Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Working Toward A Stronger Future

The Great City of Tháinbroek
They had come from beyond the stars, from the other side of the known Galaxy, from a world of monstrous humidity and tropical heat to the land of snowy tundra. It was a small congregation which made up the Je'daii's entourage, aside from Jyn there was Je'daii Master [member='Jericho'] and a couple of Rangers who had accompanied them to ensure their safety. Not that such was necessary with the Blademaster around.

Though she was no stranger to frigid, somewhat hostile environments, as their shuttle began to descend toward the Capital of Valkyri culture Jyn felt a shiver come over her. She had afforded herself too much time within the luxury of Aurum's atmosphere, tending to the animals within her sanctuary, and overseeing the Archives and those who were brought her way. Suddenly the fur cloaks they had been provided with were making much more sense.

Before the doors could open, Jyn made a point of wrapping one of them around her shoulders; she could have used the Force to abate the chilly air, but part of her training involved immersing herself in the culture of those she surrounded herself with, and it seemed as though the temperature itself played a large part in the biology and physiology of the Valkyri people.

Hardy, purpose-filled, they had not received the same level of privilege as most in the Galaxy, without gadgets to make their lives easier. It would have been admirable, but even thinking that made her feel condescending. This was simply their way of life, the way they had been raised, nothing more and nothing less.

"Asha tells me that you know the brother of the King," Jyn mused, as they stepped out into the snow which crunched beneath their boots, it seemed she was not the only one with a contact in this neck of the woods. The High Queen of Aurum was also the Queen of Midvinter, apparently. What a small Galaxy they lived in.

[member='Thyrian Hearthfire']
Meanwhile, in Tháinbroek...

Within the Capital of the Valkyri two brothers could be found kneeling at the foot of the statue of the Dawnbringer, their heads lowered in silent prayer; each had their own words to share with their divine father who now reigned atop the sky. Gentle snowfall graced the likeness of High King Thrand, placing itself upon his broad shoulders as he looked down at his two sons, face etched in solemn contemplation. If he indeed could hear their prayers, there was no indication of such.

All the while the people of Tháinbroek knew not to disturb the two, maintaining a respectful distance throughout their prayer as they always did when their king would come down here on his own to seek wisdom, or perhaps comfort. And yet this was a momentous occasion, having both their beloved High King and the legendary Warden of the West in one place, and so their combined presence drew the eyes of many who found themselves stood watching from afar.

The younger brother was the first to finish, looking over at his elder with nothing but love in his heart. Overhead the sound of ship's engines roared, reminding Thurion of the reason behind his visit in the first place. "Thyrian," he settled a hand at the nape of his brother's neck as a means of rousing him from his deep prayer. "It is time." His fiery gaze came alive as his eyes opened to look across and meet Thurion's. A quiet nod was sent his way, before they would rise to their feet and turn away from their father.

"Thank you for coming," he said as they wandered down the cobbled street toward the main gate. "I have missed you, little brother." Thurion smiled, wrapping an arm around his elder's shoulders.

"You have Kära and little Theryn back, both of them safe and sound, gods be good. You have no right to look so dreary, big brother." Thyrian chuckled, his mood instantly brightened. "Aye, maybe so. I guess old habits die hard, huh?" They both shared a chuckle, gazing towards the ship making its descent in the distance.

[member="Jyn Sol"] | [member="Jericho"]
Peace, serenity, deep inhale, long exhale. The warrior was in a meditative state, he never liked long trips in space. In his state, the warriors mind wandered to his youth; to place that was similar in climate and environment.

Jericho was traveling though the cold winter mountains for the past few days freezing but it made him feel alive. Climbing those mountains to prove to himself that he was one who has the skill to survive the in any situation, just a boy without the force. He had to take his masters training to heart, she was the only one that had taken him in after all; he gripped his a clasp of ice moving with his full weight the cracked and broke as he fell naturally he wanted to use the force to propel him back to safety. The strong wind howled almost as if in a wolf like manner, a primal instinct took over, his reflexes came into play. He took out a vibroblade and stabbed into the ice with all of his strength with only the will and the urge to survive gripped for dear life.

Deep steady breath....He made it.

While later, he reached the top of the mountain then look at the sky blue sky, the white clouds hovering above him; the once roaring winds now gentle at the top, it was quiet, a whisper yet not longer chilling. He felt warm, he felt proud. He had made it a testament of his own physical ability, he looked down from the mountain to see the view, the splendor of it all. He looked to his hands and gripped them tightly, it felt like he could do anything now that he just passed a milestone and broke another limit that he had placed on himself. He could hear his own breath echo around....Then looking up once again, he jumped....

