Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Welcome To The Machine [Incursion PvE]

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Captain Ironbeard

Money - People - Rum
Ra'lis Ironbeard rolled around on the floor. He was having visions of his days as a slave. They felt real.
To him, they were real. Still there was a faint feeling that something wasn't right.

As the captain rolled around, he kept his hands on his gun. A natural fear reflex of his.

He only prayed that the visions would go away.

Captain Ironbeard

Money - People - Rum
Ra'lis Ironbeard rolled around on the floor. He was having visions of his days as a slave. They felt real.
To him, they were real. Still there was a faint feeling that something wasn't right.

As the captain rolled around, he kept his hands on his gun. A natural fear reflex of his.

He only prayed that the visions would go away.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Nima Tann"],

While HK kept walking deeper inside the completely dark corridor in front of the group, trying to get more distance between him and the button room they were stuck in, his head would turn around to look at Nima while the rest of his body kept on marching ahead,

"By the way, Nima, you got attacked back then by those weird tentacles. I did not comment about it before because it just happened so suddenly and it seemed to affect only you so I do not think others noticed as well, but are you alright or do you need medical attention, or what is up with that? You can talk to me, HK."

The machine reassured her, feeling slightly bad that neither him or pretty much anyone else in their group would look into Nima's injuries after her being suddenly electrocuted, thrown around, crushed, and then blamed for pressing the wrong button.

[member="Ylva Solveig"], [member="Incursion"], [member="Zircon"], [member="Vaylin"], [member="Aster Rose Baelor"], [member="Vindica"],

The moment of respite and a chance for conversation would not last too long however, as the droid's audioreceptors and motion trackers picked up on multiple miniature signatures moving in closer upon them. It was the swarms of tibanna gas spiders, skittering from various nooks and vents and that awful room they were finally escaping and beginning to chase after them. HK's head spun quickly in their direction and the rest of his body followed in suit,

"Get out of that fething room!"

He called out to others, although pretty much unnecessarily so since so many of them, like Vaylin had the same idea and were giving a similar advice to others.

[member="Tempest"] then reminded them to not use any sparks, to which HK replied,

"Use the Force then to push them back inside the room, and pray that none of us are wearing sweaters and we shall not fight upon carpets most foul!"

To pretty much anyone who would listen to them at the moment, himself backing up deeper into the black corridor away from the swarms as the droid supposedly did not had any weapons that could disable the spiders without causing a fire or a spark to occur. Still, he reached down to his holsters and grabbed his two heavy magnetic revolvers, grasping the shatterguns at the ready although not firing them just yet.

Also at the time [member="Enyo Typhos"] seemed to have arrived with Garnet from one of the side-corridors and disable or push a bunch of the spider droids, and although HK probably spotted the two figures moving in closer to them, and they probably would be able to spot him right away due to the red shining light his mechanical eyes were projecting from beneath his blackened helmet to let less cybernetic members of their group see better, he would not be able to recognize Enyo right away. So right now he was probably contemplating whether he should start shooting at them or not.
Generator Room ( [member="Onyx"], [member="Zircon"], @Diamond)
Allies: [member="Audren Sykes"], [member="Kaili Talith"], [member="Allyson Locke"], [member="Jessica Matthews"], [member="Muad Dib"], [member="Archim Calixis"], @Everyone else

Once the memory had faded completely Kurayami looked around the room he now found himself in. Not much was distinguishable even with the vision enhancement systems active. It seemed a standard control room for all intents and purposes. Nothing was out of place so far which begged the question...Was the end in sight now? He didn't have long to dwell on these thoughts as the ultrasonic frequencies on the multi-function display started to show strange readings. Again not anything he had time to analyze as another voice was heard, this one far haughtier and dramatic than the last. So this wasn't a one man show, at least two beings were behind this. Shortly after the taunting broadcast the signatures were gone, and yet there were droids coming to life, heading towards the group. A suicide run to try and take out all gathered. He took a deep breath, saying a silent prayer as he grabbed one of the revolvers, and targeted all visible droids on his HUD, setting their priority to the highest level. After doing so he found a large grouping and calculated the arc for the ion grenade from the underbarrel launcher based on their movement speed and patterns. The droid was right. The time for games had ended indeed.

"So, this is what you send at me and my allies? Suicide droids. Well, that is a waste of resources. Sad really."

