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Approved Species Variese

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Example of Almond-shaped eyes

  • Intent:
    • Create a sub-species of the well known Atrisian people that reside primarily upon the planet Kro Var. An artistic form of making a variation of the Atrisian people who were separated from their true homeworld.
    • To put to the codex years of IC playing with the Imura Family, their culture background as well as allow others easy access into one of the varying cultures of Kro Var to use.
  • Image Credit:
    • Beast Oni - First image, Showing eye structure
    • The Secret Road - Depiction of Hamone being led by Yovshin
    • Ran - Showcase of a Variese City-state
    • Samurai - Image of a Samurai awaiting his Lords
  • Canon:
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links:
  • Name:
    • Variese
    • Kro Phard - Term used by Atrisian's for their cousin species.
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins:
    • Atrisia - Original Homeworld
    • Kro Var - Current Homeworld.
  • Average Lifespan: 120 years
  • Estimated Population: Rare
  • Breathes: Type I
  • Average Height of Adults: 1.8 Meters
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Variation of tans, olive, brown, or "Yellow" skin color.
  • Hair color: Typically Darker colors. Dark browns, Blacks, and rarely a deep red color. Some abnormalities among hair color can produce vibrant colors such as Blue, Red, White, etc.
  • Distinctions: Akin to a baseline Near-human species. Offering all the conventional forms of the body that near-humans have. Four fingers with a thumb on each hand, five toes, ears, nose, the works. One of the many distinctions that lend to a derogatory term for the species is their eyes. Many will have a smaller eye size. More attributed as "Almond shaped" with some calling this a "Squint." This forms the derogatory term of "Squint-eyed."
  • Races:
    • Sakai - Native peoples of the Variese, these are the baseline species most commonly seen. Individuals who are of sentient mind and follow the various dynasties, and live within or just outside of the City-states of Kro Var.
    • Narkun - Considered the "Savages" of the Variese, the Narkun are typically living on their own or in small "Clans" or "Broods" in which practice heavily upon the Shapers of Kro Var ideologies. These people are also known as "Jungle people" due to there most well known attribute of being barely clothed and living in the jungle.
  • Force Sensitivity: High, Most have what the galaxy considers an Attunement to the force. Very weak connection in which powers or abilities are limited to sub-apprentice level at best. It is the ones who have a force sensitivity that are traditionally inducted into the Monks, or are nobles that train within their own families.

