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Public You Want It? Come Take It~ [Open To SO/Darksiders]

Daughter of The Destroyer


Jutrand, Capital World of the Sith

Sharp, azurite claws plucked but a single item from the crate. Many alien eyes swarming and zipping about as the mysterious lifeform held the puzzle-like box over her head as if inspecting its many intricacies. The rapid tap of a clawed finger against it's metallic surface causing a 'clink clink clink' to fill the air as if one called for a toast. Curiosity had gotten the better of her again, or perhaps it wasn't even that. It was more akin to frustration and agitation this time. So much fuss and blood over these tiny little...little? Oh gods, what to even call these things.

The xeno dropped one of the devices back into the box clumsily, another arm reaching in and pulling out another strange shaped item, this time in the formation of what appeared to be a pyramid. This one more of a golden metallic color which glimmered and shined brilliantly even in the shallower lights of her ship.

"What do the godlings call these?" The young xeno quipped as her five eyes dilated to fine points, her fascination with the forceborn and their trinkets causing her to take an active interest in attaining them. Even if she did not fully understand why~

There was a droid, a small levitating assistant who hovered beside her as she went through the crate.

"I believe they call them Holocrons. They are, um...artifacts of sorts? They are said to possess knowledge. Wisdom only useful to Jedi, Sith, their kind." The droid explained, causing Dima to quirk a brow in amusement as she then dragged her claws over the pyramid box. "You've collected many of them. Have you not managed to open any?" X9 asked, watching as Dima shook her head passively before putting the little pyramid back into the box with all the others.

"Mmn, no. But this one thinks they are pretty. But they do not open for Dima, it is curious though yes? How they gain power from little things. Forceborn and their little toys." Dima mused, the droid sparing a glance to the hyperspace shifting by the windows as they traveled through space. "Still, they possess value yes? This is good, Dima will see what the godlings are willing to trade for their trinkets. If they have anything at all~" Dima cackled impishly, slamming the box of treasures shut as the ship finally came barreling out of hyperspace, arriving at their marked location. The Capital world of Jutrand, the warm belly of the darkborn.

Dimas ship, marked with the usual Mandalorian banner had with it an ID that seemed...unusual. Proudly waving its flag and proclaiming herself as a child of the manda slowly the vessel breached into orbit over the massive city-world. Drifting through the dark clouds and swimming through the air towards their eventual landing port.

It did not take long for the clamoring of boots and the bustle of soldiers to collect just outside of the Xenos ship as Dima fetched her beskar helm. Slipping it on as the droid inspected her.

"They must be coming to greet this one. Oh how polite of the darkborn~" The alien cooed cheerfully as she twirled on the balls of her feet, the fabric of her violet dress swishing outward in a dazzling flurry as the Knight of Manda watched the back of the ship pop open and the ramp lower down to the earth. The droid, giving Dima a look simply shook their head.

"Yeah, i don't know about that. Just be careful Dima. We're in enemy territory now, and your far from home~" The droid warned, causing Dima to merely roll her eyes dismissively.

"Oh please. Godlings know better than to bite off more than they can chew~" Dima purred, the ramp finally lowering and revealing a handful of troopers standing at attention behind a dark robed individual with a hot, crimson shade of flesh. Their golden yellow eyes meeting the Mandalorians visor as the alien tilted her head curiously. Eyes staying on the robed figure for but a moment before growing bored with his visage, the xeno stepping out onto the ramp with her many eyes darting about the landing port. "Mmn, salutations and greetings" Dima lost the words as quickly as they came into her head, rolling her wrist in a gesturing motion while snapping her fingers as if trying to snap the words back into existence.

And then it came, the name she was looking for.

"Sithling! Bah, yes, yeeees yes yes. That is the word. Lost it there for a moment yes?" Dima nodded to herself, evoking a grimace from the golden eyes sithborn as they stood there statuesque. Disciplined and proper as apposed to the careless and reckless whimsy of the alien lifeform.

"Creature! Your vessel bares the marks and iconography of the manda. Am i right in assuming you come from the enclave? You bare their symbol~" The sith inquired, Dima stepping further off the ship as those bright eyes of hers examined the individual in the soldiers behind him.

"Careful little godling. Last darkborn this one encountered insulted the will of manda. He was a strong one, worthy of the title of a god. Oh but you...the rest of you...imitators and fakes. So if your next words are to antagonize, drawing your blade will bring this one....great satisfaction." Dima sang back in a sing-song tone, one of her many arms reaching out to gesture a finger for him to come up towards her.

His fury, his anger. Easily evoked, showed through the micro expressions in his face. The furrowing of his brows. He was considering it, drawing his blade against the disrespectful creature just arriving on their doorstep.

"Why you insolent litt-"

"Speaking of little things. You are a subordinate yes? Greeting Dima here you must be useful for nothing else. This one has come to make deal with you little godlings." She cut off, one of her lower arms coming up from behind her cloak as she revealed a golden holocron in his claws, shining brilliantly with a crimson hue in its center. "I considered who to bring these to. Who would make the better deal, originally this one considered the jedi. But then again...Dima wondered what all you'd give. To have just a little more power. That is what your kind care about yes? Power for powers sake?" Dima asked curiously, taking the holocron and tossing it into another hand like a toy. "Then come on, what are you going to give Dima, in return for power?"

Like moth to a flame the siths eyes were drawn to it as it left one hand and entered another one of Dimas four arms.

The sith was furious, lifting a hand as if preparing to signal towards his soldiers only to once again be cut off by a whirling of a tail, striking him in the chest and tossing the godlings body back into the soldiers he had came with. A preemptive strike, instinct to the xeno, she herself had gasped at the suddenness of her own viciousness.

"O-oh! Sorry, sorry about that. You moved so fast it made this one nervous! But at the same time, this one is bored of you now. This one wants to speak to a godling with authority may go fetch them now~" Dima hissed with a sneer, her droid levitating beside her.

"Oh dear not again. Here, we have ID from your God-king! Let us through!" The droid snapped, transferring the passcode to the other droid with the soldiers as they readied their weapons, only to lower them once they realized who had vouched for the reckless beast who had landed in their capital. The droid then looked at Dima, who was giggling like an imp at the misery of the robed greeter. "Oh quit being so childish Dima! Next time just open with the ID pass!" The droid scolded, only causing the xeno to hold out the holocron to the sithling.

"Shh, hush X9, nonsense. The godling wants the right to be divine, but you need power don't you little god? Well come on." Dima quipped teasingly, rattling the holocron in her grip like she was waving a carrot on a stick. "Well come on then. Come get your power, come become a god~" She cooed, only furthering to anger the individual as he got out and composed himself. Lowering his hand in a gesture for the soldiers to stand down as he just backed away from the vessel and thus the situation.

"Grrrah...welcome...oh honored guest. I shall fetch the appropriate authority for your visit. But your clearance checks out~" They growled angrily before giving a respectful bow and backing away. The soldiers backing away with him as Dimas eyes widened slightly in surprise.

"Mmn, you do that darkborn." Dima scoffed, half disappointed she could not provoke the sith even further into action. Stepping down the ramp with a skip in her step as the treasures she had collected for this day were wheeled off the ship with her. The aliens eyes now finding themselves transfixed on the many dazzling lights and strange displays exposed to her visage. The urge to explore and get into trouble was so overwhelming it scratched at her very bones. "So then, are all darkborn godlings as simple and senile as the red man?" Dima quipped tauntingly as her lower hands reached down to lift the fabric of her dress so she may step down from the ramp properly before taking her arms and binding them behind her back as if she were some kind of noble duke.

