Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Where the Dark Lords Reign [The Primeval dominion of Korriban]

The Host Lord was actually quite interested in what the ghost had to say. There was definitely a greater reward than the sanctity of this location, to bring The Primeval and One Sith closer would create a frightening power in the galaxy. As if these strange disappearances weren't bad enough, The Republic, Mandalorians, and their allies would face a startling conclusion: Their enemies are numerous. A single enemy which was seen unstoppable was now two enemies, whether or not The Primeval boasted the same momentum in battle as the One Sith was yet to be seen but clearly their conquests were spreading like wild fire across the eastern fringes.

"Plunderers? The greed of fools is a weapon to be used, it's easy to manipulate one when you know what one wants. Desire--temptation--is the greatest exploit of the living; they all want something.", she remarked. The intercom with Laguz was muffled, but likely dead Sith Lord could hear the muffled and rather foolish statements that she chose to ignore.

The witch's attention drew closely to the room ahead, she looked back to her apprentice who seemed to be drifting off in admiration of the architecture.

[member="Darth Vornskr"]

Valerie Vizsla

[member="Malik Rodarch"]

“Spooky?” Valerie said calmly. “No.”

Korriban was a dead world.

She got that same feeling that she got on Dromund Kaas, that feeling in the pit of her stomach like something was going to pounce on her and kill her any moment, that uneasy press on the inside of her that told her something was wrong. She honestly didn't know what it was, honestly didn't care, she just knew that it was there and that it bothered her.

“Uneasy? Yes.” She answered him quietly.

She didn't like this world. She knew that Korriban was a Sith Planet, she knew that they idolized even worshiped this place, thinking of it as the greatest place, their Mandalore really. For that alone she would much rather have seen it destroyed than handed over to them.

Yet she knew the price of politics. “Once again. I do not recommend building an outpost here.”

As always, the stone lamented, small red pebbles falling off its face and into the canyon below. Laguz faltered in xir incessant shooting for once, finger pausing a hair's breath away from the trigger as the boulder grew a head. The shifter gazed down into the gaping ruins of the Academy, xir unforgiving eyes sweeping across the bodies of the dead. Xe had felled many, and would fell many more before the blazing sun set upon the scorched deserts of Korriban, the planet made for spilling blood. Or did its trademark color come from the act itself?

An ouroboros of a question, really, and one the sniper had no interest in answering.

With a sharp inhale, the hunter confined xir vision back to the reticle of the scope, merging with the harsh stone again as xe visited death upon those below xem once more. Such was the way of life, ironically enough.

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"] | [member="Mikkel Markov"] | [member="Kael Kessler"]

Malik Rodarch

[member="Valerie Vizsla"]

“Fair 'nuff.”

For his associations, Malik Rodarch was quite a kindly, soft-spoken man. The Mandalorian dialect and the twang of Tattooine blending into a mish-mash of confusion. He didn't mind it, it was a great voice for disarming his enemies, and for making the ladies weak at the knees. Smooth baritone with a drawl?


“Where would ya build an outpost, V?” he asked, looking over to her. The man was simply trying to gauge the smith and seige mistress somewhat. Try to get a feel (not that kind) on the woman.

Mullet was of the same mindset, seeing as he was no longer getting scratchies from old Rodarch he padded his way over to Valerie's side, opting to rub up against her side, like the giant pussycat that he was. Wouldn't even believe that he was a fiercely loyal creature of war right there.
Objective B: Defeat Republic forces
Location: On top of some tomb
Allies: Anja Aj'Rou | Kitsune | Azrael Asura | Mikkel Markov

Anja Aj'Rou: "Plunderers? The greed of fools is a weapon to be used, it's easy to manipulate one when you know what one wants. Desire--temptation--is the greatest exploit of the living; they all want something."

