Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Where the Dark Lords Reign [The Primeval dominion of Korriban]

Objective: A) Clear out the sith tombs.
Location: Within the first tomb-complex
Allies: [member="Zambrano the Hutt"]
Enemies: The inhabitants of Korriban.

The death screams of the monsters and the warcries of the agents filled the large tomb-room. Blaster fire flew left and right as the monsters were kept at bay and people moved around with haste, like ants working on a new hive. Delyna straightened out her robes as she walked down towards the sealed off entrance, and she looked back to the skulls which the Hutt was working on. Letting out a soft hum, the oracle let her hands run across the ancient mechanism, while sending many quick gazes back up to the hutt. Gingerly, she started spinning the wheels - it clearly had something to do with the location of the skulls. More hssiss emerged as the slug removed the skulls, as if awakened by their presence and actions in the crypt. It seemed like the group lost ground in the back of the room, where at least one agent was flanked and pinned down by one of the lizard beings, its sharp fangs digging deep into his flesh. Suddenly she had stopped spinning the wheels, and she looked at the numbers, then back at the skull-pillars. Yes, indeed, it seemed to make a bit of sense. The first number matched the position of the first skull; and so on.


She pulled the small lever next to the wheels and the door screeched as it slowly opened, revealing a new pathway. A long tunnel lit by weird electric machines near the ceiling, and with multiple branch tunnels. It all seemed like a dimly lit maze. Along the walls, small holes with coffins darted the entire span of the tunnel. Decoration was scarce and vines ran down the tall walls, intruding into the tomb from small cracks here and there. A little bit of water, collected in small ponds, was all over the floor and the sound of constant droplets echoed through the hallowed halls. Delyna looked up as the group fought the monstrous lizard beings, and she sighed.
Objective: Clear out the Tombs
With a few well chosen words, the seeds of doubt were planted into the mind of the Jedi, fallen Jedi now. Those seeds blossomed inside the female Jedi's mind and the truth was revealed to her. She wanted to learn about the nature of the Dark Side, to grow more powerful than she could ever imagine. With a small smile upon the face of the Sith Lady, she instructed the girl to wait for her back at her personal shuttle. Darth Venefica had not completed what she came her to do, and though she would have welcomed the female to join her; she didn't have time to answer numerous questions she no doubt believed the girl had.
Alone in the tomb of Ajunta Pall, she began her search of the surrounding chambers. She was not here to plunder but to expel those that did not belong here. The first two chambers proved free of heretics and squatters, but it was the third chamber she heard activity as she drew closer. A quick scan through the Force and she felt four individuals inside, non-Force users but smelling delightful in the fear they marinated in. Unsure if she could rely on the Force due to the Netherworld, and she had no desire to meet this Akala or whatever it's name was, she would do this the old fashion way.
She moved into position blocking the opening that served a dual purpose of both entrance and exit, her left hand holding her unlit lightsaber. The Sith Lady's eye danced from one soldier to the next as they were still unaware of her presence. Though they were fearful of their situation, it didn't stop the greedy fools from trying to take pieces of Ajunta Pall's treasure with them.
"Death...that is your judgment," she announced grabbing the attention of the four soldiers. "Not because you are, no...but because you have insulted the resting place of Ajunta Pall from the moment your first foot stepped inside this sacred place...death was inevitable." With a small twitch from her left thumb, the deep metallic blue blade emerged with a hum that sounded louder with the reverberation from the enclosed walls of the chamber. "Shall we?"
The Host Lord's troops continued to batter down the Republic line which had retreated near the main entrance into the ruined Sith Academy. Their forces were even more desperately outnumbered and that desperation was masked as courage as the concentration of counterattacks continued at an unbelievable rate. Most of Anja's skirmishing units were scattered or completely destroyed, the main lines had clashed and despite the risk of bottlenecking more and more of her troops entered the fray.

An opening appeared on the far side, a particular enemy unit had been see retreating into the Academy. "Send the order, have our soldiers encircle the enemy. Finish this!", she commanded of her officers. The order was sent out and with little hesitation The Primeval had begun to surround and swiftly annihilate the enemy. Those who did survive too retreated into the academy, if they were going to fight they'd do it tooth and nail; the Academy provided cover and darkness. Of course the Umbarans saw well in the dark and weren't unused to such tactics themselves, the more aggressive Gulandi may very well be at a disadvantage. Tight spaces meant they couldn't rely on their speed and being careful wasn't their forte. "Ensure we proceed with utmost caution.", she said softly before making her way to the Academy entrance.

