Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We, The People - Dominion for the Commenor Hex



One of the few jewels in the Core, he had been told. The Sith had never ventured to it nor had he known of any business that Corondex might be conducting here through an affiliate. Commenor was a new market Vitor desired to expand to. A quick situational analysis had revealed to him the opportunity of arms dealing.

Well, when was there not an opportunity for arms dealing?

Kings, queens, emperors, presidents, prime ministers, directors, gang leaders, syndicates, country people.

Everyone wanted a gun. Even better. Everyone needed a gun.

So here he was, one step on the landing pad and he could already see the tight security. Vitor wasn't aware to the reason why but he had heard rumors of Commenor's increased expenditure to defense.

Perfect, right?

"Herbert, send a message to the Royal Court notifying them of my arrival." Avendahl ordered the pilot droid of his shuttle before heading into border control and eventually getting himself a vehicle to reach the Queen's palace.

An hour later, Vitor would have arrived at the palace and after an unbearable amount of inspection, he was let through into an intricate lobby to await for his meeting. The businessman slid off his wrist datapad and held it with two hands reading the news as he sat patiently.

[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Veiere Arenais"]​
Terrijo: Assault on the Entourage.

Post 2

Thraxis hovered at the borders of the ship, looking from the cockpit window, he could see skulking about, the subtle movements of pirates ready to board dart and dash to any chance they could get to gather more loot. "Oh... Oh hell yeah." Thraxis chuckled, seemed like there were prisoners to be taken, always good to assimilate into his horde after all. Especially if they were as scummy as to strike out against a mere medical ship. He snapped his fingers as he wondered how the hell he was going to board the thing. He opened a comm link, coughing a little as he slowly morphed and shifted his voice to that off some mere doctor, the same that soothed Madam Kay into taking a needle. At least, in terms, so loose one could make it mean literally anything. "This is Doctor Bulrigard, requesting permission to land. I am here to deliver the backup medical supplies, it seems you had left some behind. Mainly the Hallucinogenics." He stated with a rather professional tone before switching off the comm, rolling back in his seat as he let loose a long drawn out chuckle. "Well, if this doesn't work can always just ram the lot."

It wasn't too long, the mere mention of Hallucinogenics was what probably tugged them into foolhardiness. The sound some man weathered by both age and a heavy dose of Cigars rolled in, his voice croaking as he spoke. "Why yes... This is Doctor Reginald Hoofington, accepting your request and opening the bay doors." This one wasn't any mere fool, he was an aged veteran and Thraxis realised almost instantly, there was no snigger from the crew, no mere echo from a tormented victim. This one would make a fine asset if he really was as wry as Thraxis guessed.

Then the message shot through, Thraxis browsing through it with a tap as he looked it over. "Well hot damn, Tiali is joining the party. Should probably get the party favours ready..." He said aloud, pulling himself from his seat as he let the autopilot drag him into the ship's bowels. With a hop and a skip he swung open a panel, a few scotches and whiskies laying about as he grabbed some out, pouring them into a series of small crystalline cups and placing them on a bench. "This should be enough for the entertainment." He looked around, there wasn't any streamers or anything, but hell he went through the trouble of getting the guys favourite booze. That should be enough for now.

The ship slowly descended into the docking bay, the sounds of a march all around him as he realised what he was dealing with, "Oh crap. This lot is organised." He said before another message popped up, some sort of distress signal luring him a short distance away. "Hmmm... I'll deal with that in a bit." He muttered as the ramp of his ship descended, a series of soldiers armed with slugthrowers taking aim, blood splattered across their armour as they seemed to have hit the jackpot. "Hey boys." They were, however, woefully wrong.

With a wave of the arm he propped his DEMP rifle up, he seldom got to use the thing, originally intended to be used against all the Sith and Jedi that swamped the galaxy he found that this was going to be an acceptable trade. With the depression of the trigger a rocketing explosion was made at the trio's feet, their eyes narrowed as their bodies were paralysed quickly, the sound of alarms going off as he heard the footsteps start to march, banging closer and closer as his body shaken with glee. "Oh boy. Here I go taking prisoners again." He chuckled as he quickly rushed to the downed goons, his hand bashing against their spine as they were quickly severed unconscious, not before another batch appeared to spoil his good mood.
[member="Tiali Orazio"] | [member="Katrina"] | [member="Darlyn Excron"] | [member="Stardust Raxis"]
(Just gonna be messaging the people I know who are doing the same objective as me.)

