Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wue'gi'vode, Mandos! (ME Council)

"Possition.." This man spoke of being grateful to him and his kind. His hands and nails tightened around his arm rest and nearly broke the thick wood from its rest. He achieved his position as Alor through blood and tears of the Civil War. A war his family chose neutrality and served the lesser clans of the Empire. Yet his Grandfather and father were killed in the siege of Mandalore, in the last days of the Civil War. They were among millions of neutral civilians and Clans that parishes that day due to greed and unwavering ideals, such ignorance that caused the unneeded war. Then his brother died, killed by Death Watch Warriors in Ra's cleansing of the Force from Mandalore. He defended two force using children, and for his good will, they struck him down.

Jaster almost felt like laughing at this man, a worrier who thought he deserved praise. Respect, that would be the most Jaster would offer him.

As he was about to begin arguing with the father of the Mand'alor, she struck the table and stopped him from making a larger mockery of himself. He was grateful she was able to stop him before making the matters worse. Her words were honest and yet they did not speak complete truth, as he held some of the same misguided assumptions when he first meet this woman. When Kaine invited him to meet with many of those who did not join the Mando after the Civil War, they were all amazed and bewildered by her presence. Nearly all in that room joined her eventually. Jaster had other responsibilities though, and again chose to stay Neutral as his ancestors chose over the last millennia before. Though young, she always held the rifts between the old factions and the younger generation. Keeping the ideals of tradition with revolutionary ideas of the progressives. In her Empire, there were no sides, she did what was best for the people with the tools at her disposal, and he was proud to be such a tool for her.

As he was about to say such a thing, Shia Kryze spoke up. He did not notice her little speech until he noticed a small shift in her mood, there was something he did not like about it. [member="Preliat Mantis"] had chosen to sit across from the Mand'alor, and he unthinkably sat next to him as well. Jaster preferred to sit near the exit should a shoot out interrupt their conversation as Close Combat was his Expertise. This shift of Shia's mood forced Jaster to act without thinking.

As [member="Shia Kryze"] launched her attack, he within the blink of an eye interrupted her swing. Not by grabbing her hand, but by being the body bag of her anger. With her punch, he felt at least two of his ribs break, possible internal bleeding, and more then likely one of his organs was going to need surgery. From his position before the strong Warrior, "You stand before your Mand'alor and speak of no longer following the path of our past, yet you show violence to another Mandalorain..."

He fell to one of his knees quickly, that punch was a nasty one. He would have to pull himself together, as he did not want his violence to continue in the view of the Mand'alor. "Show you are better then we once were, do not give his kind a reason to show this council will not work, you were chosen as an advisor to Yasha Mantis, don't show this council fail."

He had no idea why he chose to jump in front of the blow, but he had. Now he rather regretted it, he grabbed his rib and coughed up a little blood in his other hand. He knows the storied of how Ra let such arguments before his council go on. He had faith in the new Empire, and he would not let it follow the path of its predecessor. No matter how hard others would poke and prod their will onto the council. Fighting was meant for the enemies of the Mandalorian Empire, not for further squabbling.

[member="Yasha Mantis"] | [member="Strider Garon"] | [member="Dorn Skirata"] | [member="Cassiopeia Caranthyr"] | [member="Ambrose Mantis"] | [member="Kaine Australis"] | [member="Raiz Australis"] | [member="Quoron Mantis"]
Cassiopeia muttered under her breath as she saw Preliat come into the Council meeting. It wasn't a great reunion, it was one of contempt, disdain. She said nothing. She did not object to him being here. She did object to him being a total jerk, though. She knew about him though - through Yasha. Her father, the one who left her with the honor of being Mand'alor at a such a young age. He did many things for Mandalore, it was true. But was it enough to pay for the ill he had brought to not only Mandalore, but his own family?

Heartbreak. That was an accurate descriptor of the situation. Her own heart hurt, listening to Yasha as she returned her arguments against Preliat. She gave a weak, encouraging smile to the Mand'alor. It had to have been hard to say all of that. She couldn't imagine the pain that she had gone through - and even, the pain Preliat has gone through. Cassiopeia, however, firmly held her ground that it did not excuse of his responsibility. He had reasons. They all had reasons for their own personal crimes.

She watched Shia speak, the conviction showing in her eyes. This was supposed to be a good day, a happy day. It turned into something... Else.