Snapping back into reality the warrior opened his eye, one of the rangers announced that they arriving, the warrior made haste to the front of the ship standing next to the young knight Jyn. Asha spoke only good of the woman and that was enough for Jericho to believe in her ability despite at the moment knowing little of her. "Asha tells me that you know the brother of the King." She stated to him. "This is true." The warrior replied soundly, he was a man that spoke little unless needed or around his daughter, this would be something she would come to learn. He was adorned his normal attire, his battle armor over dressed by his jedi robes even those were covered by his personal custom fitted fur robes that he received from the valyri while his time training here. Speaking of Thurion, it has been some time since they had last seen each other its been since the constant wars.

[member="Jyn Sol"] [member="Thyrian Hearthfire"]
The Je'daii Master's response was as short and sweet as she had come to expect.

Now that she was isolated alongside him, without the general ruckus of the Order around them, she could see where Asha got many of her little quirks from, that serious streak which was shot through with maturity which far surpassed her age. Her determination... She could see it all in [member='Jericho'], and could not help but be grateful that he had been such a good figure for the girl to learn from. Jyn had never really had that, not until Sargon had come along and that wasn't until a few years prior. Where she had always been wrought with uncertainty, and doubt toward the Force, Asha seemed so certain of her place within it.

Stepping out into the light of Midvinter, Jyn was quick to feel the chill in the air. She let out a small breath and saw how it misted once it reached the frigid climate. Had she been in different company she may have found it fun, instead she focused on the task ahead.

Before them a City lay, not as grand or foreboding as many she had witnessed in the past yet magnificent nonetheless. Alongside the Je'daii Master she made her way up toward its gates, headed along the largest road which ran straight to the Great Hall. That was where they were meant to end up, after all, where the High King and Queen could be found.

Although this had been planned in advance, she could not help but feel a little apprehension toward the whole thing. Kära had seemed amicable enough on Aurum, but that could easily have been attributed to the fact that the Je'daii were helping her people.

Here was another story all together.

[member='Jericho'] [member='Thyrian Hearthfire']
As the two came into view - clearly outsiders by the way they dressed and carried themselves - Thurion stood beside his brother as the High King greeted the Je'daii representatives. "Welcome," he offered with arms wide open. "Welcome to the City of Tháinbroek, and to Midvinter!" He placed a hand upon Thurion's shoulder. "This is my brother, Thurion of House Heavenshield. Lord of Fridheim and Warden of the West." He bowed at the waist to the two visitors when introduced, still clinging to his Jedi roots in some small ways, hand gripping the hilt of his sword.

"Masters Je'daii," Thurion in turn greeted them, before stepping forward to properly welcome [member="Jericho"], his old brother-in-training. He clasped arms with him, as was Valkyri custom between respected warriors. "You old dog, you," he chuckled right before he embraced the man, regardless of whether Jericho would return it or no. He always remembered him being the strong, silent type, after all. "It is good to see you, old friend."

Meanwhile the High King turned his attention to the young woman, offering a respectful nod of his head. "No need to curtsey, I assure you," he spoke to her with a reserved smile. As his eyes found hers, his fiery gaze flared up somewhat in response to him sensing a familiarity with the one he'd been told went by the name of [member="Jyn Sol"]. A kinship, of sorts. This sparked his curiosity and fascination with the young woman and so his brows furrowed as he gently placed his hand under her chin to tilt her head up ever-so-slightly. "Forgive me," he apologised after a few seconds, removing his hand. "Just wanted to get a good look at you."

"Come, come," Thurion addressed them all. "Let us all retire to the Great Hall. You must both be freezing, and weary from your journey."

As the four began their walk up the cobbled street, Thurion nudged his older brother. "What was that all about," he whispered for his ears only. "Not sure," Thyrian replied, staring straight ahead. "Just a feeling..."
Jericho stared at the field covered in snow. It was so quiet, so empty, so lifeless, and so large. The terriain was mountainous in form, from a distance he could hear the growl of a great amount of wildlife. A perfect place to begin training for a large amount of people. His attention went away from Jyn to the construction of the temple and the required training regiments. It wasn't too presumptuous of Jericho to think that he and his Je'daiis wouldn't be allowed here. He knew the majority of the royalty already and knew their kindness, it wouldn't be long til the temple would be constructed and the Je'daii would have another save haven. If anything this meet was merely a formality but he all the same would pay his respect. As they continued their walk, their great hall wasn't as grand as many, the Valykri were a respectfully humble people; a reason Jericho enjoyed their company than most. Without looking at Jyn, he spoke to her. "All will be well. They are kind as they are large." Jericho stating to resolve any doubts that Jyn may or not be having. ''