Assault The entourage
Post 2

The torpedo went to its target, past the entourage as stardust and her squad let go and floated down onto the top, she looked up as she watched a ship come in and land. She didn't question a thing...whoevwr was stupid enough to land was just merrily helping her out, she looked to the squad and spoke

all pirates are cleared to be killed take no prisoners...let them see what happens when they trifle with innocents

A nod went through she squad and without her word they started opening a entrance in a service entrance, each one moved down and landed in a corridor with stardust following behind her visor looking around as she raised her westars level

split up and cover the ship report in every 15 minutes and remember...all hostile are to be eliminated

She said as they went in group of two leavimg one with her as she walked forward silent as ever brooding, she opened the door to the next corridor and was met with a hail of blaster fire, with a flash her sabers where up and blocked the shots rapidly before she charged forward getting close, the sabers went to her sides and her sword came out slicing the three pirates at a angle causing some to fall immediately and the others scream and flail...without their legs

She heard explosions as she looked to the raxis clan member and nodded as they kept forward her sword blood red

and she was just getting started

Another pirate jumped out at her, however his head was grabbed and she slammed him down hearing that snapp as she kept on towards the hangar, she opened the door and looked down as she crouched as she hopped to a open channel that [member="Thraxis"] would hear

to anyone responding to the distress beacon this is Stardust raxis , report in and call out who you are
[member="Darlyn Excron"]


тнє ναмριяє ℓσя∂
Location: Enroute to Terrijo
​Objective: Assimilate the organics
Posts: 2.20
​Allies: None
Enemies: Anyone For Now

​She docked her ship in the bay, observing the destruction wrought down upon it. "Quite interesting," ​she said amusingly while leaving the cockpit's lone seat. She stepped out of her craft, scanning the remaining functional ships with her body's laser scanner collecting the data from the ship's independent signatures. Just with the last ship being scanned, three medical droids emerged from a hiding place, their photoreceptors staring at her inquisitively. Calling the dark side energy around her in a swirling motion, she unleashed Mechu-Deru upon the medical droids; exerting her will upon them and turning them into doing her bidding.

"You will lead your Master to the medical bay at once." ​Her three new 'companions' began rambling toward the exit, with the female cyborg behind them. The droids were not combat efficient, but they did well enough in a pinch; even if it they would be utilized as shields. The carnage in the bay meant one concrete proof; there were others here on the frigate who may or may not have the same idea in mind.

​The tunnel which the droids led her down was quiet and void of life, until a door opened to her right and a wounded scientist stepped out; brandishing a blaster in his hand. Before he could speak, she drew her own weapon, a salvage looking lightsaber hilt and ignited it. The scientist froze in terror as the point of the plasma blade hovered a few inches from his neck. "Drop your weapon, organic," ​she ordered. The male human released his grip on the blaster letting it clattering upon the frigate's metal flooring.

​"It seems I've arrived late so I'm now forced to alter my plans. Where do you keep your most precious technology," she inquired. The male human replied, ​"We are a medical frigate. The only technology we possess aboard is for the preservation of life." ​This will have to do she thought. "Dispatch the organic, droids." ​The male began to scream just as the first medical droid ripped his left arm from the socket, while his brethren fell upon him.
  • Objective: Terrijo
  • Post 2
"The distress beacon was actually pinpointed to have originated from a vessel near Terrijo. We weren't able to confirm what it was transporting, but we can confirm that Terrijo is unable to provide support for the lone vessel. Considering the activity is likely that of space pirates, and the distress call was open in nature, I plan on taking a handful of ships, preferably big ones with big guns, to dissuade anyone from interfering with the investigation and rescue operations, assuming you have no problem with this." How, convenient, Darlyn couldn't deny the opportunity was splendid for them to engage in the operation. Before he had planned to commander a ship of about the Fair Lady in size, but with this he could justify using more, imposing ships.

