Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Vratch Saxon


    • Faction: Mandalorian Enclave
    • Species: Mimbanese
    • Homeworld: Nar Shaddaa
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 23 GSY
    • Height: 1.83 Meters
    • Weight: 75 kg
    • Hair: None
    • Eyes: Blue
    • Skin: Red
    • Face: [X]
    • Voice: Josh Keaton as Shiro

  • Vratch Saxon was born on the moon of Nar Shaddaa, a Mimbanese child destined for a life that seemed preordained by the harshness of his surroundings. His biological father, a reckless and heavy gambler, buried himself in debts owed to the treacherous Hutt Cartel. As the debts piled up, the desperate father made a heart-wrenching decision to save himself from the Hutts' wrath, sacrificing his son's future in the process. In a sinister deal, Vratch was sold into slavery to serve as collateral for his father's debts.

    For years, Vratch endured the bleak and oppressive existence of a slave, carrying the weight of his father's mistakes on his young shoulders. The days blurred into one another, and hope seemed like a distant memory. But fate had other plans for him.

    A twist of fortune came when a Mandalorian woman from Clan Saxon set foot on Nar Shaddaa. Rikka Saxon, a skilled warrior and pilot, had a reputation for her unyielding sense of justice and a soft spot for those in need. She saw something in the young Mimbanese boy's eyes—a flicker of resilience and untapped potential. Determined to make a difference, Rikka confronted the slavers, freeing Vratch from his chains and claiming him as her own foundling.

    Under the guidance of Rikka, Vratch discovered a new family among the Mandalorians, a culture rooted in honor, discipline, and the art of warfare. With unwavering dedication, he embraced the Mandalorian ways, learning their traditions and training in the art of combat. The life of a warrior suited him, and he thrived in this newfound environment.

    However, there was one passion that ignited a fire within Vratch like nothing else—the thrill of piloting starships. Rikka recognized his natural talent and encouraged him to pursue his love for flying. Vratch took to the skies with grace, mastering the art of starship piloting and finding a sense of freedom and purpose among the stars.

    As years passed, Vratch became a respected member of Clan Saxon, earning his Mandalorian armor and taking on the clan's name for his own. He gained recognition for his flying skills and bravery in battle. When the Mandalorian Skull Squadron was reinstated to defend their people and their ideals, Vratch was one of the first to enlist. He now flies for the Enclave, striking down its enemies from the sky!

    • Fighter: As a Mandalorian, Vratch Saxon possesses exceptional combat prowess, honed through rigorous training and experience. His tutelage in close-quarters combat and marksmanship with various blasters make him a formidable force in any battlefield.
    • Pilot: His innate talent, coupled with years of dedicated practice, allows him to navigate starships with extraordinary precision and finesse. Whether he's maneuvering through treacherous asteroid fields or engaging in dogfights with enemy vessels, Vratch's swift reflexes and strategic thinking make him a true master of the skies.

    • Flashbang: As a Mimbanese, Vratch's eyes are considerably adept at seeing in low-light circumstances. A drawback, however, is when experiences sudden flashes like a flash grenade or bright explosion without the aid of a visual filter like in his helmet. Even with such systems in place, it only cuts off a little bit of the effects. It causes a delay in his eyes adjusting back to normal brightness.
    • Reckless Youth: Despite his relatively young age, Vratch exudes an undeniable air of cockiness that often borders on overconfidence. His impressive skills as both a Mandalorian warrior and a starship pilot contribute to this demeanor, leading him to believe he's invincible. While his confidence can be infectious and inspiring to others, it also occasionally puts him at risk as he takes bold risks that might be deemed reckless by more seasoned veterans.



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