"You've been practicing your noble etiquette i see. Have you been practicing your speech?" The droid mused, causing Dima to make a face and shift her eyes away.

"Ahem, why yes, i have. I have been practicing a lot!" Dima took time saying this, longer than other words uttered. Specifically struggling with referring to herself as 'I', a word that did not exist in hive-speak in the same way it did for humans and other single minded individuals. Her sense of self was complex, thus learning proper language was...a struggle. One that required much patience and annoyance from the droid.

"Yes Dima, very good. Now if only you could do it when in a real conversation, and not just for practice." The droid teased, causing Dimas eyes to narrow as she reached out and flicked the droid with a claw.

"Hey! Don't embarrass Dima in front of the forceborn!" She snapped under her breath which only made the droid tease on.

"Don't embarrass 'me' in front of the forceborn~" The droid corrected, making Dimas ears flutter like butterfly wings within her helmet as her tail whirled behind her in agitation.

"Thats what this- i mean...I said!" She huffed back, folding her four arms over her chest childishly as the tall mandalorian stood there clearly flustered now by the droids berating of her speech patterns. Still, she did still wonder who the robed man would fetch to greet her here. Surly there had to be someone on this world who wanted these silly little trinkets in her possession. And if somehow there was no one, she would have to take her treasures elsewhere. Though, curiously, she did find herself wondering if the butcher king was here, and if so what company the proclaimed god-king kept. And if they were as amusing to the alien creature and the god-king himself.

Cause so far all she saw was food. And she was starting to get hungry~

Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Alisteri did not bother venturing to the world of Jutrand often. A city planet crawling with Eternalists and sniveling nobles and would-be nobles trying to beg for a place at the table of their overlords. The whole world disgusted him, but it being the capital of the Sith Order meant that it was often a necessary stop when on Sith business. He never like to linger for very long, if he did then one of the Sith Lords would start ordering him around as if they held any sway over him. But thankfully this trip proved to be short and uneventful, until he made it back to the spaceport.

Of course he just had to be stopped by one of the local Sith overseeing the landings and departures, quick to blab in his ear about some Mandalorian ship that had just come in with holocrons of all things. The second that he heard of the cargo from the blithering man he pushed him aside and waved off any further questions. "I'll see what this person wants. You want to ask about the authorization then you can go find someone who cares."

Alisteri couldn't care less about who or what should and shouldn't be landing in the spaceport. That was the duty of the Eternalists to sort out, he just had to get ahold of those holocrons before someone more important appeared to confiscate them.

The masked man walked right past the guards still lingering by the landing zone's entrance without a second glance to them, instead he focused on scanning over the ship. It was a Mandalorian vessel for certain but what awaited in the hangar most definitely wasn't any Mandalorian that he had seen before. Most that he had heard of or seen himself had far less limbs, and were a fair bit closer to average height as well. He actually stopped in his tracks for a moment to glance over the alien, as if staring at her would make some realization about her nature appear, before he continued his approach in a more gradual manner. Thus far the pair hadn't caused any trouble so why rush?

"Mandalorian. I'm told that you've brought some precious cargo to us today." Alisteri noticeably stopped a fair distance away from the visitor, caution evident in his stance. "Do tell me what brings one of you so far into Sith space, because it certainly isn't espionage."

Domina Prime Domina Prime
Daughter of The Destroyer

Jutrand, Capital World of the Sith

Precious? The word rang in the lifeforms ears like life day bells, ringing her consciousness as a breath hitched within her very diaphragm. Precious...yes, the word had come to her at least like a strike of thunder! She wanted to be precious, beloved, she wanted to be starlight given form, given edge. And with a shimmer in her eye from behind that intricately designed helm the xeno held the golden inlaid holocron to the air, looking to it as if trying to catch the light just right as the stranger positioned himself a distance away from the alien woman.

"Precious! Yes, thi- i mean...i...agree. These are precious aren't they?" The mused with whimsy, only to shift the front of her helm towards the stranger, lowering the treasure and using each of her keen eyes to scan and examine the details of the man. "To someone...~" She finished with a predatory lick of her lips from behind her helmet. A glint of child-like curiosity had overcome her again as she grinned ear to ear, almost taunted into a dance at the mention of 'espionage'. A word that the woman had only heard a few times and still had not fully gripped.

"To be completely honest, lately, my bones have been itching~" She cried as if weeping, feinting a wrist upon the head of her helm as she stepped forward...closer...deeper into the jaws of the sith world with each step from her ship.

Caution was not only shown to be an exercise she was one she had thrown to the wind.

"Perhaps Dima is mad, but how could this one be? You saw it as well godling yes?" The lifeform questioned, whispering now as if keeping a secret while drifting ever so closer until suddenly pausing as her droid fluttered beside her.

"You aren't mad young Domina. And remember! Etiquette! You are a lady now~" They quipped, reminding Dima of her lessons.

"Ah, why yes! Of course!" The xeno sang, looking to the stranger and reaching down to the hems of her violet dress to lift the hems in a respectful little bow as her teeth chittered along the sides of her face within her helm, creating a...unsettling noise while her upper arms motioned just so. "Greetings Young God!" She cooed before using her upper arms to gesture towards herself. "This ones name is Dima, Dima Prime. Honors and respect, yes?" Dima attempted, unfamiliar with the proper words and phrases as she readjusted herself to stand her full height. "But yes, perhaps not madness then. But I have been feeling something, something in my skin. Something i need to understand that soldiers can't teach me...but it's curious isn't it?" Dima asked, now stepping closer if the man allowed, close enough for their chest to almost be touching as Dima lifted her hand between them to hold the holocron between the two of them. "This little thing. It has words of your gods love yes? That is why they give you power when you open them?" Dima chirped, her childish notion of what these artifacts were. "But why, why did the red man reject power? Reject the love of his god, when he wanted it so badly? It attracts the rest of your Others this one is s-..i mean...'i am'...'i'm?' Whichever of the words, others will come certainly. Wanting to take my precious things~" She explained, unsure where she was going with this. "And i still don't know if i'll let them~"

"Darling, your rambling. He doesn't understand what your on about~" X9 had to interrupt, clearly the rails that kept Dimas bullet train of a mind on track.

"That word you said before. The big one, it means spy yes? One who deceives? One who lies? One who hides? It is a word of many words." Dima questioned with a tap to her chin with one of her many arms as a childish giggle erupted from her lips. "But you are right, I am not here for that. I am here for you~" Her wrist gestured all around her now. To all of...this sickness around her. "I'm here for...all of this. I have to know...what is it all for, to what end? This one must admit...the curiosity is eating Dima alive~" The purred with an almost primal glow at the last words uttered, accidentally reverting back and forth between speech patterns depending on the emotion in her phrases. "So do you want the love of your god, darkborn?" The asked simply, turning her back suddenly to the Sithling with a twirl on her feet as she grinded her claws together in a 'SCHLINK' sound from her crystaline claws, imitating the motion of a snap as a large metallic box was suddenly levitated from the ramp of her vessel down to the ground. "Many of these Dima found, even more from the bones of a godling. Your kind often cling to them...when they die. I think they do it to be closer to their god, don't you?" Dima asked honestly, a flash of memory in her head from when she had slain forceborn who were antagonized against her. She always wondered what significance they held to them, why after collecting so many. Their god still refused to speak to her...