Anja brushed off the subtle jests made by Laguz by visibly shaking her head as they spoke to the witch.

[member="Laguz Vald"] | [member="Mikkel Markov"] | [member="Kael Kessler"]
Objective: A
Location: Within the Tombs
Allies: [member="Zambrano the Hutt"]
Enemies: Adversaries of Inquiry

An amorphous blob floated on a hover chair a safe distance from the Hutt. Tentacles slithered lazily and stalk-eyes stared with a sort of soulless boredom. Several of the eye stalks were focused on the Hutt. Mmmm, a Vaapad. C for Creativity, thought the Professor.

Bal'gul watched the Hutt work the puzzle without comment. Maybe the scholar of Mythos had already solved it, maybe he hadn't. He was here merely to record. Any divestment of knowledge would come with a price.

As the dwindling Republic forces retreated further and further into the narrow canyon leading up to the dilapidated and destroyed Sith Academy, the sniper realized xe would have to move if xe wanted to keep shooting them. Since that was in the Primeval's best interests — and therefore xir as well — the red boulder whispered bloody murder under its breath and then inexplicably melted into the sand covering the top of the crumbling tomb, taking on another form. This one was better suited to scaling the walls of the giant basin, and Laguz did just that, burying xir newfound claws into the harsh surface as xe climbed up the face of the rock, cursing all the while at the shifting, unreliable consistency of the stone.

How ironic.

The hunter ignored the mocking voice inside xir head and pulled xemself over the edge, scrambling to xir feet in a rush to catch up with the withdrawing defenders. Powerful felacatian legs replaced the more flexible limbs xe'd used for climbing, and then the sniper vanished, leaving only a cloud of dust in xir wake. Xe raced across the uneven surface above the canyon, just close enough to the brink that xe could keep an eye on the situation below. By the looks of things, the Republic soldiers had more or less disappeared into the ruins of the Academy, but the once imposing structure that had been built into the red rock of Korriban itself lay open now, like the whitened bones of a beast long dead. The decayed skeleton provided ample cover from [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] and her army, but Laguz was positioned above them, the location perfect for picking the off as they tried to hide amid the rubble.

"Keep pushing in," the shifter grinned into xir mouthpiece, only half-joking this time. "Harder, Host Lord." Who says you can't work and play at the same time?

[member="Mikkel Markov"] | [member="Kael Kessler"]
Objective B: Defeat Republic forces
Location: On top of some tomb
Allies: Anja Aj'Rou | Kitsune | Azrael Asura | Mikkel Markov

Anja Aj'Rou: "Send the order, have our soldiers encircle the enemy. Finish this! Ensure we proceed with utmost caution."

Kael's eyes flashed with annoyance as she completely ignored him. 'Stupid queen. Ridiculous.' Kael followed her down the hill, trying to control his breath. 'Bust my ass climbing up this hill for no damn reason.' Kael continued to complain in his head, alternating between self-pity and loathing. He followed Anja all the way to the entrance of the tomb, but this was when his interest was peaked. He bit his cheek, unsure of whether to speak or not, but eventually his boredom won out.

Kael Kessler: "Is this a Sith tomb? I know we're on Korriban, the old home of the Sith. What are you planning to do inside there and how does it tie into the Primevals plans?"
The Host Lord pressed onward as they neared the entrance of the Sith Academy. "This was the home of the Sith Lords, the valley where they go to die but do they actually rest? The Academy... Where we're standing, this is where they learned and taught.", she replied to her curious apprentice. It was understandable he had many questions but someone like Anja does not speak often, but she'd humor his curiosity because she too is a curious person. Looking back she noticed [member="Laguz Vald"] once again putting on a show for the enemy. Shapeshifters were always clever but so unpredictable, not that loyalties were a concern.

