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Winter's War

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Klantooine was a world not many went to, all of the hard work that went with working with Kay to negotiate and set up the building and to research. The respect that had to be paid and as they were working on some of the things she looked over it. They were researching the wintrium in the soil and at the fountain of the ancients. Matsu was out here working with her researchers in ways to apply the material to different robes and armor they could find. She knew there wasn't many who used it if any and didn't want to flood the market leading to more trying to match but there was also the whole part where she wanted to have the really good stuff for the jedi to be able to use and if she could get well these robes out to the silver jedi, to the jedi order and even the republics force enclave to allow lightsiders because with everything that was happening these would be designed solely for lightsiders with the solari crystals in the weave. She couldn't allow after all darksiders to get their hands on and be able to use such force tech before looking at one of the few people she knew who could construct a strong and worthwhile piece of armored equipment. "Very good, keep up the work and ensure that everything is built up perfectly I want those robes from Manaan ready to be tested with the weave on a larger scale like when the senator was here."
The end of the little lever shot up with a sproing as Domino's finger slipped off the end and sent the magnifying glass it held shooting back up under the power of its spring. It was her first time to Klantooine, that she'd admit to anyways, and she wasn't having a very good time of it so far. The food wasn't very good, the climate was hot, dust was everywhere, and she was supposed to be on holiday. "You know I wasn't here when that test happened," she commented from her seat on the edge of the worktable. "How did it all turn out anyways?" As a former 'titan of industry' she was technically here as an adviser, though Domino had a suspicion that her real purpose was so that Matsu could show off to her. That usually ended with some good-natured ribbing which Domino liked to use to point out weaknesses and encumbrances of a design.
[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu looked at Domino while she was pulling up some of the information. "The initial tests of the robes had them being attacked by blasters and sabers to test the new durability. They are designed to be heavier but still maintain plenty of freedom of movement for the jedi wearing them and sown into the robe is a circlet and sigil. With the new improvements the jedi wearing them can resist the darkside going so far as nullifying attack, sabers can be absorbed into the treated weave that touches the fabric. High energy resistance enhanced with the force to resist a lightsaber. It will not be immune but it shall work on many of the things and give high levels of protection for some of the things they can do. THe robes are also made to be comfortable to wear as well as waterproof." The wintrium was there and being worked to go into it as she gave a nod of her head with some of the ideas.
Yes, that had been about what Domino had expected sans the dark side attack nullification. "How about against sonic attacks? wintrium is crystalline in base is it not? It'd be interesting to see how it stands up to that as well as a neutral power." As she finished, Domino held up a hand and two tiny spheres of kinetic energy began chasing each other round a circle above her upraised palm. She was also interested in how something that was basically a rock could be made into a flexible sheet and bend with clothing, crystal dust impregnated fibers woven in was her guess, but what then made it stand apart from other weaves that weren't such a pain to create or obtain the material for?
[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Hmm that was an interesting question of how it would hold up. They were working on making more of their kinetic weave and adding a way to disperse sonic attacks would make for a nice addition to weave into the clothing and armors. "Protection against kinetic and sonic attacks would be nice. We have made a kinetic weave to disperse impact throughout a suit instead of an area but we need a few more resources to increase its production. Sonic dispersion would be a nice thing to have built into the weave if we can. The crystalline structure allows for us to work with it and synthweave it into some of the newer things. We have been making a few things with our spindles and presses."
This wasn't feeling right to Domino, these weer supposed to be every day robes with extra protection weren't they? How would you stop kinetic attacks while maintaining flexibility unless you added a layer that firmed up under trauma. But that was still bulking them up and adding more weight, further encumbering the wearer. This was starting to sound a bit too much like armor with bits of robe over top. "Perhaps a personal shield instead? They've proven useful against kinetics and sonics before, and a simple belt or forearm model wouldn't be that inconvenient." Only drawbacks were that you had to charge it up every now and then and remember to turn the shield on. "I think that's the better way to go really. In my experience Jedi usually value being unencumbered and agile over heavier armor."
