Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Where All Stars End (The Scar Worlds)

Mishel Kryze





If Perl wanted Mishel to start a bar fight, she was on the right path, "Perl," she began her tone firm, with a hint of anger. The Dark Side quickly rose to the surface, "Grogu, it's good, I recommend it. However, they're about to plant a Perl on their memorial wall." She set the glass she was drinking down but it would be hard to miss the crack that was in it or the smoke that rose from the counter as heat from her hand began to melt things around her. "Allow me to introduce my good friend, Kurayami Bloodborn."

She cleared her throat and looked over at the intoxicated Zeltron, "Probie." Mishel remarked affectionately and yet those dark side-colored eyes still resided over her features. She felt the top row of her teeth with her tongue as she looked over at the woman, and then eyed the rather drunk Atlas Drake Atlas Drake and when the sight of a lightsaber was more than noted. Mishel figured that the gloves were about to come off, so she wandered over toward the Toydarians and slipped them a hefty credit stick. "You're going to need this, if you need any more funds please contact the Ministry of Commerce from the Confederacy. They'll pay for any damages and funds will be transferred to that stick."

Mishel wandered back over to Perl with a grin. "Let's order you a drink."

"Let's go with a
Jedi and a Dark Side," she waited for the drinks to be delivered, "and for me, I'll take the Lekku and Horns Special." After all tonight, she figured, was going to be a night to remember or to forget depending on which side of the fireline you were on.

The child's control of her bloodlust was atrocious. From the moment she entered the cantina, Xeykard knew her intentions -- an Inquisitor's instinct, or something. By the time she'd gotten close enough he'd already shifted under his large cloak, turning away from the side she came from. The slash went through the empty sleeves of his cloak. His hand was already turning his saber under its folds, beginning to aim at the girl's torso. He stepped down from his high seat-

His cybernetic foot, not properly adjusted, hit the floor awkwardly. Instead of a skilled pivot, Xeykard fell out of his seat.

This was probably a better outcome. There were more Jedi here than people who might oppose them, and most didn't know he was a Sith. If he didn't attack, he might even be able to convince those Jedi that whatever they'd sensed earlier had been just a trick of the Force, now that his presence was concealed.

He hit the ground and tumbled away, far enough to not easily be reached by the girl's saber, but not far enough that it looked like he'd predicted it and was making an escape. He lay on his back a moment. Looking at the burnt ends of his sleeves, he let out a fearful wail, raising his voice a few tones higher to seem ever so slightly more sympathetic. "What are you doing?!"

The bartender chimed in, outraged by the sudden violence. "No blasters- er, weapons, Jedi!"

Xeykard played off that. "This one thought Jedi were supposed to be good! Why are you attacking me? You are no Jedi!"

He started to scramble away.
The lounge lizard’s clumsiness could’ve been a trick, though she suspected it wasn’t. He had certainly dodged her blade quick enough.

That said, the hits didn’t stop coming.

"What are you doing?!"

A downward slash aimed at his left shoulder.

"No blasters- er, weapons, Jedi!"

A thrust toward his chest.

"This one thought Jedi were supposed to be good! Why are you attacking me? You are no Jedi!"

His cries were met with an attempt at decapitation, the sideways cut arc in toward his left. “Don’t bother,” she said, her tone ice cold. “I followed you here. I know what you are, Sith.

And she kept on swinging.

If the girl spared him no time to speak, he'd hardly return the favour. She swung at him and he stopped speaking, focusing on his opponent -- to even get close enough to cut at him on the ground she'd stepped in range of his feet. She struck downwards at his arm and he rolled to the side, before pushing off the ground to his right to turn his momentum back. His foot swung to knock her feet from under her. Clumsy as he might feel, a metal cybernetic would hit harder than normal, not to mention the vast difference in strength between them even in his weakened state.

With even a moment's reprieve from attack, Xeykard rolled away then sprang to his feet, facing his opponent -- but just as quickly backing away.
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So concentrated on her assault was Miri, she failed to spot the leg sweep. It knocked her feet out from under her, sending her sprawling. The lizard skittered to his feet and backed away, putting distance between them.

She stood up and faced him. He didn’t move to attack. She goaded him with false starts, her ignited blade growling as she inched closer.