"Stop asking the man questions if you aren't going to let him answer~" X9 had to intersect...again. But her mind had already gone wandering off again. Drifting on about gods and demons.

Perhaps their god was jealous. Yes, that had to be it. Their god envied her god and so they simply gave her the cold shoulder! It was surly to be that simple, especially in the young xenos mind. The box resting by her feet as she dragged a claw across its surface, creating an incredibly vicious squealing of metal and crystal as if she were a cat sharpening her claws on the steel of the box. Sparks flew from her fingers before bringing them upwards to then run her heated clawtips against the surface of the holocron in her hand, playful as always even in the jaws of the enemy. "Am i...rambling again?" Dima asked, glancing at the droid who merely gave her a deadpan look.

"Yes darling, but its good you caught yourself." X9 said before glancing over to Darth Strosius Darth Strosius . "Simply put, we've come to make a deal. Domina Prime has been having dreams lately. Grand ambitions that cannot be fullfilled until she understands. And your kind offer answers to questions she has, so she desires a trade. In her words, the love of your god, for answers to her hearts questions~ Among other things~" X9 communicated clearly.

"And shinies and sweet things~" Dima quipped in afterwards with a nod to herself of assurance. If the droid had eyes they would have rolled them.

"Yes...those things. So, is it within your power to grant these things? Or shall we wait for someone who does?" X9 asked the man, Dima grinning to herself with a chuckle.

"Ohhh, he wouldn't like that. Competition is high for gods love here, and the godlings never did like to share~" Dima sang while tracing her claws over the holocron in her grip.


Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
His gaze snapped to the golden holocron as the Mandalorian held it aloft, although he did his best not to appear too interested in the artifact. Couldn't give away too much too early when in negotiations and deals after all. Especially when dealing with strange alien Mandalorians with unknown motives and even less known biology. Perhaps she was some sort of Sithspawn? She certainly didn't feel like one though, not in the Force at least, and was far more civil than any that he knew of for that matter. The Force was not present with the alien at all actually, as if she were just a blank space in it. He clearly would have to keep his cards close to his chest if he wanted a fair deal for the holocrons that she carried.

"That they are..." Alisteri shifted slightly despite his hesitance to do so, finding something about her hidden gaze to be mildly concerning. Maybe that Sithspawn idea wasn't as unlikely as he thought. "Your...bones have been...itching?" He resisted the urge to take a step back as the Mandalorian stepped forward, his foot twitching slightly before he stopped it. For a moment he idly wondered if she was talking to herself or to him until her accompanying droid flew to her side. Thankfully her advance was halted as well, even if it was only for now.

The bow and especially the odd noise alongside it caught him off-guard, much like everything else that the Mandalorian had done thus far, but Alisteri was quick to cross an arm in front of his center and give a little bow in return. The whole 'God' thing was also a source of confusion but he chose not to question it too much. For now anyway. Before he knew it the Mandalorian was standing right in front of him, the holocron held so temptingly close, and making him crane his head up a bit to try and meet her gaze. The flurry of questions and strange remarks stifled any comments that he himself tried to think up or say, his mind too focused on dissecting the meaning behind her words.

So the Mandalorian wasn't a spy, according to her own testament at least, but rather a visitor out of curiosity? Admittedly it was unbelievable given the situation but he could understand to some extent. Curiosity was what drove him to find the Sith initially after all, and that had been many years ago now. Many years of struggle and strife as a Sith had followed such a desire to learn. And many more to come. The sudden turn and question almost distracted him from the sight of some large container emerging from the ship. If he were to take the insinuations that the Mandalorian was making at face value then one could assume that said box was full of holocrons. Surely not, where would she have found so many? Having one at all was enough of a rarity, let alone a whole crateful of them.

Thankfully the droid came in to interject once more, albeit with the addition of the Mandalorian dragging her claws along metal in a noise that made him wince under his mask. Thus far he hadn't decided yet whether this was a bartering experience or a hostage negotiation. The droid's clarification did help to ease some of the tension in his shoulders though as he shifted to cross his arms behind his back. "Well if you'll find no shortage of ambitions and answers among the Sith, you can be sure of that." With any luck those grand ambitions didn't include him in any manner. Hopefully.

"If you want answers and...shiny things then I'm more than happy to oblige. The knowledge of the Dark Side is open to all who have the strength and will to take it." Giving away Sith knowledge may be a dangerous thing given the nature of Sith-Mandalorian relations but one had to take measured risks at times. If he wanted a holocron then he could give out an answer or two. "Do ask away then and allow me to sate your curiosity. I can get the credits and some sort of dessert later I suppose. Are you a fan of cookies?"

Domina Prime Domina Prime



Equipment | In Bio
Location | Jutrand
Tag | Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Domina Prime Domina Prime

Was there ever a lack of interesting things here on Jutrand? Word had spread fast about a ship with Mandalorian symbols adorning it, how curious that someone would just fly right on into Jutrand of all places while their ship wore hostile symbols. They were either a fool, or a brave fool. Why not go take a peek?

The discourse and rivalry between the Sith and Mandalorians never interested Adeline too much, knowing some Mandalorians herself. Yet, as she got closer to the area, her nostrils picked up a new scent she had never smelled before. Such new sensations to the senses didn't stop there either as she turned the corner to see a strange creature. Not of any race she knew of that is for sure, and whatever it was the thing was holding a holocron.

Soon the eager occultist takes out her notebook, following behind the two as Alisteri most likely wished to find some officer or higher ranking Sith to dump this whole situation on.

Keeping a pace with them her blackened boots stepped against the metal flooring, eventually going to the side of them as they both no doubt heard the scratching of lead against paper, glancing over to see inhuman eyes staring back with great interest.

From what she could tell this creature had... An interesting personality and the maturity of a toddler, perfect!

"Your bones itch you say... Want to tell me more?"

This woman didn't look too much like a Sith, her snow-white robes appeared more like some divine priestess rather than a Sith apprentice. Most of the occultist's pallet was a merge of white, with only her ruby red eyes and blackened boots/gloves standing out. As Adeline spoke, her voice was like a silk to the ears.

"Would you be opposed to being studied?"

The highblooded Sangnir flashed a grin, pale fangs showing for but a moment as she takes out a small cut of
Aurodium that reflected the light off it. It was nestled within the strange woman's palm, being offered to the being.


Daughter of The Destroyer

Jutrand, Capital World of the Sith

"Yes! Exactly, so you do understand don't you young god? What it's like, to have an itch you can't scratch?" Dima proclaimed with stunning gusto with a swing of her arm, her many eyes shifting their focus all about now as she lifted another hand and ran her sharpened claws against her neck as if trying to scratch her scales. "It's maddening! At first i thought it to be a rash, but how could that be? Design as perfected as mine would never allow for such a condition. So i knew! I knew in my core something was wrong~" The alien mused, her feet carrying her back and forth between the crate and the Sith before her while her mind swam about.

The man seemed lost, not his fault of course, it wasn't every day a civilized man had to deal with a creature as...unstable and rambunctious as Dima. Difficult to predict, even harder to maintain and control. Her sheer presence here was a testament to her overwhelming lack of understanding of the galaxy around her. How things people worked. After all, to fly into the clutches of the forceborn, her enemy without backup? No plan beyond her temporary whims? No nothing about the xeno made sense to a logical, functioning mind. And as the man watched her, keeping his composure in the face of this mysterious alien stranger as she ranted and rambled on.

