Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What's your ideal rank?


Came in like a wrecking maul
it is a combination of time and training you could be a newly promoted knight who is receiving training from several masters who are strong or a long time knight to teaches and trains through his/her students. There is no real bad way to do it.
Jedi Master, and perhaps even a council member :)

Also I plan on editing my profile as I rank. For example, my character is currently listed as 20 years old. When I make Knight, I'll probably age my character to 25 when I make Master, I'll age him further. After all, invasions are happening and training is going is nice to show a character grow with time.

Atticus Savar

As far as FU would go I tend to strive towards the Knight/Sith Lord point and then stop trying to advance in rank but focus more on the strength/force power and influence base than trying to be the next Jedi/Dark Council member.

As far as NFU go I tend to play characters of some form of Military role. In that case I tend to stop around the O-6 Colonel/Captain level and stop to avoid the semi-required political side that comes after O-6.

A quote in a B maybe C rated movie that said something to the effect of "Just give me a Rifle Squad and let me kill bugs..." Kind of explains my outlook on rank and advancement.

Given that they're the typical middle-class of the FU ranking system, they're the most balanced. Most have enough skill to compete with Master level FUs, enough wisdom to teach Apprentices and Padawans, and have the freedom to pretty much do as they like.
Most of my characters are apprentice/trainee level. Only two three have made it to Master, one or two is on Knight, everyone else... Lowest rank possible. That's how I like it. There's something about being able to treat everything around you as fresh as new, and being able to do the most utterly dumb mistakes IC and thereby develop amazing plotlines that sometimes arch for a few OOC years that I'd never trade for anything else.
Ludolf Vaas said:
For all my NFU friends out there who constantly complain about the lack of respect from FU's, just shoot for Grand Moff, boys.

Look at Tarkin. He was literally Darth Vader's boss.
Can't really have dozens of Grand Moffs running around because then there would be nobody to work for or against them.
If we're going for what my character thinks about this, I'd say either Padawan or Master rank. He is someone who loves to teach others but also learn from those who are wiser than him. His time spent learning under Jedi Knight Asha Seren were some of the happiest years of his life, albeit his earliest years as a Jedi. During his time as a Knight, he kept mourning his late master and didn't really have a purpose. When he was eventually promoted, it re-ignited his passion for helping and teaching others, and it's something he loves doing.

OOCly, there is of course the lure of becoming a Master and excel at what you do, but let's say that it was me in a Star Wars setting. Then I would probably say either Padawan or Knight. I like having someone to go to for wisdom and advise, and that is what a master is to me. Were I a master, I'd feel an enormous responsibility towards others to accommodate them, and that's pressure I could do without. I dunno, I just like being in the middle of the foodchain, with just the right amount of responsibility.
Thurion Heavenshield said:
OOCly, there is of course the lure of becoming a Master and excel at what you do, but let's say that it was me in a Star Wars setting. Then I would probably say either Padawan or Knight. I like having someone to go to for wisdom and advise, and that is what a master is to me. Were I a master, I'd feel an enormous responsibility towards others to accommodate them, and that's pressure I could do without. I dunno, I just like being in the middle of the foodchain, with just the right amount of responsibility.
This is very similar to that of a military rank setting. For instance, a Sergeant seems to be the middle of the chain of command between...let's say a Private and a 2nd Lieutenant. Of course the Sergeant is experienced, has the know-how to get things done, and also has the love and adoration of his men. He's not a Private, who are the guys who get sent to do everything everyone else doesn't want to do while also not having the responsibilities and semi-political duties that come with being a commissioned officer.
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] - My First Sergeant is an amazing fellow. Always looking out for us and making sure we do the right thing. Personally, I'm aspiring to be an officer, though I don't want anything to do with the higher echelons of that rank section.
Master. Surprisingly to most of you out there, I don't want to be a god king who can make a sun out of nothing and tear the ground asunder beneath my feet.

I just like mentor RP. My favorite kind of character is the old awkward teacher with surprising knowledge and wisdom and will do anything for their students. It's just the kind of RP I fell in love with long before I came here.

Oh, and a lilbit about being able to make master grade stuff and Sithspawn Undead monsters. Just a lilbit.
I'm an ambitious person. I don't really care about the petty things, like ranks, all I care about is IC fame and knowledge. If that means I need to be a master, so be it, but I am going to make sure I turn down every single last nomination until I believe I have earned that spot. Until I have something to strive for, a specialty to shine on, then I'm not going to go for the fame part of my goal. I'll stick with Knight until I'm at the top, then maybe I'll think about accepting nominations.

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