Where is your lightsaber?” she demanded. “I know you must have one. You can’t keep up the innocent act forever.

She thrust the tip of her blade toward his shoulder.

Seeing her hesitation and caution as she tried to goad him into attack, Xeykard swiftly-

Spun around, vaulted over the bar, and sprinted into the kitchen. If the girl was indeed a Jedi, and he engaged her in the middle of the bar where a number of her fellows were drinking, his odds would worsen rapidly, even if he believed he could kill her with ease.

The bar's staff were now in an uproar, but he ignored them. A quick look around the kitchen and he found another door, which he ran to- only to trip and stumble out of into an alleyway. He grunted and stood again, moving to distance himself from the Jedi, but more importantly away from the cantina itself.
He ran away, headed for the kitchen.

Miri bolted after him, deactivating her lightsaber in the enclosed space to avoid dismembering some poor cook. He exited via a doorway into an alleyway—

Not just any alleyway. The one filled with eggs and police officers.

Get out of the way!” Miri shouted at them, still running after the lizard. “He’s a Sith!

The cops scattered, leaving an opening at the other end of the slimy alley. Convenient for her quarry, but it was necessary to save the lives of the police. They wouldn’t stand a chance against this guy if they tried to stop him.

She had no intention of letting him escape. Following him out into the streets, she’d keep tracking him until she had no choice but to stop.

Xeykard paused at the sight of Mek-Sha's security officers seemingly swarming around, but they heeded the warning of the Jedi. He turned around slowly, guessing the girl's intentions to follow him. Getting out of the cantina improved his odds, but the longer he ran, the more he risked falling, and thus giving up a perfect opportunity to strike.

This wouldn't take long.

With a deep exhale he released his concealment to free his concentration. He reached under his cloak, and sissed out a few words. "You wanted to see it."

His right hand revealed itself, holding the long handle of his lightclub, giving her a good look. He ignited it, ensuring at least a moment of her attention was on that-

Under his cloak, his left hand closed into a tight fist. He manifested an intense telekinetic pressure around the girl's saber hand, intent on crushing it -- but even breaking a few of those weak bones in her hand would give him an instant advantage.
Miri looked at the lightclub long enough to conclude that it was, in fact, a really big weapon. She expected him to swing it at her, but instead she felt a pressure in her hand. Painful pressure. Bone-breaking, metal-warping pressure…

She managed to resist it enough to avoid any broken fingers, but her lightsaber hilt cracked and sparked, the crystal within shattered. Grimacing, she stowed the useless weapon away.

Does it need to be that big?” she remarked, casting an unimpressed glance toward his lightclub. “Really, you could’ve just bought yourself a nice speeder.

Seizing a nearby parked airspeeder with the Force, she threw it at Xeykard.


(Post Soundtrack: "Mistake" by Stellar)

Relief hung palpable in the air of the cantina, at least among those here with Jerek tonight. He smiled and laughed along with them when he needed, though mostly the man was simply enjoying the mood. A successful mission was one to celebrate, and those were becoming rarities around the Scar Worlds. For as much good as the Ossus Initiative did, it couldn't be everywhere or fix everything at once.

Some wounds never healed.

Tonight was a salve nonetheless. One that Atlas Drake, captain of more than just their ragtag team lately, seemed to be slathering on rather thick in his direction. Jerek sat baffled that the man had singled him out for the wingman treatment tonight. He closed his mouth when the trio of Twi'lek girls, one of them who barely looked padawan-age, gaped at him while Drake regaled them on Jerek's supposed exploits. Instead, the long-haired Jedi just adopted a wry grin, sipping on his Sonic Servodriver from time to time while Drake painted him as the hero of the hour.

"That must have been soooo scary," the foremost of the Twi'leks declared, an orange hand pressed to the middle of her chest. She looked rather distraught over it, and Jerek wasn't certain how much of it was genuine.

Probably about as much as Drake's story.

"Did you really fight them all one-handed?!" That was the youngest of the trio, pink skinned with a face that looked very similar to the third member. Sisters, perhaps. Her wide eyes looked up with patented adoration, her hands tightly gripping one of her lekku as if it would fall off otherwise.