She covered her mouth, watching the impact hit Jaster in the ribs. She was pretty sure, although it may have been in her head, hearing his ribs crack. She quickly stood up, letting go of Raiz and heading over to Jaster to assist him. She was no trained medic but the poor guy needed some type of assistance in the meantime. She got on her knees, "Let me help you into the chair," she said quietly. She noted the blood that had come up. Lacerated lung? There was some internal bleeding. They'd definitely need a surgeon. Sooner than later.

As she assisted Jaster, she glared towards Preliat, "You come in here, out of literally nowhere. Look at the stress you've brought. What kind of man does that to his daughter, let alone his pregnant daughter? To his grandchild?" She shook her head, grabbing some napkins so Jaster could cough into them and clean his hands from the blood. "We need a doctor..."

[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] | [member="Shia Kryze"] | [member="Yasha Mantis"] | [member="Strider Garon"] | [member="Dorn Skirata"] | [member="Kaine Australis"] | [member="Raiz Australis"] | [member="Preliat Mantis"] | [member="Quoron Mantis"]
<"Mandalorians like Ra, Munin and myself gave you a future, gave you the ability- nay the privilege, of freedom and of life.">

Maybe Yasha was right. Maybe he should've been home more. Maybe he should've held his daughter tighter. He thought her more independent, more capable. Turns out, Yasha was not unlike most children- they coveted their parents approval. Their love. Their very presence. He was a fool in that regard. He would admit that freely. It needn't be said, it was written in his eyes- and what was left of his face that was able to move.

He would've reaped Shia's soul right then and there, had it not been the timely intervention of the others. The punch would've landed- after all, Preliat was getting older. Shia was just younger. But not more capable.

He didn't flinch all the while, however. Remained statue-esque.

He leaned his powerful body off of the table.

<"Some wisdom.">

He collected the tomahawk and eyed them all individually. He slipped it off the table, before stopping. He let the blade drag along the table. It was the same one that laid to rest the Rancor. The one he carried with him at Dromund Kaas. The blade that survived the cataclysm. The Civil War. The one that helped bring the Empire to it's knees. Waged war across the stars with it. It used to feel light and nimble in his hands, his body long used to the weight and it's balance. It now felt alien and foreign in the span of a few seconds.

He let it fall to the table. It sunk into the table blade-first. His wife's hair braid, that once held her hair back while working- was still wrapped lovingly around the handle. It was one of the few articles that they recovered of her. If Yasha was true- and she was not driven mad by the force, or some machination of the foul Sith- then they would see each other again.

He reached to his waist, ripping the crushgaunts- one of the few things that still was held onto him from his armor, and let them fall to the table. The Mandalorians did not want him anymore. They did not need him. He had served his purpose with them. Amber eyes looked solemn as he gathered himself, steeling himself for a moment before he headed for the door. With that- Preliat had no more ties to the Mandalorians, save for his daughter. They clearly did not want him there anymore. The Wolf had served his purpose. Ramanar was no longer needed.

Ra was right. There would come a time when men like Preliat were no longer needed.

That time was now.

Preliat did not need to say anything else. There would come a time when he would return to converse with his daughter. But Preliat Mantis had done his part. Played it well for the Mandalorians. But his lines in the play were up. The scene was changing. The actors, shifted. The lights dimmed. His part may have had it's impact, but he was not a lead. He was simply a side-character. In the grand scheme, non-important. What would the Mandalorians remember him for? His viciousness? He built no monuments. He was not an intellectual man. He wrote no great novels or books, studied ancient knowledge to further his people. He built no great monuments. He was not an engineer. He built no great towers, no roads.

He only destroyed. Only

The time for destruction had passed for the Mandalorians. It would be men like [member="Dorn Skirata"], paving the way for beneficial projects, economic power- not the reaping, the death that Preliat had caused. Ramanar had passed. The shadow of death no longer lingered over the Mandalorians. With that, Preliat began to walk. Walk away, without a sound. He did not run, he did not need to. There would be none that would stop him. They were all fairly intelligent people- they would understand in time. Or they would hate him. But he would be forgotten. Like all of his deeds.

The heavy doors opened. Preliat did not look back. They did not need him now.