Turning back to the entrance she walked forward, stepping inside its hallowed halls to which apprentices turned Sith Lords trained and studied, even the Dark Council once made its home here. She felt the presence of someone inside, who were they? [member="Darth Carach"]

[member="Kael Kessler"]
Objective: A) Clear out the sith tombs
Location: Within the first tomb-complex
Allies: [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] [member="Delyna Karthoys Haymire"]
Enemies: Tomb monsters

Perla had been deployed to Korriban to meet up with a Hapan and a Hutt to eliminate some tomb pests in the Valley of the Dark Lords. The Dathomir exile wasn't sure if the pests were creatures or undead but she was eager experiment with the dark forces and malevolent energy on this planet and a tomb sounded like the perfect place for an aspiring occultist. Before making her way into the tomb, she rid the entrance of several Hssiss using a vibro-sword. Luckily she had no idea how dangerous they actually were to a Force user or else she may have been more afraid, but to this seasoned hunter, they were a minor nuisance. Once she was done she wiped the blood off of her blade with the hem of her long black skirt and sheathed her sword.

As Perla made her way deeper into the tomb she followed the sound of blaster fire and finally found her new colleagues hard at work battling more Hssiss. It seemed to her that the Hapan female had unlocked a secret passageway that led further into the tomb. The vile-smelling hutt held a couple of skulls in his hand. As to not startle the two of them among the frenzy of growling animals, Perla let out a Dathomir battle cry, grabbed the closest Hsssis by its throat and snapped its neck with her bare hands.
The Valley of Dark Lords was a right of passage for all those that would become a Dark Lord and Vilox Pazela was no different. Of course, he was different for the many others who had come here before him. They had sought to become a better Sith, whilst he sought to rule them, not as one of their own but a true Dark Lord of the Sith who was beyond what the Sith followed.

To mark the occasion, the Alchemist that Vilox Pazela was intended to create a personal shield that would make him infallible to his enemies. An object that would be carried on his person and create an impenetrable Protection Bubble instantly when the Dark Master was in mortal peril. To only be used as a last resort when he was close to death. @Darth Orcus came to mind when Pazela conceived the idea.

Following in the footsteps of the first recorded Sith Alchemist in Sorzus Syn, Vilox Pazela would add his own artifact to the one's that she founded and create all those years ago. He would give a name to the device upon it's completion.
Objective: A.) Clear the Temples - Soul search as one did on Talos - Find the grave of Darth Durablis
Location: Within the Tombs
Allies: ??? (Delyna Karthoys Haymire?), ([member="Bal'gul"]?), ([member="Perla Pirjo"]?) ???, and Lovey! :D
Enemies: Usually everyone, nobody likes the slug

The sealed door was then opened, revealing centimeter by centimeter the blue haze of electric machines above, as a short gust of air escaped through the doors... though it was considerably less forceful than it might have been given that there was a hidden opening dug out by previous excavators... who must have robbed any of the possible furnishings behind the massive doors... that is... until they found themselves lying on the ground as charred corpses. It appeared one coffin had been removed from the ones around the complex... from this evidence alone, it would be advisable to leave the corpses in their resting place. Not so much from the threat of spiritual beasts, as whatever looming fate stole the fiery corpses lives when they entered. Though, it was entirely likely, that not the entire party was killed in this room, and it was likely also that this latest expedition would not either.

Zambrano whipped three Hssiss at the same time, as his Juyo ran up to the larger beasts and struck them before retreating away. Since solving the first gate, about two dozen Hssiss had appeared, though luckily they only really took them three or two at a time. These last ones were about to be slain, as a fellow Agent came over to one and stabbed it through, vanquishing it. Soon, the lizard creatures would be destroyed, and then the party would resume carefully, hopefully without disturbing any graves.

The party would find that the complex continued some ways into the tomb, with the arcs of electricity looming over them through their strange and ancient machines. The tomb was dark and dank, lit only by the frighteningly quite lightning above, that occasionally frightened the weary as arcs connected to the ground through droplets and small puddles that eroded at the walls. The tomb was surprisingly moist for such a dry planet... or perhaps that was the trap of this room. It was not particularly dangerous however, if you simply moved on. At the end of the passageway however, they would be confronted with three paths, all identical save for their individual damage over the course of time within a damp place.

"What a friendly place to be..." The Hutt said with the utmost honesty. He inherently saw something different in the tomb, that few others could comprehend... not even the strange Iyra could see what the Hutt saw in this place...

