Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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You Break it, You Buy it

The slave auction. Lenne knew this set up quite well. She'd been to auction more times than she could ever count, sold for more credits than she would ever see. A slave never owned credits. Lenne had never even held a credit chip in her life. Her various Masters had never trusted her with the responsibility. Not that Lenne would ever even think about stealing from one of the Masters. She remembered the last whipping she got the last time one even accused her of stealing.

She remembered what it was too. A gold comb. Her Master, some highborn Lady, had misplaced it. But of course, Lenne could never point this out to a Master. She'd been accused of theft and promptly beaten for it when she could not tell where it had been. It was two days later that the Lady discovered it misplaced under one of her gowns.

Lenne had scars on her back from that whipping now, and a chipped horn. It had brought her worth down considerably.

She stood on the auction podium as her old Master spoke about her worth, her skills.

Cooking and cleaning, he said, Childcare, personal grooming...
As well as some other things that made the Zabrak slave blush a rather unhealthy shade of burgandy. But such was life. She was property in every sense of the word.

"We will start the bidding at seven thousand credits."

Lenne blinked. Seven thousand? That was less than half of what they'd started on for her the last time she was auctioned off. Was she truly worth so little now because of a chipped horn and a few scars?

[member="Azriel Zadimus"]
Azriel had gone to the slave auction for two reasons, The first was that being surrounded by droids in his estate was driving him insane enough to try and eat one of them, the incessant questions were also quite the annoyance. The second he wanted to get some one living he could feed off when he needed it the most, a rechargeable battery if you will. He wore his elegant coat over typical Serennoian noble wear, his coat was open and moved slightly as he walked, his cane tapping the ground with every step of his right leg.
The slave auction had been... disappointing to say the least. Useless slaves or attractive sex slaves or dancers didn't really hold as much appeal to him as it should for one they wouldn't be able to hold up to regular feedings since they were so... well skinny and seemed to only be able to move in slow seductive dances, not fast and stamina consuming dances which would be ideal for Azriel. Then he came upon the auction for [member="Lenne Fayth"] as she stood on the stage being auctioned off by a woman Azriel immediately thought was an embarrassed crone, given the state of the slave she was selling.
"How good is she in strenuous situations and exercises? Does she get tired often?" He asked as if he was an experienced slave buyer, something that scared off a few of the prospecting buyers away. Azriel was well groomed as always and his eyes were unemotional as well as his demeanor was cold and calculating, not giving any emotion away, this would help him in exerting dominance over the other buyers and would hopefully reduce his competitors. There was simply just something about this Zabrak that intrigued him.
The Zabrak girl blinked into the audience, amber eyes searching until she found the one that asked. Not what she'd expected. For her low price, she was half expecting to be sold to a factory, or a mining company. Hard labor, that was what cheap slaves were for. His question only confirmed her suspicions.

"Zis is it," she whispered to herself, "I em going to die. Zey are going to work me to death."

That was the logical end to nearly every house slave. A comfortable few years while they were still young a pretty, then they'd be sent to work in mines until they fell over dead. Depending on the labor, it was usually a death sentence.

As the slave owner went on to explain her physical capabilities, Zandra stepped forward, lifting her arms when told to, turning this way and that.

"As you can see, this one is used to strenuous activity. Note the broad shoulders, and toned arms. We keep all of our slaves in pique physical condition. This one can take anything that can be thrown at her."

To illustrate the point, the slave owner stepped forward and awarded Zandra with a sharp slap across the face. The young woman didn't even blink.

[member="Azriel Zadimus"]
Azriel hid his disgust at the slave owner's show of [member="Lenne Fayth"]'s abilities. "Then I shall pay your price with an added thousand to end this bid right here, she'll do well with what I have planed for a slave." He said as he gestured for the slave owner to come closer to him so he could pay the price asked for the woman. Another auctioneer wanted to protest and bid himself but quickly shrunk away as Azriels head snapped towards him and his gaze was one of deadly hunger, something that frightened of other potential bidders.
When the slave owner came to him he wouldn't stand up on the stage rather force the slave owner to bend down to his level and as he was paying for Lenne he whispered to the owner. "You'll tell me her name now and if I so much as see you eyeing my slave the wrong way they won't even find an eyelash left of you." He intimidated the woman, adding a faint glow of red to his eyes for a split second as he handed the owner the credits.
Once the transaction was done he looked at Lenne and gestured for her to come to him, he'd have to buy her new clothes as he'd strip away everything of her's that belonged to her previous master.
The woman eyed the credits in her hand, then the man, then finally her former slave.

