Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Which name do you prefer?

Greetings. I am making a new character and I have a few names I can't decide from.

The names are Kyra, Aelia, Maeve, Fae, and Rhaeneys. Her last name will be Achlys.

Help would be appreciated, thank you. >.>
[member="Azula Feanor"]

Personally, I lean towards Aelia or Fae. Aelia works well in alliteration with Achyls, where the single syllable of Fae stands quite strong in contrast against its surname.

Aelia sounds best to me, personally.
i think fae sounds cool as well, it sounds interesting and makes it seem like it dosen't have to be long to give off that message that you have. lol
Fae it is then. Thanks everyone!

[member="Khalan Vhett"][member="Pal V"][member="Fabula Caromed"][member="Naldar Aezir"][member="Ghost Rand"][member="Natalya Thane"][member="Jack Sparrow"][member="Kyros Fen"][member="DarthHaze"]

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