However, an old broken blaster, was left in a darkened corner near the eastern passage...
Xir rifle was like a gentle, silent death to the soldiers scurrying below. The suppressor at the end of the barrel did its job well, masking the sound of gunshots in the perennial chaos of combat. What was one more silent bark amid the cacophony of screams and blaster fire?

Laguz was pretending to be a rock again — a very spiritual experience, in fact — and even if the Republic forces below had time and the presence of mind to glance upwards, they would see nothing but the brutal, heated expanse of red stone. Slugs would keep coming, of course, but their source could not be divined, not in the relentless, unforgiving pace of battle. They were being pushed further in by the merciless army of [member="Anja Aj'Rou"], and the shifter spared them no quarter as xe sought them out in xir reticle, watching heads burst open like over-ripe fruit. Blood oozed out as their dead bodies flailed and fell to the scorching sand, their comrades tripping over the cadavers of their friends as they tried to retreat further into the ruined Academy.

It was a terrible, brutal way to die. Nobody would know the names of the soldiers felled upon this corpse of a planet, their ghosts consumed by the ravenous phantasms of the Dark Lords of the Valley. Their sacrifice would be forgotten by the people they served, their bodies buried in unmarked graves in mass.

The Primeval knew no grace.

[member="Mikkel Markov"] | [member="Kael Kessler"]
Objective: A) Clear out the sith tombs
Location: Inside tomb
Allies: [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] [member="Delyna Karthoys Haymire"]
Enemies: Tomb monsters

Perla had an idea. It was the kind of idea that got her exiled from Dathomir in her youth, but not all ideas were universally accepted. They were in a tomb after all with bones and material remnants of lives once lived. She remembered a powerful chant that she used to do with her clan mates as a teenager. Sometimes at night when they couldn't sleep in their huts, they would light candles and try the incantation. It never worked of course, but they used it for entertainment and frighten the younger adolescents.

She concentrated on the lost lives in the room, trying to feel their pain as they died. Perla fell into a trance and In a low voice, the witch acolyte spoke these words: Choono slalem denni tay'lori olee-ay. Lucheno vadem klavlane. Blenay vedi nalem koreem. Blenay vedi nalem koreem. Villos susko kono lamal! Vlemon tagoo!

If the magic worked, this spell would summon any dead that wanted to rise again.
Objective: A) Clear out the sith tombs.
Location: Within the first tomb-complex
Allies: [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] & [member="Perla Pirjo"]
Enemies: The inhabitants of Korriban.

Making her way through the tunnels, Delyna noticed that the presence of the hssiss was fading as they were being chased off by the primeval forces. She also realised that the long dead sith lords had assumed somewhat direct control over the lizard beings, controlling them to harm others and attempt to ward off intruders. Apparently they were still very much "alive", although not in a traditional sense. It is as if this burial site was so infused with the darker side of the force, so infused that those who are fully in tune with that aspect of the force had their minds chained to the tombs, not able to naturally regress into a truly dead state.

Very interesting, indeed. This place called for further investigation.

The hutt was perhaps correct in its assumptions; Leaving the coffins to be would probably be the wiser choice, as the abundance of traps and the curse of the sith could prove quite lethal as demonstrated by the violated corpses scattered around the dead labyrinth. Her eyes followed the gaze of the hutt, and she noticed the blaster by the branch corridor. Was it perhaps a sign? The oracle felt oddly "good" about that blaster, there was something important down that path - so she headed onwards towards it, with some of the agents tailing her.

Suddenly a chill was sent down her spine; Delyna felt a slight ripple in the movement of the force. The keen and sharply defined state of the force in this valley was being disturbed. Determined to find the source, she turned around swiftly. The hutt, the other force sensitive agents, herself - No, there she was. It was Perla - she was doing a ritual, reaching out to the other side of the force - to the realm of the dead. Her eyes lit up as she saw the trail and pattern of the force - Delyna felt as if she was choking. In the span of just under a second the world blackened to her eyes, she floated backwards into the void and two vaguely human beings embraced, whispering the unspoken secrets of reality to each other. It was clear now. As soon as it had begun, the oracle blinked and gasped for air, and she spoke with a voice loud enough for the entire group to hear. "Please cease your ritual; The veil is thin, the restless dead are starving and are zealous in their hatred for the living. We may all die." She felt a burning sensation all over her left side after she had witnessed the event, pain engulfed her mind and her body begged for her to give in and fall into a coma -but Delyna fought hard to stay conscious.

