Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Why Do I Get All The Fun? (Pandeima)

Anemone Nivalis

M.D., Expert Trauma Surgeon
Nothing was ever normal. Nothing was ever 'just another day at the office'. At least, not for this specific doctor. Anemone was no stranger to bouncing from place to place, but this was just crazy. Once again, she was away from Cardea, away from precious surgeries that she could be learning. Though this time, it wasn't at the say of the Protectorate. No, this time, her own place of employment had sent her somewhere. They made it sound like she was being given a precious learning opportunity over others, though in her own mind, she was wondering who was pulling the strings here. Nonetheless, she had no option but to go. After all, she was only a resident. It wasn't like she really had a say so in the matter.

Seltros was where she'd been sent this time. She was supposed to learn about some other species. And, in hindsight, this made some sense. Anemone had little experience treating any species other than human, and that made her not only a liability, but pretty much tied one arm behind her back. She was to meet up with with someone who would be her subject for the day. Truthfully, the whole thing just gave her a headache. It really made no sense why she had to fly out to meet someone for an examination. Why couldn't they just come to her? Needless to say, the girl was sitting on edge.

So, there she sat. In one of the rooms of this small clinic, datapad in hand as she reminisced of what she was possibly missing. Doing that only made her hate where she was now all the more. She glanced down at ehr wrist, checking the time as she sighed. "Great. They're late. I have to come all the way out here, but they get to be late. Can this get any worse?.."

In Umbris Potestas Est
Circe had come into a medical facility near. Why? Apparently they wanted non-humans for medical testing, and being as Circe would register Zelosian on whatever scanners they had, it only made sense she could get a few extra credits from teaching them how to treat sentient plants.

For now, she had no idea it was an Omegan who'd be doing the research.

Entering the room, her skin its normal tanned color and her eyes as green as ever, she smiled at the doctor and sat down. "Hi, I'm Polarine. Nice to meet you."

@[member="Anemone Nivalis"]

Anemone Nivalis

M.D., Expert Trauma Surgeon
Her head shook as she finally stopping watching the minutes on her watch, rising to her feet as she threw her hands up. That was the universal sign; she'd given up. Just as she turned away from the door, it slid open. A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she turned back, wondering if she could ever catch a break. To her surprise, there stood a seemingly normal woman. Anemone's eyes trailed the woman over, essentially examining her with her eyes. "Nice eyes. And, your late. I almost left. You can take a seat on the right there."

She turned back to her things, grabbing her datapad as she began to scroll through it. Oddly enough, it was as she thought. Anemone hadn't been told what species she was going to be dealing with. Which meant she'd basically be going in blind. That simple thought alone made her scratch at her head as images of all the possible negative outcomes flowed through her mind.

In Umbris Potestas Est
"My apologies... I have a lot of friends on Zeltros, and it's hard to get here without running into several of them." She smiled, taking a seat. "So, before we begin, do you have any questions? Is there any information that's missing from the datapad?" She raised an eyebrow, somewhat inquisitive as to the specifics of this situation.

Not to mention the doctor in question was quite the pretty girl.

@[member="Anemone Nivalis"]

Anemone Nivalis

M.D., Expert Trauma Surgeon
Well, at least she seemed to be nice enough. Anemone figured there was no reason to take out her frustration on someone she had only just met. Her eyes darted back and forth between the girl known as Polarine and the datapad in her hand. In actuality, she was trying to regain her composure, which was probably given away by the nervous laughter she let out. A deep breath escaped her lips as she scratched at her head, attempting to remember the questions she had planned to ask. She didn't even understand why she was so nervous. After all, she was just another patient. So why was it that she was trying to fight off inappropriate thoughts? At ;east she didn't have to worry about her mind being read, as some others she knew had done to her.

"Uh, well, I guess I should start by asking what are you. You know, as in species. And maybe you could tell me a little about your physiology. You know, and special things that your body does." Now she just sounded, uh, dumb. Tripping over her own tongue....what was wrong with her?

In Umbris Potestas Est
"Well... My mother was Sylphe, and my father was Zelosian. That makes me a hybrid, a hundred percent plant. I can produce pheromones, metabolize sunlight and carbon dioxide into energy, and enjoy a good swig of water to keep my hydration levels up." She smiled, looking the woman over.