For a moment, Jerek wanted to chide Drake for what the captain had gotten him into. Instead, he grinned at the girl, unwilling to shatter the illusion built up for her. "Well, it's the honorable thing to do," he admitted, and the words sounded too humble even for him. Jerek took another sip of his drink, telling himself it was for effect and not courage. "They wouldn't have stood a chance otherwise, you see?"

The pink girl seemed enamored by the answer, while her purple-skinned sister just gave Jerek something close to a smirk. She was the one using her drink as a shield, sipping it gently as she listened, offering only expressions as a measure of her interest or reaction. Jerek felt his eyes linger a little longer on her before drifting back to the two, more active, of his fans for the moment.

"It's the mark of a true Disciple of the Light Hand. One in the fight, one in reserve," Jerek told them. He almost believed it himself, surprised to find how easily the words were coming to him. A benefit of the drink, or perhaps Drake's over-embellished story making it easy for him. "If I couldn't defeat my opponent with just a hand, I wouldn't be worthy of the fight."

"Must be a strong hand." The lead Twi'lek reached for Jerek's free hand, and he obliged by holding it up for her. He turned it over at her gentle prodding, letting her examine it. She used her fingers to trace its lines and contours, and it was then that he realized she was using it to flirt with him.

"What happens if they shoot at you with blasters?" A new voice interjected. Her drink was on the table now, purple hands patiently folded in front of her while she waited to an answer. Not curious, but at least interested. And then, there on her face, Jerek spied the hidden tell of a grin hiding behind the placid expression.

He slipped his hand out of the orange ones, prompting a sound of protest from the young woman and a giggle from the youngest girl. It was to the cleverest of the three that he presented his hand up to, wiggling his fingers in her direction. "Strong fist, firm touch, light hand," he intoned, as if it was a proverb of his fictional discipline. "Just like water avoids oil, I avoid the blasters."

"Oh come on!" The youngest was protesting, her eyes rolling even as her face wore a big grin. She wasn't so naïve, it seemed, and Jerek felt a little better now about her presence in the bar. "Nobody just avoids blasters."

"That's what the pirates thought, too." Jerek winked at her, sitting back up after he had leaned down, as if sharing just such a secret. His expression turned to surprise as he found his hand captured again, the trio's leader taking a far less curious approach to her examination this time.

"He's probably a Jedi, Naya." So the clever woman had figured him out already. She didn't seem upset about it, or particularly satisfied by the conclusion. It was just an observation, and one that made Jerek wish this was a quiet caf shop instead of a noisy bar.

"Nuh-uh, Yuuni," Naya told her sister, crossing her arms. "Jedi don't come out here anymore! Not since they lost the war."

It was, naturally, that moment when a Jedi decided to prove Naya wrong. A violet blade erupted from the direction of the bar, turning violent quickly in a display that looked unprompted, and very one-sided. Jerek found Naya looking at him, fear written across her eyes, while the third of their trio had her fingers clasped through his, gripping the man's hand tightly.

"What are you going to do?" Yuuni's voice was quieter now, less assertive. Whether she was asking for her benefit or Naya's, Jerek couldn't tell.

He shook his head, shaking loose a lock of hair on his right side. Reaching across with his other hand, to allow the orange-skinned Twi'lek continued use of his, Jerek tucked the misbehaving hair back in place. "It's Jedi business," he said. Some other Jedi's, one that Jerek would like to follow outside and ask what the kark she was thinking. In a crowded bar with lots of beings, on an asteroid world who weren't all fond of Jedi, a lightsaber was the worst weapon to wield so casually. The Jedi drew his eyes back to the trio in front of him, and offered a pleasant smile. "I'm going to keep talking with my new friends."

That seemed to settle the matter among the three, though Jerek saw them relax much more once the fight had vanished out the door. Whatever sounds or vibrations drifted through after that, for them it was just one more part of living on Mek-Sha. Jerek wasn't sure he could handle that kind of life, surrounded by desperation and living without the ability to defend from it. Still, somehow they had survived so far, he couldn't imagine any of them were truly helpless.

"So what do you say?" Jerek asked them, his smile growing broad as he lifted his voice. His hand followed, freed at last from the clutches of the orange flirt, and motioned for a server to come over. "Another round?"

Good Men Don't Need Rules
The force? Apparently, Atlas wanted to ask of such actions. The ability to manipulate things with such impunity was a gift few in the galaxy over all had. Asking specifically what it was. I chuckled lightly and answered him honestly.

