Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Visit to Bakura


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Kalyr Alor"] [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] [member="William Kerkov"] [member="Farlon Orbit"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"]

First they were on the run, seeking cover from the Admiral's men. But no sooner had that started when it was suddenly over. There was silence as the Padawan hid behind the tree. She turned off her lightsaber and waited, listening. What was going on over there on the other side of the river?

And then it started up again, blaster fire in the distance that were later joined by heavier artillery. She wanted to scale the tree to get a better view of what was going on, but that would lose her cover. So instead she just waited for instructions from either Jaster or the Mandalorian that had taken it upon himself to protect her.
As light skewed and vision dazed, and the hyper drive was activated the world became a blur of brilliant light dazzling across the windows of the ship's, it was than that when the world became whole they saw it, dark grey contrasting with the black of space, and the occasional white ray of dull light leaking from a distant star.

"[member="Cadan Tazi"], [member="Thraxis"]. Two of my most trusted men, did we not just get screwed." he moved among the ship signalling his crew to relax, they were leaving as soon as they appeared, swallowed by space and they were across the galaxy as far as one might be to this near conflict. "All men stand by we're going home, what a waste of time."
"Hold the fleet's position above the atmosphere we still have to wait on the return of the bombers , Are all men accounted for?"

"Yes sir, except the 37 we lost on Bakura."

"That's a shame. Let's prepare the Dropships for docking aboard The Onslaught."

Kerkov sat there, in the rattling ship motionless. He had only one thought, 'I will have my Revenge'

[member="Lady Kay"] [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"]
Thraxis would look at the captain, his face growing blank, he had no true idea as to what had just occurred, all he thought was that we just ran from a fight. He turned around, his face still blank from the shock, he never dreamed that the Jackals would run. He took another drink from his flask as he walked back towards his bedroom.
[member="Cadan Tazi"]
After stopping behind some trees to use as cover, we were far enough not to get hit by stray shots. Even when all of this was happening, I ordered Alex to stay back. And just watched and listened in amazement. Saying only three words as I grabbed the Jedi by the arm gently to lead away.

"What the hell."

[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="William Kerkov"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Lady Kay"]

Jaster thought it was over, the cannon fire had stopped and before Jaster could realize it, the enemy was gone. What seemed like friendly fire was just a way to cover their retreat. Cowereds couldn't face them, they had to kill from afar. His men had died honorably, and that's all Jaster could ask for.

"Kark, bombers!!" Came a yell from a tree.

Not good, blind drops were the only option now, if Jaster wasn't careful he could loose them all. Best thing to do was wait though, the only other option was electrocution and it was too late to change that.

"Cover!!!" Jaster yelled, the only thing to do was hunker down.

The bombers jetted above as the whistle of the bombs yelled across the sky. The ion particles were sparking the sky as they mad contact with the trees. Jaster barely saw as it was in slow motion, his men smattering for cover, the trees slowly igniting as it hit the ground. Jaster jumped behind some fallen down trees, his men were less then lucky.

Jaster lowered his head just in time with another scientist, the ion flames flew over his head. For a good 10 minutes the flames were unbearable to recover, though after Jaster looked.

He and the scientist, were the only to survive the bombardment.
Kerkov watched the destruction of the forest from the bridge of the Onslaught, he was not proud of it but business was business. He wondered whether Jaster was alive or not. He thought of what his son William Jr. would do.

"Captain, call off what bombers that haven't fired. We need to enter hyperspace as soon as possible."

Kerkov leaving his XO with suitable orders retreated to his quarters, swearing on the force that he would never get into this kind of situation again.

[member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] [member="Kalyr Alor"] [member="Lady Kay"]

All OCA troops have now exited.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Kalyr Alor"] [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"]

She allowed herself to be pulled away by the Mandalorian, sharing in his sentiment. But mere moments later, the bombs were dropping nearby. The Padawan made a run for it, almost losing her footing with each explosion until she finally found some cover in an outcropping. She shielded her head and neck with her satchel as she waited for it to finish. It took about ten minutes.

After it seemed to be over for the final time, the Padawan looked to her protector, finally placing her saber back into her satchel. "I....I have no idea what that was all about. I was alone and then everyone came out at once. I don't know who they are, or you for that matter. There was no need for what they did. I'm just...just so confused." That was a lot that came out at once as she tried to process it all. "I need some tea. Do you want any? Is it safe?"
[member="Lady Kay"], [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"],

After making the girl start moving forward, I looked up. Seeing the bombers coming close. I charged after her. Keeping her moving as far as she could. She suddenly stopped and tried to take some cover. Not much, but it was better than nothing. Even then, I dropped down. Sliding to become next to her, and letting my rifle drop to the ground while I wrapped my armored body around her. Using myself as a shield. Seeing as how anything could tear through skin, I was using my armor for its intended purpose.