How delightful for him. That was of course, assuming [member="Lady Kay"], in her benevolent wisdom, saw no reason to deny him use of the Commenori fleet. Then again he had little doubt, he would be, after all, then operating with official government ships, and that would do wonders for their image. Certainly even [member="Veiere Arenais"] would see wisdom in loaning Darlyn such fine vessels. Not to mention he loved to show off.


[member="Katrina"] | [member="Darben Skirae"] | [member="Macoda Haberon"]

Also on Objective Location:

[member="Stardust Raxis"] | [member="Thraxis"] | [member="AD-Iqatar.13"]
Post: 4

So Kay had found herself yet another pilot, Veiere remained unfortunately biased in his favor towards Terrac though this new one, [member="Macoda Haberon"] was going the distance to introduce himself in a polite manner, man to man and Veiere couldn't fault him at all for that. Gripping his hand in welcome of the greeting, he too offered a firm nod in acknowledgement, responding with his own name and position in Kay's life; "Veiere Arenais, First Knight and your Queen's Fiance" Veiere chuckled somewhat dryly under his breath, it sounded rather awkward when he said it, never able to invoke the same sense of pride that he felt when Kay spoke of him that way.

Turning soon to listen to [member="Darlyn Excron"], he nodded again to the man in approval of his clear wish to deal with the matter, in the way that he spoke he sounded determined. "Feel free to contact the others from the Praxeum should you wish for any form of support on our end" He spoke up in offer though it too would be taken as Veiere's confidence in the man, turning soon enough to Kay and gesturing back at Darlyn with a sideways nod of encouragement.
Objective: Terrijo assault on Entourage

Post: 2

Tiali's mantis patrol craft exits hyperspace just before the medical ship, giving Tiali a good view to evaluate the scene. Alright the the bay is looking a bit crowded to say the least. Always good to see Thraxis already started the party, immediately he starts looking the ship over for a plan B "There!" Spotting an airlock he can dock his ship to "R9 take us in" Standing up from his seat he exits the cockpit, making his way to the airlock door He slides his helmet on while he waits patiently.

Tiali's ship shakes on contact with the dock on the other ship, a loud whistle fills the room from air flooding the airlock compartment followed by the door opening. He steps through letting the door close behind him, pulling a smoke grenade from his jacket pocket he pulls the pin letting it activate then dropping it to the floor filling the airlock with smoke. Pulling his sword from his back he readies for what comes next, his other hand moves to the console ready to open the door.

The smoke starting to block his vision knowing that now is perfect he activates the console opening the door. At first there was an erie silence, until it was broken by the worried voice of a man "Do you see anything?" Tiali's Hud lights up red highlighting two guards through the smoke, One left and one right. Once ready Tiali lunges forward out of the smoke quickly chopping at the right guards armed hand cutting it clean off, As the other guard turns to fire, Tiali quickly slides to his knees narrowly avoiding the shot but to the guards demise the round fired hits the injured guard finishing him off. Swinging his blade around slicing at the left guards knees immediately forcing the rest of the guard chest first to the deck. The guard begins to scream erratically clawing at the metal floor in pure agony, Tiali calmly stands regaining his posture before releasing a sigh "Jeez man can you just die quietly" pulling out his LL-30 pistol he fires a round into the back of the guards head. "See that wasn't too hard was it?"

Before continuing Tiali Opens a Com Channel to Thraxis through his Helmet "Hey buddy I'm on board, where do you need me?"

[member="Katrina"] [member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="Thraxis"]
Post 3

Mac feigned a smile when [member="Veiere Arenais"] introduced himself after they shook hands.

First Knight? How pretentious.

Jedi and Sith were just two sides of the same coin. That's what Mac said to Lady Kay during his panic attack after his failed attempt to kidnap her, and he still maintains that view, with Lady Kay being the exception. From his experience, the Sith were cruel and power hungry while the Jedi were arrogant and self-righteous. True, Mac had met some force users who were more neutral, but at the end of the day, it's all just a bunch of witchcraft used to kill better men. Mac knew that the clearly dressed man was obviously a Jedi but to hear his suspicions confirmed had made his palms sweaty. He was surrounded by force users here, he felt that he bumped into one around every corner. After five years of running away from anything to do with force users, he was now working with and besides them. However, this has not decreased his anxiety.