"Religions are based on it for being a living cosmic entity. Others might call it Fate, or Destiny. You got the Imp Knights that see it just as a tool of supernatural powers. Or the few who think its some kind of micro-bacteria thing that few people have access to through genetic coding. Personally? The force is a Mysterious aspect of the galaxy that will never be fully understood. Forever reaching for the stars, but stumbling after a simple straw of hay."

After answering him, there were people that came in. One massive reptilian individual. Which was followed quickly by another who ingnited their saber. Slashing out at the being. Weapons being drawn they left the cantina through whatever means they had. The kitchen was ran through. I rolled my eyes heavily. Jedi were peace keepers. Not Hunters. Yet this... child thought they could just act without consequence. Jerek didn't stand up, so I might as well.

"Excuse me Atlas. Jedi business."

Standing up, I drew my own saber. It stayed off for the moment. Simply walking out through the kitchen throwing apologies for the mess and intrusion. Making my way outside, I saw the two were at a standstill now. the Lizard-like being wielded a Light-club in Crimson color. Sure he may be sith, but he was minding his own business. the Jedi reached over and started to throw the Speeder that was just off the road. Yet, she'd find the speeder was suddenly frozen in air. As if it were held in Cryostasis.

"This imbecilic behavior will cease!"

Without thinking, A Knife-hand came out and pointed at the proposed Jedi.

"YOU are a Jedi. Act like you had control of your emotions and didn't just expose yourself to the entirety of the Cantina and everyone else around here."

The Speeder, would be lowered to the ground and then sat there as the Knife-Hand extended out towards the proposed Sith Individual.

"Opposed we may be in views of the Galaxy, I have to apologize for her behavior. Sith or not, you shouldn't be considered Guilty when no evidence, other than here-say be presented."

Hand hidden under the poncho, it was prepared to ignite my own saber. However, I was really hoping, doubtful, but hoping that whoever this girl was, would stop her advance, and would think about her job as a Jedi, being a peacekeeper, and try to catch her prey red-handed, rather than just by what was done in passing.

Atlas Drake Atlas Drake Jerek Zenduu Jerek Zenduu Inanna Harth Inanna Harth Xeykard Xeykard
"Only thing I hate worse than bounty hunters is cyborg bounty hunters."

Sly nearly spilled his next drink when Captain Buccheri slammed a palm into the alien's shoulder. Nearly. Yet he remained seated as well. Their mysterious contact slid a disk forward and Kyros snatched it up with frightening reflexes. Casual examination revealed nothing remarkable about the storage device. Presumably it was loaded with coordinates for their dropoff point.

"You never could catch me, Nikos," he grinned.

There was a sudden commotion at the bar. When the lightsaber appeared Kyros instinctively searched for an escape route and that's when he spotted the two mercenaries doing a good job of trying not to look curious. In a place like this there was nothing that unusual about their heavily armed appearance but his instincts were sharp enough to smell a pair of hunters.

"Jedi," the cowled man seemed nervous, "Lose this cargo and the Brood will be the least of your worries."

A threat somewhat diminished by hasty departure. Sly watched him attempt to slip away into the crowd and gave their benefactor even odds of making it thirty meters from the cantina. Still it wasn't a bad idea. Aside from the pirate and his crew there were a few others desperate enough to see the contract through.

"We flying the same vector?" Sly glanced toward the back, "Time to burn sky until we see lines."

At first he kept it cool. Moseying to the bar as if to obtain another round of drinks. Then Captain Kyros veered off and ducked out the same back entrance used moments before. He ran a few meters before the smuggler's heavy blaster appeared in one hand and he took cover ready to slag the first hunter who dared to follow.
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Peyton was here for this version of Yula. She had a bit of a dossier on the cyberjunk, same as she had on most people she worked with, or were within a three-degree of her primary bosses. Still, this was always fun, and a girl needed a good wingman, that was what she knew. Everyone needed that partner. Getting her drink ready, she moved to take in Yula and her audience with a smirk.

The fact that Drake was… maybe worse off than Yula was? Drunk? She didn't know, she didn't think that the Captain got that drunk, but well, when in Rome, or… the Stars End, right? She idly tossed her partner-in-crime, Cuan a look, he was speaking to someone, some humanoid and that was when the sound came across, the snap-hiss of a lightsaber. She turned and had a hand grabbing for her stunbaton, lot of good that would do, but if she was fast enough?

