but one that nearly eliminated the threat of anti missile technology.

800. 600. 500.


The protons launched brilliantly from the TIEs, striking their targets as their pilots avoided the blasts by a hair and by the grace of their crafts speed.

The Flax Frigate exploded into a dazzling silent brilliance as the engines and critical systems imploded. Hundreds of lives ended by ten. The power of will.

Vincent felt a rush as he sped past the enemy he'd just bested. With the end of the Frigate the Empire's bombers would likely swoop in, their fighter escorts could handle the less than ample AA the cruisers could provide.

True, people would die. Imperials among others. Victory would be assured. That was the price of victory. The price of order.
The newly anointed Knight walked up behind the Vong overlord, unaware ofwhat was transpiring below on planet surface, much less aware of where they were. He yawned as he stopped directly behind [member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"] and began to observe the surroundings. "Ahh where do you want me Dredge, preferable in I believe you don't need me for this but apparently you like overkill to much."

Kung Seilois

Freelancer Extraordinaire
"This Wanga Ironsides, we are currently engaged at the moment. But we are re routing more forces to you over," Seilois nodded in understanding despite hte frigate being tens of thousands of miles above his head and thus wouldn't possibly be able to see the motion, "I understand. Send what you can. Over."

In what seemed minutes, two huge monstrosities appeared, and it was only a nearby Vong soldier laying his hand on Seilois' rifle that stopped him from firing upon it as the monster spewed fire on the nearby buildings, the occupants screams filling the air. Seilois had to admit, he preffered being besides the monster and not the target for it, but with the huge tower ahead, those monsters would be attracting a lot of attention, "Unit we are moving out. Those beast will be attracting a lot of attention; we can infiltrate quickly and quietly and get to the tower while facing only light resistance," said stopping to admire the carnage the beast were unleashing, "Double time it!"

Seilois and his surviving Vong teammates made a break for the Tower, keeping low and trying to reaming out of sight, allowing the two massive monsters to draw enemy attention and break their morale. As they reached the base of the tower, they fell into cover as Seilois looked through his scope, scouting the Tower out and planning his assault.

[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"]
Sokrai turned to the squad of Vong, with a smirk on her face. Underlings. I didn't know this job had perks, She thought, as her smirk quickly snapped back to an emotionless state. "Alright. There is a nearby ammo dump being used to supply the troopers on the front lines. We move in there quickly, the soldiers keeping the guards occupied while I and your Commanders move in and destroy the place. Understood?" She questioned with a cold sneer. The squad nodded. The Chiss turned, and began running and jumping through the nearby forest, along with her squad. They neared a small clearing, as the sounds of Basic quietly fluttered in the background. " Alright, lets begin." She said, as she squad members stood back, as the rest of the squad charged forward, screaming and yelling, and began firing at the guards. She and the commanders ran around the back, and went through an opened door, and saw a small fuse box. Sokrai attached a small package, filled with explosives, to it, and sped out the door. " You two," She said, pointing at her cohorts," Deal with the guards." They nodded, and charged at the now flanked guards. She looked at her wrist comm, and pressed a small button. As the dump exploded before her eyes, she smiled widely.

[member="Kung Seilois "][member="Romeo S"] [member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"]

Steel Eyes

[member="Darth Vulcanus"] [member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"] @Kung Seilois

Rawrg scratched himself vigorously before jumping into motion. his heavy footfalls could be heard be nearly everyone in the area as he leapt into the drop ship and roared for no reason other than he was happy. He wanted to kill things. Soft squishy things and then he would mate with their loved ones and their bodies. yup it was going to be a good day. he could tell.
"Yes my Lord." Break followed Dredge avoiding looking at the bodies floating outside. Looking straight ahead as he followed close behind.

