Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Wulf and Wynd

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

The events of the attack on New Cov had been something to see and Junko had taken it in stride... mostly when she had managed to get her porters with the clothing there she managed to hunt down the thing that stole her shoes. That someone tried to nuke the city... and then mandalorians seemed to assault it was... well she wa sjust glad her ship was there and able to defend itself. She dedicated what resources the ship could offer such as its repair droids to recovery and rebuilding efforts. Walking with her Princess Robes on while she went through the streets... her robes gleaming with the materia of it while she had her handmaidens walking behind her. After what had happened... well they were not going to let her go alone.

The ship was docked and a new contingent of her elite guards ready but she was prepared for any number of things while one of her handmaidens held a box and Miyoung was there with her datapad going over things. Shoma had talked with the woman and offered a chance for Atrisian ships which contract negotiations like that were important as Atrisian ships used some of the more advanced technologies that they had developed as well as... well you had to grow them. The biots of the ships required some time and shaping but the process could be done and they were developing newer models of them as well as fighters.

"Do you think it is going to go better then before?" Barca said it and the large mandalorian bodyguard was standing near her. "Yes.. if only because contract negotiations are easy." She said it and walked. "Also helps when you show up in a dress worth several dozen planets, what was the final tally for that when it was appraised? Seven hundred and ninety trillion credits the average cost of a person on coruscant?" Barca said it looking at her and Junko just grinned. "Well most don't realize how pricy some things are.. but you are getting a better eye and yes the banking clans appraisers certified it and insured the kimono as well as several others for the price."
Another visit from Royalty! How lucky am I? I can almost hear the gossip and jealous comments by others in the halls. And I cannot help but gain amusement from that. Still I maintain my composure and open up my feathered fan, allowing the cool air to keep me grounded and calm.

My dress shimmers in the light. My mother chose it herself, believing the colors compliment my eyes and hair. I must take her word for it given that I lack the ability to see colors at all. Yet perhaps it allows me to see some things that others do not. It is difficult to say.

I await her Grace at the front of the building with my guards and staff flanking either side of me. I can recognize her the moment that she comes into view with her entourage and I smile graciously as they approach.

"Welcome back to New Cov, your Grace. I cannot thank you and your people enough for your help recently. Shall we step inside for some refreshments?"

Tag: Junko Ike Junko Ike
Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

The walk up towards the waiting group was fun and Junko offered a smile she rarely got to have. "It is nice to be back." She said it with a wide grin and walked forward looking at the staff and guards with a bow while moving. "I would love to come inside." Perhaps a tour later sure.. she had got to see the shopping and some food but a guided tour was always good. "I do hope the danger was handled and nothing of to much importance lost. We worked to protect as much as we could but... it seemed everything was coming at you that day." By you she meant the domed city but well NEw Cov in general as there was not nearly as much. "And.. of course your dress is lovely my lady Terallo."
I dip my chin in acknowledgement. "There were some lives that were lost, Your Grace. But even more may have perished if not for the help provided by those like yourself."

I gestured for her to follow me as I guided her inside of my family's apartment. The entire building is ours and it houses different branches of NCBC as well as our own suites. I grew up here and I cannot imagine living anywhere else.

I smile as she compliments my dress. "Why thank you. One must always look their best. And I must say that your styles is quite exotic and beautiful." I wonder what the colors are like, but at the same time I think that it matters little. It is the shape and form of the outfit that makes it beautiful, as well as how the individual wears it. And she does so very well!

"How is your brother? I hope that he is fairing well."