Still, she wasn't here to fight, she was here to get a job and keep flying. Cuan, for all that she was awful at reading him, hadn't flinched. This was most definitely not their fight. Still, she finished her drink and looked to the bar, hearing Yula Perl Yula Perl and Mishel Kryze speak. She was hoping to find a score.
Xeykard was still for several seconds, before snuffing out his lightsaber and slipping it back under his cloak. The second Jedi was far stronger than the first -- even if Xeykard were at full strength, battling both of them simultaneously could leave him in a state worse than the one he was in now. But the offer of peace was genuine as far as he could sense. Weak as they were, Jedi were trustworthy, and this was a chance he had never been given against the New Imperials.

Join or die. Nor was it one he'd been given by the Sith.

"These sectors have lacked the justice you hold for many years," he said, "but come to this one again, and this one will show you the justice taught by Sith." Nonetheless he nodded to the man. Giving the Jedi a wide berth he walked past them, leaving back to the busy street.
Her attempt at flattening the Sith with an airspeeder foiled, Miri whirled on the third party interloper. The redhaired Jedi Knight who stood before her looked vaguely familiar—she might’ve seen him around somewhere, though she couldn’t quite remember where.

Miri’s eyes narrowed, but she did take a slight step backwards, her shoulders slumping. She didn’t like being yelled at, didn’t like being disapproved of, especially if she believed she was in the right. “I sensed the Dark Side in him,” she replied, keeping her voice level. “I followed him into the cantina, where he hid his aura. I couldn’t afford to lose him in the crowd. If I had known there was another Jedi there, sir, I would’ve asked for help.

To add insult to injury, the Jedi apologized to the Sith. Then the Sith, figuring he was in the clear, walked away.

We can’t let him get away!” Miri exclaimed—but she didn’t move to follow the Sith. Alone and with a broken lightsaber, she wouldn’t stand a chance against him. So she appealed to the Knight, hoping he would at least agree that they couldn’t allow a Sith to walk free, even in a lawless land.

"Okay..." Atlas blinked slowly at Kale, "But what is it?"

There was a disturbance at the bar which seemed to draw the young Jedi's attention. Drake could barely stand so he didn't seem all that concerned. He raised a glass when Mishel introduced her friend in casual salute. More were drawn to the Scar Worlds every day for all kinds of reasons. Outposts like Mek-Sha could barely keep up with the influx of prospectors and refugees.

"Excuse me Atlas. Jedi business."

"What's that? Oh, sure thing kid."

To a frontier spacer like Atlas that might as well have been code for taking a leak. He understood some of the history and enough ideology to prefer drinking with Jedi. Drake's homeworld was so remote it had never truly been touched by holy wars. How could a simple man making his way through the galaxy contend with myths and legends?

"So what do you say?" Jerek asked them, his smile growing broad as he lifted his voice. His hand followed, freed at last from the clutches of the orange flirt, and motioned for a server to come over. "Another round?"​

"Now you're talking," he leaned over, never too drunk to miss a free round, "I'll take another Port in a Storm."

Atlas watched in amazement while Jerek managed not to make a fool of himself. Even though the young Jedi continued to smile vibrodaggers at his unexpected wingman he didn't seem to hate the attention. In a misguided attempt at ending his suffering, Captain Drake slammed one elbow a little too roughly down at their table.

"I bet I could beat the Force," the drunk spacer boasted, "Come on, pirate slayer. Let's see what you've got."

Obviously Drake wanted to arm wrestle with a Jedi Knight.
Good Men Don't Need Rules
The individual spoke about themselves in third person it seemed? I was unsure if this was due to their culture, or just personal preference. However, I dwelled no longer upon it. Instead, looking to the Jedi leaner. I did not know their rank, but I assumed they were very much new to the idea of Jedi, or at the very least, how some may present themselves as such. I just shook my head at her and her choice. Despite the reasons, I spoke to her with an even tone.

"Your assumption would cost you. These are the Scar Worlds. You have no backup, no escape plan, no net to catch you, should you fall. Dark sided they may be, but that does not mean they are Sith. More over, you blindly chased after them without thinking of the consequences of them being bait. There is no law, no order out here, its dangerous. The saber at your hip, and the gift of the force doesn't give you the right to stop whomever, and whenever you please."