[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"]
[member="Vincent Jusik"]
As the Flak frigate exploded violently the few thousands souls trapped on it all perished as their burnt bodies and what remained of their ship floated through the darkness of space. It was quite the massacre and he did quite the job of seeing to it that the ship was destroyed. The other two heavy cruisers now open to fighter attacks began to change their positions to form a shield around the star port to try and keep it active and evacuating people as fast as they could. However most of the people who launched from the hub were guned down by the ships in orbit. There was no mercy, no quarter given. The team if fighters had to worry about the cruisers now as the other ships in the horde fleet began to move into position to take down the enemy. "Fighter squadrent six good kill." A voice said over their commlinks

Planet side. Fire was everywhere, giant leviathans lumbered over buildings breathing fire onto everything in sight. In the streets patrols of Vong rounded up men and women in circles to execute them one by one before nailing them to crosses or hanging their bodies from buildings. The battle was still raging on the ground but the center of the city was all but destroyed. It was time to expand outwards into the rest of the city and hit any more military bases and establishments. The Graug would be able to see the carnage as he entered the atmosphere

[member="Nar'vash Ver-Sha"]
Landing more outside the capital his force was tasked with the destruction of anyone that tried to flee the cleansing. In front of him were the outskirts of the city and his men had just finished cutting down a platoon of men helping escort people from the massacre. But in front of him lay a different sight it was not troops or tanks. But a flock of a hundred civilians that were being evacuated. "Kill them all" a voice entered the head of the force user. It was probably a Yammosk and nothing to worry about but those were the orders. No mercy for the greed filled heretics. Kill them all.
The huge crowd of people massed in front of Nar'Vash was stopped - huddled in fear. The men stood with their master in a V. "Go." The men rushed forward snarling, ready to tear into the people as Nar'Vash took up his slow pace again. While his men were slaughtering the people, Nar'Vash got to the front of the crowd and parted the sea of people with a powerful blast of Force, letting the way to the city become unblocked once more. All was going Well thus far. No challenge he and his nine could not face.

[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"]
@Kung Seilois
The tower was being evacuated from what could be seen, younglings, non force using personnel, everyone was being rushed out of the building and in a hurry. However they were for the most part in the main courtyard waiting for transports to send to get them off world. The horde fleet had not completely broken through the space defenses yet so there was very small amounts of time that could be used to get them out. From further scouting the rather small tower had a marble wall around it that stretched six feet high. Inside the courtyard was lush green grass and a few trees scattered here and there. But the majority of the younglings and NFU personnel were still waiting for pick up. Over to the far right a small transport could be seen coming their way. If the merc wanted his credits it would be wise of him to make sure everyone down to the last man woman and child was slain.

[member="Sokrai Ronaro"]
"Nice one commander we saw that one from orbit!" A voice rang into the woman's commlink and began to feed the woman information on what she was assigned to handle next. "There are rats hiding and taking shelter in a nearby stadium. Take your unit and link up with the tank beasts two kilometers and see to it that the rats home is caved in around them. No survivors." The voice said to her, in the distance roars could be heard from the tank beasts that had touched down and begun their assault on nearby buildings spitting their acid at them and burning what they could. The chiss was proving herself to be worthy of promotion and if she kept up her valiant work she would rise quickly through the ranks