He pulled the trigger, sending the ion grenade sailing towards its designated impact point with one of the droids. That one and few few others around it dropped. Perhaps not for good but for long enough. Drawing on his anger at being used as a pawn in some twisted experiment, or game...whatever this was to the Contingency, he sent forth a ball of pure destructive energy. Some called it Force Destruction, he cared little for such details. The problem was it was rather draining to utilize, and given that he hadn't concentrated as long as many would have the power was less than normal. Still it incinerated those droids it contacted, setting off the tibanna canisters within. He would begin to channel a defensive barrier around himself, enough to survive a couple direct hits but right now his intent was to merely keep those spider droids at bay. If they got to the unarmored folks it would be a bad time. Steeling himself he pulled the lightsaber into his right hand, leaving it unignited for the moment, using it instead as a source of comfort and focus should this be his last stand it would be a glorious one. A serene, almost emotionless expression would have been visible on the Corellian's face had it not been for his helm. 7 rounds of ion ammo, droids closing in. Small area of effect from the .454 rounds, at most two droids per hit, most likely only one. He took aim and began firing, careful to aim each shot as well as he could. The only hope to clear these droids was for backup to get here soon.

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
"Nothing more than a few burn wounds, don't worry. Thank you." She answered HK's question with a smile. Perhaps there was more to it than just a few burn wounds, but telling that wouldn't change much in the situation that they were in and she could still fight. In any case, it was a nice change of scenery after all the tension.

Of course, it didn't last long as the droid from holoprojector's voice was heard once again, talking about the "Machine". So, all these games were just to gain time for their main plan, and it seemed that they were running out of time. Not long after its speech ended, the once harmless looking spiders suddenly lashed out at them. Normally taking care of them would be easy, but with the explosive gas and what the spiders were carrying on their backs, things got complicated.

Taking Tempest's warning into consideration, she didn't activate her lightsaber yet concentrated on the Force to keep them away from the group as they proceeded. She sensed a familiar, yet also distant aura coming towards them, with another one that was foreign to her, and soon the two joined them to fight against the robots. She didn't know if they were enemies or not, but one of them could disable the robots without causing anyone to explode so she decided to deal with that later.

"Alright." She said, after sending another Force Push towards the spiders. "Can you continue disabling them meanwhile we keep them away from the group?" She asked to the newcomers.

[member="Enyo Typhos"] [member="HK-36"] [member="Vaylin"] [member="Tempest"] [member="Zircon"]

They sounded, one after another. Layers and layers of mechanical voices that whispered through the skull - your own voice could be lost in the sound of too many whispers all at once.

Everyone who'd let themselves come into contact with the oil would feel it, and much as it would hurt this time it wasn't simply to punish. That point had been made. Because through the insanity and the sense of wrongness, those voices belonged to to the Shards these humans fought. They led to those Shards, lured to the Contingency.

It was nothing.
Outside their minds, little had changed.
But the voices persisted.

Where droids fell as they were defeated, more came, one after another at a speed that fell under manageable by the width of a hair. The room was small (little had changed. But somehow it still felt as though it were shrinking) but there was enough room that those who weren't dealing with the drones might have the cover necessary to get their safety back. The safety of the very near future, at least.

Further than that, little safety could be promised.

There were devices around the room that linked to the facility's systems. The screens, the terminals had blacked out with the power (perhaps they could be restarted all the same, but the odds were up for debate) - but they knew already that they were being watched. There were devices here that could be tapped into regardless of the lack of power.

They would have to move quickly.
But maybe they could stance a chance... for now.

The Machine hummed on.

Was the room growing warmer?
  • If you touched the oily stuff, you can hear spoopy shard voices that are giving you a headache. You don't have to write your character as doing this if they did, but it will affect the impact they have on the ending.
  • Folks need to try and superslice their way into making things work again and also hold off meanie drones.
  • The temperature is rising. Y'know, for added discomfort cause I'm mean.
NOTE: This is the last post before the site goes down while we move servers. Get posts up now/work on them and save them somewhere else so you can be all set up when we keep going.