Once it was over, She got up. I moved myself off of her and landed on my rear. The Jedi went on with how she didn't know what was happening. I shook my head and chuckled.

"You'll learn to get used to it. Trust me."

Standing up, I grabbed my rifle, and then extended my hand out for her to help her up.

"Come on. I don't want to be here when local governments get here."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Kalyr Alor"] [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"]

She took his hand with just a little hesitation as she got to her feet, hanging her satchel across her shoulder where it was more comfortable. "Thanks...And I can imagine that the locals would be very mad and would try to blame us for it. We could always try to work it out with them, or do you think that they'd just arrest us?" Or worse. The locals could kill them. She guessed that having tea to calm herself was not being allowed at this moment. "I wonder how the other soldiers faired." The Padawan didn't want to reach out with the Force to see, as she didn't want to attract anymore unwanted attention.
I smiled and nodded my head. She had a good idea, but there was one thing she needed to learn. The larger the event, the more people skipped. They wouldn't look for one person. They would look for many. WIth a bombing that likely had many deaths, they would expect that any who had survived, were nearly dead, or escaped only to die. So our best chance to get away, would be to start moving. Sure it would have been nice to explain everything. But even if you had a chance of surviving, you still had a chance to get taken, or killed. Or worse. Trust me, there is always worse.

"If there were other Jedi with you. Then maybe go to them. But with a Mandalorian Rogue, bombing, air strikes, and more? Now you are pushing it."

Now that the lines were all back up and running, I contacted Alex.

"Bring the ship. Blue flare."

I reached onto the small of my back and pulled out a special slug. Taking my revolver, I traded one of the rounds with the special one, and fired in the air. The bright blue flare lit up in the sky. I reloaded it, and put the weapon up. I put the rifle I had onto the back of the jetpack where magnetic stripes to keep the rifle on my back. I took out a hook with a rope around it.

"This will feel uncomfortable, but trust me, I don't have any feelings for you when I do this."

Taking the rope, I wrapped it around her and myself. Using the loops on my pack to keep it on me. I then took the line and tied it between us. Over head, a ship came to stop. The engines pushing back the tree line by the pure force of thrust. I wrapped my arms around the Jedi.

"Hang on, and please don't scream."

With a snap, the jetpack I had on ignited and sent us up towards the ramp of the ship.

[member="Lady Kay"], [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"],


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
She was used to stopping battles before they happened. Or at least be there afterwards to heal those that she needed to. She wasn't used to being in the thick of things like that. Her late husband wouldn't allow it or approve. He never had to put his foot down often with her, but sometimes it was warranted as she can be quite stubborn at times.

As the Mando tied the rope around her, she knew what he was doing, so she just held onto him as instructed. The Padawan didn't scream as she wasn't really the type. Instead she looked around, searching the ground for any of the soldiers that attacked them. She also saw the devastation from the small bombing campaign and firefight and quietly apoligized to the locals, not that any of them could hear at all. As they neared the ship she just looked up and waited to be brought on board, all the while wondering what she was going to do next or where she'll go. She hadn't enough credits to go very far just yet.

"Thanks again for your help."
The jetpack was strained with my own weight, as well as hers. Even more so that we were wet from going into the lake. Even while the ramp was still open, Alex started flying the ship away. Keeping it low for now, and closed the bay. Instead of having to deal with untying the knot with my gloves on, I simply took out a knife, and cut the rope easily. Sliding it out from behind the Jedi as she thanked me. I simply nodded my head as I got the rope off of me.

"I'm sure you want a hot shower or something to eat, and to get out of those wet clothes. Sadly, I don't have any female clothes in your size. The best I can do is offer some shorts and a t-shirt till your clothes are dry if you find that suitable enough. Go ahead and follow me."

I started moving away towards the quarters and went to the next open room. Currently it had a few pieces of armor strewn about for my project that I was working on currently.

"You can stay for as long as you feel like. I need to put my gear up, so I will see you in a few. Any questions, comments, or snide remarks before I go?"

[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Lady Kay"] [member="Kalyr Alor"]

"Well you took your sweet time," Jaster chatted over an direct channel to the shuttle, "So nice of you to.." Jaster groaned, "my legs busted, how do you," he grunted, "head to the planets moon, hide on the dark side until I call again, I'll get you guys out of here."