As they made their way they weren't greeted with guards as they normally would but the King and Thurion himself. "Odd." The warrior thought. Although this meeting was planned and they knew each other, it was strange to think they would be so casual. But then again, Jericho has never been the type to be casual. He clasped his brother-in-arm's hand as a sign of respect, a rare thing indeed for the warrior to even touch someone. Thurion was someone to respect has done alot in his lifetime. "You as well, Thurion." The warrior replied. The warrior noticed the action towards to Jyn made by the King, a rather intimate touch to be made to a stranger. In comparison the valyri were much more....intimate people than Lorrdian; so Jericho wouldn't look into his action for now. For now he would just follow the three and see what is to unravel.

[member="Jyn Sol"]
[member="Thyrian Hearthfire"]
[member='Jericho']'s words did set her a little at ease when the King and his brother approached. They were giants by comparison to she, and yet just as the Je'daii Master had informed her they seemed more than welcoming even with their booming voices. Jyn watched as the brother - Thurion - and Jericho made somewhat of an embrace, an oddity to any who knew the Je'daii Master even remotely given that the only times he showed even an ounce of affection or physical contact was around Asha.

She realized in the moments which passed that Thurion had been her Mother's student as much as Jericho had been. He was the one Asha had come to visit, shortly after the formation of the Order, the one who had been regarded more as a son than a Padawan. She stared at him, looking past his adult self in search of the child he must have once been, and was so distracted that she did not realize the interest the King had taken in her until he touched her chin and stared directly at her.

His curiosity was impossible to miss, and when their eyes clashed she saw hints of his inner flame. Her own arose in surprise, a brief flicker that typically went unnoticed by most.

"Forgive me," she said, all at once, her head lowering into a bow of respect, "Your brother is someone I have waited years to meet... I did not mean to offend you by becoming distracted, your Grace."

And yet... She could not help but feel as though his reason for taking interest was not tied to her distracted state.

When the promise of warmth reached them Jyn felt herself somewhat eager to follow. The satchel at her side wriggled and squirmed as poor Kipo did his best to keep warm, but for now he knew better than to make himself known to the strangers. Or perhaps he didn't want to freeze his ears off. Either way, he stayed put as they began the journey up toward the Great Hall.

[member='Thurion Heavenshield']
Within the Great Hall of Tháinbroek

That was not a word which had ever been relevant to Kära throughout her life. She had held herself to the highest order, the epitome of timely, a perfectionist, and yet today she was exactly that. Late.

Guests had come from across the stars, from the world she governed from afar, and she had intended to be there alongside her husband and brother-in-law to greet them, only she'd struggled to find a pair of boots which fit her swollen feet. Thankfully the clothes which had been made during her pregnancy with Theryn still fit her, and the oversized furs which covered her were snug and kept her warm. Shoes, though... Those had been much harder to find.

Imagine her frustrations then as she made her way to the main entrance, having gone through every single pair of shoes she owned, only to hear the approach of her beloved and their guests. Opening the door she stood there watching them as they made their way up the steps, a very light smile on her lips. It was always good to see familiar faces, and though she had met with these particular two only a handful she had them to thank for Aurum's presently thriving condition.

"Welcome, welcome," she said, when they came closer, stepping to one side so they could enter the warmth of their home, "I apologize for not having been present to greet you when you left your ship." As if by explanation she settled one hand over the bump which had formed in her belly, and smiled, "I couldn't find boots which fit."

She looked across to [member='Thurion Heavenshield'], and beamed a smile at him; Kära had been so busy since his arrival that the pair had barely seen one another.

"I have something for you, good brother," she informed him, though whatever it was would have to wait until everyone was situated within the main hall, which was filled with hearths along each wall.

Once at the threshold of the Great Hall they were met by [member="Kära Hearthfire"], and all at once Thyrian's thoughts regarding this Jyn girl were dismissed as his eyes fell upon her radiating beauty. Motherhood suited her well, better than most even. Something he would never have dared consider only a couple decades ago. Almost immediately the King reached for his Queen's hand to place a gentle kiss upon, before stepping aside for Kära to greet the others.

Thurion was taken aback at the sudden appearance of his dearest friend, and as soon as his brother had finished his loving gesture he stepped forward to embrace her, foregoing any pretense of a formal greeting. "Kära! Oh, how I've missed you," he returned her beaming smile with one of his own, holding her as tight as her delicate condition would allow. "You look just ravishing! I was going to see you before our honoured guests arrived but your husband was rather insistent we go see Father first," he sent a wink his brother's way.