Room #1 - Power Generator
[member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Andorreth Vikar"] | [member="Ara Zambrano"] | [member="Archim Calixis"] | [member="Aryn Teth"] | [member="Atlas Kane"] | [member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Captain Ironbeard"] | [member="Castor Ren"] | [member="Jessica Matthews"] | [member="Jorah"] | [member="Kaili Talith"] | [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Mishel Zanteres"] | [member="Muad Dib"] | [member="Rekha Kaarde"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Tempest"] | [member="Tmoxin Temi"] | [member="Torian Pierce"] | [member="Zai Avery"] |
Room #2 - Facility Terminal
[member="Venthis Zambrano"] | [member="Vindica"] | [member="Astromech DD2-R8"] | [member="HK-36"] | [member="Aster Rose Baelor"] | [member="Ylva Solveig"] | [member="Nima Tann"] | [member="The Slave"] | [member="Tempest"] | [member="Kor Vexen"] | [member="Caelag Vass"] | [member="Vaylin"] | [member="Darth Venefica"]


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)

Moving back through the darkness of the corridor, letting his other teammates deal with the waves of explosive drones coming for them the droid would eventually bump into one of the nearest consoles with a dull thud of two metal bodies colliding against each other,

"We have more consoles over here!"

HK called out to others as he holstered one of his magnetic revolvers and from his now free arm armored plates would push aside and a slicing spike would extend out, which was then promptly thrust forth into the terminal's dataport. The first thing HK would try to do was slice the terminals and get the lights turned on if he could, to help out his organic allies in fighting off the drones,

"Lord Astromech!"

The droid addressed [member="Astromech DD2-R8"],

"Something tells me these can still be sliced, get your butt in here, you can get through more complex systems faster than me!"

[member="Nima Tann"], [member="Vindica"], [member="Vaylin"], [member="Enyo Typhos"], @Everyone Else,

Looking to others the droid would point out,

"Even working together we cannot exactly hold them back forever, I have a plan but it may be a pretty unpopular one right now!"

HK would then motion with his gun towards the door leading to the Button Room,

"If all of us clear the explosive gas and we get those Force users who can cast barriers to protect against energy up front, I could detonate the button room! It will take down large number of those drones but there is a slight chance the whole thing collapses on us! Either way, we would get more room between us and their swarms instead of just constant fighting!"

He would wait to see who volunteered to be their frontline against possible fireball, or how many people protested and tried to come up with something better, for now he would stay in the back at the consoles, trying to superslice his way into making their situation more comfortable and seeing what else he could do with the systems.


Storm of the Force
[member="HK-36"] [member="Enyo Typhos"] [member="Nima Tann"] [member="Vaylin"] etc

Tempest listened carefully to HK and Nima’s words.

She was slightly distracted by a very familiar presence nearby. The newcomer…in armour and helmet…she felt familiar and yet odd. There would be questions asked by her once they got out of this jam.

“HK is right,” there was a phrase she didn’t like saying often! “Get everyone who can create a telekinetic barrier out in front. These things will explode on impact, so we create a wall and then push them like a tidal wave. That door the badguy was blathering about slicing, we throw it into that and blow it open. That’s our path to this magical ‘machine’.”

As plans went this one was pretty weak. She acknowledged this, but time was running out and it was time to get out of these damn tunnels and turn these gloating gearbags into scrap.
[member="Vaylin"], [member="HK-36"], [member="Tempest"], [member="Nima Tann"]

More exploding spider bots popped up. The room had also gotten hotter. The Contingency's countermeasures did not impress Enyo. Logically, rising temperatures and black goo did little to anyone who had enough sense to wear environmentally sealed armour, which was pretty standard. Even basic stormtrooper armour fit the bill. The heat did not cause the hybrid any discomfort, and the bots bored her.

However, she was distracted by a very familiar presence. She recognised the voice. For just a moment, another image flashed before her mind. Of a young, black skinned woman awakening in a clone tube. Desperately pleading with Enyo to spare her. Right before the cyborg had murdered her.

She was frozen in time, as if paralysed. She trembled slightly. Then she snapped out of it. "Agreed," she said tersely. Her voice was modulated by an electronic speaker, distorting it a bit. She also had a different accent than Sio. Sparing Vaylin a look, she gave her a curt nod. Moving towards the entrance, she drew upon the Force to manifest a shimmering barrier.