The droid levitated forward slightly.

"Yes, your kind have been known to be many things. Few of which interest Domina Prime~" The droid mused back honestly when the man mentioned finding no shortage of ambition among the Sith. Dima herself clinking a claw against the holocron as she weighed her head from side to side.

"Mmn, yes. Darkborn, schemers and deceivers. I always wondered to what end~" Dima mused innocently, her insult barely even registering in her head as one. To the xeno she merely stated what she thought everyone else knew to be true. It was less malicious teasing and more just a general lack of respect towards her adversary. In truth, she had a hard time taking forceborn seriously. Their behaviors and traditions were baffling to the young alien. Which was evident when she suddenly burst into casual laughter at the mention of the man telling her the dark side provided answers for those with the 'strength and will' to take it. A lower hand lifting up just to slap her knee as if she had been told one hell of a knee slapper.

"Ohhhhh. Strength and that what your kind call it?" The xeno cooed with a quirked brow from behind her helmet, her laughter bubbling and frothing from her lips while she shook her head passively and exhaled. "Lot of godlings have said those words to me...soon after they weren't saying anything anymore." Dima admitted, tilting her head slightly.

"Hey! Be polite, remember young domina. You are a guest~" The droid cut off, also reminding the xeno to keep her etiquette. However, at the mention of shinies and food the aliens eyes dilated like dinner plates as her segmented jaws pooled saliva within her own helm messily.

"Deal! Shinies and sweet squid soup! And I will give you one of these...things~" She held one of her holocrons up, Dima taking another hand and just clacking one of her fingered claws against the glass of the holocron impishly, enjoying the ringing sound that emanated from it with each tap. The trinket bringing the alien great satisfaction just to toy and meddle with, much to the grievances of those who would seek the items for their own advancement.

Her five eyes distracted, she did not even notice another stranger approach. Only to ask about itching bones which made Dima blink rapidly. She looked left, nothing...right? No, that wasn't it either. Eventually after craning her neck down and behind her the five eyes of hers landed on the newcomer from behind her visor.

"Ah, another one!" Dima mused, her tone still rather musical and whimsical when suddenly the woman asked Dima a strange question.

If she was opposed to being studied.

There was no visible reaction from the tall alien. She just stared, almost as if still registering the words in her brain. Her grip on the holocron tightened immensely, followed by the sharp, audible rattling of her barbed tail as it moved with agitation and hostility. Filling with venom as a low hiss erupted from her lips.

"No! No no! Your kind had your chance to see Dima! To let this one be beautiful and precious! You soiled it! Rotten and sour you did not want this one anymore! Dima was to unworthy remember!? Without the love of your god Dima was just another thing yes? Just some stupid thing!" The alien snapped, her demeanor and etiquette slipping away completely as her four arms flailed about in some kind of tantrum. "Dima is beautiful now! Dima is a lady, proper and noble! You can't study this one anymore!" She barked, her five eyes now all focused on the young goddess in her ivory robes tipped in crimson. "Besides...what would you even learn little goddess? Except that this one has outgrown you~"

"Dima! Dima no! Don't! Don't do it, just relaaaaaax. Caaaaaaalm, you don't get shinies if you become hostile~" The droid tried to settle, only causing Dima to smack the droid away with her wrist in a sudden, blinding motion. Clearly not hearing any of it as she stepped forward assertively.

"No! It wants to put Dima in a box and poke her with sharp things! But Dima isn't going back to that place! Dima will never, ever go back! Not for you, or anyone else!" She snapped, the holocron in her grip becoming slightly damaged as her crystaline claws shredded through its surface, peeling away strips of metal from its design and leaving carvings and slashes along its surface from the aliens sudden burst of fury. Struggling to regain composure as memories of TITAN flooded the creatures mind, creating dread and anxiety mixed with a all ravaging itch for violence so potent the alien could taste blood on her teeth already. Still, she simmered, but had yet to erupt into full flame. And so she leaned downward, face to face to the stranger and scoffed. "Dima is NOT, for study~" She would tell her simply now, with less anger in her tone. Slowly, steadily regaining herself as she stood back to her full height, her many eyes still staring down at her as another one of her hands lifted to point towards Darth Strosius Darth Strosius . "Dima does not think she likes your friend godling. Your fee has now doubled because of this one~" The xeno quipped, her eyes never once for a moment leaving Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua .





Equipment | In Bio
Location | Jutrand
Tag | Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Domina Prime Domina Prime

She blinks a few times, unsure what the creature was rambling on about. It would appear she would have to settle for less intrusive forms of study, ones that didn't include blades... For now.

"What? Who put you in a box? Actually... Better to move on from that, I wouldn't say you are unworthy. Udesla... Ni cuy' nayc burun. When I asked for study I was merely asking to examine what you have under the armor, I must admit that I have never seen someone like you."

As the huge creature glared down at Adeline, they could see no fear in the eyes or expression of the occultist. She simply gives a soft smile, gloved hand still offering the nugget of highly valued metal.

"You don't need to go over what happened, okay? How about we find you something to eat hmm?"

The offer to help find them food, be it sweets or someone Adeline didn't like was in fact a cheeky way to partly get what she wanted, a chance to not only see facial features but also see how they ate.

"What clan are you from? I only know of house Vizla myself, I am friends with one actually."

Her tone was soft and deceivingly welcoming as she spoke, behaving rather friendly to the creature that snarled at her mere moments ago.


(OOC translation: "Calm, I am no danger."​

Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
The masked man did his best not to jump when a familiar voice spoke up beside him, his attention too focused on the Mandalorian visitor to notice the arrival of another Sangnir. "Lady Adeline? I wasn't aware that you were around...." An unexpected but admittedly not unwelcome addition. If the negotiations turned sour then he'd hardly think twice about an extra pair of hands on his side. But of course that was a very big if, provided that the visitor didn't read too much into the 'being studied' remark. " that you mention it I believe that I do know what you mean about an itch that can't be scratched. Not scratched by any physical means at least."

Oddly enough the off-handed insult actually made the masked man chuckle, as if it were some sort of common joke or phrase rather than a fact or statement. "Perhaps that end is what said schemers and deceivers are trying to seek for themselves." Most Sith did lose themselves all too easily in their pursuits of power and grandeur, caught up in unreachable ambitions that would simply consume them and change them into an unrecognizable state if they survived long enough. For better or worse there was always an end to a Sith. Such was life. Evidently the Mandalorian herself had been such an end if her remarks were true, which didn't seem to phase or surprise Alisteri much. He would have been more surprised had she not slain at least one Sith before, given how bold and unafraid she was to stride right into the heart of Sith space without any hesitation.

And then the studying remark garnered a reaction from the Mandalorian that made the masked man take a step or two back for his own sake, mostly to avoid the smack that sent the droid away. Just in case the negotiations got more physical it was better to have some breathing room in his mind. But with any luck it wouldn't come to that.


He glanced back and forth as the Mandalorian and the Sith exchanged words, his hands held in front of himself in what he hoped was a diplomatic and harmless display. Adeline could sort out any confusion or respond to any offence on her own after all. It totally wasn't because being caught between a tall alien and a Sangnir argument was a terrifying concept. Not at all. But of course he was all too quick to nod in agreement at the offer of food. "Yes something to eat! That sounds like a wonderful idea! And there shall be no poking or prodding or studying involved, just sweets and polite conversation. And I'll be more than happy to pay for whatever sates your hunger Lady Dima."