[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu was looking at her and some ideas of what they could do with the different things as she thought about it and Domino was correct in a lot of it. "We should be able to, a lot of the jedi I have been getting equipment for are using heavier and heavier armor instead of just robes. With all of the improvements the sith have made in vong technology and their soldiers in weapons. Simple cloth just will not do for keeping a jedi safe and the mandalorians who help them field enough yasalimiri to eliminate a large amount of force protection at times." So you find ways to get through it and improve upon the base design instead of just reinventing the wheel compared to the others.
"Why I've been training in their field for the last few years," Domino pulled up a sleeve to show off some rather nasty bruising down the back of her forearm. "Have to keep an edge." And she'd gotten the crap beaten out of her regularly for it too until she'd gotten back to her previous non-force level anyways. It'd surprised her just how dependent on she'd grown over the years and she hated to think of how bad it'd be for someone trained in the force since an early childhood. Probably felt like going deaf and blind after not eating for several days.
"Speaking of vong, isn't there some spoor or pollen or something they're allergic to?"
[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

"There is but some of the vong with the sith got enhancements to become immune to it." Matsu was looking at the bruises and she was used to that as well. She might not fight without using the force but there was a good deal she pushed herself it with it. After Leori helped heal parts of her body when she was severed from the force and allowed herself to learn new things to work with all of the other things. She was used to abusing her body at times as well before she was standing there and the wintrium was being worked into the weave of the robes. She could work for a shield to be built into the armband before looking at some of the other things. "We have been working on some of the ways to handle their equipment. Our omnibreaker can slice through the crab armor."
"Omnibreaker... Just what all have you been up to in here Matsu?" A lightsaber could go through the crab armor or even her beskar if given enough time, but that was the caveat, no conscious enemy would willingly sit still for the minute or more it'd take to burn through. The casual manner in which Matsu had said they could slice through it made her think that the process was now much quicker and probably more elegant than Domino's preferred method when coming across such. Namely massive kinetic trauma that no amount of spreading over the body would prevent a crushed rib cage or snapped joints. She'd also try to bypass the defense altogether, but that was sometimes trickier.
[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu was looking at her while she had a smile on her face and brought up the design on her holopad. "Oh I have been doing plenty of things my friend." The blade came up, a dagger one could hold with built int vibration cell before she was looking at it and showed the simulation of a mandalorian wearing their full gear. The advanced vibration cell we have developed creates a high frequency vibration near the ultrasonic range. It can hurt a bith like a sonic grenade. The high frequency is designed to slice into metal and materials at a molecular level and rupture the bonds between it. As opposed to a lightsaber that will cleave it this will be surgical and is made to break beskads as well as open their strongest armors."
The blue colored woman looked it over and let out a low whistle. "That's a pretty impressive combination. Might be just the motivation I need to finally get on with my own and take it up a notch. Was just thinking vibro-trench knife with a mono-molecular blade, but I'm going to have to do better if I want to overcome that." And she did, she always did. It was why she put her all into nearly everything she made. Sometimes that meant things got complicated and only a small number of something were ever made or sold, yet performance would never be allowed to falter. "While we're waiting for those shield numbers, why don't you show me what else you've got hidden up those sleeves of yours?"
[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Now that was the spirit and a chance to show off while the design and shielding ideas were being worked into the robes. The amulet they had worked on to create a barrier would function best as they were working on increasing how many of those they could produce. "Well we have been working on some of the more interesting things. THe first of which is the Sasori Tora'yor Henkan-Ki and its power gems. Five stones that provide it with extra effects on top of its ability to absorb emotions, heat, energy from the world around it and empower the force user wearing it. Next there is the Shatory Reishūkaku, a weapon we designed able to dampen the force within an area when being held and allow a skilled pike user to disable force users who are not as skilled without the force. We have worked on Sasori Glove able to focus and enhance the force energies of the one wearing it while also enhancing their strength along with micronized phrik."
The display was impressive and showed off very unique designs, but it brought a throaty chuckle forth from Domino. "You sure like making things difficult or near impossible for a darksider to use, which is sad as I'm not the most moral myself." Meaning what her friend already knew, that while Domino wasn't a full-blown user of the dark side she was still far from a Jedi. She walked that delicate edge between the two and drew on both for strength. "Anyways, that knife got me thinking, what if you crushed the wintrium down and coated each fiber with it? You'd still have a full and flexible covering, but it's already broken down into small crystals, sonic attacks wouldn't be able to crack it down much further."