Bots began to swarm it, crashing against it. There were explosions and stuff. She also compelled those bots she'd deactivated earlier to come along for the ride. The telekinetic wall began to push the exploding robots like a tidal wave. Stuff blew up. Presumably Garnet helped.
Objective: Investigate the Contingency
Companions: 3 members of the Wolfsglaive (link in signature)
Gear: Items in signature + Saviour Class Tatical Vest and accompanying Phrik SAPI + a first aid kit.
Route: 2 [member="Zircon"]

Annoyed by Zircon's words, Aster turned to [member="Ylva Solveig"] with a look of determination. "Yes, let's proceed," she nodded, offering her hand to the wild woman and moved forward to catch up with the group. Though her body was still weak and her lungs still burned with each breath she took, she was resolved to contribute to the efforts against the Contingency.

Out of the way, she thought, pushing the spiders away as she continued forward. Anything and everything from the facility was suspect so there was no way she was going to allow them near her. If she exhausted her Force reserve in her efforts, she planned to swat them away with her staff.

"Ugh," Aster groaned as she felt a painful sensation in her head growing by the second.

Come to us, leave them all behind and come... A voice in her head urged.

"No..." she whispered. "I will not," she frowned with each step becoming a struggle.

Collapsing just before she could reach the group, Aster suppressed several very unladylike words that wanted to free themselves of her lips.

Come on hurry... come and I will let you in on a little secret, the voice persisted, attempting to lure her away as she struggled to stand up. "I... I can help... with the barrier," she tried to call out - her voice feeble and weak - at the silver haired woman who had spoken. Though she was intrigued by the voice she had to fight back her curiosity - at least for now.

The vice commander, sensing the young Baelor's resolve, ordered his men forward, ahead of his charge. For now it was easier to go along with her intentions than attempt to dissuade her. In fact, it would be easier for him to grab the princess when she was weak and attempt to force his way out of the facility to bring her back to the safety of the Iron Empire.

[member="Caelag Vass"], [member="Vindica"], [member="HK-36"], [member="Nima Tann"], [member="Onyx"], [member="Tempest"], [member="Vaylin"], [member="Enyo Typhos"]​
Location: Main Terminal Area [ Route 2 | [member="Zircon"] | [member="Onyx"] ]
Objective: Survive and Stop the Machine
Team/Allies: Dark Side - Sith Empire
With: [member="Astromech DD2-R8"] | [member="Caelag Vass"] | [member="Venthis Zambrano"] | [member="Vindica"] | [member="Darth Venefica"] | [member="Tempest"] | [member="Nima Tann"] | [member="Aster Rose Baelor"] | [member="Ylva Solveig"] | [member="The Slave"] |

Vaylin moved with the group, turning around began to blast the spider constructs back. She summoned the Force to her hand and expended out across the room. Initially she tried using a wide reaching move, but it weakened at the edges, and it was less effective than trying to hit each individual machine.

So she switched her tactics, instead throwing the Force in smaller punches, sending it coursing down and along the ground to hit the spiders' weakest point; their legs.

It knocked them off their feet and were sent backwards. Although Vaylin was only one person, and despite everyone else also helping to force them back - the machines were still advancing on their position. In that moment, a group of them suddenly deactivated with little ceremony. The Zabrak turned and saw [member="Enyo Typhos"] had arrived, along with another.

Vaylin frowned slightly, still wary of why the cyborg was here. But pushed it aside for now given the woman was aiding them.

However as the back and forth pressed on, Vaylin felt something begin to swirl in her mind. The sensation at the back of her neck lingered up towards it. Voices; mechanical in origin, began to whisper in her ears. The Zabrak shook her head slightly, trying to force them away, out of her focus. Years of being alone aided this, but the voices were persistent.

[member="HK-36"]'s plan managed to reach the Zabrak's ears, just barely able to decipher it amongst the others in her head. She caught a glance at Enyo, seeing the cyborg nod her way. There was no real alternative right now, do this or let the spiders overwhelm them.

Vaylin joined the barrier group, taking place near the front and summoned the Force to her hands - projecting into the shield and bolstering it.

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
Main Facility Terminals

No matter how many they defeated, the numbers of the spiders didn't seem to be decreasing. The room was getting warmer, she didn't know what caused that, but it was clear that they were running out of time.

From experience, the consoles didn't seem so useful to her. But there was always a possibility that their attempts would be successful and hopefully help them progress faster towards the "Machine".

Now, they needed a plan for the spiders, and HK and Tempest provided. Even though the plan itself had its weak points, they didn't have the time to think it through. She joined the others and concentrated on the Force to create a barrier. The spiders at the other side exploded as they got hit by the waves.

