Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Warmongers Unite!

Which option would you like to participate most in?

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Well-Known Member
Unit Type Cost
Infantry 100x2
Armour 200x1
Artillery 200x2
Anti-Air 100x2
Total: 1000

My strategy will be to deny power projection, weaken incoming waves, and hold the line with infantry and a reinforcing Armor unit; or conversely use the armor unit to pave a path for reinforcing infantry units while denying power projection and weakening the enemy with artillery units behind friendly lines. So all in all, 2 Infantry Units, 1 Armor unit, 2 Artillery Units, and 2 Anti-Air Units.

I just thought I would make that public for your sake [member="Tamara"], though if it was intended to be private, I will adjust my starting army as I see other people's strategies.

Good (snow)man!

Since you’ll start a fair distance from potential enemies and you’ll get reinforcements before you fight them, there’s no reason not to make your choices now if you want.

Now, so you all can make an informed decision, the map has various icons on it.
  • Mountains are the filled black triangles.
  • Hills are the three upward facing ‘u’s clumped together.
  • Jungle is the palm trees.
  • Forest are the regular trees.
  • Deserts are the flat lines with a dot at the end.
  • Urban areas are not yet represented, but will be shown as prominent black circles.
  • Swamps/Rough areas are represented by the grass tufts.
  • Naval invasions are considered amphibious.
  • All hexes without icons are otherwise considered plains (or snow at higher latitudes).
Regions will have terrain based on the predominant terrain, and this is better for some units and worse for others.

Below is my list of what units do well where. Note, that if extra stats/rules are not voted for these are just SUGGESTIONS for RPing.
Unit Type	Cost	Plains	Forests	Mount	Hills	Desert	Snow	Jungle	Amph	Urban
Infantry	100	Weak	Strong	Strong	Strong	Weak	Weak	Strong	Weak	Strong
Armour	        200	Strong	Weak	Weak	Weak	Strong	Weak	Weak	Weak	Strong
Walkers	        300	Strong	Strong	Weak	Strong	Strong	Strong	Weak	Weak	Weak
Artillery	200	Strong	Weak	Weak	Strong	Strong	Strong	Weak	Weak	Strong
Interceptors	200	Strong	Weak	Weak	Weak	Strong	Strong	Weak	Strong	Weak
Bombers	        300	Strong	Strong	Weak	Strong	Strong	Weak	Weak	Strong	Weak
Anti-Air	100	Weak	Weak	Strong	Weak	Weak	Strong	Weak	Weak	Strong
Well-Known Member
Over all looks good, though a few tweaks could be seen to be put in there.

Would it be too complicated to add in a moderate strength?
I'm trying to keep this as simple as least until I know what (if any) rules or stats are being added as a result of the vote. I think strong and weak works well though.
If you have any suggestions about unit strengths and weaknesses, PM me and I'll consider your thoughts.

This is only a prototype. I want to make this thing actually get to the campaign and have people RPing a bit. I've always gotten ahead of myself too much, so I'm going to reign in my ambitions until I've seen this work in practice as well as theory!

First of all may I recommend cleaning up the costs.
Unit Type Cost
Infantry 1
Armour 2
Walkers 3
Artillery 2
Interceptors 2
Bombers 3
Anti-Air 1

Less digits make it look easier.
Second I think you should make the map hexs largers for quick game.
Finally. I would finally settle damages and losses with a simple public dice roller. With a simple unit hit or miss when the dice lands on an assigned value. This is opposed to starting with several modifiers that need to be looked up. Combat would be faster.
[member="Darth Kentarch"]
I’ve got a combat system ready to use if it’s what people want (and vote for) which runs along basically the same lines as you mention.

The regions I refer to cover dozens, even hundreds of hexes each. The hex grid is mainly there to keep things together, but I can remove it. Don’t worry, you won’t have to conquer 19,000 hexes. :p

I’ll take the costs idea under advisement and think about it.
[member="Darth Kentarch"]
In time perhaps. I’m trying to start small and do it with RPing mainly.

I think that Arcis, myself and anyone else interested could make a more complex set of game rules for us to play with, but I don’t want to overstress the RPers here or force complexity on them at all.
I'm still interested, although I have a feeling ill get owned. My faction is the CIS and I'll post again after work with my unit numbers
AtWar would make a really cool basis for strategy RP. My friends once did a game where we'd move our units, then write up a RP post about it, and then end turn. Rinse and repeat.
I'd be in as both CIS support and Spynet. Thought mostly the former.
[member="Voroll"] PM me your troops, and we can work together on strategy and troop positions.
I wouldn't mind adding a space battle aspect to it, and have the ability to launch orbital bombardment if you own the space above the planet.
[member="Strask Ak'lya"]
I'll keep the space battle aspect out of it for this one, but I have some ideas on how to adapt it for future campaigns!

I have indeed, especially turn based strategy games from the Napoleonic and Civil War eras.
And I would like to implement that into this somewhat...except with PMs. But nothing too complex yet.

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