"I am externally identical to a human, minus the emerald eyes, of course, but inside, my tissue is predominantly uniform, with no centralized bone or nervous structure." She looked to make sure @[member="Anemone Nivalis"] was taking notes.

Anemone Nivalis

M.D., Expert Trauma Surgeon
Her mouth simply hung open as she took in what was being said. The woman sitting before her wasn't a woman, but a plant? For the first time in years, Anemone was confused. Interested, but confused. She took a seat in her chair once more, lips curved into an odd smirk as she stared at the woman. This was a once in a lifetime chance, and she had to see it. "A plant? Pheromones? No bones? Talk is cheap. Prove it." Suddenly, this trip wasn't such a waste after all. But that would all be dependent on what she saw next. It was time to see how interesting the girl really was...

In Umbris Potestas Est
Closing her eyes, Circe focused on the production of her pheromones. A sweet smell would fill the air as they began to be produced. At the same time, Circe would stand up and flex backward, bending further and further back until her head was between her legs and staring at the ground. If she were an ordinary vertebrate, her spine would've shattered from the stresses of her flexing so far back, thus indicating her non-animal physiology. Stretching back to normal, she sat back down in the chair, smiling.

"And if that's not enough evidence, of course, then you could always do a tissue sample."

@[member="Anemone Nivalis"]

Anemone Nivalis

M.D., Expert Trauma Surgeon
It only took seconds before the scent hit Anemone's nose, causing her eyes to widen a bit. She knew what pheromones were, but seen or felt their effects. And at the moment, she still didn't notice anything. Though smell was certainly an eye opener, and was all she needed to believe the girl, but the next step simply took the cake. No matter how hard she tried, and she didn't try that hard to stop it, her lips curved into a wide grin as the girl rose from her seat, only to literally bend over backwards. It was as if she she was watching a show somewhere. After all, this was the first time she'd ever seen such a thing. Her head simply shook as Polarine took her seat once more, a smile upon her own face.

Anemone laughed lightly, even applauding as she stared down at her datapad. "Wow. That was....incredible. If you think I'm not going to take a sample after that, your..." Her words met a sudden halt as she glanced back at her patient. Something strange seemed to come over her in that instant. It was like she couldn't look away from her. Anemone shook her head once more, trying to release whatever thoughts were rolling into her head. "Uh...I'm sorry. What was I about to do?"

In Umbris Potestas Est
Noticing that the good doctor had been momentarily distracted by her pheromones, the disguised Circe raised a finger and moved it in classic optical exercises, trying to see if Anemone was in a trance, or merely in a controllable state. Regardless, she found it somewhat intriguing. But she wasn't one for controlling people unwillingly, was she?

"You were talking about how you weren't going to take a tissue sample because you already saw and smelled how inhuman I am."

And it was the truth, after all.

@[member="Anemone Nivalis"]

Anemone Nivalis

M.D., Expert Trauma Surgeon
It was odd. The sensation within her body was one Anemone hadn't felt before. She tried to shrug it off, but it was to no effect. Her eyes involuntarily followed the Zeltron's finger as she moved it about in circles. What would be odd, if she ever figured it out was that she was unaware her eyes were even doing such a thing. She cleared her throat a bit as she tried to remember what she had said herself, as it was odd she ever forgot something like that. "Uh, are you sure? I mean, considering this is an examination, that's probably something that would need to happen.."

Oh, how lost she was. Lost in nothing, but lost nonetheless.

In Umbris Potestas Est
Left, right, up, down... Anemone's eyes astutely followed her finger before she brought it down to her side. She said nothing, only nodding at the doctor.

"Well, you are the doctor of course. It's whatever you think is important. I do have a question for you, though..." She paused, looking the Omegan doctor over.

"Are you being affected by my pheromones right now?"