An example of a Yovshin leading troops through a Forest

  • To Serve: The Variese have a devout following of Honor, and loyalty to their people. As such, every male member is required to be proficient in some form of Military. Serving as a one of the Hamone is considered one of the greatest honors among their culture. Many typically only serve for a couple years before stepping down to perform other jobs among the community. However, many who work their way up the Military Ranks could find themselves become lifelong members. These Hamone, or simple soldiers can eventually become what is called, Yovshin, or the Officer Ranks within the Military, and finally becoming a Samurai, or a General. While women are more than able and given the chance to join the military and serve their resident lords, They are not required.
  • Blood is thicker than Water: The idea of of a "Family" or a "Dynasty" is heavily influenced within the culture. Taken from their cousins of the Atrisians, many Dynasties own areas of land upon Kro Var, but act akin to a City-state. Where the surrounding area is governed by the Dynasty or Family of Lords and Ladies. With this, many of the families seek to keep their bloodlines pure, and will often have negotiated marriages between different Dynasties. Rarely would someone bring in someone who is not of another City-state or an Offworlder. Family for them is everything, and acts as a governing force. What one member of the family may do, reflects upon the entirety of the Dynasty as a whole.
  • Weaponmasters: With the heavy influence of a military based culture, the Variese are known for their usage of various melee weaponry in honor duels, and often use them for actual combat. Utilizing weapons that are reminiscent of Jar'Kai Dueling swords, Jedi Katanas, Wan-Shen, Quarterstaves, Dueling Knives, and more of unique designs. With a wide usage of such weaponry, typically a Dynasty will have one member who is considered a Master of a specific weapon, while most are trained with a couple.
  • Martial Arts: Many Monks or healers of the Variese prefer to not use weapons. As such, many within the culture have access to hand to hand combat techniques. While Hamone, Yovshin, and Samurai are known to train in Martial arts, they typically are not masters of such art comparable to Monks of the Ao'Sydana Faith. Much of this training stems from teaching of Jar'Kai, and Teras Kasi, as well as their own natural art of "Jenkeko", "Way of the Gjira", Or "Way of the Armored Dragon."
  • "Fate Lines": The Variese have a very rare but possible chance to have the natural affinity for an ability of the force many call, Shatterpoint. The usage, and viability of this "Fate Line" that a member may see, is dependent upon how versed they are with the ability. Someone gifted with this would likely be able to just see a "Crack" in a sword or be able to tell within detail of a fault in something just by looking at it, but would be unable to replicate it on command. In order to procure this ability to become stronger and more viable, one has to train in it extensively.
  • Bound by the Code of Honor: As any respectable member of the culture, the Variese value honor above all else. Types of honor can be; Personal Honor, Familial Honor, Dynasty Honor, and Culture Honor. With each form of Honor expanding upon what is considered self respecting, this code of honor given is mostly followed by members of the Military, and those of any Nobility. With a Culture surrounding the idea of the Noble families being a Military might, and Nobles typically being long time members of the military, they too, are held to this code of honor. Stooping below such code can earn oneself dishonor, judgement according to the law, or even removal from a family or inheritance so that the dynasty or family can save face of the individual who broke the code.
  • Rare Few: The ancestral home of the Variese is Atrisia. This is assumed of Atrisians who had crash landed alongside those who started the Force following of the Shapers of Kro Var. Due to this, there is an extremely rare few of the Variese that is limited to only a handful of City States on Kro Var that are rather small in size and fairly secluded from the rest of the inhabitants. Coupled with the extreme xenophobia of outsiders being introduced into a family causes their numbers to barely stay stagnant. Let alone attempt to raise high enough to be a formidable force. Often, people who see Variese upon the planet of Kro Var, do so in passing out in the wilderness.
  • Xenophobia: As with any kind of species that is secluded primarily to one planet, they tend to have a healthy dose of Anti-everyone else. This doesn't help with the population numbers as well as makes it difficult for other peoples to learn of their culture. If any members of other species are within the walls of a City-state, it is either because they are a prisoner, or they are guests of a very rare few members who might be open to talking to others. However, outsiders are never left on their own.
  • Bacta Allergy: Over the many years of spending upon a planet, a very common trait of the Variese is an allergic reaction to Bacta. It is unsure of where this allergy stems from. Many believe it is due to the usage of other natural herbs as well as influence of healing from the monks that have made them susceptible to Bacta. This allergic reaction can vary in severity, anywhere from hives, itchy skin, difficulty breathing, even severe reactions where the air pathways close up and cause suffocation. Instead many of the Variese rely upon the usage of a planet called Ferns Sanitas for healing usage. As this plant is a known Kro Var native plant that can be used for healing properties and has since spread through the galaxy in some capacity.
  • Little dab-a-do-yah!: With a majority of medicinal treatments relying upon the land, or the force itself, many of the Variese have a very low tolerances to drugs, alcohol, and the like. While this tolerance can be strengthened over years, such as the case of any kind of drug, typically it will take half or even a third of the dosage required to make a member have the same effects as another Near-human species.