With any luck that would be something simple like a soup or some bakery item and not one of the spaceport workers, although if that were more her style then he supposed the three of them would have some common ground in that regard. "And Lady Adeline here is very intelligent and wise, I'm sure she'd be more than happy to help answer your questions as well." Alisteri idly nudged the other Sangnir with his foot. "Isn't that right? Sweets and conversation yes?"

Domina Prime Domina Prime / Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua
Daughter of The Destroyer

Jutrand, Capital World of the Sith

It was all souring now, like fruit left hanging a little to long the xenos attitude had shifted on a whim with the arrival of the second stranger. Her cheerful and childish whimsy revoked in favor of slathering fangs and a predatory itch. The Pale Lady known as Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua had clearly caught her slip and adjusted her approach accordingly but to Dima all eyes were on her now. Her central most eye never left the face of the woman, while another eye barely glanced over the rock in her hand which remained there.

In any other situation the glimmering of the rock would have been enough to disarm the beast, draw her gaze and focus but in this moment Dima was incredibly suspicious of the Pale Woman, even when her gleaming smile and innocent mannerisms beckoned the creature Dima made a grimacing face of partial disapproval. Who had put Dima in the box? Why they did of course! Then again, to the Xeno all of their kind blended together into the same pot of stew. The forceborn in all their infinite wisdom, their unyielding might.

"My armor is my bond little goddess. And i had to work many moons to earn it i will not be taking it off~" Dima growled lowly, the droid struggling to regain itself after just being smacked across the air just previously. Positioning itself once again between the large alien and the others as if to mitigate any more damage to the negotiations. "Besides, nothing exist like me. I doubt you would recognize such grand design~" Dima quipped sassily with a flip of her arm and a swish of her violet cape, the shifting of her many eyes now returning some of their focus to the man. Especially when he mentioned the name of the pale woman...Lady Adeline?

So this was the example of 'Lady' Dima was to replicate?

Oh this would not do at all. Not for the xeno, not for Domina Prime~

Dimas head literally looked right back to 'Lady Adeline' and looked her fully up and down and audible chittered her teeth together within her helm before speaking up sternly in response to the Young God when he referred to Dima as 'lady' as well. Which when alongside Adeline ruined the very word for her.

"Domina~" The Xeno corrected. shifting her head from side to side while humming a tune quietly to herself as Darth Strosius Darth Strosius salvaged the moment with talk of sweets and such. "But yes, fine, lead the way then godling. Into the belly of the beast yes?" Dima quipped, knowing she'd only be wandering further into the clutches of the enemy with her treasures at this point. But all the same, Dima kept one of her five eyes steadily on Adeline.





Equipment | In Bio
Location | Jutrand
Tag | Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Domina Prime Domina Prime

She feels the nudge on her boot, Alisteri even going so far as to compliment Adeline's intelligence.

"Lady Adeline? I wasn't aware that you were around...."

"Word travels fast you know, and my senses pick up new smells with ease."

Adeline gives the man a simple but polite nod.
"My armor is my bond little goddess. And i had to work many moons to earn it i will not be taking it off~"

The growl had almost triggered Adeline to do the same in return, yet her calm expression stayed.

"I can respect that, again.. My question was just an innocent pondering is all, no harm intended on my behalf."
"Besides, nothing exist like me. I doubt you would recognize such grand design~"

"Well of course I don't recognize your form, else I wouldn't have asked to inspect it."

She had figured such a thing was obvious, if this Mandalorian had been anything else besides whatever she was... Adeline would not be here right now. To her such a painfully obvious thing made her realize that either this creature was mentally stunted, or perhaps was just too good at annoying people. The occultist figured it was a mix of both, with the former being the larger of the two.

If she wanted any crumb of study, this would be a test for her patience, and thankfully she had plenty to go around.

"So, if you aren't fond of me taking notes of your features... How about we move on to the main reason you are here then, do you remember where you found that shiny thing? The one that holds knowledge, not like the metal I have here."

To Alisteri it would be clear that his fellow scholar was now downgrading her grammar, speaking in a more simple manner. As she puts away the nugget of valued metal, Adeline gestures for the two to walk as they talk.

"Those shiny boxes always hold knowledge, only those who are... Hmmm... When your body holds the dark, you can open the shinies made by us godlings. Jedi have a painful time opening our shinies, and we have a hard time opening theirs. Are you wanting me and Alisteri here to open this shiny? We can read it together.. Or are you seeking to trade it for something?"

Adeline had a pep to her step as they all walked along, never letting go of a more innocent appearance, be it her tone or body expressions. It all just seemed like a curious but bubbly little scholar, she would find some way into their head... All things just took time, the piece on the board could easily move some time now or later.


Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Adeline raised a good point, word did indeed spread fast among the Sith and a strange Mandalorian bartering with holocrons was sure to attract plenty of unwanted attention. They'd have to be quick in their dealings then before some less diplomatic Sith came along to just try and snatch up the artifacts. He'd rather not be anywhere nearby if their visitor discovered that her goods had been pilfered in some way. "Domina, my apologies." Alisteri was quick to lead the trio as they began walking, mostly because he had to remember where a good place to find suitable desserts was. And he had to remember one quickly at that.

Hopefully Adeline could keep up a conversation long enough for him to find a good place for them to eat. Preferably one that wasn't out in the middle of the busy spaceport.

As they passed through into the greater spaceport area the masked man waved off the guards that had taken up positions by the entrance, not caring for their surprised looks as they walked by them. They weren't worth his time to deal with, he had far greater issues at hand than entertaining the confused looks of a handful of guards. Like trying to remember where that one delectable spice roll stand had been set up at. "I believe our guest wants a trade and some information Lady Adeline. That's what she's been itching for, if I understand correctly anyway. You mentioned something about a lesson that soldiers couldn't teach you, right Domina?"

Notably, Alisteri didn't simplify his questions like Adeline had, mostly out of the knowledge that the Mandalorian already knew the holocrons held some manner of value to them. Admittedly he may have been partially to blame for that, given his referral to them as precious earlier. Not the wisest remark on his part but hopefully the price that she desired wasn't too steep regardless. "Ah, here we are!" He gestured to a small stand that had been setup in the main area of the spaceport, near a cafeteria and alongside several other stand and restaurants. Before the owner of the stand could open their mouth Alisteri pulled a credit chip from his cloak and placed it onto the counter. "One of everything, and make it quick if you would please."

As the stand workers set about gathering the sweets Alisteri glanced back at the Sith and the Mandalorian to see how they were getting on. In truth he almost didn't want to know exactly how the holocron had been acquired, the implications set a dangerous precedent for his this deal could go if she had stolen it off the body of a Sith. Hopefully if she had then whoever she killed to get it wasn't too important and thus wouldn't raise too many bad feelings.

Domina Prime Domina Prime / Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua

Nupax nurin

Nupax walked the space port the ancient sith lord and former head counciler of the Sith during the time of the old republic. Heard about the strange mandalorian alien in the port from passing forces and those she persuaded to pass her information it was surprising how much info was said in front of the help. Her darkside aura permeated her approach before she arrived a cold electrical chill going up the spine followed by darkness and a calm rage it wasn't as overwhelming or powerful as empyreans or carnifex but still powerful enough to grab attention of those who could feel it.