A shimmering mass would appear before the Host Lord, a dark blue haze materializing from nothingness to bathe her with darkness and hate, a very familiar presence came now to greet the Lord and her host. Although, it would not be the same presence she had felt earlier, but one who had been through the trials and tribulations of the afterlife, and had returned with a deeper understanding of the Force. Before her appeared the armored specter of Darth Vornskr, whose death on Panatha had allowed him to travel to the Netherworld of the Force, where after being subject to the metaphysical torture of that realm, found a way to return to the world of the living, and grant his knowledge to those who would heed his words. The Dark Lord told him that he would return, and through his faith he had been rewarded handsomely, but he did not desire to remain a spirit for any longer than he had to, and plans were already in motion to rectify that dilemma.

"[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]... It has been some time since we have last met, and under different circumstances. What brings you to the resting place of the Dark Lords of the Sith?"
A familiar presence--and voice--came to Anja. Ah, yes, one she had not heard in a very long time; not since the days before her conquest. It was the Voice of the Dark Lord, the one who secured the Host Lord's alliance with the One Sith and in that sense the one responsible for the growing relationship between these two empires. She had only just entered the main hall into the Sith Academy followed by her latest apprentice, [member="Kael Kessler"], who hopefully wouldn't perish unlike her last. It was here that the Voice of the Dark Lord spoke -- a man whose only request for her alliance was the fall of Bastion, and the end of Imperial pretenders.

"It was in my way.", she breathed, "The resting place of your predecessors... It is unusually hallowed, I honestly did not know the Sith had such faith.", of course she did not intend to betray the existence of their alliance and inevitably would help rebuild the Sith Academy for their purpose but she was not without her own. In all facts of matter she was being honest, Korriban was in her way -- it was found wanted. The Republic had held this world briefly and now with it out of their hands The Primeval could strike a symbolic blow... That the idealism, efforts, and lives of The Republic were lost without meaning. Died without purpose, sacrifices without any merit. Quite ironic since the Jedi are so keen on preaching their code and defending the innocent. Holding Korriban was out of fear, arrogance, and lack of faith. The Host Lord does not intend to take prisoners this day.

[member="Darth Vornskr"]
Objective: A.) Clear the Temples - Soul search as one did on Talos - Find the grave of Darth Durablis
Location: Within the Tombs
Allies: ??? ([member="Delyna Karthoys Haymire"]?), ([member="Bal'gul"]?), ([member="Perla Pirjo"]?) ???, and Lovey! :D
Enemies: Usually everyone, nobody likes the slug

The gastropod, oblivious of the implications that the chantings had, continued on with the party, pausing only when they paused. Curious golden eyes looked back through the tunnel, noticing the growing blue tint that the lightning above growing thicker with the incantation... a coffin stirred softly, almost unnoticably. One couldn't be sure what the witch initiate's intentions were, but such brash ideas surely got her kicked out of other groups and such. Besides, she did not need to add to the dead who were already living within this tomb...

A powerful charge of lightning connected with a puddle near Perla, as the electricity above thickened with her chanting that stirred the tombs cadavers locked away in their sarcophagi. The moist vines surrounding the stones of the tomb began to spark ever so slightly, trembling almost with the disturbance. A strange mist began to form near the lightning strike, that seemed to drift forward into the tunnels, as if trying to lead to a source. It seemed to aim westward...

Zambrano didn't know much else to do but to sit back and watch, just fiddling with his skulls and waiting for the dead to kill them, or the lightning to destroy them. He didn't much care what happened next honestly. Either the initiate would continue to be brash and get herself killed (and possibly leading the rest of them to a new segment of the tomb), or she would stop and not everyone would have to die.

