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World of Warcraft: Legion

A quick read reveals that Grom is imprisoned by Gul'dan (maybe) after everything that happened. Some of the Orcs did drink the demon blood though, Kilrogg being one, so who knows! Who knows...

I'll admit I have not played the most recent expansion. Just don't have the time.
That was the very last bit of the expansion, we already beat Gul'dan's Fel Horde and liberated Grommash.

We also beat Archimonde (The same Archimonde from Warcraft 3 because the Twisting Nether transcends all realities so his soul was anchored to the Nether so he came back to beat us up again but we beat him up instead) who then sent Gul'dan through the portal he came through because he: "Made a pact!" - and we all rejoiced in victory, and the Draenei clapped and danced for Grommash who is now our bestest buddy.


[member="Selena Halcyon"]
I mean the entire expansion was built upon a weird premise. I just hope that Grommash is actually reasonable in the last game because quite frankly he was never all that cool in my mind. I actually Garrosh as a character because he had a real arc to him. He was an idiot, but he had a good story arc. My hatred for Garrosh tends to stem from my hatred of him in Hearthstone.
I loved Garrosh as a villain.

And yeah, my real main problem with WoD was that we seemed to be getting an incomplete story, and there were hints of an expanded story from dug up files that included to more Orgrim Doomhammer in Gorgrond to Kargath actually surviving Highmaul and running off after you beat him in the arena (minus the Bladefist, of course). There was also supposed to be more Yrel and Maraad story, but that was cut as well.

Kinda sucks.

[member="Selena Halcyon"]
That doesn't surprise me. WoW has never been incredible when it comes to fully fleshing out stories. I'm STILL waiting to hear more about the repercussions of the whole Sylvannas and Gilnaes stuff. I know it is heavily hinted that we will be getting that in this expansion but that was last brought up in Cataclsym (which quite frankly the stories for leveling up were sooooo good in).

I actually think that Garrosh is an incredibly understandable villain. He starts off as a pretty down dude, but he thinks his father was evil and doomed the orcs so he naturally has his problems there. He then goes and finds out his father is actually a hero and gets elevated and thrust into some big situations. Ends up being a very important player in the fall of the Lich King, and then he is made into the Warchief. He probably did not deserve the responsibility but it was given to him. So still lacking maturity but a new found sense of pride and purpose he looks around and sees that his people are in a kind of crappy situation. Orgrimmar is on a barren desert when there is perfectly attainable resources not far away but because of a tenuous peace with the Alliance he is not allowed to tap into that. This obviously frustrates him and thus begins the war. Now, obviously, team Vol'jin has it right (because I mean c'mon man, da trolls be bringin' da right mojo) but yeah. Garrosh acts.... somewhat in a logically consistent way. I think it is not until Pandaria that he fully starts becoming a problem character when he decides that he is all about getting the power of the Sha, which is just dumb given that he -should- of all people be likening it to drinking demon blood. But whatever.

I know essentially nothing about what he does in WoD other than that he is somewhat responsible for starting the Iron Horde.
And it does bring up a valid point that, yeah, a good chunk of this whole mess through Pandaria and Alternate Draenor is Go'el's fault. He thrust Garrosh into a position of power and authority that even he admitted that he wasn't ready for, and did not actively want, but because Garrosh was a war hero of Northrend and the son of Hellscream, Go'el convinced him that it was the right thing to do despite being advised against making Garrosh Warchief by Cairne.

To be fair again, Cairne also did a piss poor job of advising Garrosh after that, and was too quick on the draw to accuse Garrosh of the Druid slaughter in Ashenvale when it was really the work of the Twilight's Hammer who were so obvious in their attempt to frame Garrosh that you'd think Hamuul or Cairne would've caught on to it.

And Vol'jin didn't help by threatening Garrosh with sedition and assassination, but you know.

[member="Selena Halcyon"]
Dang that cinematic is amazing. Makes me feel bad for Garrosh. He still is a villain for sure but he is somewhat sympathetic. I get why he did what he did. I do not agree with it but dang do I understand him in many ways (sans going all out about the Sha). But yeah had terrible help at first. I really felt they missed out on having Saurfang advise him since he and Garrosh did have something of a relationship. I also think Garrosh did respect him. The... I want to say Stonetalon Mountains quest line really showed that off which I always thought was fantastic. But stupid Saurfang decided to stay in Northrend in the cold. So dumb. So yeah, Garrosh did not have the help around him that he needed. Thrall screwed it up hard.

I will say... I want more to be focused around Varian Wrynn cause I honestly have never felt any draw to play with the Alliance. Perhaps just my lack of exposure to them is a significant factor, but it seems like they seldom have a really dope story in the games.

During WoD the warlock Gul'dan was being rather sneaky and mischievous, and when the Iron Horde's future began to look incredibly bleak as we beat up everything they throw against us, he once again approaches Grommash with an offer.

It's also been hinted that he's been interrogating people from the Alliance and Horde who've come over from the MTL Azeroth to the ATL Draenor, and he's been learning of our reality.

[member="Selena Halcyon"]
That was only after 6.1? Holy crap did WoD have any patches at all? Evidently 6.2 is the most recent. Dang... Short expansion.

Given that Gul'dan is evidently going to be a power player in this next expansion (early on at least) it does not surprise me that he has been learning about MTL Azeroth, and I actually like that a lot. I think Gul'dan makes for a good villain. I understand how some longtime fans dislike how it is "re-using" old villains and stuff but at the same time we never got to experience Gul'dan in a modern way. We only saw him in way old Warcraft games. I like getting to experience dealing with him again.

Then again, I'm a warlock main for life. So that may have something to do with it subliminally. I will say, given that I have heard that it is super easy to raid casually I might consider picking up WoD and just play it for like a month to get to experience the story first hand. I have always loved the lore of Warcraft as dumb as it often is at times.
Yeah, WoD was extremely short in terms of patches and things.

Which is why a lot of people were miffed when it was announced that 6.2 was going to be the last major content expansion for WoD, myself included.

And yeah, Gul'dan was by the far the best aspect of WoD, I absolutely love his design, his voice, and how he acts in the game.




[member="Selena Halcyon"]
[member="Darth Vornskr"]

Hey, question. Im curious if you were disappointed too or not but when Archimonde died. Did you notice that there was no explosion like what happened at Hyjal or with the Pitlords? If so i was curious if you know why he didn't detonate that time or is it just me being picky?
I still have my lvl 100 Orc Warlock, Goruum.

Along with two unfinished insta-lvl 90s.

Aldrick and Abraham.

I hear they plan to have Demon Hunters start at a very high level.

Totes gonna make a Nelf DH named Talanorn.

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Darth Vornskr"]

Just remade all my stuff the other day, so its like Alex at 58, a Solan at 15, and a orc Warlock at 1 and... a Draenei Paladin i think it was at 1.

[member="Selena Halcyon"]

Join us Selena, you wont regret it. Well you might but hey, forewarning.

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