Wearing black silks with a black leather overcoat she walked up seeing the trio the pureblooded sorceress walked with purpose. She was still feeling the effects of the Carbonite freezing but she was getting better and stronger every day even if she still needed to find her old sith relics those that wherent destroyed anyway. She saw the holocron the strange creature was holding the ancient sith pureblood stood equal distance between dima and alisteri she had taken note of alisteri he had garnered the attention of those of higher rank mainly on command of the Sith order. Who the other sith was she didn't know but she got the feeling there was more to the girl then she appeared "what brings a Mandalorian so deep into sith territory especially one with holocrons" she asked bluntly looking at dima. Nupax was watching dima gauging her reply her mannerisms "do you have a death wish?" She asked again further gauging Dimas responses the sith around dima and nupax would recognize the was no malice in her words or stance merely questions.

Domina Prime Domina Prime Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua
Daughter of The Destroyer

Divine right reserved to those most deserving of its overwhelming burden, many were not ready for such grandiose ambitions, many crumbled beneath the pressure as heavy was the head that wore the devils crown. And with the key of to their gods love in the clutches of a nonbeliever it was only a matter of time before the preachers, believers, and schemers all emerged from their rat tunnels.

And even in that moment, another of them emerged, crimson fleshed much like the man who had introduced himself to the xeno originally during her initial arrival, yet another to this marry band of curious cats as the numbers began to weight outside her favor.

Or so it seemed. With such different personalities these treasures were bound to attract it was sure to attract the attention of someone more...antagonizing. If not current company, than someone lingering in the dark with a cloak and dagger.

So many hands reaching for the crown, for divine right. And as Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua informed the alien of the treasures contents, explaining it had to be opened by one of their kind and that they could open it together.

But their god did not love Dima, and that rejection soured the idea of involving herself with the affairs of their god.

"Mmn, while i'm curious the warmth of your god does not find me. Gods love is for gods children, yes?" Dima replied, questioning the nature of their force god as her many swarming eyes wandered then over to Darth Strosius Darth Strosius as she was led through spaceports and other establishments to find somewhere more...low-key than before. The massive create levitating due to the repulse technology installed into the box while they settled in their new location to discuss...whatever madness it was the Prime wanted to talk about regarding their god. Refreshments and sugary delights were ordered and Dima's central eye fell upon Nupax nurin . Examining her facial details and physical form before measuring her threat potential.

But with their kind looks were always deceiving. But even still her question to the xeno caused Dima to chuckle devilishly in glee.

"Oh i think i've been wishing for many things these days little red~" Dima purred while rolling her wrist with one of her arms, specifically the one holding the holocron until suddenly it fell from her claws, only to be snatched out the air as it fell into the clutches of one of her lower hands. "But if its death that someone wishes upon me, they will be wishing for a very long time~" She quipped childishly before one of her opposite hands pointed down towards the strange sealed case clearly a splicing of strange, alien technology. "But if you must know red, i came with your precious treasures because i wanted to see how sweet the love of your gods words were to your ears. How sweet the smell of its power to your nostrils. Of all your kind i've assimilated, thoughts of these items always lingered on the forefront of their minds. They are important to your kind, so much so you'll do anything to have them. Yes?" Dima explained honestly before looking to the three of them with all five of her eyes from behind her visor. "This is good, Dima gets two things from being here. To trade information, valuables, and assets for the love of your god and the power of the king." Her head leaned over now in an awkward tilt, the rattle of her sharp, barbed tail drifting behind her as those four arms each independently operated of their own accord. One of them plucking mischievously at the countertop. Her claws carving through its material like a hot knife through butter. "Alternatively, i could be targeted by your many...many agitators among the darkborn. But with the good blessing of one of your mighty three. I feel that would...only give me the right to sharpen my claws on yet more bones of your kind, and collect more treasures in the process. Either way its a win for Domina Prime~" She cockily addressed before turning her gaze back over to Alisteri.

"But yes, trades are preferable. As the loving words of your god do not hold value to me. But i'm sure there is something you all have that is...but yes, you are right godling. Something i've been needing to discover for myself, something the culture and lifestyle of a simple soldier can't teach me. I was never meant to be confined, so what i want to know is~" Dima turned her back to Adeline and Nupax to directly focus all eyes on him while asking her question. "How do you do it? Exist as you do? The way you do? Why did your god choose you? Is it divine? Chance? Do you do this for territory? The thirst to be great? Powerful? What drives your kind to be so..." Dima paused now, her claws reaching up and clickity clacking against the sides of her helmet in thought. "Ravenous!? Is it the words of your god that motivates you so? The want to be a king? To be a god? It is my understanding many of you are motivated by different things. But there are many of you. How many gods and kings can there be? What gives one the right to be one?" She asked, clearly in a crisis of understanding of the desires and deepest motivations of the forceborn. "With how self centered single minded organisms are that can't go well~"

"But i do wonder...could the right ever be mine?" Dima asked, her four arms gesturing towards herself childishly as she leaned in.

What's a king to god? Among those such as these, it was simple to Dima...a King is lethal, vicarious, cunning, never was there such an underived refinement in the savagery of carnal impulse. A fine, sleekened creature, living shadows sifting with parlous fervour out along the edges of a flickering candle's flame, he is immaculate in contemptible, ensanguined swathe comely enough for Mephistopheles himself. He is hellish discord in heaving volatility, he is turbulent with the capability to strip away all that holds worth or sentiment to the heart, yet never forthcoming with his dominance and definite nature. No The King preferred game is that of the secretive craft of schemes, plots, of kiss and control that he holds with the iron born claw of primal need for dominion, to have the revel of divide and glorified sanctum in the palm of a quivering hand. Cold mirrors reflect beasts beneath the mantilla masquerade of nobility, the grimalkin lurking against the surface of composed regard, the hellish serpent of gratified succulence.

But a God? Enigmatic, a force of havoc, vexation upon the earth and skies, while the predatory, apex of the beast remains nestled within the safety of sovereign obscurity. Felt, never seen. The King was birthed into a world of lecherous animosity and fevered bedlam based upon the preaching of depravity. A god based its existence within the throes of primeval world, of primal instinct and fervid inamorata. The old testaments, and wills upon which the livid enchantments of history confound upon, ligaments and tissues of a lascivious heart of archaic, rustic mystery.

How profound, that she would find herself here. This place had its own rules, its own codes. A Bible of deceit, and malice bids all welcome with a calming grin, charming eyes dipped in gold invite strangers to stay, if but for the breath of a moment and let him welcome the, o' gracious guest, unto the very enthralling lips of Golden Eden. Walk among those of barbaric enticement, lingering primeval ghosts. Prolific monoliths of times well passed, and yet still they remain, straying remnants of a galaxy which refuses to change.

Being here Dima could sense it, the forces swarming around her waiting anxiously for a knife slipping amorously between lithe, dulcet ribs. Enthralled in it all already, the illustrious prestige of it all being among the chosen ones of their divine creator all while knowing cataclysmic mutiny of different worlds expanding, imploding, clashing against one another in a heated affair.

She had to walk in the wake of monstrous beasts, their paths unfurled as if coaxing closer, closer still the rush of a curious mind until gnashing severity of fangs sever all thought from a feeble stem and cerebral musings. This is the world of beast and monsters...god-kings and divine phantoms.