First Kay, then Darlyn and [member="Bradshaw Ku'], and now this Veiere? What have I gotten myself into?[/I]

He tried his best not to let his anxiety show, but Mac's attention shifted when [member="Darlyn Excron"] mentioned the possibility of space pirates attacking a vessel off the planet of Terrijo. The thought reminded Mac to contact his pirate friends and tell them to stay out of Commenor's area of influence. Should a pirate raid ever go sour, the conflict of loyalties would put him in an awkward situation which he wanted to avoid. This was a big galaxy and Mac doubted that the attack off of Terrijo was initiated by one of his colleague's crews, but he would still take the proper precautions in warning his friends.

He stepped up to [member="Lady Kay"], saying, "I am at your service, my lady. I can prepare the Free Lady now if you wish."
Terrijo: Assault on the Entourage.

Post 3

Gunfire erupted in the docking bay, his gun bouncing and booming all around as the few soldiers who were sent to get the cargo were quickly dominated. His hand struck swiftly against their necks as he was sent a message over comms. "Oh, did Tiali respond..." His words slowly drifted off as he gritted his teeth. Stardust... Just what he needed, interference from one of Kay's goons. Worse of all, a practitioner of Sabres and force. His plan was to take it slow, make his way up, make the good 'doctor' think he was a threat to make himself feel like an asset and all of a sudden he had to work fast.

With the few more guards tossed out of the fray he pulled them up the ramp, a finger pressed against his lips as he lulled them into submissiveness. "Keep ya mouths shut and stay up there. There is a Master on this damnable vessel and no doubt is gonna be killing." He whispered, pressing a button as the ramp slowly rolled up, a message coming from Tiali as he opened up his commlink. "Tiali, perfect. I need you to be careful, do not engage anyone that seems out of place until you get to me. We might have more trouble than I thought on our hands." He grunted, quickly checking his left and right as he exited the docking bay.

His guns were cocked in his hands, his DEMP strapped along his back as he opened up his comm to respond to Stardust's sudden interference, "Hey Star. Thraxis here. Mind telling me what the hell you are doing here?" He stated, an audible smacking of the lips as he listened to the sounds of warfare and destruction. Well... Unless Tiali is just murdering people. That sounds like a good place to start. He thought to himself, banging the end of his gun against the walls, hoping it would draw Stardust to him. Then another scream, this one far in the distance. Then another close by, this one coming from some medical room. "Oh, goddamnit. Now I just feel bad for these pirates. They did not sign up for this." He groaned, it seemed to his left there was slaughter as well to his front and right. At least he got six prisoners out of this whole ordeal.
[member="Tiali Orazio"] | [member="AD-Iqatar.13"] | [member="Stardust Raxis"] | [member="Darlyn Excron"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Post: 4

Kay listened as [member="Darlyn Excron"] explained his needs. The fact that he was looking into going into a fight with their ships didn't put her at ease. The Commenori stay home, that was what she was firm to hold onto. Yet any attacks, pirates or not, if they were allowed to happen in their sector, it would only encourage others to follow. So this had to be taken care of quickly. "Take what you need, Darlyn. Let me know when you've returned and send me a report soon after."

She let him go. Outside of the door she could see [member="Darben Skirae"] . She gestured for him to come inside the room. Hopefully [member="Katrina"] lets him in.

Then her eyes went up to [member="Macoda Haberon"] and she could see his anxiety growing. She knew why too, yet didn't mention it in front of the others. She had half a mind to send him with Darben, especially as he was nervous about flying. Maybe that would be a good idea. "Mac, I have a specific task for you. Our Minister Skirae needs to be taken to Cato Neimoidia. It should be safe for him there, but the Neimoidians can be a bit...skittish. The fewer the guards the better. You may take the Free Lady." Kay then gestured for him to lean over to her so that she could whisper to him. "Minister Skirae doesn't like to travel far. It really makes him nervous. And he's not a Force user, so you don't have to worry about that. Just keep him safe for me, please?"