With the help of the other members in the group, the barrier was getting strong enough for the second phase of the plan.

[member="Enyo Typhos"] [member="Tempest"] [member="HK-36"] [member="Vaylin"] [member="Aster Rose Baelor"] [member="Onyx"]


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Nima Tann"], [member="Aster Rose Baelor"], [member="Enyo Typhos"], [member="Tempest"],

"Everybody behind the barrier, we are doing this!"

The droid called out to the rest of their group who would be still following with them like [member="Vindica"], [member="Kor Vexen"] who helped with the shields, or the other Iron Empire ladies, [member="Ylva Solveig"] and [member="Caelag Vass"]. The machine may have been somewhat harsh when it came to Sith or dark siders, and it would be a lie to say that when they were still in the button room he did not consider letting loose a shot from a built-in blaster repeater to detonate the gas, as it would be something that he could survive relatively unscathed but it had high chance of killing the Sith in the room. However he withheld himself then, and now he waited until everyone from his party was safely behind their protective barrier supported by multiple Force users, although those straggling behind might get their backs slightly scorched.

Either way, as the droid called out to them he also loaded a special incendiary pellet into his Magnetic Revolver, being a shattergun the weapon could fire a variety of bullets due to the multicaliber bore and magazine. He raised his hand then, taking aim down the corridor and pulled the trigger, plotting out a trajectory and calculating the best target using his trackers and aiming protocols. And then, he pulled the trigger.


Horrible hiss cut through the air as the hair next to [member="Vaylin"]'s shoulder was thrown upward and the low screech filled her ear. Apparently the hypervelocity bullet fired by the droid took path much too close to her head for comfort, although that was necessary, or so HK would claim. Either way their group could see a brief pale orange streak of the incendiary bullet being shot down the corridor, disappearing in the darkness before them until hopefully there would be a soft crashing noise and a soft flicker somewhere down in the unknown. If HK would succeed then the noise and flicker would probably grow terribly in one instant, as the thunderous roar of explosions could resonate through the facility and their sight may be filled with a wall of fire barreling down towards them like the sun itself swearing vengeance upon the trespassers, fueled further as it destroyed more of the tibanna spider drones in its path.


Disney's Princess
Tiny machines encroached upon those attempting to leave the generator room. Jess did what she could to stop them.

"I'll help stop these!"

With her mind returning to her, Jess reached out with her hand and froze a large horde of robots in their tracks. Then used her frozen rabble as an improved mace. Smashing one horde against another. A tidal wave of destruction. Yet, perhaps not enough. The tiny creatures kept coming.

"Damn. There is too many of them."

She retreated down into the newly opened room. Noting the warming temperature and the sharp uptick of anxiety in the Force. No. It was true. They were running out of time.

"I have to slow these robots down. Give the others time."

Jess continued to use powerful Force effects to disrupt and destroy dozens of metal spiders. Throwing whole hordes back. All the while crushing or smashing others underneath invisible giant voids.
Allies Team Lightside: [member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Muad Dib"] | [member="Archim Calixis"] | [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] | [member="Atlas Kane"] | [member="Andorreth Vikar"] | [member="Onyx"] | [member="Enyo Typhos"] | [member="Jessica Matthews"] | [member="Zai Avery"] | [member="Kaili Talith"] | [member="Diamond"] | anyone I missed I'm sorry.

She heard a voice softer a woman her eyes dialated Rekha looked towards [member="Kaili Talith"] slowly she mouthed the words, "Ohh yeahhh Allyson....Hello Allyson welcome back...from...beyond" Rekha could almost remember the day at Cloud City and poor Kaili as she found out Allyson had died. But it looks like she was back, bet that was a good story maybe Kaili would tell her one day.

"Mon Chaton" The deep voice called again, Rekha nodded and turned slowly walking towards the doors through the dark. "you've been gone a while Mon Loup are you hear to torture me again?" She drew another deep breath as she reached out to touch the wall she needed it to keep her steady.

"Are you a droid now Mon Loup?" Her wolf he was, he devoured everything that had any meaning then he bartered to give it back. She hated him. He who knew but here he was in her mind in a place where death whispered in consoling tones. Suddenly Rekha was stopped by a wall that she had walked right into.