[member="Cassiopeia Caranthyr"] l [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] l [member="Shia Kryze"] l
“How is violence always necessary with us? Oh right. Mandos… you know being Queen of Naboo would probably be easier, vode… aw, Jaster. We've seen enough violence, vode. We don't need it here between us.” Yasha pulled out a Sovereign Specific healing shot and plunged it in Jaster’s neck, letting the bata-like substance heal all wounds upon the man. She glared at Shia, knowing full well what the woman thought of her actions.

She’d learned in the months since her tragic entanglement with power, to always carry extra healing packs.


The tomahawk clanked to the table. A death-knell to the Wolf. Yasha watched the sacred weapon drop from her father’s hands like an angel watching the divine set down their threshing tools and call for an eternal day of rest.

“Daddy don’t you turn around. Don’t walk away from me!” For a brief second, Yasha was once more a twenty year old girl feeling the stab of her father’s rejection. For one brief second, no title, mantle or respect of office could halt the horror of a little girl watching her father leave her behind.

Ramanar was dead. Mand’alor the Wolf would not grace Sundari’s halls in his infamy, his dire gravitas.

Long Live the Infernal and her Council.

Yasha gasped at each crush gaunt which fell to the cracked table.

The Wolf finally found his place in the universe… but it wasn’t beside his daughter. What had she done so wrong that her father’s love was conditional on her abject obedience to his word?

The Wolf’s Daughter walked to the place [member="Preliat Mantis"] sat at the table and picked up the tomahawk which helped level Empires, which humbled Carnifex’s throne, which ended threats and friends alike. She played with the weapon in her hands, light in her Epicanthix fingers. Her mother’s hair braid stroked the back of her hand, filtering through her fingers.

Mama [member="Aditya Mantis"] made so many wonderful inventions with her hair up like that.

“Daddy… don’t…” Preliat was gone.

And the heart of Mand’alor the Infernal was hardened, encased in the black Mandalorian Iron which stole [member="Kaden Mantis"], which as the tomahawk’s head, clove thousands in twain. Yasha Mantis’ face turned blank, the emotions of a young woman disowned filtering away for an aura of cold command.

This was her council, and her world.

The Tomahawk of her father was now hers, as the young perpetually took from their elders.

“We must ensure, if [member="Dorn Skirata"] is not installing your tech on his ships, that the communication arrays and devices of MandalMotors are compatible with the MBE’s.” Yasha’s voice grew deeper, regnal in texture as eyes which once shone with a father’s love deserted to the cold veneer of command.

Walking back to her seat at the table, Yasha stabbed the tomahawk’s blade into the wood and sat down. “[member="Ambrose Mantis"], call [member="Gray Raxis"]. I have a seat on my council to fill. Find him. Bring him…” Yasha’s voice wobbled, her shoulders shivering for a brief moment in time.

“Australis, please bring up your schematics on the defences so I might view them. Once we have Manda’yaim protected, we shall place reserves on our naval stations along the Hydian Way and other trade routes, I believe we have one crossing through Ploo… And Cassi, you had thoughts on developing a public school system to supplement Aliit teachings, or to service the orphans we have yet to adopt into Clans… we have need of a polytechnic school for those learning trades… can I avail some of MandalMotors’ and MandalArms’ spaces for such a project? Perhaps an internship program for innovative young… young…” Yasha’s nostrils flared, her eyes reddening. “… Cassi your plans, if you please…”

Yasha whispered, feeling the kicks and motions of her growing daughter in her belly. She blinked her eyes, picking up a data pad and flicking it on to hide her eyes in notes.

[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] [member="Shia Kryze"]
"Yasha. You are a strong and capable leader, you shouldered the responsibility to lead us out of the darkness and the into this new age. And yes this is a new age for Mandalore, we are growing in both community and influence. The warriors of the clans are willing to follow your lead as you lead. This is derived from your love for us as well as your commitment to the empire."

he stood up and moved closer to the Mandalore

"I was not here when the world fell apart and our people were suffering. When I returned we had no leader and the throne was empty. After the invasions and raids, you staked your claim of the title. Those who were blind to what Mandalore needed spilled blood and ran. All of you on the council let me say that you have paid for the future of Mandalore with your blood and tears. You are setting in motion a system that will bring us into a golden age."

He began to gesture around the table

"I paid for my honor with my arm, you each have paid with your own loss. Yasha, you paid with the loss of your childhood and your family. Now we are rebuilding and rearming for a new age. Our war will be structured and organized. The only ferocity we will show is in our fighting but not in our planning."