She glanced over to [member="Veiere Arenais"] . They would have to use a different ship to get to their destination. That wasn't much of a problem. It was just going to be different being in another vessel. But perhaps that would bring them more luck.

Kay's commlink came to life, as Olivia gave her word about a [member="Vitor Avendahl"] that was waiting in the lobby to see her. "Looks like our own trip will be a bit delayed. We have a guest." She then looked to everyone that still remained in the room. "That's about it. Let me know how everything goes. And don't hesitate to contact us if you need anything." She activated her commlink. ~Olivia, have him sent to my office.~

~Yes, M'Lady.~
Post: 2

Ardgal double blinked, closing the log that he kept in his helmet. The shuttle came down in a low approach towards the planet. Soon the mist of the rain clouds broke and the capital city of Talasea resolved into what it was--a planet in turmoil. Fires were burning through the city, buildings had been looted and set flame. Some were still smoking, some were still burning, others were burned to crisps. The drop ship glided in towards one of the flat top buildings, hovering as the soldiers with Ardgal jumped the remaining 5 feet to the top. Ardgal followed right after his Godkillers. A series of crates were dropped with them, carrying ammo, tools, and most importantly--hell that they could open up on any resistance.

He looked at the helmeted men and women around him with approval. A few bullets from some of the protestors who thought they could get lucky pinged off the roof around them. Ardgal turned to see the shooter. He took the ghost shatter rifle from one of his men and raised it. He could see the would-be sharpshooter glaring right back at him from behind an old hunting blaster that didn't have a hope in hell of piercing their armor. A single shot of the shatter rifle hissed through the air faster than sound itself, hitting the target square in the chest. A brilliant flower of crimson and deep scarlet blossomed on impact. The entry wound was the size of a quarter, the exit wound was the size of plate, harrowing out most of the man's body. Ardgal watched through his scope as the carcass jerked and fell backward in its apartment.

"Use your CMO's," Ardgal said ratcheting a new round in the rifle, "But if they shoot at you, take them out."

He handed the rifle back to his subordinate "They stop being civilians when they shoot at you. No warning shots. The survivors will get the message and lay their arms down soon enough."

"Yes, sir."
[member="Thraxis"] [member="Tiali Orazio"][member="AD-Iqatar.13"]
Post 3

She walked a few more feet and them stopped, thraxis....of all.people why was he here, she shook her head as she responded to him with a cold tone

I would watch your tone with me, we both know why I'm here and that is to get this ships status and to retrieve survivors and eliminate ALL pirate threats on this ship

The scream broke the silence, she frowned as she drew her sabers up and activated, she walked as she held a hand out to stop her trooper. She looked around to see a few robots ripping a man to pieces along with...a droid carrying sabers? She got around the corner and pulled the two droids she could see towards her them slovwd them in half

identify yourself immediately or you will be cut down

She said as she stayed her distance away her black and white sabers ready to strike if need be
Post: 3

Still no help. His fellow soldiers looked to him with hopelessness in their eyes. Lauri sighed, knowing that help would not come in time. The gang was moving, and outnumbered the soldiers heavily. There was no way out.
"This is Lieutenant Lauri Törni, making a final request for assistance. We are outnumbered, wounded, and pinned down. Six of my men are dead and the remaining four of us have major wounds. We are not going to get out of this alive unless reinforcements arrive. At least send a squad to pick up or bodies and send them back to our families. Goodbye. Over." He said into his radio, pain and sadness filling his voice. There was no hope.

Then, two spheres rolled past the cover, to just soldiers. Lauri closed his eyes, accepts his fate, and his men did the same. They knew there was no hope.

A bright light flashed, hurting Lauri's eyes even through the eyelids. When Lauri opened them, he could not see. A flash bomb. Lauri cursed, then heard a hiss. He sniffed, then covered his move he and nose. It was most definitely gas. He heard a gasp, followed by a thud, and two more. Finally, Lauri gave in, his limbs felt heavy, and he could barely stay conscious.

