Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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You Want to be Gods? This is What You Will Become. [Horde Dominion of Arcadia N-30]

"Here's your money human!!" With a smile on his face the Lepi tossed the man a small briefcase of credits around ten thousand then ran off to go do his thing. Whatever that thing rabbit people did, but there were other things that were needed to be attended to at the moment. "Humans." The little rabbit said rolling his eyes afterwards to head out the door and back to find hanger to see another ship had landed.

@Kung Seilois
"Hop on out my man, good stuff." With a wave the ramp lowered and the busy hanger went silent to the arrival of the merc. He had killed a master, knights, he had did his thing and fought along side of Vong and won. He had earned not only their credits but their respect as well. Running up to him it was the small white rabbit looking to say hello once more. "Hey there friendo! He's waiting for you! Follow me!" The Lepi said running forward with a hop skip and a jump. He had already wired the five hundred thousand into his account followed with the extra bonuses to bring him up to a whopping million credits for his job at the tower.
Money for, blowing up buildings. "Nice." He said picking up the brief case. "This brief case is real nice. I can hide my weapons in this. Oh the money is cool to." He called out as he left the place. He got on his ship, and was out of there. Even Kung was here, but like Ryan thought...asked to help too soon. That was the last time Horde memebers would see Ryan for awhile.

Kung Seilois

Freelancer Extraordinaire
It was... disconcerting for everyone in the hanger to go silent when he stepped out of the shuttle. It was not a feeling he was used to as while his armor garnered attention, he was not in his helmet, nor did it gather that much attention. Seilois was a man who understood respect, generally his was best earned through a fist fight, but getting respect, obvious, respect from many in a standing military was not something he was used to. Silent respect as they refused to look at him was what he was used to.

Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted [member="McNeal"] boarding his starship. He was not aware the other mercenary had been present, perhaps he had never touched ground as he had? Or had been deployed in another city? Seilois gave a small nod towards the other mercenary, but he doubted McNeil saw it as he had already boarded his starship. Seemed he was in a hurry to get out.

Friendo? Seilois followed the odd... creature that looked like a large deformed rabbit, this was a situation he had... well, he had never been in before. It was an odd experience, one made worse by the stranger creatures. The odd creature that bid him welcome, the silence of the soldiers, Seilois was fairly sure he was going to meet someone high in the food chain, but he wasn't sure who, but he would find out soon enough. He followed in step behind the rabbit towards whatever it was that awaited him.

[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"]

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