Upon first entering the room, he had not expected what was in store for him. The manifestation of the dead Sith Lord Darth Vornskr had shaken him to his very core. He knew naught of the horrific history that preceded the power of the legendary Sith, but even despite his lack of training in the force, he was able to realize the sheer power of the now dead man that stood before him and his Master. His legs began to shake and he would have surely cried out if he was not paralyzed in fear. As the spectral spirit spoke, thoughts began to race through his head at a million miles per hour. 'They've met before? Who is this...creature?' Despite his horror and fear, his master addressed the specter calmly; with steel in her voice. He thought back on to what he had learned of Korriban in his schooling days which seemed thousands of years ago, despite him being enrolled only a few months back. It was the ancient home of the Sith and shrouded in mystery. Ownership of the planet had changed hands many years, and Korriban had also once been hope to the old Sith Academy. 'That must be why this specter is here. He must have been a powerful Sith, and it is natural for ones spirit to come back to a place that it was attached to. It isn't unreasonable to assume the Dark Side and the force were great influences on this Sith Lords life. And the Master did mention something about how this place was hallowed ground...' He noticed his Master glance at him, and he returned his attention back to her and the spectral spirit. He sighed lightly, and caught up to his Master who had moved to the next room.

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"] [member="Darth Vornskr"]
"I have found that money can be a greater motivator than death at times. The greed of others will always serve us well." The specter said as he floated aimlessly around the chamber, his eyes taking in all of his surroundings, and that is when his gaze fell upon the Host Lord's apprentice. The man was utterly pathetic in how he cowered in fear at the sight of his spectral form, but then again he presumed that would be the reaction of anyone who was unfamiliar with the metaphysical and the occult. It was of no consequence though, the man was lesser than he and was no threat the ghostly Sith Lord at this present moment, and thus his gaze quickly passed over him as Vornskr then passed through one of the stone walls of the academy, quickly entering the next room that Anja had strolled into. "I remember a time when this temple was a grand spectacle of Imperial architecture, but six measly years under Republic occupation has left it a hollow ruin. Disgusting."

The Sith Lord's tone was venomous incarnate, and his hatred for the Republic and the Jedi radiated off of him in palpable waves, making the air greasy and polluted. Still, it comforted him to know that the perpetrators of this horrendous crime had been cut down, but there would be no justice for Korriban or Dromund Kaas until the Republic and the Mandalorian clans had been laid low by the power of the Sith, and by the power of the Primeval he mused as he glanced back down at the Host Lord and her apprentice. Suppressing a chuckle, he continued to float onward as a spectral guide for Anja and Kael

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
[member="Kael Kessler"]
The primal fears of a lesser being were of no concern to the Host Lord, [member="Kael Kessler"] was chosen for his potential -- not their current ability. Thus, it was actually smart of him to remain silent in the presence of two who he could not fathom entirely. Her conversation with [member="Darth Vornskr"] was unusually casual, especially by her standards. She treated him with the regard of an old friend instead of someone she met once but in that respect he was worthy of such regard; having established the great alliance himself.

The meager forces of The Republic were waning under sniper fire and the skirmishing units that chased them within the Academy. Disgusting, she thought, he was right... They were disgracing the awe of greater humility by laying their wasteful bodies on the floors which they are unworthy of. "Their bodies will be rid of... They do not deserve their final resting place here, as punishment I shall have their corpses set adrift into the endless voids of space. Never shall their loved ones be given the grace of knowing their fate.", she hummed. Her footsteps echoed down the halls as they entered a large central chamber, encompassing stairwells on either side and various corridors leading elsewhere. How grand. Through a hole in the roof the Host Lord was well in view of the snipers above, thankfully they were on her side.

Valerie Vizsla

[member="Malik Rodarch"]

She paused for a moment, thinking. Korriban was not the place, neither was Dromund Kaas. This world was corrupted, tainted, but she understood the need for forward fortresses, she knew that an outpost would allow them a measure of control, especially at such an important junction.

As the huge cat began to press against her she fidgeted slightly.

Valerie wasn't uncomfortable around the big thing, she wasn't uncomfortable around many things, but the giant cat scared her a little as it knocked her out of her deep trance like thought. She smiled slightly, patting Mullet on the head with her off hand before motioning to Malik and simply pointing up. If that wasn't enough her explanation would be.

“Space.” She could have ended there but she decided it would be better to go on. “An outpost within the reaches of the system, perhaps not even near Korriban itself.”

The planet after all was worthless to them, but an outpost near such a planet that others held in such high regard would be valuable.

Of course if Malik was referring to a fortress for the Mandalorians, a home and a place to call their own, then she had an entirely different opinion.
Objective A: Investigate Tomb
Location: Sith

Darth Vronskr: "I have found that money can be a greater motivator than death at times. The greed of others will always serve us well. I remember a time when this temple was a grand spectacle of Imperial architecture, but six measly years under Republic occupation has left it a hollow ruin. Disgusting."