"ow" She reached up to rub her head, "feth" Slowly she felt herself sliding.."oh...not good'' She inched along the wall all while slowly growing shorter as her legs gave out.
Allies: [member="Muad Dib"], [member="Audren Sykes"], [member="Jessica Matthews"], [member="Rekha Kaarde"], [member="Atlas Kane"], [member="Archim Calixis"], [member="Kaili Talith"], [member="Allyson Locke"], @Everyone else
Enemies: [member="Onyx"]

Kurayami had heard whispers for sometime within the recesses of his mind, that was nothing new to him. This allowed him to ignore them for the most part at first. However, it was getting harder to do so as time went on. Sure his suit had been environmentally sealed and the oil- like black liquid hadn't made direct contact with his skin, yet the fact remained that these were Shards. Sentient crystals inhabiting droid bodies. Admittedly it didn't make much sense in his mind. When Enyo and her partner entered the room, the voices grew ever louder. None of those around him were the source of the noise. Or were they all part of the problem? He did what he could to maintain his concentration, but it was getting harder to do so by the second. He had to find something to re-focus his mind. The whispers were not unfamiliar voices, they were the voices of many from his past, some taunting him, telling him that he would die here. Others reassured him that he could pull through, and the rest were all trying to tempt him into joining with the Contingency, promising that he would be greatly rewarded for helping to wipe out the others gathered here.

None of it was easy to brush off especially since the voices seemed to switch roles at different points. His hands were shaking when he managed to re-holster his pistol. There was too much noise coming from too many sources at once. The environmental seal would keep him comfortable but he knew that even that had an upper limit and that many who were here were not in armor, giving them far less time as the background temperature began to rise noticeably on the infrared sensors.

There was also the problem of the spiders. There seemed to be no end to their numbers, but with his concentration broken there was no way he could manage to fight back right now. Maybe those who told him this was it were right...maybe this was his end. Fighting the constant barrage of voices was tiring, if he let go things would be over quickly. He had no idea how to silence these voices, even his mental barriers were breached and the deluge of mental noise was deafening. In time it drove him to his knees, the saber clattering to the ground from its place in his right hand. It seemed all he could do was stare at the relic of his past as Jenni's voice started to come through loudest. Simultaneously taunting him and reassuring him. When he would be able to fight again was not entirely clear, but he was trying his best to break the hold of these whispers. It was so difficult to not just give in and let the Machine do what it would, but his whole purpose coming here had been to stop it and now that was in jeopardy.
A click and the safety was back on the blaster that was pressed against her chin. She continued to hear the voices of her lost loved ones, even Ember’s seemed to find his way through. Allyson could feel the labor in her breath as she blinked now hearing Kaili’s voice. It was different, she could tell it wasn’t part of the reality she was seeing. “Not real…?” Allyson felt her body moving and the images slowly dissipating around her. She felt her true reality take hold and she lowered the blaster and allowed Kaili to guide her through to the next area. Whatever healing Kaili had done, it saved her from the gas intoxication and from killing herself. Allyson pulled away from Kaili as they entered the bigger room, she locked away her blaster keeping it far from her hand as possible. The last thing she needed was to accidentally shoot herself or someone else in the room.

Kaili was spoken to again by a woman she had heard her girlfriend call Rekha. That woman now seemed to turn her attention to Allyson. The Corellian looked towards the brunette woman and blinked, she wasn’t sure if she had met her before or if her memory was once again failing. “Uh yes the great beyond.” Something didn’t feel right and that meant that pleasantries were going to have to wait till after this ordeal. Frowning Allyson, did her best to clear her mind from whatever was now whispering in the back of it. Droids and machines always spoke to her, their gentle hum was a lovely chorus that mimicked the sound of birds to a normal person. Although she heard the hum of the machines, they didn’t sound the same – there was something very wrong with this hum.

Reality fully settled in and the haze of her hallucinations had finally faded. Blinking, she noticed people were fending off mechanical spiders and there were terminals about the room. Cursing under her breath, how could she have allowed herself to just ignore all of this – to allow herself to become a victim to her own mind. Pulling out her blaster once more, she reached towards her other thigh holster and removed the other. She needed to go back and help the others. Looking towards Kaili she nodded towards the terminals. “Do what you do best. Get this place working or something. Get us out of here Kaili. I’ll help the others and fight.” Allyson, in nothing but a blaster proof vest moved towards where the others were fighting the spiders. She ran towards where she had seen [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] fall to his knee. She remembered him only for a moment knowing that he was one of the last things she had seen before falling victim to whatever released the gas. Coming to his aid she blasted a few of the spiders from him and holstered one of her blasters. A hand shot out towards him as she offered to help him up, while continuing to fend off the rush of spiders.