Tag: Junko Ike Junko Ike
Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

She nodded and going inside the topic of Shoma was... well always fun. SHe wondered what he had said and how much she should reveal in terms of her brother... that didn't endanger parts of Atrisian government procedure... "Oh he is well, exploring and creating more diplomatic relations that can be worked on. Since he doesn't always offer the full range of our trade resources it is the only downside... but he sent me all of the details about the discussions between you and he." THe smile remained when she walked and brought up on her interface the minutes from him and details about contracts that she could review while walking with the woman. Practiced movements thankfully but there was always the heightened chance something was forgotten. "I am happy to go over more of the details and finer points... as well as have brought you this." SHe motioned with a hand for the box containing the Atrisian Gown of Diplomatic Clout. "It is an example of our new dedication to clothing for our people. PRotective and refreshing. THis one closer hopefully to a style appealing to you."
I nod in understanding as we walk towards my new office. "Yes, he has suggested that I travel with him for one of those ventures so that I may see more of the Galaxy. One of these days I may be able to do that." But not just yet. All in good time. There is plenty that I would like to experience, such as sand on a beach and snow.

We reach my office and the doors are opened for us. I lead the way, pausing only as she mentions a gift. I am taken aback. My smile brightens as I lift the lid of the box and find a beautiful dress. I cannot guess the color at all, but it is a very lovely shade. "Thank you so very much. It is quite stunning. How is it protective?" It does not look like armor. It can be possible that it is resistant to flames. Perhaps that is what she means.

Tag: Junko Ike Junko Ike
Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

She moved towards the office and looking at the dress in its silvers and white shades. "It has its own shielding generator built into it.. so you can be defended and the material uses out materia to defend from blasters, blades and even lightsabers. With improvement so it can protect from darkside attacks and influences on the mind. We have worked with many more and it can enrich you with energy." SHe said it with a small smirk on her face "And there is other protection, one of our hidden blades." She said it and showed the neckline with the kunoichi blade that would be able to be pulled out of the necklace. "It uses flat space disruptor technologies we have developed.. a hidden blade should you get attacked. There are slips using the same disruptor technologies for carry more." She said it while moving over and showing some of it but she had a seat for it. "There is plenty for you to be able to use and discover. We have developed many outfits like this for Atrisian citizens to have improved protection in the case of attacks."
I blink in surprise as she details all of the different protective functions that are hidden within the material. Even so much so as a weapon! I cannot imagine myself stabbing anyone, least of all getting into a fight. However an attempted kidnapping did occur. I am just so very fortunate to not have a bounty on my head. At least I have not gained any real enemies. Instead they have been merely opportunists.

"Thank you kindly. This is really quite something. I am certain that it will be put to good use."

I set the box down on a side table and then gestrred for her to have a seat. "Shall I have them bring up some tea? Or would you like something stronger?"

Junko Ike Junko Ike
Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

She looked at it and bowed. It was a simple gift and the companion droids that came with it would help her out.. the seeker good for early warning and protection if needed, and the makie was a personal assistant model for Atrisian citizens and others. Taking the seat with a nod. "Tea is always good." She said it and smiled while remaining there and her fingers touched the seats arms. "These domes are lovely and I was impressed at how many were ready to jump to help. I met a man who claimed he hired the one in orbit... but did not order the strike. I have it recorded and the information from my ship should you need it but so far I have seen no reason to doubt his statement." She had it for them in case they needed it to investigate... the other things that had happened well she wasn't certain but there had been an armor division and reports of looting. "Hopefully I can ply our wares in a better trade deal now as Atrisia has had much the same problems but we developed newer technologies for rebuilding and protection."
"Then tea it shall be." I send a quick message down to the staff to bring up some tea and biscuits. I then gracefully take a seat across from her. My ankles are crossed and tucked underneath me while my hands are folded on top of my lap. As always my back is straight and my shoulders set. A proper posture has been imposed upon me since I was a child. I have made no habit in slouching.

I hear her statement about a certain aspect of the recent attack in Ilic. I dip my head and respond in turn. "I know of the man that you speak of. Sylas Taff Sylas Taff is a business associate of ours. He had informed us of what had happened straight away. An investigation has already begun in finding the culprits responsible for the attack. These domes have protected the cities from invaders and the jungles for centuries. And there is always room for improvement. That is one of the projects that I have been working on." And as far as I can tell, I have been doing a tremendous job.