"Lenne," she answered briskly, then quickly found an excuse to move along to the next slave up for auction.

The young slave followed wordlessly for a time, shivering every time she so much as glanced up. This one... made her nervous. Not frightened. Lenne was beyond fear at the point. Lenne was not allowed the luxury of fear. Slaves were not afraid. Slaves simply were. They were like furniture. They existed, but nobody spoke to them.

"Master, may zis vone speak?" she asked quietly, preparing herself for the slap that she was certain would come. When she dared to speak to her previous master, she would often go away with red palm prints on her face.

[member="Azriel Zadimus"]
Azriel looked at his his eyes still sharp but not threatening, the way faced gentleman gestured for her to walk a step behind him as he walked towards the clothing section of the Bazaar. "You can Lenne but speak just high enough from me to hear it." He said as he looked her over up and down and then forwards as he lead her towards the clothing section. He stopped at a fancy clothing section and began to look over servant clothing and sizing the clothes up with [member="Lenne Fayth"]'s body.
"Master, Zis vone vishes to inform you zat Madam Chi'cal did not tell you all."

She stood still as she was measure, confused as to why it was necessary. She was just going to be stuck in a mine somewhere and worked to death, wasn't she? Why did he wish to clothe her now? Maybe she could convince him after all not to send her away? It was worth a try, if she was going to die anyway.

"She did not tell you zat ze slave she sold you also serves as a translator. Zis vone speaks twenty different languages, including huttese, jawaese, and Ryl."

She spoke clearly, well, as clearly as she could with her thick accent. She hoped it wouldn't be a bother. Sometimes her masters grew tired of trying to understand her. It was why she was told to keep quiet so often.

[member="Azriel Zadimus"]
Azriel took out a unisex butler outfit and held it in front of [member="Lenne Fayth"] as he imagined her in the outfit. "That will come in handy in the future." He said as if half zoned out while he decided on an outfit for her to wear, he then gave up and sighed a little as he gestured to the booth. "Lenne as I have no fashion sense outside Serenno I want you to pick your own clothes now. Your responsibilities and jobs will be similar to a head butler at my estate." He then said as he looked into her eyes. He would reveal everything when they were alone and away from prying eyes and ears.
He was hardly paying attention. That was okay. He was allowed to ignore her. The girl stood by and watched her new master attempt to choose a new set of clothing for his slave. She was content to wear what she was asked, but then he asked her to do something nobody had ever done.

"M-m-me, Master?" she stuttered, face going red with shock, but of course, she did not dare to question her Master further.

The only thing was, she'd never been put in charge of her own wardrobe before. She'd always just worn whatever uniform was provided. Style was not something she possessed. Style was something reserved for dressing slaves, the slave women who had been put in charge of the Madams wordrobe. Lenne had only ever been allowed to fix madams hair. She had never been put in charge of clothing before!

She slowly, cautiously, examined the racks. Black. Lots of black. Black was a common color for a slave, simply because it needed less care than lighter colors. It was sensible. She carefully picked a black uniform up and looked it up and down. This one had a skirt. Lenne had never worn a uniform without a skirt. It was a long skirt, reaching mid calf. a sensible length. She could move in this. The bodice was high cut, plain, with long sleeves. She looked from the uniform on the hangar back to her new master, tilting her head to the side to ask for an opinion.

She was probably even less fashion inclined than he was.

[member="Azriel Zadimus"]
Azriel looked over the uniform that [member="Lenne Fayth"] showed him and then ordered three pairs for her. "This one should do for now." He said as he gestured for her to enter a changing room next to the booth to change into one of the uniforms. While he waited for her to change he moved to another booth and bought a bracer which would act as a tracker for her if she'd run away as well as it was unable to be taken of without a sever shook to the wearer unless a code was put in.
After she'd come out of the changing room he had a bag with the other two uniforms and the bracer which he put on her arm, "All right now is there anything I'm missing." He mumbled to himself as he looked over the bazaar.
She'd changed quickly out of the stiff, uncomfortable uniform from her previous master, to the stiff less uncomfortable uniform of her new master. In the end, it would all he the same no matter what she wore. It was like putting a fresh coat of paint on a droid, in a sense. Changed the look, but all the working parts were the same.

She eyed the bracer on her arm. What ever was that for? Did he think she was just going to run away?