As the Sith began to walk away, giving plenty of room in case we should attempt to apprehend the individual, going back on my olive branch to this person, I nodded once. Indicating that they were free to go. While the Jedi part of me wished to capture them if they really were Sith, I couldn't in good faith trust the feelings of only the force and a Red Lightsaber. Sure they were red flags, but my own Jedi Master carried a red blade. She was a Jedi! Color of a saber meant nothing. The woman wanted to catch the proposed Sith. However, I shook my head.

"You are alone in this. You are without a saber, and still wishing to go after someone who knows you want them. If I wasn't here, how would you capture him? How would you escort him to your ship? How would you deliver him? Maybe someone else wanted a bounty on him? Proclaiming they are Sith to the rest of the Cantina when there was a host of Pirates, bounty hunters, and even other Jedi, only put a target on your back, and theirs."

Indicating with an open hand to the individual as they walked into the street and away from both of us, I continued.

"Catch him a different day. A day when you know you have the high ground, the advantage. Not when you are on a world where so many unknowns work against you. I let him walk because other than being someone who has a different opinion of the force, he has done nothing wrong to warrant an arrest. He drew his saber in self defense against you. A Jedi. A peacekeeper. NOT an assassin. Learn to use Form Zero. Learn from this interaction. Be it that you need the high ground, or to better understand the way the galaxy works outside of your Jedi Temple."

I released my hold on my own weapon. Tension visibly fell away from my shoulders and chest. I wasn't angry, just disappointed that whomever taught this young woman, was not around to supervise her, or to be the voice of reason for whatever action she may take. Waiting for the individual to leave us, it would be just us two Jedi within the Alley.

"Choose to chase after him, stalk him so that you might catch him in the act, or say at this cantina. Wait here for individuals to leave before tailing them to where they may be. I have a drink to finish."

Xeykard Xeykard Inanna Harth Inanna Harth
Yula realized her mistake almost as soon as she'd made it.

"Woah, woah woaaahh!" The Zeltron held both hands up in both admission and defense. "We don't need to be pinnin' up my picture on that wall just yet! Sorry, about that, Mish." She grinned sheepishly in the face of Kryze's sulfuric gaze, glad that the response hadn't been to spear her directly into the wall. "Always nice to meet a friend of Mishel's. Good to meetcha, Kurayami. Name's Yula." She held out her hand to shake and chuckled softly before stifling another burp. "…or Probie, I guess."

With new cocktails in hand, Yula clinked her glass against Mishel's, then Bloodborn's if he had one. And then, when the fight got worse, she pulled out her datapad and started recording, going so far as to leap from her seat and follow the fight into the kitchen. "Fight, FIGHT!" When the altercation spilled out into the alleyway, Yula remembered how thirsty she was and made her way back to the bar.


By the time she wandered back, Drake was challenging Jerek to an arm-wrestling match, much to the delight of three Twi'lek beauties. Sensing an opportunity, Yula hit record again and narrated in her best mock-announcer voice.

"Silver Fox Spacer Captain vs. Lucious Locks Jedi Ace—who will win? Who's had more alcohol? Taking bets now!"

Spying Peyton from the corner of her eye, she waved the woman over to where she, Mishel, and Kurayami were sitting. "I've got twenty creds on Drake-" She murmured from the corner of her mouth. "-you guys want in?"

Mishel Kryze Kurayami Bloodborn Kurayami Bloodborn Peyton Steele Peyton Steele Atlas Drake Atlas Drake Jerek Zenduu Jerek Zenduu Kaleleon Kaleleon Elisea Apollodor Nylea Apollodor Nylea Apollodor Xeykard Xeykard Inanna Harth Inanna Harth

//: Star's End Cantina //:
//: Ariel Yvarro //: OPEN //: Sly Chance Sly Chance //:

It had been a while since Rowan had boots in the field. The woman had been recently confined to desk work since she had decided to put Ariel and the girls first. An odd move, to put an estranged spouse's paramour before a livelihood. Rowan constantly questioned her thought process through the entire thing. Although their circumstances were peculiar, the Compnor agent grew fond of the simple life she led. The thrill of the field still made her heart race, despite her stoic nature standing beside the Yavarro woman.