He raised his voice as his speech reached its climax

"Yahsa look at the sword on your hip. That is my pledge to you. I pledge to all of you that I will do my part to rebuild Mandalore. All I can ask is that you commit yourselves to moving forward and remembering the bast but not being stuck in it."

[member="Yasha Mantis"][member="Kaine Australis"][member="Cassiopeia Caranthyr"][member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"][member="Dorn Skirata"][member="Ambrose Mantis"][member="Strider Garon"][member="Raiz Australis"]

Atsushi Ono

Tempers were high, threats were tossed about and families crumbled. Dorn kept silent all the while grinning from ear to ear on the inside. He knew letting Yasha take the mantle was a bad idea. She was young, impulsive, and those she kept in her company couldn't even keep the memory of the last few months close enough to their hearts and minds. Granted, this was the opposite of what he and Preliat fought for. All around him at this "council" were Mandalorians that not even a year ago would have been exiled, jailed, stripped of their sickness or worse. Already they were on the path to destroying Mandalore again for future generations. A station that eats the sun, conversing with the souls of the damned in the Netherworld...It was all coming apart like Ra had said it would.

But he would persevere for Skirata.

After this meeting he needed to catch up with the old Wolf. Having the man that killed Jaster Ordo on his side would definitely prove helpful in the future. His mind snapped back from scheming when he heard his name called.

"Its not about fear vod, I'm just not going to send anyone into those hell holes and risk them coming out with vongspawn or coomb spores. Our planet is healing and fragile as it is, I don't need to be the cause of a vongspawn our coomb spore outbreak." After it was clear the Wolf had exited the room and was out of earshot Dorn looked at the group assembled in the council room.

"You all realize who that man is don't you? You don't want to make an enemy of the Wolf. He may seem like a man unhinged, but he is an Old School Killer. No amount of toys or armor will keep that man away if you make an enemy of him. If he wants you dead, you will die."

"By the Force, he killed Jasper with his bare hands for us, essentially his own father. He's dangerous. Not one of us here is his equal in combat."

[member="Quoron Mantis"] [member="Yasha Mantis"] [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Cassiopeia Caranthyr"] [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] [member="Shia Kryze"]
Jaster accepted the help from [member="Cassiopeia Caranthyr"], "Thank you love, not as sturdy as I once was."

It was his dumb idea in taking the hit from the powerful warrior. Yet he did it for a reason. The Wolf, [member="Preliat Mantis"], the truth of his power was more the the legends themselves. He was in the service of the Hutt Cartel when he first heard the name and when the name Mantis was new to the Clans of the Old Mand'alor. Whenever there was a fight to be had in the safety and security of the Clans, the Wolf always answered the call, he was the embodiment of the Mandalorain Tradition and Culture entombed in a sentient body. He took the brunt of the hit because he did not want that man to be an enemy of the Council... Or his daughter.

The spies under his control were everywhere, always listening, always watching. He knew what the Wolf was up to, and Jaster knew the Alor of Clan Mantis would never do anything to sabotage the life his daughter scraped together. He spoke his mind against the council, and Jaster partly agreed. However, how he spoke against the Mand'alor in front of those most loyal to her, that could be a test to those closest to his daughter. Preliat was an enigma of sorts to his level of understanding, Jaster planned every move 10 steps ahead, yet this man was unpredictable. What was he trying to accomplish.

[member="Yasha Mantis"] stabbed a bacta solution in his neck, "I am sure you would look great in a royal dress, your majesty." He cracked a smile as he slapped his hand on the area she stuck the needle. The solution would work quick, and though he would most likely still need surgery, it was not as dangerous as before.

He sat there with the young Cassiopeia as everyone else spoke. The blurred image of the Wolf leaving the room was something he smiled about as well as he spit more blood into a napkin. "And the wolf leaves the pack to find himself once again." He whispered to himself. He would need to keep a closer eye on the dealings of this man, for he was someone close to the Mand'alor and thus something he would need to keep the Clans United.

It was at this moment that he heard [member="Dorn Skirata"] speak, and he just could not help himself. Hahaha. "He is no enemy of this regime, and he has no pretense to be such a thing, though I'm sure he hates the idea of this council" Jaster coughed into the napkin again, "He will always watch his daughter from afar, a father must always allow their children to walk with their own two feet, he will be back." He looked to the door, "Its the next time he comes that he will decide to be an enemy or an ally."

