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Approved Starship Ventress-class Light Cruiser

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Ventress-class Light Cruiser
  • Intent: The purpose of this submission is to provide the Confederacy of Independent Systems with a vessel dedicated to starfighter defense.
  • Development Thread: N/A
  • Image Source: Adamkop
  • Manufacturer: Arakyd Industries
  • Model: Ventress-class Light Cruiser
  • Affiliation: Private Market
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Durasteel, Turadium, Quadranium, Glasteel
  • Classification: Balanced
  • Role: Escort
  • Height: 15 meters
  • Width: 25 meters
  • Length: 100 meters
  • Power Core Generator/Reactor: Solar Ionization Reactor
  • Hyperdrive Rating: Class 1
  • Minimum Crew: 5
  • Optimal Crew: 10
  • Passenger Capacity: 2
  • Cargo Capacity: 300 metric tons
  • Consumables: 2 months
  • Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: Class 5 (SLAM: Class 4)
  • Fast-Mounted Turbolaser Cannons (6)
  • Turbolaser Cannons (6)
  • Quad Laser Cannon Turrets (4)
  • Point-Defense Turrets (2)
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Standard Navigational Systems
  • Standard Sensory Array
  • Standard Communications Array
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Shield Generator Systems
  • Sublight Acceleration Motor
  • Encryption Network
  • Escape Pods
  • Distress Beacon

As the naval forces of the Confederacy continued to grow, it soon became apparent that the nation's specialization laid in the fielding of an exceptional sum of starfighters. Whilst excellent, this specialization's shortcoming was the threat posed by dedicated, anti-starfighter vessels and exceptional advances to flak gun weaponry. In an attempt to remedy this shortcoming, the design teams of Druckenwell Shipyards devised a vessel poised to escort starfighters whilst engaging the aforementioned threats. Dubbed the Ventress-class Light Cruiser, after the famed assassin of the original incarnation of the Confederacy the vessel is an excellent reflection of the durability and reliability produced by Druckenwell Shipyards.

To begin, the basis of the Ventress-class was a corvette of the balanced configuration. However, the size of the original design resulted in a sublight speed that would not be as effective in escorting starfighter formations. To this end, the design was scaled down several meters, resulting in a slightly diminished armament. From here, what remained of the design's warhead launchers were omitted in order to make room for additional armaments in the form of a series of fast-mounted turbolasers and quad laser cannons for defense. Through this selection of weaponry, the Ventress-class is capable of tracking swift-moving vessels that would pose a large threat to starfighters.

As durability is a large concern, the design teams made absolutely certain to construct the vessel's hull and frame out of the same combination of durable metals which characterize the majority of the Confederacy's vessels. These metals consist of Durasteel, Turadium, and Quadranium and result in the Ventress-class' ability to withstand an impressive sum of punishment in the event of shield droppage. Alongside this measure is a non-combative attachment devoted to sublight speed. Known as a SLAM motor, the measure diverts power from the vessel's defensive emplacements in order to temporarily boost its sublight speed. While this leaves the Ventress-class practically incapable of defending itself, it does afford the vessel the ability to temporarily outpace ships of comparable size.

As a whole, the Ventress-class Light Cruiser is a reliable vessel poised to address the dire role of starfighter defense.


I'm Sexy and I Know It
[member="Isley Verd"]
Alright. Lots of issues here.

First off, you have a Balanced Corvette weapon load out and a Balance Corvette durability, sans the warheads and partial hangar capacity, and you have a Support Class speed and maneuverability. Even with those trade-offs and a reduced overall length, you're not going to get Speed 4. I'd suggest dropping the hangar entirely for Speed 4.

Could you link me the SLAM engine, please. I'm not familiar with the Tech submission by that name or designation.

Fast Mounts only allow targeting of speed 4 and up. At best, you'd be shooting dropships with the turbolasers and relying on your actual Defensive weapons for anti-starfighter actions. With that in mind, you'd be far, far better off with an actual support ship for the same roles you want this Balanced ship to do. A support Corvette could literally out do this ship with absolutely no effort in anti-starfighter roles.


I'm Sexy and I Know It
[member="Isley Verd"]
Mkay, few things

What are point-defense "emplacements?" A balanced corvette has six defensive guns. The way it reads is either a single barrel or a battery. On one hand, you're spot on for guns. On the other hand, you're over by six guns. Could you clarify, please?

Also, please link the SLAM engine in the post to make it easy for other members to review what that engine does in more detail should they wish to see the Wookieepedia page.

Lastly, just a minor thing, but it states in the description that you "omitted" the warhead launchers, but going over the gun math, it looks like you converted them to Capital Guns. Could you mention that more clearly please? This one is just me nitpicking 'cause little stuff like that bugs me more than it should >.> You don't have to edit, it'll just bug me is all lol

I've adopted the "bad" habit of labeling my defense guns "emplacements" simply to better differentiate the type at a glance. It's helped when the armament lists get sizable, like on the Grievous. To clarify, those point-defense emplacements are single-barreled, standard defense guns.

The SLAM motor has been linked.

I added mention in the description that the warhead launchers had been omitted to make room for additional armaments. (I'll always humor your nit-picking bby <3 )
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