Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Veman Mando'ade

We are the Veman Mando'ade-​
The True Mandalorians. The upholders of the values of the Mandalorians, the Mando'ade.​
Mandalore the Infernal has betrayed our people, corrupting the sacred ground of Keldabe and of the position of Sole Ruler with the foul darkness of the force, with her manipulations and her constant attempts at weakening the Mandalorian people.​
No longer will we sit idly by and let our people be poisoned, let the great tree of the Mandalorians, it's mighty roots dug deep- be destroyed by this plague. We will burn away the disease and we, with all of our might and strength, set Mandalore down the correct path....the way that we fought our Great War for.​
A: Aren't you the Mand'alor's father?

B: How did the Force Dead Mand'alor corrupt Manda'yaim and the Mando'ade with the Force?

​C: This is, what? The 8th attempt at establishing a Supercommando Codex themed faction?
[member="Preliat Mantis"] I wish some of my questions were answered. Cause all i got is more. I mean, you going to tote True mandalorian and you being the face of this guild makes me wonder. You have turned your back on the Mandalorian Culture almost as many times I have been LOA. So in honest, Prelait as the character is no where near what would be considered a role model for the title of True Mandalorian.

Falcon Rekali

Hey, Falcon here has no fondness for the Empire... but damn, this is saltier than salt, don't you think, [member="Strider Garon"]?

Speck, log, [member="Preliat Mantis"].

Falcon Rekali

[member="Preliat Mantis"]

Your lack of answers to honest questions doesn't inspire people to join your cause. Might I suggest you quit flaking and give these men the answers they seek?
[member="Kad Tor"]

I feel like, since multiple people asked, here is Preliat's reasoning:

All the things we fought for and worked for in the Civil War? Tossed out the window. That's the best way, least convoluted way to explain why the Veman are doing what they're doing at the moment. In their eyes, the Mandalorian Empire is a bastardization of the values that they fought for over the decades that they've been active.

As for who I plan to be the leader, that will come later when the story unfolds.

And no, Strider, this isn't overdone, this is overdue.

I don't want a faction ad to turn into an OOC crapshoot. If you have anymore pertinent questions you're free to ask me over PMs here, or on discord. But I don't want to clog up the faction ad with eighteen million repeating questions from flaky Mandalorian characters who suddenly have a vested interest in what goes on in the Mandalore sector.

Falcon Rekali

[member="Preliat Mantis"]

I think it's fair to ask questions here. That's the point of a faction ad.

Now, may I ask what 'values' are being tarnished here? All I've seen happen with the ME is the relaxing of the 'No Force Users' rule (a rule many were against to begin with, despite it making for a fine story at the time it was implemented - and my other mandos are staunchly anti-FU, when I'm not busy having no life, OOCly, and being absent ICly, due to school and work), to 'No Force Use on Manda'yaim', the death of the traitors, order brought to the clans, and the rebuilding of the homeworld, so I admit I'm a tad perplexed as to the motivations here.

I don't know what isn't being upheld that warrants such a pointed response, so all I ask is a little exposition, please, if you don't mind?
Ads are a great place for people to ask questions about a faction and add insight.

The last civil war was brought on by the presence of Mia Munroe and her ambition to have the mantle of sole ruler. The very woman that had brought destruction to Mandalore. It catalyzed the need to purge the Force Users out of hate and fear that such actions would be repeated again. As much as they proclaimed the force to be a weapon or tool that they could use for the greater good of our people, it had proven to be more of a weapon of mass destruction and needed to be stamped out which forced mandos to take sides and draw upon a war. That was Ra's crusade. Story was beautifly, emotionally powerful.

Then Ra left, and a few of us went inactive. So IC consequence of such, mandalore was left in ruin, barely a spec on the galactic map. Some changes were required and in doing so, our new Mand'alor has turned what was ashes into a up and coming empire that thrives even at the behest of those that wish to see its fall. Yasha made concession to majority and laxed the law of anti force use. She is Sole Ruler and has the prerogative to do as such. The war that was fought is still a success, A traitor is not our Mand'alor. Force users have been trimmed and for the majority of Mandalorians, we are united in common goal and faction.

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