Anja Aj'Rou: "Their bodies will be rid of... They do not deserve their final resting place here, as punishment I shall have their corpses set adrift into the endless voids of space. Never shall their loved ones be given the grace of knowing their fate."

Kael followed both his master and the specter that floated high above them, acting as a guide. Despite being shaken up by the specters appearance, he tried not to let it show. 'Come now Kael, what is there to be scarred of. You said so yourself, this creature probably died long ago. Back when the Sith-Jedi Wars were still going on. He can't harm you now, and even if he could; you've given him no reason to.' As Kael struggled with himself internally, he couldn't help but notice what the specter was speaking of. The remnants of the Imperial Temple were as beautiful as he described. One would have to be a fool, and a blind one at that to deny the fact that the Temple was a pinnacle of architecture and masonry. Yet despite its outward appearance, one could sense the history and the dark forces that remained at work here. He wondered inwardly to himself, 'Why are we even here? What kind of purpose could this Gods forsaken chunk of red rock serve?' As they passed from one room to another, he voiced his question to his master; though he said it low enough so that the specter would hopefully be unable to hear.

Kael Kessler: "Why go through the trouble of clearing these tombs and dealing with Republican forces for a planet such as this; that has no noticeable natural resources. It seems like more trouble then this rock is worth. What makes this place so special that we passed up other worlds with a wealth of resources that we could have put together to further our cause." Of course, Kael didn't mention his other reason for disliking the world and its dark energies. His master and the specter above must already think him a craven. He wouldn't say anything else to add to their beliefs.

[member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
Objective: A) Clear the Temples
Location: Within the Tombs
Allies: [member="Delyna Karthoys Haymire"] [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] [member="Bal'gul"]
Enemies: Tomb ghosts and vines

Perla felt the spark of electricity around her feet and her eyelids fluttered. She was still in a trance but a small part of her knew her spell had worked because she could smell the decay of rotten flesh and could hear the groans of spirits being dragged from their thousand-year old resting places. Finally the near-human's cry for Perla to cease the ritual broke her out of her dark reverie.

She blinked her eyes open and scrambled to [member="Delyna Karthoys Haymire"]. The witch clawed at the mist that swirled around the Hapan sorcerer. She shouted in Paecian to break the spell but had no idea if her words would do anything. Inside Perla was proud of her power but she couldn't allow her new colleagues to die because of it or this time she would be more than exiled. She would face execution. "Do something to help us!" she screamed at the Hutt who just stood there toying with some skulls like he was in a Holo Play.

The vines which sparked with magic now began to move and grow, some even coming out of the ground. Thick tomb vines reached toward the hutt, Perla and Delyna and began to snake up their bodies starting with their legs. They also tried to tie down the hsssis as well. Whatever conjury was at work was out of control and needed stronger magic in order to contain it.

Malik Rodarch

[member="Valerie Vizsla"]

Mullet, happy enough about receiving attention decided to sit by Valerie's sit, looking as happy as the day he got to eat a krayt dragon steak. That was a good day come to think of it, the both got to eat krayt dragon steak.

On the other hand, Malik shot a quick scowl at his large attention seeking panther. Bloody thing was always making a show of himself.

He followed her finger up into the sky, wide toothy grin emerging upon his broad face as she revealed what would be her intentions. Far be it from him to doubt the brain of the siege master. One man can't think of everything by himself after all. Well, he can, that would be a strategist but only a decent strategist.

The point here has really lost traction.

A great brick of a hand gave Valerie's armour a slap on the back.

“That's a damn fine place, V.”

Valerie Vizsla

[member="Malik Rodarch"]

She nearly fell over as the man smacked her on the back.

The armor she wore prevented her from feeling any impact, but the strike was enough to set her off balance. She was quite little, standing shorter than most people and drastically shorter than most Mandalorians.

This was something Valerie had long ago accepted and worked with in combat, but when she didn't expect a hit, or when she didn't expect her allies to strike her she found herself easily overwhelmed by the strength of others.

Steadying herself with the spear she let out a loud grunt.

“Yes.” She coughed slightly. “Though doing such a thing will be considerably more expensive than constructing a fortress on the ground.”