"Speaking of which, I believe you already know [member="Jyn Sol"] and [member="Jericho"] from the Je'daii Order?" he too stepped aside to let them reacquaint themselves with the Queen of Midvinter. Taking position alongside Thyrian, Thurion gave him a gentle nudge of his elbow, to which the elder couldn't help but smirk back. He hadn't told him she was pregnant again, and so soon after her return.

Once everyone had had their share of greetings they would head inside, ridding themselves of the cold in favour of the warmth of the roaring hearths lining walls of the throne room. Rows and rows of longtables reached all the way to the back of the massive hall where the two thrones resided, elevated above the rest upon a small platform, and from the tall ceiling long banners depicting every Valkyri house and clan hung. "Please, make yourselves at home," Thyrian offered, shedding his black fur cloak.
The warrior looked around to the cascade that were the walls of the throne room, his attention turned to the Queen in a sense his sister in arms. He remembered her from a time in the long past but now she was a much different woman being a monarch of two planets would bring a huge gravity of responsibility after all. It would be doubtful that a woman would remember him, a eyes of a queen or king would have to see a great many faces. Jericho as a man of mask brought little recognition to himself despite his outside looks. He gave the queen a bow of his head in respect and as a greet. As her attention quickly turned to Thurion, his turned to Thyrian when the king offered his home out with open arms Jericho merely shook his head. "I am more than grateful for the warm hospitality. You are generous as you are kind." Jericho stated calmly remembering his time that he had taken 'hospitality'. Old habits died hard even in times of peace; Jericho was always a man that was on his guard. Even thought he knew he was in a place that was safe, a place of home and family. He was not of their blood nor truly of their clan if he were to step on anyones toes accidental or otherwise. "I dont wish to interrupt what seems to be a reunion of family but if you do not mind," he said with quick pause and other bow of his head to show no disrespect to them and their family mannerisms. "Jyn Sol and I have come here for plans of a temple."

[member="Thyrian Hearthfire"]
[member="Jyn Sol"]
Their little congregation ventured further into the Great Hall, where warmth was bountiful and hearths roared along the walls, So many open flames, the likes of which Jyn had not seen before. She blinked, before an unapologetic smile breached her expression. She could see the appeal of living in such a place, it was humble yet welcoming. Simpler.

Jyn did love simplicity.

"We thank you for your hospitality," she said, almost at the exact same time [member='Jericho'] spoke. It did not take the man too long to get to the point; that was the thing with Hex's, they didn't like to beat around the bush. If they had a plan in mind they wished nothing more than to put it into motion. The only thing that ever stood in the way of such was an excuse for tea... Something Jyn had quite taken to making after trying Asha's blend.

"Your Majesty," Jyn said, directing her attention toward Kära first and then to the King, "This was something which had been discussed with your Queen, no doubt you are already aware of our request to build a small facility out in the mountains. Somewhere that it will not be an eyesore, nor a constant reminder of our presence here. It is not in our nature to impose ourselves upon a world, of this I assure you, and naturally if anything were to happen to Midvinter we would stand alongside you and yours in its protection."

Her gaze drifted back toward [member='Thurion Heavenshield']. If the rumours were to be believed, the two of them were nothing short of siblings. She was in truth itching for the formalities to be out of the way, though the King himself had her curious too. He seemed to radiate warmth, she could practically smell the fire and brimstone surrounding him. It was difficult not to sense another with her... curse.
Thurion kept close to Kära as they entered the Great Hall, taking her on his arm while the Je'daii made their request to the king. Their being there was not really needed, but it was nice just being in the same room together. When Kära mentioned her having prepared a gift for him, Thurion turned towards her with curiosity. Before he could say anything she presented it to him by opening her closed hand, and in her palm there sat a ring depicting the head of a lion. She looked up at him with that loving gaze of hers as he gently plucked the ring from her open palm and inch by inch placed it upon his right middle-finger, opposite of his wedding band. A perfect fit.

He would not ask her what's the occasion or whether the ring actually does anything, but instead smiled and caressed her cheek with a warm smile, before pulling her in for another loving embrace. "I love it, Snowflake. I shall cherish it until my dying day." As he held her in his arms, careful not to cause her discomfort in her delicate state, he could not help but feel a sense of longing for a time long forgotten. When there was but a young boy and a strange Umbaran girl hiding away from the worries of the world.