[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu looked at her and there was an idea she could work with while rubbing her hands together with a grin. Oh yes they could work to make it all built down into the fibers of the robes to become something stronger they could work with. "That might work better and we can set it up for everything. We want to make this thing a success for what we are doing." her attention was on some of the things turning more of her attention. "As for some of the things well it is a trade off... there are not many neutral force users who are really neutral. They usually have a preference while claiming they are better because they are in the middle... which is pride and arrogance, something dangerous and evil. That is what the darkside gives you."
That got a shrug from Domino as she couldn't fault Matsu's logic. "More their problem than mine, and yes, I know I've had problems with my pride in the past. Something I've been working on." Part of why she was keeping out of the public eye and partly also why she had gotten out of politics. It hadn't suited her and she'd never been happy there. "Really though, if you don't know my views on the force by now I'm not going to try explaining it all again. Though I wonder if a projected lightside aura would be enough, probably wouldn't get the mental benefits, but the rest of it... Something to test I think."
[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

"Well I understand you a little better now, I have accepted it but by now you know me as well. Always going to try and convince you to come to the light." By now it was more just that age old struggle but nothing really to change. Friends and allies as Matsu was bringing up some of the other sections for it with her full attention now. The fibers of the robes being working on to have the crystalline material in them while she was testing them and with the crystal weave they had been working on for the different tests she could build them up. THey had been testing it on manaan in the underwater research base as well as in her lab with mantic to really beef up the protection and defense of them. "As for these with the work we got from our labs on Manaan their energy protection will also be an important part of it. The force resistance of it is something we need to work on as it will mostly just augment the existing skills of the ones wearing it." Matsu was looking at what they had there while the mesh she had been developing with Kay in the lab was being weaved with the clothing to create the robes. They'd be able to with the right work design it for weapons and armor as well as the clothing. So she could hopefully get a new level of protection buillt into the products and then use the maturation chamber.
"Mmm," Domino replied and went back to resting her chin in her hands again. She sat there for awhile, just watching the robes being worked on. "You ever wonder what's wrong with us?" She asked out of nowhere, bringing Matsu into her emotional crises. "We build weapons for wars we hope will never happen and can cause destruction on unimaginable scale and somehow we still think of ourselves as the good guys. In the end a few million people die, map color changes slightly, and we do it all over again. I stopped seeing the point a long time ago." It was the first time she'd opened up to someone in ages and she wasn't sure why she was now. It just felt like the dam was full and she had to let a little spill over the top so her insides didn't all come crashing down. Matsu was just the lucky person that Domino didn't feel like she had to have her guard up around. One of the few.
[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu looked at her as she was listening to her friend and paused for a moment with a look at her. it was a strange thing to hear and think about while she came to stand over near her. "Plenty is wrong with us." She placed a hand on her shoulder for a moment with a nod of her head. "We are lost in some of the ways others deal with. Honestly I have always looked at the changing state of the galaxy and the construction of things like this to prepare for battles that might never come. It is because we want to try to prevent history, We have seen it repeat time and time again over some fo the things and mhold out that deeply buried hope that maybe just maybe we can break the cycle or stop something. Sometimes it works, sometimes people don't fight and a lot of the time they do."
Still looking ahead, she shook her head pensively. "No, the battles will come and history will be made, the only thing to be determined is if it's one of our weapons or another that's pulled from the rack." Feeling the hand on her shoulder, Domino turned her face up to look on Matsu's. "Ultimately we've stopped nothing, just started a new cycle of never-ending war. How many people have died in conflict this year alone? How many cities have been destroyed, homes wiped out, planets ruined? How many until we've had enough and say 'no more'?" Her eyes said that this wasn't just a debate. this was her asking, pleading, for hope that she was still going in the right direction. Wanting to know if there would be an end to it all, and knowing that there wouldn't be.
[member="Matsu Ike"]

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