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Approved NPC Werda Prudii

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  • Unit Name: Werda Prudii
  • Affiliation: FIrebirds
  • Classification: Hunters
  • Description: An old unit from the Sith Empire's Inquisition and the left overs. Their use has become less searching and hunting each other and more... focused. The unit quick on their feet to move around and establish points of control. They use deception and coordinated attacks with their bows explosive projectiles to cause distractions. The specially trained apprentices within the group able to utilize the lightwhips. The ones left over from the original group trained by the Imperial Inquisition to fight and brought within the new ranks. The unit usually has a single dedicated user with a lightwhip while the others use electrowhips. For monitoring they have tracker creatures and in standard infantry for brutal displays the graug styled assault weapons. THey have changed over the years within the firebirds, expanding but also adopting their bodies to match the others. Crystalline implants and runes etched into the bodies. Armor and sith poisons flowing through their bodies.
  • Force Trained: Like most firebirds they are trained in the use of the force in hand to hand combat as well as the ability to control pain for themselves and others. Seeking to mentally and physically break and convert over convince.
  • Force Nullification: As a force using unit they are skilled with their abilities but within a void or under nullification they need to rely upon their martial and tech skills.
  • Brittle Bones: The firebird augmentations make their bones inlaid with crystal to the point they can be shattered when damage is done to them without the force to strengthen them. The etchings and sith poison in the markings of their body are dangerous in the long term as the strength it gives is detrimental to their health.
Created from the loyal soldiers contained within The Wit'cher's ranks. The ten most elite were selected and given the chance to join a special squad. Much like the team Belle joined under Xalia. They fight where needed and are in for the long endgame. Infiltration, assassination, kidnapping and theft rather then shock and awe. They are varied but each has forsaken their name to be simply an imperial agent with a deep dislike for aliens and enemies of the empire. Heavily xenophobic, skilled with each other as opposed to others and indoctrinated to Imperial ideals to a point of zealotry.

With the years of research, development and reforging.. the Prudii have changed since becoming part of the Firebirds.. a newer elite unit with some of the more dangerous equipment for hunting down force sensitives and finding ways to break them mentally and physically. Covered in sith runes on their bones and tattoos inlaid with solari and sith poisons that stoke their rage and hatred they are beacons of the darkside and hunters of anything that draws on the lightside.
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Right, so three things:

You need an image credit for the image. (I believe they're the Mord Sith (ironic, isin't it?) from Legend of the seeker, correct?)

As they're known for being extremely hard to use, as well as fairly deadly in the trained hands, is there any specific they use lightwhips?

And thirdly, as the Amulets of Control are made to order, I'd like to see a dev thread for these guys- since those are given to every unit, it seems.

[member="Darth Praelior"]
Looks good. I still don't really like the saber-whips, but one per unit should be fine. Obviously if they're abused there'll be issues, as lightwhips can be powerful, but I doubt they will be.

Approved, pending secondary.
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