[member="Ardgal Raxis"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Thraxis"] [member="Macoda Haberon"] [member="Tiali Orazio"] [member="Veiere Arenais"] [member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Stardust Raxis"]
  • Terrijo
  • Post 3
"Fear not, I'll only be taking three or four ships at the most, just enough to dissuade anyone seeking to prey on the situation. Course... I'll be taking a big ship, so I don't think we'll find much of a problem with that." He offered a bow to [member="Lady Kay"] and [member="Veiere Arenais"], before turning on his heels and walking out the door. The others he had little concern for, he was just excited, clearly, to be in charge of something. It was almost an infectious joy, sickeningly sweet as he made his way to a transport, and up to his command ship for this operation.

Of course he couldn't take much but... he did want to command that beauty, their largest ship, the lovely Victory X-class Assault Cruiser. Alongside it was a single Ardent X Fast Frigate and one Kantos-class War Frigate to help dissuade any other participants. She *had* said to take what he needed, and he needed security. He had full confidence in the remainder forces to keep Commenor safe after all, if you could only take a small portion of a fleet you had best take something good.

Once establishing his command, the three ships fired up their hyperdrives, and made their way to Terrijo.

- Very short time later -

Exiting hyperspace, the three ships were immediately able to locate the ship broadcasting the distress signal, and further picking up a number of other vessels, three or so at least. He shook his head and opened a comm channel. It was open frequency of course, so everyone could pick it up. "This is Darlyn Excron of Commenor responding to the distress beacon received from this location. Good news for the ship's actual staff and anyone here to rescue them. Bad news for the rest of you, because I'll be taking one prisoner. Just the one, for interrogation to make sure the picture is crystal clear. I can promise you won't get killed off in a horrifyingly brutal way, and you'll have a chance to redeem yourself in the eyes of the law. I'll be accepting volunteers after we make our entry."

With that, he cut the communication, and organized a squad of eight soldiers to accompany him. Normally he'd have gone for a flashy entrance, something with flair, but time was of the essence. So instead, they simply took one of the dropships in, making sure to wear airtight suits on the way in. The team rode in, making their way past and actually landed on the medical transport, letting the squad drop down into it with relative ease, followed quickly by Darlyn himself. The ship retreated back to the safety of the assault ship, leaving them stranded, but fully armed and quite ready for combat.

Enviromental suits were removed when it was safe, leaving Darlyn in his desperado armor as the most fancy of the bunch, almost looking like a pirate himself save for the eight soldiers following behind him. "Keep to cover as we locate the civis. You five take that direction and I'll take these three with me. Pace yourselves and leave no panel unchecked." With that he drew the drifter shogtun from his back, made sure it was loaded, and began to lead the team in.

<<I wasn't sure who to run into first since there's like, four of us here, so whoever posts next on this objective can run into me if they wish.>>

[member="Stardust Raxis"] | [member="Thraxis"] | [member="Tiali Orazio"] | [member="AD-Iqatar.13"]
Objective: Reach Allies behind enemy Lines., Provide backup for [member="Lauri Törni"], Become a one man army.
Posts: 1

I hated this thought. Lady Kay told me that the Riots would be tough, but nothing like this. I raced as fast as I could through the hangar bay of the starport. Trying to find anything to get me to the coordinates faster. I couldn't find a single goddamn thing. I would just have to get there on foot. Instead of wasting breath on telling them I was coming, I raced.

My heart beated and pounded as though a drummer was playing a heavy metal song. Blood pumped through my veins as my steps were thunderous. I guess this is where I would be testing the extent of my armor's abilities to increase my strength and speed. I felt like a karking bullet as I ran. I could hear the wines of my armor HUD. Identifying targets as I passed them. Doing my best to race.

I could see various grenades being thrown from long distances at what looked to be a small group of troops. That must be them. Bodies were strewn across the road. Almost like the 300 who stood against an entire empire. This time, it looked to be about 3 against an entire mob. Slowing myself down, I came up behind the closest man. Grabbing his jacket and lifting him off the ground with a launching throw. His body almost soared over the mob and into the front line. I barreled my way past others. Charging like a Rino through a china shop.

Reaching the other side, I threw my own grenade down at the troopers. When it expanded to have a dome about the size of two people standing.

"Get into the energy shield."

