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Approved Tech Voron Class Heavy Stealth Torpedo

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Aculia Voland

Protecting her children from the shadows.
Voron Class Heavy Stealth Torpedo


  • Classification: Stealth Torpedo
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Heavy.
  • Explosive Type: Variable between Ion and High Explosive Iadrium.
  • Delivery Method: Self-Propelled (Air at launch), Conventional (at activation).
  • Effective Range: Average.
  • Area Of Effect: Large.
  • Damage Output: Extreme.
  • Stealthy, enabling ships launching it to have more time to adjust their hidden course, speed, and heading before they are activated and detectable.
  • Difficult to stop once activated at closer ranges due to the Meiro System and anti-PD shielding if larger ships are not sufficiently protected.
  • Devastating payload if it connects making admirals and captains of large ships wish they actually invested in dedicated screening like an anti-missile frigate or positioning their ships better.
  • High cost of production due to integrated HPI stealth technology.
  • The faster and smaller the ship, the less likely it is to catch up with it.
  • Vulnerable to highly concentrated PD fire from multiple vessels in tight formation, especially dedicated anti-missile ships.
  • Cumbersome to use in atmosphere.


Developed in secret as “Project S-237”, the Voron Class Heavy Stealth Torpedo was developed for the XIII Battlegroup and extremely trusted clients of Voland Military Enterprises to enable devastating alpha strikes from a new class of stealth “space submarines”, utilizing recently acquired HPI stealth technology. It is the heaviest variant of stealth torpedo for this new class of ships, designed to deliver truly punishing damage to some of the heaviest ships deployed in the galaxy. Captains of such large ships will curse the day they decided to forgo appropriate screening vessels and careful positioning thinking that bigger and more heavily armored/shielded ships and sheer brute force is the way to go.

The torpedo itself works in two stages, taking advantage of the unique capabilities of its HPI cloaking device to remain hidden until it is armed. It is initially launched silently cloaked with powerful air thrusters from its torpedo tube, traveling at a comparatively slow but steady speed due to the lack of air resistance in space. In this state it is virtually undetectable, but also unarmed and “dumb”, unable to make aiming adjustments in order to keep it this way. Upon reaching a certain pre-designated range from its target, the missile’s propulsion, guidance, and warhead are activated, the cloaking is dropped in favor of an anti-CIWS shield, and it is readily detectable due to the large thermal plume of its engines being activated as it travels at high speed toward to slam into its large and vulnerable preferred targets. Between this and its dedicated Meiro Integrated Anti-Deactivation Transmitter, it is extremely hard to stop if fired at relatively close ranges, against ships with poor screening vessels, or vulnerable angles where they show a broad firing surface to allow it to strike in exposed positions or lack of concentrated CIWS weaponry.

Of course, nothing in the galaxy comes without drawbacks and the torpedoes do have their weaknesses. First, they are expensive, and limited in number to small wolfpacks of these space submarines due to their stealth technology and payload, you will not see these mass produced and fired from standard ships. Second, they require patience, planning, and getting relatively close to their targets for maximum effectiveness, and are most effective against ships unable to effectively maneuver and dodge, being most effective against super star destroyers, dreadnaughts, star destroyers, and heavy cruisers in that order. Third, if something were to hit the missiles, say, appropriately placed screening vessels, debris fields, etc before they can be activated, the missile will simply hit such and become inert due to not being activated in time. Fourth, it is not as effective in the atmosphere, as due to meeting air resistance, it cannot use its greatest strength of passive gliding towards its target and will simply start falling through the atmosphere after launch making stealthy horizontal firing impossible. Fifth, appropriate amounts of dedicated smaller screening vessels placed in tight formation around their larger comrades (or large amounts of these larger vessels making the significant tradeoff of a tight formation for increased security) the path of the torpedos can still manage to bring them down with enough PD fire.

Overall, despite having its drawbacks and being situational, the two stage launch and activation system of the Voron offers a great and potent weapon system for the new “space submarines”, enabling the smaller, stealthier, and swift ships to get in comparatively close against large ships lacking proper screening, launch their devastating payloads from stealth, and then begin disengaging before the missiles are armed and activated giving them a larger chance of slipping away and making it harder for the enemy to pinpoint their exact location and heading due to the delay. It thus tends to fit in with Admiral Voland's unconventional strategy of using faster, smaller ships instead of larger, heavier ones.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Aculia Voland Aculia Voland

Nicely made and cool one!
  • You have to link the post where I approved your resquest, and you have to link it to the permission field.
  • It is a semi-unique item, the Affiliation cannot be the company and the Faction, just one of them. Please modify it. You always can use your submission everywhere, so I it is up to you which one you'll delete.
  • Please modify the Elysium Empire to Elysium Imperium, if you want to keep this. Faction renamed happened, so if you write the Empire, they cannot use the sub, because different faction.
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