“Can’t give up just yet bud. Let’s keep fighting.” She did her best to smile, to offer any sort of comfort and support to the man she had just met. As she fought, she felt the temperature rising. It was uncomfortable and she instantly felt bad for those that brought along a full suit of armor.

[member="Kaili Talith"] [member="Rekha Kaarde"] [member="Onyx"] [member="Jessica Matthews"] [member="Enyo Typhos"] @everyone else D:

[/LIST]Room #1 - Power Generator

[member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Andorreth Vikar"] | [member="Ara Zambrano"] | [member="Archim Calixis"] | [member="Aryn Teth"] | [member="Atlas Kane"] | [member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Captain Ironbeard"] | [member="Castor Ren"] | [member="Jessica Matthews"] | [member="Jorah"] | [member="Kaili Talith"] | [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Mishel Zanteres"] | [member="Muad Dib"] | [member="Rekha Kaarde"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Tempest"] | [member="Tmoxin Temi"] | [member="Torian Pierce"] | [member="Zai Avery"] |

The low thrum reverberated through the deck. It kicked up a other notch until it could almost be felt through the floor more than it could be heard. There was more building than that. Anyone with even a hint of Force sensitivity could feel the precipice approaching. The instant where everything would change was coming.

That wasn't all.

Along with the slow building crescendo came the rhythm of more immediate threats. The heavy, staccato beat of a something with a strange gait. It was accompanied by the quicker melody of a more consistent patter of metal on metal.

Every time the Foreman was given purpose these fleshy welps came to undo what he had created. The machine had needed repairs and reconfiguration to begin it's glorious purpose. One that eluded the Foreman, yet he still helped. It was beyond their understanding but when properly directed its own drones had started to work. That was what the Foreman brought wherever he went.


The Shards were behaving erratically and that concerned him. It did not concern him as much as the organics coming to try and stave off their fate. Why could they not simple fall in line? They were war, they were entropy, they were...


But he wouldn't allow it. Not this time. He came with a collection of machines that had been here as long as they station itself. Rather than one body they were formed of glittering shards of metal from the size of a dust grain to a nail to a shin. Each piece seemed to be capable of seperated from the whole and moving under its own power, fluidly changing the form of the machine. Right now they were vaguely humanoid in shape. They key difference was that the upper half of their bodies was entirely disconnected from the legs. The Foreman had seen them reform themselves into all sorts of tools he could not comprehend to repair and maintain the station.

Now he would find out what they did to defend it.

The noise of the steps stopped. Then a deafening crash filled the moment of quiet. A blast door was ripped from its hinges and span across the ground to come to rest before Allyson Locke.

The Foreman reached into the room on its front legs to lower its head through the entry. The drones stayed behind him. As he stepped inside he drew himself up its his full height on two legs. Red eyes turned to appraise those who had come. Even know they embodied chaos. Not one looked like another. Perhaps if he had moved to block the group with Stormtroopers be would have seen an aesthetic he could at least partially appreciate.

"Leave," he growled. The furnaces within his body burned bright, steam hissed from vents that ran along his spine.

[member="Vindica"] [member="Kor Vexen"]

It was a whisper on the breeze, but the words cut to the soul. They were more than sounds. They were notions hammered directly into the psyche. Vindica would feel it most acutely, the substance having seeped into his armour.

It has always been a trap. Why else would you be toyed with? By staying here you are only serving their purpose.

They would feel a well of suspicion, directed in particular directions by an outside force.

The machine... their attention was drawn to HK.

Is it really trying to stop them or draw you in deeper? And where did they come from? it asked of Enyo.
[member="Nima Tann"] [member="Aster Rose Baelor"]

There is little time, came the urgent whisper. Too much has been wasted already

It was Aster who felt the voice more keenly, who might feel it less as a suggestion and more as a change of perspective.

Their attention was also drawn to the new arrivals even as they concentrated on holding back the threat. [member="Enyo Typhos"] and @the incursion.

They know the way...
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