Showcase of a Variese City-state

  • Diet: Omnivore, Typical foods are grains, beans, vegetables, fruits, and dairy. Meats are eaten, but are considered a delicacy. Having a meal with meat is typically reserved for special occasions, or are commonly eaten by nobility or wealthy individuals within a City-state. Hunting animals without the proper certification is illegal for this primary reason. Preserving animals and other species upon the planet, as their religion follows the ideology that animals, and creatures are reincarnated beings of themselves. These creatures range in their importance, but typically the harder it is to find said creature, the more valued it is as a "reincarnated being." An example would be, its okay to eat Rabbits due to their high production rate and low value on the reincarnation spectrum, where as a Gijira or a Sydana would be considered heresy to hunt and consume. However, Many are known to have a very low tolerance for drugs, alcohol and the like. With a majority of the population having a weak to severe reaction to Bacta.
  • Communication: Communication is typically given in their own language of Varinese, named after their own species. However, Galactic Basic is known by commoners/peasants and High Galactic is typically reserved to those of the noble class. Some Monks of the Ao'Sydana faith have known to use telepathy in limited forms, as all Monks are inducted due to their force sensitivity.
  • Technology level: Mixed in its technology level. For the majority of peasants technology is below the standard galactic idea of modern technology. Using beasts of burden, hand tools, living in self built homes, and having little more than colored cloth in the shape of clothing. The closer one is to the City-state, the more likely they are to be found with technology that progressively becomes closer to standard Galactic "Modern" technology. More over, The wealthy or the nobles within the City-state will likely have up to date, or even in some cases, superior technology than that of the Galactic Standard.
  • Religion/Beliefs: The Religions of the Variese are quite different in its structure, and who follows such teachings. These are the most notable ones that follow.
    • Monks of the Ao'Sydana Faith - These monks are stereotypical monks. Holed up in their temples, or structures of faith. Dressing in robes or in times of war, lightly armored robes. Many will carry with them canes, staffs, or quarterstaffs that double as a walking aid. These monks are looked too as almost shamans, or healers of the culture. Individuals who are blessed with the gift of the force. Providing aid, insight, or otherwise being "upstanding citizens" who are not held to some of the same standards of the rest of the culture. Members who are found to be force sensitive are inducted into the monks, instead of being forced into the Military. As Monks they serve the community as a whole, and will almost always become lifelong members. Practicing the faith of the Ao'Sydana. The native Dragons that are found to be extremely rare upon the surface of Kro Var. These Dragons are worshiped as gods or deities in which the gift of the force was given to the near-humans of Kro Var. The monks to believe in reincarnation, but have it quantified as an aspect of personal honor of the individual. Thus, a person who is known to be extremely honorable would more likely be reborn as one of these dragons or other mythical creatures of Kro Var. The name of the Faith is named after one of the most mythical creatures on Kro Var called the Sydana, upon which the sentient, Force Sensitive Race is named after the supposed "God" of this Race called Ao'Sydana. A belief that these dragons control the very elements themselves and are the physical manifestation of the elements and the Force itself.
    • Pha-Tao - Pha-Tao is the commonly known faith of general reincarnation. Many believe that is is born of a persons honor, or the overall value they have brought to the community, their families, and their lords around them. Such phrases of "Honor be upon you." is a blessing that one of the faith would be given honor of the natural order of life and thus be reborn as a significant creature, or reborn as a one of them again so that they could try again. While there are no deities of Pha-Tao, it is the general consensus of a majority of peasants and lowerclass individuals.
    • Inuari - The term used for creatures or beings that are "demonic" or otherwise considered anti-divine. Creatures that go bump in the night or are used as folktales to make children behave. While many of them are clearly fake, such creatures as Tuk'ata, Terentateks, and other Sithspawn are known to be referenced under various names describing them as monsters.
  • General behavior:
    • Government - Dynasties: The government bodies of the Variese primarily lay on the foundation of "Lords" with the Lord of a Dynasty being the head. A Dynasty is a collection of Families under one roof. In an example, The direct descendants of the Reining lord would be next in line to claim the throne. However, The siblings of said lord, would also be under the Dynasty and thus their own children are also apart of the Dynasty. However, they are separated into their immediate families. Thus, a reining lord of a Dynasty could be a singular family for generations, OR it could be handed off to a different family in a multitude of ways. While rarely done in the form of a Coup, it has been done in the past. In many cases, it is due to the Reining Lord either having no children who can claim the throne due to a young age, the children do not wish to resume the families and thus give it to a Cousin, or a cousin outside the reining family, marries into it and becomes the eldest lord to take over. These are just examples of how a Dynasty would be handed down. The offspring of a Lord are trained to become Lords later in life, and are typically only given the role to males. However, there have been rare cases of a female claiming the title of a Lady and becomes the head of State.
    • Government - Military: The military is set up in three larger brackets. The highest being Samurai, Mid-tier of Yovshin, and lowest tier of Hamone.
      • Samurai are the leaders of the military. Acting as Generals of an Army, or Commanders of a Legion. These Samurai are extremely well trained in combat, and tactics. Furthermore, being tied into the Dynasties, Nobles of an elder age would be given the rank of a General or a Commander acting directly under that of the Reining Lord's Family. These Generals and Commanders otherwise, are men and on the rare occasion women who have proven at every chance given, that they are the best at what is offered among the people of a City-state.
      • Yovshin, named after the known Yovshin Swordsmen of the Atrisian populace, are the officer ranks of the Military. Tying in with the Nobles, younger members of a Family or Dynasty are typically thrown in here to hold a low ranking officer position. Allowing them to command at the smallest, a fireteam that act as guards for the noble in question. Otherwise, Yovshin are Officers who are commissioned of Citizens from the City-state itself. More often than not, they are City dwellers who have joined the military for the explicit purpose of staying in the military in a life-long career. There are many times when Hamone can move up in the ranks and prove themselves worthy to become officers.
      • Hamone are the enlisted troops. The bare bones footsoldiers of any military where they rise from the very bottom of the society hoping to become officers one day. The most common sight is a poor peasant that wishes to obtain glory, fame, and honor for one's family, attempts to join in an effort to aid and contribute to their society. Most men who are enlisted to join as a requirement of the culture will be placed here for an amount of time before either choosing to continue the serving of their City-state, or can opt out and be sent home with commendations to have the ability to move within the walls of said City-state.
    • Civilians - City Dwellers: Many who live within the confines of the city would be considered an "Average citizen." Typically taking jobs such as an Armorer, Artist, Blacksmith, Servant work, Industrial construction, Janitorial jobs, etc. The typical "thankless" jobs of a society in which operate and function as the backbone of any City-state. City dwellers are more commonly referred to by the name of their City-state. An example would be a Citizen of the City-state "Kissike" would be named a "Kissikan."
    • Civilians - Sotogawa: A term used for anyone who lives outside the City-State, but still operates for said Government body. Typically these people are Farmers, Industrial Construction workers, Some cases Monks, and even in extremely rare cases, members of the Narkun. These individuals are considered Civilians in every meaning of the word, but are often referred to as peasants or the Labor Class of individuals. Many of the Sotogawa are not required to be sent into the City to become one of the Hamone, but are given the open opportunity to do so.