[member="Quoron Mantis"] [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Shia Kryze"]
She gave Jaster a smile as she helped him. "No problem at all. You took a nasty hit." She wasn't so sure she believed that him not being sturdy was the reason he went down. Shia put all the force in her into that punch. And it showed.

She stood beside Jaster. Yasha injected him with some type of bacta substance. It would keep him safe until he could get to a doctor, at least. That was fine with her. She shivered at the thought of his ribs cracking played through her mind again.

Quickly, though, her attention was turned back to Yasha as she asked Preliat to stay. He chose not too - he left the room. The tension in the room was damning, heartbreaking. Cassiopeia took a deep breath, trying to contain her own emotions. She worriedly looked towards the Mand'alor. She looked... Defeated, but turned cold. She wanted to bring the meeting back on track. She remembered, only a couple years before, when she walked home to find her parents slaughtered. The loss she felt. She couldn't imagine the pain Yasha was feeling, but she understood it in her own way.

She perked a brow towards Dorn, "We know him. But all great men fall," she said quietly. Quoron made a wonderful speech and she nodded her agreement with his words. Every word he said was true. "The MBE tech is safe and secure, I imagine there are safety precautions with biotechnology like that in place."

Cassiopeia left Jaster's side, standing beside Yasha as she asked for her to explain her plans. She put her hand on Yasha's armored shoulder, giving her friend a small smile before taking the conversation over. "Simply put, we need more educated adults. We need engineers, scientists, combat specialists, slicers, and so forth. If we create some type of education commission, polytechnic schools, etc to assist the clans with localized and specialized education, depending on their culture & needs, we can push people into high demand career pools. It won't be mandatory for clans to participate, of course, but we can incentivize with the Mandalorian Empire paying for the services. It could be a great push to get more educated minds into our ranks, civilian and military. For the central Mandalorian Empire and for the Clans. Of course, that is the short and dirty version. I can send you the more detailed version through your datapads."

She cleared her throat, "Internship programs, apprenticeships, and so forth through private corporations, such as yourselves, would be a tremendous boon to such a project. We need to engage and recruit these minds for the betterment of our nation."

[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] | [member="Dorn Skirata"] | [member="Quoron Mantis"] | [member="Yasha Mantis"] | [member="Kaine Australis"] |[member="Shia Kryze"]


Self-Imposed Exiled
A torrent of laughter emits out of the suited up Mandalorian, Raiz Australis. At this point the man's feet were resting upon the table ahead of him and was dangerously angling his chair backwards with his feet, eyes scrunched up as the man laughed in pure enjoyment of whatever it was that he had found so amusing that he seemed to put above the meeting itself. It took a couple moments for him to open his eyes, and only once he saw the looks that Cassiopeia were giving him, the Mandalorian stopped laughing. After a moment his gaze floated towards Dorn and a smirk slowly grew on his face, Raiz allowed his chair to slam back onto the ground and sat up straight. "If you are so in-love with the aged wolf, all you need do is run on after him. I am sure he would love someone to clean his armour for him after a long day." the man could not help himself but laugh at his own jest, before crossing his arms and sighing. "Perhaps consider making the call to spread our influence through various planets, and start forceful assimilation of these planets into our creed."

[member="Yasha Mantis"] [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] [member="Cassiopeia Caranthyr"] [member="Ambrose Mantis"] [member="Quoron Mantis"] [member="Kaine Australis"]

Atsushi Ono

Dorn looked to Quoron, Raiz, and Cassiophia then looked to both Yasha and Kaine.

"Do these people speak for your clan? Or has the council turned into a suggestion box for anyone who's passed their Verd'gotten to speak at the council? While I did agree with Ra and had my own misgivings with a Council of Alore...If we are going to be doing this, we should be doing this. Why do we have so many representatives from the same two clans here at the Council? While some have had...some interesting ideas that could benefit us as a whole, while others," his gaze fell on Raiz, "...have little more than childish insults to throw and it would quicken these things if our clan leaders came with grievances or ideas from their clan than bring their entire battlegroup with them to each give a speech on how Alore should be shining armor."