A sick sense of dread washed over her. What did he have in mind for her after all that made him think she'd try to run? She thought to ask, but it was truly not her place.

[member="Azriel Zadimus"]
Azriel smiled and then gestured for her to follow him, He would take her to The Narzire, his personal ship. "Well then now that all of this is out of the way I guess I should explain why I bought you, and the reason for me asking about your health and stamina." He said as he turned to her as the landing ramp was closing. His eyes turned red and he showed his fangs as he approached her with a smirk. "I need a servant as well as someone that can easily recover from the feeding I require to sustain myself." He said as he stopped a few steps away from [member="Lenne Fayth"] as he looked her over again.
She followed in silence, tucking a stray lock of short chestnut hair behind her ear. The ship she was being led to was... beautiful, but no more or less beautiful than any of the other ships she had been led to by her Masters. It was just another pretty thing that Lenne would never have herself.

As the loading ramp was closing, the Zabrak let out a small sigh and turned to face her master as he spoke.

....Not what she had expected to hear. She was silent for a good long moment.


[member="Azriel Zadimus"]
Azriel smiled, revealing his fangs, though his smile was a kind one. "I am an energy vampire and as such I require a servant that can recover quickly that I can feed on." He said as he took a step towards [member="Lenne Fayth"]. "Do not worry I've seen that it can be enjoyable if you let it happen, struggle and it will become painful." He then explained as he remembered a few of his victims, those that didn't fight back seemed to enjoy it, some even seemed to be in a state of euphoria while those that tried to fight back only found pain as his fangs sank into their bodies. "For this service I will listen to four requests you make, you can make one or two now even, if you wish." He then said as he wasn't one to take without giving something in return.
The young slave felt her pulse quicken. She was terrified, but running was not an option. It never was. Obedience had been beaten into her from birth. No. She would not be running. He could be literally killing her, and she would not move an inch. He was her Master now. It was up to him what became of her.

But it did not mean she was not allowed to be afraid.

She nodded in understanding, eyes trained on the floor of the ship.

"What ever my master desires."

What he said next made the young slave girl look up, shocked. Four requests? What in the world could she ever request.
Well, there was something...

"Master? I do not need much. three of my four requests may go unused. But if I may ask for one single thing right now?"

[member="Azriel Zadimus"]
Azriel's facial expression turned to one of curiosity as he placed his hand to gently grasp his chin. "And what would that request be?" He said as he would still allow her the other three requests anyway, who knew [member="Lenne Fayth"] might surprise him in the future and even earn her freedom or at least turn from a slave to an employed servant.
The slave took a deep breath, hesitating. Her request was an odd one, she knew. How would he take it? Likely, he would just say no and leave it at that. But, with a little courage, she met his gaze and asked in her strongest voice;

"I would like to visit Nal Hutta."

Yes. a very strange request. The 'jewel' of the Hutts was hardly the ideal vacation spot for anybody. Even pirates avoided the polluted world. But there was one thing the planet had an abundance of, and that was slaves. She figured he could at least guess why a slave would like to visit a planet of slaves.

[member="Azriel Zadimus"]
Azriel stopped, his expression one of profound confusion. "Why?" He then asked her as he retracted his fangs and his eyes stopped glowing red. This Slave was surprisingly interesting, her request was a highly unusual one as he had heard spoken that Nal Hutta was the place slaves went to die. It might have just been a rumor but he was intrigued none the less.

[member="Lenne Fayth"]
It was a silly request. The girl blushed, staring at her feet. He would think her an complete idiot. Well, maybe she was. There was such a tiny chance that what she was looking for was still there, after all...

"Nal Hutta is where I was born. It is ze last place my Brother was seen."

He was going to say no now that he knew, of course. Why would anyone ever agree to help a slave reunite with family? It was such a waste. Slaves were not supposed to have family. They just weren't. It was why most children on Nal Hutta were removed from their parents as soon as they could hold a broom. But Lenne had heard about her Brother long before she was taken away, before her Mother was sent to work the spice mines. She held out no hope for her mothers surival. But her Brother? Who knew?

[member="Azriel Zadimus"]
Azriel thought for a few moments as his eyes stopped glowing and his fangs retracted. "And should we find your brother what then?" He then simply asked her as he guided her to her own room aboard the Narzire and then waited for her to get settled as he waited for his answer. It was quite the interesting request [member="Lenne Fayth"] had made of him and he wanted to see where it would lead as he unlike most in the galaxy had nothing but time, so his outlook on life had slowly begun to reflect that over time.

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