A soft knock was heard mere seconds before the door opened. A young women pushed a trolley inside carrying a tea set and assortment of biscuits. I nod my head in thanks to her. And at once I start to pour some tea for my guest. "What has Atrisia done to protect themselves? Does it have domes as well?" I am curious to know of how many other worlds had domes similar to ours.

Tag: Junko Ike Junko Ike
Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

She nodded and if they already had the information then that was good and helpful. She looked at the woman and nodded. "We don't have domes, well not permanent ones.. Our cities have been upgraded for domed planetary shielding to add a layer with the additional equipment that we have been developing. We have three layers of walls designed to protect the cities, then the towns around it and then the villages. With farmland and everything designed to maintain when under siege. With several domes that combine to protect an area of the planet on top of the shielding we have for the planet itself already. Defensive droid platforms then are on the walls with turrets and saturation from various angles so invading forces are able to be pinned down."

She said it and tried to think how best to lay it out. "Since we have been attacked by many other groups throughout the years we have developed our rebuilding efforts around minimizing the damage that can be done from a single strike. Spaces between and defensive measures... Areas where our soldiers can move quickly, while they are staying on the main roads and paths around the city." SHe looked at more of it. "Then we have armored transports and mobile droid armor support that can be used to create barricadess and lock down or move around an area. Drones for aerial combat and our weapons and ammunition are made to handle problems. Atrisia has worked to advance its technologies in all fields several magnitudes as we have disruption ammo that breaks molecular bonds and smart tracking ammo for having all shots go to a designated target."

SHe laid out that as well with a look. "Our citizens are also trained. from an early age generally twelve the schooling teaches them basic defense now and how to think in an attack without being panicked. We have pushed for most to enlist in the military for a minimum of four years so all men, women are able to defend in case of the main army being destroyed. THey will be the last line of defense after all." She had seen some of New Cov and the style of their buildings and streets left much room. "The main cities on Atrisia are handled one way though.. in the more modern cities of our sister world Atrisia IV where we have more transplanted the advanced and ultra metropolis designs the defense is much more robust with more abilities to create energy barricades. We have also been developing new materials that repair themselves for metal, woods and glasses."
On the outside I am sure to listen intently. However on the inside I am just trying to imagine all of the defensive measures. So many shields and domes; it makes one wonder what the weather patterns are like. And just what is it that makes Atrisia such a target to so many to lead to such attacks? Is it all political? Or something more?

There are so many questions and yet I am certain that the best answers that I can have is to see it all first hand. Perhaps some day I can.

"Those are a lot of defensive measures, that is for sure and certain. I believe that I can consider us here on New Cov to be blessed with not needing such measures. The dangers outside of our biodomes also fuel our economy. And we have learned how to co-exist. Attacks are rare here; and those that do happen tend to be for only one thing; biomolecules. But more often than not, it is because of the rarity of biomolecules that keep us from any large scale attacks. It has been that way for centuries and I expect that to continue for many more."

I have a sip of my tea and let the warm liquid settle into my stomach before I continue. "Some of our technologies have fallen to the wayside, however. And sadly our fleet as well."

Tag: Junko Ike Junko Ike
Junko looked at her and she had a list of things she would recommend. TOuching the small earring like device as it was near her ear and it activated. From vehicles to ships to some equipment and droids that she could recommend. She listened and there was always the danger of falling behind technology wise when things were not bad. That they co-existed with the creatures in a way outside of the domes meant they would rarely have to worry about them but if something happened to rile them up like it seemed to have happened. "I agree and this is a small list of what I would recommend to begin with."
She was looking at the list she had put up and there was always more equipment she would recommend... they were looking to make things secured but they weren't going to replace everything. Advisors would be able to be sent for the finer tuned things and say what they might need. "We can help in replacing technologies or giving them means to develop and produce newer models of what you have made. We have a standardized system we have been developing for worlds within our Commonwealth charter. Our trade partners usually get upgrades and some of our technological improvements to redevelop themselves."