[member="Raiz Australis"] [member="Cassiopeia Caranthyr"] [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] [member="Quoron Mantis"] [member="Yasha Mantis"] [member="Kaine Australis"]
Yasha’s face twitched as [member="Quoron Mantis"]’ words soaked into the soil of her mind. Her brother was true to his word, a loyal and level headed friend. “Thank you, Quo.”

Before she could say more, Yasha’s head swerved over to [member="Dorn Skirata"] with a cold express. “You have a point, Skirata. The vongspawn are dangerous. We must ensure the safety of Manda’yaim at all costs, yet the MBE's are a potent work of biotech I am loathe to lose unless a better method can replace it… Do I realize who my own father is? Yes, I do. [member="Preliat Mantis"] is the strongest warrior Manda’yaim has experienced in multiple ages of this world. And he raised me. Despite his failings, his illnesses that made his hands shake and his mind shatter, Preliat Mantis did his best. For Mandalore, and for me. Don’t forget, Skirata, I remember Ba’buir Jasper. I remember him so well it burns. Preliat Mantis is not our enemy, but as his daughter, and as Mand’alor I am aware that the best place for my father is somewhere he can heal. He deserves to heal, he’s done his work. We ought to be telling him ‘well done, good and faithful Mando’ad’ and giving him a corporeal paradise to rest within. Somewhere he can relax without an Empire on his shoulders. As dangerous as he is, he is infinitely more deserving of a quiet, peaceful life. So when he left Manda’yaim, and the last of Ra’s leadership laid in two hands, I took the Mantle, to protect my father. I took it to stop him from having to break his back with one more push in the dark.”

[member="Cassiopeia Caranthyr"] and Ka’lo Mantis had [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] handled, “You should know, Jaster. You’ve seen me in one on Commenor, with Aunt Kay. Daddy remembers the Alore Council and the ridiculous things which occurred. It’s a fair warning, yet I refuse to be Mand’alor with no advisors. All of you have different talents and educations. All of you have value to me. I would be a shoddy ruler if I couldn’t handle disparate opinions and then make a clear decision in the end.”

Cassi’s educational system perked more debate, and Yasha sat back, listening deeply to her vode. “So your education system would be a public service, if so I would like to include facilities across the Mandalorian planets for Clans to use to teach their vode. Firing ranges, combat courses, engineering, the works. All Clans have specialties, but I do see the value in making freely available courses for vode who wish for further education than their Clans may provide. I would not have it replace the cultural system, but augment pre-existing methods, making available facilities with a greater amount of resources than may be available to the smaller Clans.”

[member="Raiz Australis"]’ outburst made Yasha’s eyes roll. Yet again Dorn raised his voice, and Yasha sighed. “As I said, all here have strengths. Raiz’s strength isn’t in eloquence, but unorthodox engineering and tactics. Cassiopeia is above all, an educator. Quoron’s strengths lie in the function of the Navy and in weapon’s manufacture. Kaine is my General, the might we all see, which refuses to kneel. Jaster is an economic and diasporatic powerhouse, and you, Dorn, remind me of whence we came, and the tenets upon which this Empire was built. Your work with MandalMotors also brings you to my attention constantly. You speak your mind, and have no problem giving a different opinion than many of the others. This has infinite value to me… speaking of value, what is your opinion on Roche, my Wue’gi Vode?”
The man had recovered from his injury rather quickly, in all honesty he probably should have left the chamber to seek medical attention. This meeting was too important however to leave here without offering the economic assistance he could. The talks by [member="Cassiopeia Caranthyr"] in her initiative to further the education of the populous of Mandalore was interesting and he could offer more assistance that could also benefit the Conglomerate.

"The UTC has contracts with many large corporation through the galaxy in corporate, government, and colonial," He coughed a little to clear his throat, "we would be more then willing to speak with our allied corporations to accept the application of Mandalorian youth internships," He looked to Cassiopeia directly now, "Our mining, agriculture, and space exploration operations will accept any young individual who wishes to learn the ropes and I will even offer the UTC Scholarship for the Commenoren Royal University and Anaxes Military Academy for those who's clans can not afford their tuition."

He pushed his body up from his hunched over form, "The education of our youth is a really important direction I would be willing to take part in, if there is anything else I can do to assist this initiative through its early stages, please let me know."

[member="Yasha Mantis"] [member="Dorn Skirata"] [member="Raiz Australis"] [member="Quoron Mantis"] [member="Yasha Mantis"] [member="Kaine Australis"]

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