There was something strange in the air however, another familiarity that did not belong here, but it was farther away... beyond the tomb, not really his concern here. His Nephew (no longer a virgin to death [good for him!]) could wait to meet old Uncle Titus...
Objective: A
Location: Tombs
Allies: [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] | [member="Delyna Karthoys Haymire"] | [member="Perla Pirjo"]


The octet of tentacles sprouting from the amorphous Iyra wriggled sluggishly. The glowing lightsabers cast shadows and light about the tombs' dark interior. Illuminated by the dim red light, the cephalopod's skin appeared a deep crimson rather than his usual mold-green hue. An aberrant crown of eye-stalks wreathed the top of the Iyra, eight in all. They stared about in pairs, managing to ogle each member of the strange questing party while also keeping an eye or two out for threats.

A duet watched the presumed leader of the pack, the slug. A Hutt who used Juyo? That should have been a novelty, but nostalgia nagged at the ancient Iyra. Had he not met such a creature during his infinity stay in the chaos realm? It certainly seemed familiar. No, not Juyo, Vaapad. A name sprang to mind, unbidden. Rasho. Hmm, but he couldn't remember actually meeting the mollusk. Perhaps he'd merely heard about him? Ah well, this was all rather on the nose.

All eight eyes swung toward the nearby humanoid female as she broke into a run. The Iyra remained inscrutable if only because no one here could read Iyra body language, but a feeling of passive pleasure emanated from him in the Force.
His spectral head nodded reverently to Anja's words, and he gestured to the barren valley beyond the threshold of the ruined Sith Academy. "The Valley of the Dark Lords has always been strong in the Dark Side of the Force, but it's potency has always waned to and fro over the centuries. For too long now it has been silent, but even now with fresh blood staining the sand I can hear the ancient spirits of the Dark Lords whispering from their crypts. The Jedi attempted to stifle their murmurs, but now the time has come for the blight to be removed from this burial world. I have been sent here by the Dark Lord to personally oversee the acquisition of this world by our allies, and ensure that the Republic did not damage the mausoleums too much, if at all. I doubt we will find any artifacts that the previous Sith Order, or the Jedi occupiers, had missed along the way. Too long has this world been plundered, it is practically devoid of any value save for that which is holy representation."

He floated up and above towards the academy's ceiling, idling there as he watched with his unnatural vision the fight that was currently raging between the Primeval and the Republic holdouts. Soon they would be wiped clean from this world, and once again members of the One Sith could undertake a pilgrimage to the holy Sith burial world of Korriban. Perhaps they could reopen the academy here on Korriban, and under the Primeval's protection they could train many new Sith to aid in the Primeval's efforts in the Outer Rim.

This was all very good, yes.

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
Laguz wondered when [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] would start viewing xem more than a mere mook, a peon, an object — never you mind xe could become one if xe so wished — to order around as she saw fit. The sniper was also a person! Xe wasn't just a rifle that she could point at her enemies at will and expect that xir feelings wouldn't get bruised. Xe had done so much for her in these past months — even turned into a balcony, for feth's sake! — and this is how she repaid xem? With stony silence?

"I see how it is, Host Lord," xe muttered dejectedly into xir comlink, widowing another woman halfway across the Galaxy. How many spouses would not see their wives and husbands return because of xir actions today? How many children would celebrate the next holidays alone? Laguz checked xir ammunition again, and for but a moment, one of the rocks atop the cliff flashed a truly cruel grin.

More Republic soldiers fell under xir watchful eye and the soft peal of xir weapon, paving the way for the Primeval with blood and brain.

[member="Mikkel Markov"] | [member="Kael Kessler"]

Malik Rodarch

“What's yer verdict, V?” Malik said, removing his helmet to fully observe the Valley of the Dark Lords in all of it's desecrated glory.

With his shotgun slung over his back, the man used his knuckle spikes to scratch an itch upon his head, while simultaneously giving Mullet (who stood by his side) the same treatment. The panther preferred a good itch right on the top of his noggin, while Malik preferred right at the back, a bit above the nape of the neck.

Not that I'm recommending trying to scratch Rodarch's head.

“This place spook ya more….or less than Kaas?”

Mullet responded with a snarl, to which Malik responded by halting the head scratching. The panther, did not take kindly to the stoppage, and began to nudge the Mandalorian's hand on the hunt for further pettage.

“I ain't talkin' to you, ya big git.”

[member="Valerie Vizsla"]

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