@[member="Anemone Nivalis"]

Anemone Nivalis

M.D., Expert Trauma Surgeon
Anemone rose from her chair as the girl brought her hand back to her side. Her head simply nodded as she questioned her, making her feet halt before they even really start moving. "Well, considering I'm moving and speaking on my own, and pheromones are controlling, I doubt I'm being affected too heavily. If at all. Hate to burst your bubble." She grinned and chuckled slightly as she reached into her bag, pulling out a pair of gloves and sliding them on. "So, since your a plant I should be able to take a sample from anywhere on you, right?" The young doctor simply exuded confidence though, her eyes told a different story. She was beginning to wonder herself if she was being affected. Not doubt, she felt a little odd, but it was barely noticeable. There was no way Polarine's pheromones could seems like they weren't even there, and yet affect her in anyway. Could they? Anemone bit down on her lower lip lightly she turned her back towards the girl, pretending to rustle through her bag for a particular instrument. In actuality, she was simply questioning her every movement.

In Umbris Potestas Est
"No no, it's a good thing. I'm not one to use pheromones on someone against their will. That sort of manipulation is frowned on heavily by the people I come from."

In response to Anemone's second question, she simply nodded. There wasn't very much different between her various body parts, aside from her digestive system and eyes.

@[member="Anemone Nivalis"]

Anemone Nivalis

M.D., Expert Trauma Surgeon
Somehow, this was intriguing. Not just the girl herself, but this whole pheromones thing. Anemone simply couldn't shake the thought of what, or how far, the girl could control her. And for a doctor, not knowing how something will effect you was the mystery. In this case, there was only one way to solve that. "This might be a bit off topic, but can you really control someone? because I'm so sure I honestly believe that. I mean, if you could, wouldn't you rule over at least half of the galaxy? I find it hard to believe that someone who has that kind of ability doesn't use it. That, and I've never heard of such a thing."

In Umbris Potestas Est
"I can, yes. I admit I've sometimes used my pheromones for less-than-honorable purposes, but come now. Don't forget the chances that people are allergic or immune to the pheromones. Or at a minimum, resistant. I mean, what, do you think I force armies of people to wear gas masks circulating a concentration of my pheromones?" In all sincerity, the idea had occurred to her.

"You seem intrigued by them, Anemone... Would you like to experience them again?"

@[member="Anemone Nivalis"]

Anemone Nivalis

M.D., Expert Trauma Surgeon
"Hmm...yes and no. Experiencing them again is one thing, but that doesn't really tell me much. Like the extent that your capable of controlling someone. No, you should do something more like.....oh! You should make me do something that you would want me to do. Something I wouldn't consider doing on my own. Do that, and then I think I can believe you. If it works, that is." She couldn't help it. The whole situation intrigued her. She wouldn't be satisfied until she knew what Polarine was capable of for sure. Though, that was something she probably should've thought the whole way through...

In Umbris Potestas Est
"Hmm..." Circe paused, stroking her chin thoughtfully before raising her eyes to look at Anemone, the pheromones beginning to flow again. "Alright, let's try this. I want you to get yourself dressed in one of those hot nurse outfits. Then when you come back, mind giving me a little kiss?"

She smiled. The woman had asked for this. It was only fair she received what she had asked for.

@[member="Anemone Nivalis"]

Anemone Nivalis

M.D., Expert Trauma Surgeon
Swiftly, Anemone went from a level headed resident to unknowingly doing just as she was told. No questions asked. It took only moments before she rose from her chair, giving a smile and a wink to Polarine before exiting the room. It would take but a few minutes before she returned in costume. Somehow, she had gotten a hold of an outfit with a skirt that had to be at least two sizes too small. Yet, in her current mindset, it was like she neither cared nor noticed. A coy smile graced her lips as she closed the door behind her, giving a small twirl to show off the outfit. "You like?"

This obviously wasn't normal Anemone, anyone could see that. She was way to reserved to ever do something such as this, yet, here she was. She placed her hands on her hips, as grinned toward her subject, flashing a smile. "So....about that kiss.."

In Umbris Potestas Est
The eloquently manipulative plant-woman smiled. Anemone had done exactly as she had been asked to do. Now it was time for the main event as pheromones inundated the attractive Omegan doctor. "Now, give me that kiss, will you?"

This was the decider as to how much control she had over the doctorette.

@[member="Anemone Nivalis"]

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