I planted my feet hard into the concrete. Making skid marks and ripping away the top layer with the sudden stop. I turned and faced the mob as they had blaster weapons and various grenades they got from downed officers. Lifting up my rifle, I fired as many rounds down range as I could get.

"Rendevue with Lieutenant Torni successful. Using lethal force. Riot will not back down."

As I spoke, Blaster fire slammed into my armor. I could feel the impacts on my frame, and men started to charge up to me trying to get in a slap or two. Instead, I slammed my left fist into the first man. Using the butt of my rifle into the second man, and the third woman to run up to me. I fired back at the mob and continued to provide cover fire for those injured.

"Lieutenant, Get the hell out of there. If you can move, do so now."
Lauri was barely conscious. He could make out the sound of more blaster fire, followed by the bubble of an expanding energy shield. Then Törni became aware of what was happening. He pulled him self into the shield, and pulled the others in at leaset, what he thought was the shield. Törni still was blind. His left arm was useless. He got his head out of the smell, and felt around his comrades for signs of life. The has was non lethal, as all still breathed and had pulses. Lauri closed his eyes, as thy still pained him, and called to the soldier that had come to their rescue.

"Th-thank you. Who are you, I can't see right now, a flash bang went off, luckily I had my eyes closed."

Near: [member="Kalyr Alor"]

[member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="Ardgal Raxis"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Thraxis"] [member="Macoda Haberon"] [member="Tiali Orazio"] [member="Veiere Arenais"] [member="AD-Iqatar.13"]
Objective: Reach Allies behind enemy Lines., Provide backup for [member="Lauri Törni"], Become a one man army.
Posts: 2

It seemed that I was drawing so much attention now. One very large man taking on as many people in this mob as I could, I was lucky that they all weren't converging on us. They still had the scared feelings that we might be hiding some weapon to blow them all away. In truth, we didn't. The closest thing we had to a weapon that could kill them all was me, and I knew I couldn't take them all on.

I could hear the Lt, calling out and asking who was here aiding them. Letting me know that they had flash-bangs on them. Almost on cue, a grenade was thrown near me. I didn't know how I did it, but I caught the grenade midair, and threw it back at them. Just as another four came running up to me. Two with melee weapons, and another with a makeshift alcohol grenade.

I yanked my rifle up and shot at the grenade in the man's hand. My HUD system locking onto his hand, and the slug shot right through the bottle. Breaking it and making a fueled fire rage everywhere around the man. The two who ran up hit me with their weapons. A solid smack hit me on the arms as I tried to aim at the third man running. Instead, I resorted to lifting my rifle up, and bringing the butt down on the first man. Knocking him out cold. the second man continued to beat at me with his pipe. I easily caught it with my off hand, and yanked it from his grasp.

He looked at me wide eyed as I shoved my hand cupped into his throat. Hard enough his breathing was hard, and he fell to his knees trying to get any resemblance of a breath. I raised my weapon again to see that the Mob was moving more readily towards us.

"Torni, I don't care about flash bangs. Pick up that grenade and make a break for it with your wounded."

I needed him to move now. If he and his men wanted to survive, then they had to move their asses. I an fight against groups of men easily, but fighting against an army was asking more than my pay grade.
Post: 3

Lauri Törni said:
.........Six of my men are dead and the remaining four of us have major wounds. .....ot going to get out of this alive ......einforcements arrive. ........ pick up or bodies ...........our families. Goodbye. Over."
"Ardgal? You hearing this?" Virgil asked after pressing her fingers to her helmet for a moment.

He looked back at her, motioning for the Godkillers to go ahead with their heavier gear, "I wasn't able to hack the Commonor channel. What?"

"Distress sygnal. Its garbled but it sounds bad."

He gave a nod, "Good, best way to start the day," he took one of his blaster pistols in one hand and a Punisher pistol in the other, "Can you triangulate the location?"

"Almost got it," she said, she knew him well enough, "Got it, sir, follow me. And hurry."

The armored woman jumped off the top of the building, landing on her feet, the pavement cracked under the weight of her impact, it cracked even further under Ardgal's as he hit the ground next to her. The duo had been augmented for strength, speed, and sheer fighting prowess beyond anything that a mere human could muster.