But the sweet smell of cinnamon biscuits, sweet sugary delights pulled her mind elsewhere. Her upper hands reaching upwards her sharp clawtips clicked and clacked a sequence of buttons and latches along the sides and back of her helmet, undoing is seal as a sudden cracking filled the air followed by a long 'HISSSSSSSSS' of air spilling out. Peeling the strange helm away from her cranium long, slowing ivory hair spilled out messily into a mane tangled in jewelry and random assortments of shiny things braided into random segments of her hair. More alarmingly however to those who may not have witnessed the mysterious lifeform however were the unsettling amount of strange, alien eyes twisting and zipping about back and forth along the room. Sharp, crystal-like teeth chittering and shifting along the sides of her cheeks. Segmented jaws however displayed nicely at the moment, the hunger for her sweet things causing them to involuntarily split and drool spilled between them and onto the floor. Her eyes dilating sharply as she looked over to the kitchen. "Smells good. Do you think they also have anything...alive?" Dima asked, realizing that saliva was spilling out of her face and re-sealing her jaws together. Her central most eye drifting back to her box of treasures.





Equipment | In Bio
Location | Jutrand
Tag | Domina Prime Domina Prime Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Nupax nurin

"Mmn, while i'm curious the warmth of your god does not find me. Gods love is for gods children, yes?"

"A debatable topic, to me a god's love is only for the worthy. Those who fall behind only serve to be eaten by the strong, no?"

She gives a fanged smile for a moment, though soon her attention is given to a new arrival. As per expected she had questions as to why a Mandalorian of all things was here, Adeline glances to Alisteri for a moment... Though surprisingly the creature answered for the both of them.

"But if you must know red, i came with your precious treasures because i wanted to see how sweet the love of your gods words were to your ears. How sweet the smell of its power to your nostrils. Of all your kind i've assimilated, thoughts of these items always lingered on the forefront of their minds. They are important to your kind, so much so you'll do anything to have them. Yes?"

Assimilated? Now this creature interested the Sangnir more, though it would seem that their view on things was rather simple minded... Would every Sith do anything for a holocron? Adeline had her limits, it needed to be worth the time and effort. Chances are that this artifact that the creature brought in had information she could already just go study, the leverage that this creature thought it had was at least concerning Adeline... Hardly existent.

"Do you happen to know what a library is by chance?"

She asks in a mocking manner, brow raised as an amused smile adorns her soft face.
"How do you do it? Exist as you do? The way you do? Why did your god choose you? Is it divine? Chance? Do you do this for territory? The thirst to be great? Powerful? What drives your kind to be so..."

Perhaps even the simplest of things was hard for this thing to understand, wasn't it obvious? She wanted to chime in once again, yet decided against it for now. For as simple as her answer to such a question was... She doubted that despite its simplicity the wall she was talking to was far simpler.
"But i do wonder...could the right ever be mine?"

A question that Adeline had once wondered herself, eventually getting the answer thanks to fate itself. But, this brings up a good question doesn't it? To Adeline there were plenty of gods, every religion had to have something right? But were any of them fit for all? No, not they are not. But could there be a god that anyone could find solace in? Hmm..

Her thoughts were halted as the creature took off their helmet, Adeline instantly taking those quick hands of hers to jot down a nice sketch before taking a cotton swab out. A quick swipe of the drool on the floor was done before she stashed the swab safely and tightly within a vial.

"I just so happen to have an alive specimen, it is of little use to me. Would you care to join me for dinner later? The meat may be a little bruised though, but I can assure its taste is rather succulent indeed."


It had been a long time since Khamesi had graced Jutrand with her presence. Once Fojanah Heavy Productions had been up and running, and her fleet had moved to further ports for it's prizes, she hadn't had much need to stop by personally. On this day however, she had to inspect a new prototype before the public news release was ready. Make sure it was up to her standards. That was when she had picked up on an odd feeling. Alisteri she knew from their raid on the slavers, another Sith was there to. That wasn't what had caught her senses though, it was the hole in them that had a sense of familiarity to her. After some personal debate, after all two Sith were already near it and not in any obvious distress, she chose to investigate personally.

Her ability to cloak herself in the senses of others was muted and novice, but it was enough when they were distracted by something like...oh by the gods it was Dima. Khamesi could feel a familiar throb behind her eye for a split second as she made herself known. She didn't know Adeline all that well, but she had met the woman before. Alisteri was more familiar to her, though they hadn't met directly but the one time, they moved in many of the same channels, even if their methods were very different. She looked at the strange half-feral Mandolorian.

"Dima? What are you doing on Jutrand, I haven't seen you since Felucia if I remember correctly. Not exactly the easiest place for something like you to blend in. I'm half surprised that there isn't a pile of bodies and security or the military locking down this whole area. Adeline, I hope my lessons on Shatterpoint have served you well. Alisteri, don't often bump into you. Granted, we may share the same allies but we have very different methods."

To be fair, Khamesi was quite clearly a big warrior compared to most others in the Tsis'kaar. She was built with thick corded muscle and raw power, not the type to move in shadows or from behind the scenes. She crossed her arms as she glanced down at the food they were eating, and decided to add another, if friendly, dig at Dima.

"And you didn't even think to call me? Must have been hunting someone, or something."

Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Domina Prime Domina Prime
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
By the time that Alisteri had turned back to glance at the pair that he had led through the spaceport had been joined by a third, another Sith at that. "Oh chit." Another unknown variable only further complicated matters but thankfully the Domina didn't seem to mind the extra attention. For the moment anyway. At least she seemed open to trades of a material manner as well as knowledge, part of him doubted that he could offer up anything meaningful to a Mandalorian when it came to philosophy or other more complicated concepts. To his knowledge their overlap with Sith teachings in such regards was very little after all.

Luckily for him though it hadn't taken long for the sweets to be ready and set on a tray, ripe for the taking. This didn't go unnoticed by the strange Mandalorian either and the next thing that he knew she was pulling her helmet off without hesitation in order to claim her sugary prizes. Alisteri took a moment to look over her exotic features and very quickly reaffirmed the idea that keeping said Domina happy and not hungry was a priority at the moment. He turned and plucked the tray from the small kitchen before presenting it to their exotic guest, a dozen different desserts laid out and freshly made.

Hopefully he wouldn't have to order a second round if Adeline could handle the live prey part, which he was sure that she could. When aiding in the conquest of new worlds there was no shortage of prisoners and dissidents that could be nabbed up by a Sangnir or one of their allies, he knew that from plenty of personal experience.

A familiar voice drew his attention away from the ravenous Mandalorian and towards the surprising arrival of Khamesi, strolling in without any hesitation as usual. "Lady Khamesi, a pleasure to see you once more." He gave her a polite nod in greeting after she had addressed him. It was always comforting to see a...friendly face when on a world of Sith. Even if that only meant one less possible blade in your back.

Domina Prime Domina Prime / Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua / Nupax nurin / Khamesi Aivar Khamesi Aivar


Æirik found himself wandering the spaceport of Jutrand. It had only been a year since his sire had decided he was worth embracing and was finally allowed to go out by himself. It had only taken 200 years of grueling training to get this far, but that was beside the point. He was free now and was going to be heading home, but first, he was going to get something to eat.
So, here he found himself, in a spaceport, deep in Sith Space, staring across to see an alien Mandalorian, and not one but two Sangnir. He had no doubt they could sense him, as clearly as he could sense them.
Æirik wasn't aware of a Sangnir coven on Jutrand, though his Sire wasn't exactly forthcoming when it came to the politics of other Sangnir.
Daughter of The Destroyer

Dima snapped her sharp fingers together, creating a spark of azure embers as she pointed down towards the smaller lady beside her while their conversation continued on. "See! This one gets it, Lady Red understands~" The alien mused as she kept her helm tucked underneath her arm. "Many of your gods chosen champions seem...below standard." Dima mused casually, finding herself rather baffled by it all, how a god as mighty as theirs could bestow their blessings, their gifts to those with no vision, no spine...just flesh, bone, and a head full of themselves. The strong would feed upon and devour the weak, was this not the law of nature? Their Law? Their Nature?