Ariel's question was met with silence initially. This was reasonably new terrain for the Atrisian, but she had been able to do covert information gathering. The silence stretched on until the flickering of a lighter echoed. "Damn thing." Rowan cursed with the hand-rolled cigarette between her lips. If she was going to pretend to be a spacer, she was going to go all in. The tip of the cigarette began to smoke, but the woman never inhaled. Instead, the cigarette hung on the corner of her lip as she looked around. "From what I gathered before we landed, there are a few local spots we can check out," Rowan remarked as her delicate Imperial accent faded into a drawl typically found in southern Corellia. Fingers fixed the lapels of her vest, and she started forward, remembering the instructions from the local gossip.

Rowan gave into the persona, looking as if the white shirt and rugged pants were part of her everyday attire; she hated everything about it, except the leather boots. It all felt very wrong, but it was essential to be as quiet about who they really were. It was safe.

"We can head south on this road; there's a cantina where a few of the shadier cons like to relax, or we can head to one of the nightclubs." Rowan glanced towards Ariel, "What sort of hotspots do you frequent on Dosuuan?" It was a conversation starter, something out of the ordinary for Rowan, but at least, if anything, it would serve to keep the pair calm. Rowan was far too used to working operations alone.

The streets leading to the Star End Cantina were littered with people, she kept her hand on her blaster, and the other prepared to grab Ariel if necessary. She was pretty confident that the woman didn't need any assistance, but it was better if she didn't seem alone. "Star's End Cantina, it's gonna be a mess in there - but if intel is right, something's supposed to be going down. So we should be careful while we're picking up any information."

Rowan nodded and flicked the half-burned cigarette to the ground. Its tip smoked as it hit the pavement, then found the end of its life at the bottom of her boot. Grinding the cigarette into the ground, she sighed. "Let's go on in unless you need a few more minutes."

(Post Soundtrack: "Left Hand Free" by alt-J)

Jerek had not been expecting the spacer captain to jump on the offer of drinks he made to the trio of Twi'leks. He heard giggles behind him as the Jedi turned toward Drake, but the captain gave little indication that he wasn't serious. He tossed his head, a relic of younger days when Jerek had worn his hair too short to be tied back but too long to stay out of his eyes. The hair had changed but the habit had stuck, the flippant gesture of a youth without the right words for the circumstance.

He ordered another round, including Drake's Port in a Storm, just about to settle back in to his conversation with the ladies.

A thump on the table interrupted his reverie, and Jerek was stunned to find Drake's elbow sitting there. The spacer was flexing, in more ways than one, boasting and challenging the young Jedi Knight arm wrestling contest?

"Oooooo," crooned the handsy Twi'lek girl, while next to her young Naya was leaning over to whisper in her friend's ear. They both giggled together for a moment, and then grinned at him in the glow of their shared gossip.

"That's not how the Light Ha—" Jerek started, about to spin that yarn again, but the energy had changed here. He could feel it, as if the social climate itself had an atmosphere with weather, there was no more interest in listening to mere stories. Now the people wanted action.

Across from him, Naya pumped her arms. The teenaged Twi'lek was over the moon at the prospect, goading him with a, "Come on, Jerek, show him how strong a Jedi is!"

Coupled with Yula's comment from the other table, Jerek seemed to have little choice. He picked up the glass of his new drink, tipping it back against his lips until the liquid drained completely, and then slammed it down on the table. He flourished his arms in front of him, twisting them and stretching them in a small warm-up routine. "Alright, Drake, but these are the arms that took down your pirate captors."

The cocky exuberance of his teen years roared back through his veins, and when the orange-skinned Twi'lek pulled his hand to hers to give it a kiss, Jerek nearly thought it was his girlfriend of those years. Imagined or not, the notion bolstered the young man, and he pulled the tie of his hair loose before seting his elbow down on the table across from the silver-haired captain's.

While two of the Twi'leks seemed to be on his side, Yuuni scooted over until she could lean into the spacer's ear. Jerek pulled back his arm for a moment to let her finish, smirking until she pulled back with her own grin. "It doesn't matter what she told you, Drake. The Force has no weakness to exploit."

Then Jerek pulled Drake's hand into his grip, and they began their match.


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