Kalyr Alor said:
"Rendevue with Lieutenant Torni successful......lethal force. Riot will not back down."
The voice sounded slightly familiar to Ardgal, "This is Raxis, moving in on your position with one in two, plus others on heel. Expect fireworks."

A few seconds later Virgil rounded the block to the mass that was converging on [member="Lauri Törni"]'s ambushed men and one familiar armored figure, [member="Kalyr Alor"]. Virgil immediately raised her rifle and began laying down steady fire. Ardgal raised his blaster pistol and began steadily coming closer to more lethal, easier to hit ranges. The enemy would be caught between Kalyr and the two Raxis. Some ellected to keep hitting the convoy, others turned to attack the duo. A third group within the mob would be torn into confusion, Ardgal's and Virigl's pin-point shots were helping thin their numbers and add to the pandemonium.
Post 2
Objective: Talasea

Kendall's boots splashed down into the water congregating into puddles on the backstreet paths of Talasia. He pulled his thick brown coat closer, it's tattered edges reaching to his knees, a proper replacement to his usual light jacket. He looked around at the buildings. they were designed to hold sturdy in the planets powerful storms, but regardless the constant berating had left scars on the buildings over time, leaving many with corroded and damaged structures. He passed a few other downtrodden souls as he walked around, none harboring aggression against the Weequay, most scrambled for shelter rather than take a second glance at him. Soon Kendall came close to what he was looking for, he heard two voices speaking in alien dialect. He approached slowly, his steady footsteps shadowed by the sound of rain, and got close enough to peek around the corner. The two stood looking in the same direction, away from Kendall. One was another Weequay, Kendall could tell due to the long familiar braids hanging below the beings thin brimmed cap, covering it from the rain. The other was a rather large human, clearly the muscle of the two, with his arms crossed slightly lifting his heavy black jacket. Kendall could make out the hilt of a blade sticking out of the humans boot, as Kendall slowly unsheathed his own.

The two gangsters were looking down at a body, a beaten and bruised Aqualish, it's tusked bashed in to make it's face almost unrecognizable. "Someone trying to send a message eh? You think it was Torya?" The human asked his companion, kicking over the Aqualish's hand slightly, the hand moved with no resistance, and flopping back down into the water splashing it up from the forming puddle of red bellow the body.The second gangster pulled back his sleeve to adjust his glove. "Probably, that animal and Drano have been steppin' on each other's turf for awhile. With all the chit goin' down she'll want in." The Weequay heard a blast from behind him, and saw steam rise through the air as water droplets dissolved from the heat of a blaster shot. Before his companion could hit the ground he reached for the blaster rifle located on his hip. As the gangsters hand reached down a sharp cold chill sent through his body as a blade appeared around his neck, rain drops slapping down onto the metal, splashing up to the Weequay's face. "Hands in the air, you wont have a chance to use that blaster." Kendall said in his hostage's ear, the hole in the human's head quickly stopped smoldering as the rain fell onto the corpse, an even larger puddle of red rain water began to form as the gangster put his hands up, with clenched fists. Kendall reached around him and pulled out the blaster, putting the end against the mans back, giving him a small nudge with it as Kendall pulled his vibroblade away. It hooked back onto his belt as the gangster hesitating before moving where Kendall indicated, further back into the alley. "You're going to tell me everything I want to know about your boss."

[member="Lauri Törni"] , [member="Ardgal Raxis"] ,

An aide quickly let him know that it was his turn for an audience with the Queen. Vitor hasted trying to keep up with following the aide until they reached two large and well reinforced doors.

With a nod, the aide opened the doors and disappeared back to where Vitor had came from.

Avendahl expected a throne room but this was nothing like it. It fitted the description of an office but with an intricate and detailed designer's touch to it. He thought it befitted a Queen.

The office seemed slightly packed but Vitor found the confidence within him to speak up. He appreciated June's lessons for manners at this time due to his own lack of social skills.

The Sith respectfully bowed with his upper body in a surprisingly trained motion and spoke. "Your Highness."

June had told him that royalty expected others to speak only when they were allowed to. Obviously, Vitor detested that but a businessman had to be adaptive and flexible to complete his objectives.

[member="Lady Kay"]​

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