It wasn't hers. The weak rarely held her interest. She did not exist to kill fodder or herd the weak, culling them. No for Prime? Only the best would satisfy the itch in her bones. Prey had to be as mighty as she, as perfect as she. Only then could she hope to advance her glorious design.

But such things were pushed from her mind at the moment. Her focus split between the many godlings around her as her many eyes searched them closely.

"Library?" Dima echoed, not even registering the mocking tone of the Sith Lady as the alien tapped her sharp claws on her chin thoughtfully as if trying to remember what the word even was. The droid beside her quipped up beside her now to interrupt the awkward silence.

"Books hun, remember? Building with many, many books!" The droid quipped, causing Dima to gasp in realization.

"Ah! You mean the books with no pictures? Yes, yes, i am familiar. Totally lame, i have no interest in such lameness~" The xeno made a 'bleh' face, her many tongues spitting out in a expression of disgust before Dimas eyes shifted down to Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua as the woman crouched downward to swab up some of Dimas saliva from her delight moments before, sticking it into a vile and then returning to her stance. All dimas eyes stared at her when she did this, grimacing in clear and obvious judging as she looked at the floor and back at the Sangir. "Mmn, humans are so weird~" Dima then opened her mouth and gargled a large mouthful of saliva, and then just proceeded to spit a slimy wad right down between the Sagnir's feet. "There you are red!" Dima cooed warmly, her alien mind not even registering that Ade had collected a sample, merely thinking she perhaps had an interest in such things and giving her 'more' of a sample to collect since Adeline clearly seemed into that.

Afterwards however the sound of Darth Strosius Darth Strosius picking up the tray of treats and presenting it to the large creature Dima turned to face him and each of her eyes swam over the many delicious delights as the beast purred. "Ohhhhhhhh, they smell divine!" She chittered, her sharp claws quickly reached out. One hand plucking a tiny treat from the tray and bringing it to her mouth which split open into segmented pieces, tossing the cake into her jaws and then crunching down and devouring one cake in an instant.

Her eyes turned to dinner plates now, flaring with color as her tail began to flick and swish about dangerously behind her. Dangerously enough to cleave some poor sap in half if they dared stand to close behind her. "Mmmmnf!" She squealed happily through her loud chewing, two hands reaching out this time and taking more cakes. Tossing one, then two, and then a third into her incredibly massive, unsettling alien jaws as her facial anatomy was properly displayed in all its sugary glory. The tray quickly losing its contents as each one of her claws held something in them now while she chewed rather messily.

Like a little girl in a candy shop she had become distracted rather easily now. However, when a familiar voice rang from the opening of the shop Dimas five eyes all dispersed randomly as if to find the source.

Her eyes landed on Khamesi Aivar Khamesi Aivar and immediately the xeno blurted out abruptly.

"Who speaks of Prim- KITTY!?!" Dima spat, bouncing on her raptor-like feet in a sudden advance as her tail, flailing about as it was accidentally smacked right into the tray in Alisteri's hands, likely tossing the tray as Dima stuffed another cake into her mouth while chewing rather loudly. "I have only just arrived! And please! As if anyone in this little city could stop me~" Dima called out to her casually, incredibly so while her hand reached out to give Khamesi a sweet roll she had gained. The name she used a clear reference to her Cathar blood as the aliens simple mind tried to remember the names of everyone around her as more arrived. "Sooooo, how is kitten, here, have cake~" She exclaimed with a giddy delight before giggling and cackling, her boisterous behavior causing quite the commotion as word spread of the arrival of an 'enemy' on the port of their beloved city.

She looked to the others now, her two left arms both handing on Khamesi's rather broad, muscular shoulders as Dima addressed the others again. "Godling friends! This, is my very first darkborn bond! You see i mainly preferedd to eat your kind and maim them, buuuuut kitten was so nice to me, i decided all your kind can't be THAT bad, Her name is Kh-Kha-Kham! And kitten is sweet like honey and sugar, yes?" Dima mused as she dragged a claw along her biceps before biting her lip, the droid quipping up beside her.

"Kham-esi, Khamesi!" He tried to correct, only evoking a bothered look from Dima as one of her arms lifted up to smack him away from her a bit.

"Shut up Dima knows what she sai- i mean, I KNOW WHAT I SAID!" She snapped, dropping her etiquette for a moment as her jaws clenched tightly in frustration from being corrected. "Kitten is kitten! I have spoken!" The droid smacking into the wall dazed as it levitated about awkwardly as Domina Prime said her piece and left it at that. Khamesi was kitten and nothing would change that in her eyes. Turning around flustered as she went to go get more cakes from the tray only to was no longer in Alisteri's hands. Her head looked left then right as she frowned. "W-wait, where did the sweet things go?" Dima asked, looking back into the kitchen through the window as if the chefs had taken them. Not even figuring out she had accidentally knocked them away with her tail, looking back to Ali after finding nothing and narrowing her eyes tightly at him. "What did you do?!" She sneered with a sharp rattle of her tail which now waved and darted about rather close to Khamesi's face as Dima looked for her treats.






Equipment | In Bio
Location | Jutrand
Tag | Domina Prime Domina Prime Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Khamesi Aivar Khamesi Aivar Æirik

Human? They thought she was a human? Was this creature really that slow in the head? Well... Such an answer was given rather swiftly as the being spat right between Adeline's boots, if it was any other person, she would know such an action was out of disrespect.

The Sangnir grimaced a bit, staring right at the slimy chunk... It reminded her of Nal Hutta, and thus she was done with it.

"Many of your gods chosen champions seem...below standard."

"Then they die, if they cannot properly utilize the boons given to them then it is by the dogma of nature that a truly stronger being will destroy and consume them, thus the stronger of the two is free to relish in splaying the weaker of the twos gore across the place for all to see. If a god decides to give a boon to someone it is more like an investment, failing to be what is expected of you means you deserve to die anyway."

The woman softly smiles, her sharp maw seen for just a moment. Adeline now knew she could speak however she wanted, the droid would translate for her in the end.

A new voice called out, one that seemed to recognize this creature, by chance it would be a face that Adeline recognized as well.

"Ah, hello to you as well, Khamesi."

She gives them a curtsey before moving her attention back to Dima.

"You knocked the box out of Alisteri's hands with your tail..."

As Adeline picked up the box and offered what was left to the strange creature, her nostrils smell something familiar indeed... A lowblood. Once Dima did something with the sweets, Adeline stares in the direction of the newcomer.

"Alisteri, do you happen to have a friend here? I don't recall this face at all, nor the scent..."




For snarks sake. Æirik quickly ducked behind a support pillar when one of the Sangnir looked his way. No doubt to slow to prevent being seen. He wasn’t sure if these individuals were friendly, and given where he was, it wasn’t likely.
Æirik took a deep breath to steel himself. He had been seen, and it would be rude to not introduce himself. Straightening his robes, and taking another deep breath, he stepped out from behind the pillar.

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