Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Welcome to the Jungle (CIS)

"Come now, you expect me to just give up what's out there like I'm ordering dinner at a restaurant? There are all manner of creature out there, some that swarm in groups, some large enough that it would take more than just one of our entourage to handle it. Fierce terrain coupled with these things can lead to the many dangers this word contains."

He paused a moment, kneeling down to the ground. He pulled one of the black leather gloves off, finger by finger, and placed his bare hand to the ground as his eyes closed. Focusing upon the Force, he used it to feel all that was around them, first a whisper, then a shout, as with enough practice no world could hold it's secrets for long from the living Force. A Sith learned this through his passion, his utter dedication to his craft. The Jedi thought them all war-mongering psychopaths who lust for only death and power, but such was not the case. It was a shortsighted view, in his mind. "Reach out, young Starchaser. Look into the Force with your mind's eye, let it touch you as you touch all that surrounds you with it. Let your passions fill you up as you reach out, deny the concept of failure, and embrace the Force as you would a lover... Tell me, what do you see?"

@[member="CC-420 Doc"] @[member="CC-308 Maverick"] @[member="CC-192 Storm"] @[member="CC-114 Una"] @[member="Katrina Garnier"] @[member="Marek Starchaser"]

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Smriking a bit to the Sith, Marek did shake his head. No, he never expected to have the answered handed to him. He was learning from Isley, after all. There were Sith abound in Marek’s life, just like there was for his uncle. Sith teaching Jedi and making their own breed of dark Jedi. This was why he took these trips. Learn from everyone. He was listening to the semi-cryptic words of Master Van Derveld and nodded.

Reaching out with the Force again, Marek was working on trying to clear the field, what was ambient noise, what was something, and what wasn’t. He could feel the blank spots of the Clones, he could start to see a bit more crisply. It was going to take time, and fine tuning.

Maybe he did need to reach into everything with all the passion he could. He knew that was a lesson the Zeison Sha seemed to take into effect, maybe that passion wasn’t always inherently going to kill him. Well, it probably wasn’t, so long as he kept to the Templar Code. Everything was coming into a bit of focus. The clones. Katrina, Ket, the flora and the fauna.

Finally the Temple. It was a weak spot in the blanket of the Force, the blanket of life energy. “I… the Temple’s out there. I can feel it, almost see it.” He slowly opened his eyes back to the world around him.

@[member="Ket Van Derveld"] @CC-420 Doc @CC-308 Maverick @CC-192 Storm @CC-114 Una @Katrina Garnier
Una didn't pay much attention to the conversation. She weaved her way in and out of the foliage, straying no more then a few feet from the group. Her ears picked up the end of Kallion's sentence, and she plastered a mesmerised smile on her face. "Jungles are sensational. Everywhere you look there's some form of life. You should be enjoying the moment, vod..." Her voice trailed off as her focus was snatched by a large bug, crawling its way up the side of a trunk.

Humid, miserable, sticky. All the bloody things hated about a jungle which rang true even now. Zius trudged through a marshy section of soil that almost seemed to suck him in with each step. He sneered at the minor annoyance but pressed on to find the whole group. Some foliage blocked his path, vines and tree limbs all enclosed and tangled in each other with a mess of muck and sweaty vegetation. He sighed, Force-gripping his lightsaber free from his coat and carving through the lush plant life and debris.

Finally, he saw them all. Still proceeding toward the destination which he had no clue about. Wasn't it a temple? Perhaps he wasn't listening when they were discussing the plan. He advanced upon them, deactivating his saber and nodding to them all. He was still a new face to the CIS, so perhaps this would buy him some publicity.

@Ket Van Derveld @CC-420 Doc @CC-308 Maverick @CC-192 Storm @CC-114 Una @Katrina Garnier @[member="Marek Starchaser"]

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