[member="Break"] [member="Romeo S"]
"Overkill is underrated my knight." Dredge said as he continued with break and Romeo past the windows and through the hallways servants bowing to them as they passed. "You see Break this galaxy is corrupt, greedy, and filed with Jedi and sith that think themselves as gods. Now I have friends that are Sith Lords but they don't think they are gods they know they are nothing more than flesh and blood. What irks me are the ones who parade around and think they can just stop anything that crosses them. No, no they will not." Sighing he kept his hands behind his back before speaking again. "I will see every force user, every man, woman and child, who does not follow the ideals of me or my allies killed. And if it means I have to glass planets to get my message across then so be it"
"Kill them."
"It will be my pleasure."
A dropship let loose a package that hurtled towards the ground at an alarming rate. Inside was a certain Sithspawn woman who was in a very, very bad mood. As was usually done before a hunt, she had been starved for several days now. This meant only a little food... and absolutely no killing. For someone who's whole existence revolved around the latter, it was horrible. Now that there were enemy soldiers to be killed, all would be well. At least for the Horde. For everyone else... well, let's just say not to many troops would be left alive. Even a few Vong might be killed in the process of recapturing their 'toy'.
After all, 'Ven' wasn't exactly a peaceful person, nor had she ever been.
Soon a parachute shot out of the crate. The descent slowed down, but it wasn't enough to prevent a rough landing. That jolt was what unlocked the cage that the beast resided in. These Arcadian mortals were about to meet an eight-feet tall, horned killing machine. Within moments of busting out her armor was covered in yet another coating of fresh blood. Bodies of 'warriors' lying around her in pieces. Sithspawn+Lightclub=Death for all opposing fools.
Following the swift entry of the fleet of the New Order and the deployment of their Force-related specialists and stormtroopers to the surface, a new face amongst the higher ranks of these wandered through the streets, accompanied by a small platoon of the ultra-white stormtroopers. His name had been lost due to the ever-changing history of the galaxy and the unsecure data of its past.
He had found new purpose in a galaxy wrecked by havoc and chaos and destruction – a path that all Sith must face and a path that this New Order would pave: peace through destruction; security through fear; power through only the greatest of Forces in this entire galaxy. The Dark Side.

The ornate lightsaber hilt lightly swinging from point to point on his belt saw no immediate action, although it had not seen real light due to being at the far right of his body, under a flowing dark over-robe that resembled something like a hoodless cape or cloak. It fell over both sides of his shoulders and adequately covered his arms, until being wrapped by equally-dark pieces of cloth at his wrists.
The black and white appearance of the Sith Master, or Lord, lead but few to challenge him as he wandered the burning streets on the planet. He had placed distance between himself and the rest of the Horde-New Order hunting parties, bent on the desecration and annihilation of the many species who inhabited the planet. Despite the evil lurking in the depth of his being, he offered the hand of peace and freedom from this. He offered protection from the marauding menaces who slaughtered these peoples like bantha for fresh flesh, so long as their lives belonged to the Emperor, [member="Darth Vulcanus"]. Many saw the easy way out of such a decision, but the stormtroopers made such an easy way more vicious than they could have imagined.
The more residential areas seemed to harbour more beings able to be swayed by such a great freedom offered by the New Order. Eventually Vereor had a following – whose numbers were only few – of beings prepared to become everything that they had hid from during this battle. They wanted to become order. To become peace. To bring the New Order to the forefront of the galaxy in an effort to ensure the freedoms of all.
[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"]

"Copy, over," Vincent replied to the strange voice before hitting the thrusters and raising a rally point high above the battle for his squad. A pair of cruisers were now frantically moving to regroup with their comrades closer to the Hub, hoping to form a stronger last line of defense no doubt. Jusik had other plans. While the Vong had the policy of complete obliteration, the Empire had a policy of assimilation in preference to obliteration. Jusik saw this as an oppurtunity. The Vong/Imperial combined fleet had the other forces occupied enough that the cruisers were truly on their own.

"Concentrate remaing missiles at the lead cruiser, prepare to disable the second, crippling shots only, I want them alive, over."

The acknowledgment lights flickered back and the squadron rolled before firing their payload at the lead cruiser, obliterating it and it's occupants in one quick moment. Another dazzling explosion and another huge win for the squad. Untold enemy dead. The squadron then began firing on the remaining cruisers lasers and non critical systems, leaving it mostly dead in the water.

"I need three gunships on my position with Stormtroopers in tow. Time now, over."

"Command Acknowledges Lieutenant, sending them to you now, over."

"Copy, over."

Jusik sent his TIE Harbinger twirling and on a course for the crippled cruisers hangar. Landing with a crash among disheveled enemy forces. The Apprentice's now crimson saber leapt to life and he began working on the enemy soldiers in the bay who dared fire at him. His hate ran pure.

[member="Darth Vulcanus"]

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