Once their embrace ended Thurion moved to join the others, sidling up beside [member="Jyn Sol"] as she added to [member="Jericho"]'s rather barebones request. "The Westmark would be happy to accommodate them," he chimed in on the subject of building a facility for their order. But Thyrian dismissed the suggestion with a wave of his hand. "Now, now. The west is already home to the Dawnguard, it would not be very prudent to house two different Force orders in the same region." His brother began slowly pacing back and forth.

"I'm thinking it would be best to keep the two separate. Frankly - and please don't take this the wrong way - but if there are any enemies of yours out there," he motioned towards the ceiling symbolising the galaxy as a whole, "it would not sit well with me should they come looking for you anywhere close to existing settlements." He stopped pacing and gave his beard a ponderous stroke before meeting their gaze. "And I take it you wish for as much privacy as you can get, yes?"

His brother's argument was sound, and Thurion would not question him - least of all in front of his honoured guests. Instead he merely looked over at Jyn and offered a subtle shrug, and only then did he notice.

She was the spitting image of her.
As the trinket was presented, she watched in glee as her beloved friend set it into place with genuine gratitude and held her within his embrace.

She owed so much to this man, he who had seen her though her darkest years, who had never once judged her for what she had been in their youth, who had always been there when she needed him most. He had been right by her side during the birth of her son, he had brought her daughter home to her in one piece after the haunting ordeal she had faced... The debts were stacking up, though she knew he would never in a million years expect her to repay them in any way.

Still, he couldn't blame her for wanting to.

"It will allow you to speak with those you love, regardless of where they are in the Galaxy," she told him, her voice a faint whisper in his ear so as not to disrupt the ongoing meeting. "You saved two of my babes, Brother, the least I can do is provide you with a means of doing the same for your own."

As talks in the room turned to locations, Kära shifted somewhat in place and looked over to her beloved husband. There was a look of thought within her gaze for a moment or so, before she finally spoke in a slightly louder voice so that the rest could hear.

"What about to the North? Now that the Vinterbound are scattered the Northmark is much safer than it was. It wouldn't be a bad thing to have eyes in that Region, my love, Reykjaa might benefit from their presence."

Force knew the village had suffered greatly when the undead horde marched South to Thainbroek, being that it was one of the few settlements between them.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Jericho"]
The brothers were similar in many aspects but in mind they were not. Thurion, despite Jericho's speedy and blunt request, reacted with open arms. The warrior could still feel the love of the little boy that he had met all those years ago. Thurion wanted nothing more than grant the safety and land needed for the temple. On the other hand Thyrian had the mind of a king, he had to take the accounts of the lives of his subjects and any else that would come to his domain. Jericho understood the gravity of what he was asking, this would not be such a one-sided ordeal for the king. The concerns of the king are many and there are few that he can so easily trust.

"Great King." The warrior started off humbly. Of course he was going to mention the benefits of having the Je'daii nearby other settlements. Whether it was the education that the could supply and from his travels here he knew most of the locals so trade would never be an issue. Also since the temple would be teaching mainly martial arts, there could be local militia to keep crime down or planetary defense. It would only beneficial the Je'daii here. But only for the queen to cut his words with her own with a much sound opinion; the north from what he remembered was a quiet place away all the eyes and the politics plus the terrain in the north was much more harsh, it would serve to make his future trainees much more tough as he would expect them all to be.

"The queen's suggestion is much more...Suitable. We can open refuge for those in need." He looked over to Jyn Sol. Her eyes more focused on to Thurion than that of the King as if her mind was else where. "As it stands, as Jyn Sol, had previously said. You open your home to us; we will treat it as our own. If your enemies come and your great horns call. We will answer. If enemy come for Je'daii blood they will be dealt with.....Swiftly. That can be assured."
"And, if I may ease your concerns further, it should be noted, your Majesty, that our Order does not actively seek strife with any others. We do not have any notable enemies, we do not participate in the great wars which plague this Galaxy, ours is an Order dedicated to study and understanding of the Force, to the betterment of oneself and those around us. We will be no more likely to bring enemies to your doorstep than we would our own, and so far we haven't had a single one show up. Think of us more like scholars, who also pursue more practical applications, than the likes of Jedi or Sith..."

She noticed the shrug which had been offered by Thurion and was about to smile a response when his expression shifted. She could sense it through the Force, his confusion, and in response she was rather quick to look away back to Jericho and Thyrian and Kära... To anyone other than the Heavenshield.

"We do not wish to cause you or yours any sort of grief. In fact, if you have any considerable doubts at all then we do not even need to go any further in these discussions. You are sovereign over this world, its people are yours to protect, and I would never presume to put you into a situation you did not agree with. None of us would."

[member='Jericho'] [member='Thurion Heavenshield']

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