For a brief moment Valerie looked around, watching as though someone was about to pounce on her.
Objective: A) Clear out the sith tombs.
Location: Within the first tomb-complex
Allies: Zambrano the Hutt & Perla Pirjo
Enemies: The inhabitants of Korriban.


The ritualist had done as she requested, but unfortunately not in time to prevent the backlash of her actions. Perhaps something good would come of it, as intended, but Delyna wasn't sure. At first glance, it would seem that the vines did as the sith lords would have wanted - but as the hssiss over in the corner was entangled, too, it was obvious that this was the work of the rampant, wild force. One would be foolish to hope to control these things. The oracle closed her eyes and kneeled down, placing her hands around two of the vines trying to strangle her. A quote ran through her mind at this peculiar moment; The road to the nether is often paved with good intentions. Her only option right now was to hold off the attack for long enough for either others to intervene or for her ritual to work its wonders. The living plant wrapped around her form, grinding its sharp thorns over her skin; causing her to bleed. She chanted coldly. "In rah, fald rah, unre rah. Mineh tu it niefha thruestha delrah..."

It didn't seem like much help was coming her way. The pain was adding up. It was as if the thorny roots pierced her mind; Blurring her thoughts. Delyna focused hard; Get through the shroud of darkness - solve this.

Her blood boiled - "Thul-Ah!" And suddenly everything went black. The blood of the oracle ran along the surface of the plants which quickly blackened and withered - all the way back into the walls and the floor they went. Much akin to snakes retreating. The many force sensitive agents felt the force shake in the room as the balance tipped once more. Delyna lay unconscious on the floor, the waters of life seeping from her many wounds. Her part of this expedition was over; For now.
Objective: A.) Clear the Temples - Soul search as one did on Talos - Find the grave of Darth Durablis
Location: Within the Tombs
Allies: ??? ([member="Delyna Karthoys Haymire"]?), ([member="Bal'gul"]?), ([member="Perla Pirjo"]?) ???, and Lovey! :D
Enemies: Usually everyone, nobody likes the slug

The Hutt merely stared at the on coming vines, making no motion to stop them. There was solace in this place, he could not be bothered, even by mortal peril. Should he die here again, at least he was in a none more appropriate tomb... and should he die again, he'd simply live again. Or perhaps at its worst, appear in the Netherworld... only to escape to rejoin the living... if his convoluted soul sought to escape its due hell. Coursing through his mind, there were no thoughts... merely observations. Merely actions that laid in wait to when all of this was over. The Hutt rarely actively thought. The force was at an imbalance in this place, against the trespassers, but this was expected. But before it could be seen whether or not the vines would ignore him as the initial Hssiss did, or if they would kill him as the disturbed Hssiss tried to do, all the vines were turned into a blackened char as the leader of the pack burst with force energy. It had been a dangerous move, and could very well have killed her with the state of the force at this point... which was also responsible for the successful ritual incantation of the witch initiate. Both were likely in their favor, due to the dark nature of Korriban.

Lightning however, did not stop. The ceilings sought to electrify the witch that stirred the dead, just as they did with the charred remains of the republic expedition force that had breached this tomb before them. Regularly, the blue energy crackled down to strike at her, roughly every 10 seconds, giving her time to work something out with the tomb's trap for disturbing the coffins. The Hutt turned away from her, and continued down the eastern hall, as the oracle was intending to do. He was now the leader, and motioned for other members to carry her if she could not carry her own weight. The tunnel seemed unassuming, and was not long. There were old carbon scorches on the sides and ceilings however... blood stains marking all around. Whatever had been down here had been quite deadly and gory. Zambrano found amusement in this fact, and ran a finger across the walls as he slithered on.

At the end of the hall there was a pedestal... which must have had some kind of treasure on it... but there was a hungry presence surrounding it... there was a devoured corpse on the ground that appeared to have been dragged all the way down the hall. A shiny glint caught the Hutts eye... and the Hutt caught the eye of something dead within. They were not disturbed yet... but they might be if one of them did something rash like disturb the pedestal, or take something from the room. Though no one recognized the mummified creatures as being animate... they laid in wait until a mistake was made. Zambrano, at least, would make no mistake.

Ignoring Perla, he slithered his own path... perhaps she would too, or perhaps she would follow him enraged at his indifference with their troubles...

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