Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG You Know What Time It Is

Yo, it’s a ya boi, back with another LFG. MY part of the annihilation is doneski so I’m too antsy to wait for more threads. As per usual, I’m up for just about anything. Got an idea you’ve been interested in exploring? By all means pitch it to me adn let’s see if we can workshop a good thread. Amani is obviously mah main, so here’s a couple ideas more related to where she is as a character rn, if any such things inspire you:

  • She’s doing jedi stuff again. So by all means, fellow jedi, let's do stuff together. Sith types? You’re back on the shit list, let’s do somethin’ about it.
  • As you may be aware, Tython is pretty mega busted (if not outright destroyed, remains to be seen ig). But in any case there’s plenty of fallout to be explored there. Especially cuz Tython is Amani’s homeworld so good good story potential methinks
  • Uhhh mirialans? Might be cool to meet some more. With Tython in a bad way, and her curiosity about the species having increased lately, she may be looking to Mirial and its denizens as a spiritual second home of sorts.
  • Aaand everything else. I’m always pretty flexible about how to fit her and any of my characters into story ideas. Even though she’s back to those old roots i see no reason why that should go away now. Amani still travels all over, and meets all kinds of people. I’m betting we can get a story rolling.

Even if none of that speaks to you, surely one of my characters does, right??? I am equally chill with writing any of them. I just wanna WRITE. Lemme know, as always you can reach me here, in DMs, or on discord : )
The Cat Knows Where It's At
I've got the Cat, the Imperial who was on Tython, and a Jedi who grew up in Sith Temples. Bonus points, I could also bust out my old Mirialan who is a criminal, she's currently not on my roster but I can always bring her back especiale for ya.

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