She said it with a smaller grin. "I would also recommend if your fleet being overhauled is in the future dedicated shipyards if you can afford them. Frisal offers them but we have yet to make a good series of portable shipyards." She looked at the list and there was likely some other things that would be useful like some of their medical improvements and the self sustaining living modules were impressive and important. THey allowed food, water and air to be produced by each one which is how they grew their economy with surplus food being grown and sold. "We have worked on developing our technology around rebuilding and insulating ourselves should attacks or government changes come."
I look through the list. My eyebrows rise as I am quite impressed with what I see. There is much to go through and I am sure that the Board of Directors will want to go through it all carefully.

I listen to her further as she explains some of what they had done for others among their Commonwealth. It certainly is a lot. One must look after those that they serve, afterall. And this is a good way to do it.

At the mention of shipyards, I give a nod of my head. Damascus Station should be available to us soon. My talks with Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson a little while ago had been proving fruitful. There are just some minor points to go over and negotiate before the deal is finalized.

"This is all quite impressive. The Board of Directors will be quite happy to go over it all. Besides credits we have biomolecules to offer. They serve multiple uses and I am certain that your people will be able to create a lot with them."

Tag: Junko Ike Junko Ike
Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

Listenign to her brought a smile.. the board would have to go over things and that was fine.. the benefit was they might have a number of other products ready to be used by then... an impressive feat but... well they liked to innovate and create. "That is fine and well credits are always good but as you say you have something no one else in the galaxy does and it can have many uses. We use progammable matter in our technologies currently." SHe said it and sat there looking at a few other parts of it. "Of course though we also have a number of other things and if you need something made or the board does we can develop it easily enough. Shoma said you were interested in travel and we have such wonderful sights."
There is much that have been gained here. And my report to the Board of Directors is sure to highly approved. I cannot be more pleased with how this is going.

My interest is piqued further as she mentions my interest in travel that was apparently discussed between her and her brother.

"Yes, it is true. I have travelled so ver little and it has been offered that I may travel on one of the exploritory missions. I have thus far travelled to Coruscant, as well as a few stations. I hope to expand that if the Board allows."

Tag: Junko Ike Junko Ike
Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

"That is good and it is worth it Shoma usually takes hi time but he goes to more interesting places to search for things in the Commonwealth. I just travel to various temples, resorts and work to show off some of the wealth that comes from trading with us. More so now that we have been expanding and selling exponentially more with all of our terraforming efforts being good. New moons and planets cultivated and showing prospective yields." That and they were developing new technologies that were invaluable which worlds wanted within the Commonwealth... their shipyards and islands were expensive but they could benefit a number of worlds as could the terraforming technologies since it reduced the time. "Do you have anywhere you would want to go or see?"
"With many planets being destroyed through war, your terraforming efforts are indeed valuable." There are some among NCBC's customers that have used biomolecules to help in terraforming. Although that research is in it's beginning stages.

A question is brought to my attention and I cannot help but smile as I relay my answer. I feel like a small child being asked which treats I would like to try the most. "There are many places that I want to see. I wish to walk barefoot on a sandy beach, to experience a downpour of rain, and last but not least; to experience gently falling snow. I know that there are many worlds that have these, so there is little need for me to be picky in choosing which ones are best."

Living in biodomes such as the one protecting Ilic City has it's disadvantages. But it is a small sacrifice to pay for safety.

Tag: Junko Ike Junko Ike
Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

"All lovely times though if you are going to go onto a beach... we will have to see to it that you wear a swimsuit.... The dress we gave you is temperature controlled and regulated so you could wear it in snow or rain and it wouldn't soak but it isn't wholly ideal for the beach." She said it with a grin... "And of course it depends on who you take with you if anyone... such experiences are always wonderful." She sat back a little but took a sip relaxing her body in the seat. THey might be able to get other buys as the chance for Liin to show her around and have a proper tour was important in many cases. "So with business out of the way, the big things can be done once it is all looked at by the legal workers... How about a proper tour. SHow me what can be done with these biomolecules of yours."

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