Jaster was limping, also being assisted by the only other survivor of the ground team. He was heading for a shuttle that was picking him and the survivor up. It just wasn't a good day, from Jaster check up, his leg took some burns and a falling branch caused his leg to be in pain. This was not looking good at all. The moral of his men were to waver after this, the men most loyal to him died on the planet.

Jasters shuttle launched and headed to the cruiser. As they flew over the forest, he counted the men who died, speaking their names. To be left in such a state was dishonorable, but Jaster was forced to leave for attention.

They left to the cruiser.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Kalyr Alor"] [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"]

To be on a ship again. Well, hopefully this trip was better than the last one. After the Mando escorted her to the quarters, she thanked him again, but there wasn't any need for extra clothes as she had an extra pair of slacks and shirt in her satchel. She smirked as he asked her if she had any snide remarks. "Not at the moment, but when I think of one, I'll let you know." The Padawan smiled and then politely closed the door.

A few minutes later she was changed, her wet clothes plopped in a pile near the door. She soon exited the room, with tea kettle and cup in hand. Maybe now it was safe to relax a little. The Padawan found the little kitchen area and prepared her tea. She made no move to have any of their food, for she remembered that their supply was very low. And besides, she wasn't very hungry anyways.

Once her tea was ready and poured, the Padawan sat down and enjoyed her first sip. She didn't hear Jaster's message. For the moment she just focused on the tea and trying to sort out what had happened in the last twenty-four hours.
[member="Kalyr Alor"] [member="Lady Kay"]

Five Crusader class Corvettes and a single MC80 Liberty type Star Cruiser along with four Pelta-class Medical Frigates exited hyperspace. They formed around the planet and sent out a repeated signal. "This is the Healer Guild 3rd Escort Group, under the Treaty of Monestary, subsection 301, we are here in place of your federal goverment, medical personel and supplys will descend apon responce." The message continued to repeat over the open broadcast channel.

The treaty was real, Healer Guild signed with many nations to assist when needed. This spread their fleet very had and some could only stay for days before leaving to the next planet. Jaster was the fleet commander, pulled strings to get the nearest fleet there. He'd be Barrie's in paperwork for weeks after this, but Jaster didn't want to deal with the Kark. His flagship emerged from the dark side of the moon, joining the escort group, leading the charge.

Most of his troops would be picked up by them, given proper burial.
As the door shut in front of me, I turned and went down the hall to the armory. I looked back to see the door still shut as I put the code in for the door. I then pulled off my helmet to do an eye scan. It was now unlocked to where I entered. Putting my helmet down on the counter, I rubbed my face with my right hand. Opening the cabinet, I took off all of the weapons excluding one of my revolvers. I kept that on my leg. I was about to walk out when I remembered I didn't want the Jedi to see my face for now. I put back on my helm and walked towards the cockpit.

Alex was flying the ship up into the atmosphere as I could hear the Admirals message to the planet. I shook my head and pressed forward on the thrust.

"Get us out of here. Tired of hearing his voice already."

Alex smiled and activated the hyperdrives. It was charging up really fast to where I then made my way towards the main lobby. Looking for the Jedi, I went towards the room she was in. And knocked on the door.

"You don't mind if I come in?"

It was a little awkward to just knock on the door for my own ship. But I didn't want to just walk in and her be in her birthday suit instead of dressed. That would be kind of embarrassing. After I had knocked on the door, we flashed into hyperspace.

[member="Jaster of clan Awaud"], [member="Lady Kay"],


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] [member="Kalyr Alor"]

But she wasn't in there. The Padawan was returning from the kitchen area however, tea cup in hand, feeling that it was better for her to remain the room that she was given, rather than appear to be roaming around his ship and snooping.

"No, I don't mind at all." She wondered if appearing behind him would startle him. Most likely not. She gestured towards the room for him to go in. "After you."
Taking a look behind me as the Jedi told me that I could come in. Looks like she had gotten out and was already doing stuff. Either way, I opened the door and walked in. After getting into the middle, I turned around and nodded my head. We didn't really meet or introduce ourselves yet. Even though we already had been in a life or death situation.

"At the time we didn't introduce ourselves. I go by Kalyr Alor, or Reclaimer."

I offered her my hand. I might as well be formal. I may be considered scum. But I was a gentleman.

[member="Lady Kay"][member="Jaster of clan Awaud"]

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