Image of a Samurai Awaiting his Lords
  • 2000-1000 BBY - The New Sith Wars are taking place, with the loss of a ship that was fleeing from the Ruusan campaign. This ship held survivors, and refugees that crash land upon the planet later known as Kro Var.
  • 800-200 BBY - The Galactic Republic had found the people of Kro Var. Once refugees, have now seperated into various Clans in which practice a Dark Side version of Alter Environment called "Shaping." It is unsure how successful these attempts in reintegrating the Shapers into society was.
  • 424 ABY - The height of the galaxy was met and continued to flourish. With the reconstruction of many planets, desolate ones had become havens and were procured with more life than before. Kro Var became a planet that was host of various fauna and flora unlike ever before.
  • 426 ABY - With the Plague in full force due to failed attempts at stopping it, Kro Var closed all ports and efforts in an attempt to prevent the Unknown Region planet from being infected itself.
  • 835 ABY - With the Plague all but considered sterile, Most records of the Kro Var while lost, seem to be found over time. With Clans reforming.
  • Late 835- Late 836 ABY - Due to the Clockwork Rebellion, any attempts of the Variese to reach outward were quashed.
    • Morna Imura becomes one of the few first Variese people to leave their City-states, as well as Kro Var as a whole to become known to the Galaxy.
    • Multiple attempts by him and others to start a Galactic Entrance for the Shapers start but ultimately fail.
  • 844 ABY - The Netherworld opens up across various places of the galaxy. The Brother of Morna, Nickolas Imura was seen here attempting to fight his brother in the Netherworld and prevent his soul from escaping. It is unsure the result.
    • Nickolas returns a change man to the City-States of the Variese and attempt to unify them under his banner through fear and oppression.
    • Failing to do so, this causes mass war between the Variese themselves and secluded themselves even further from any other outsiders of their culture.
    • Ignis Imura, Caleo Imura, and Damian Imura are born shortly after.
  • 845 ABY - Nickolas, one of the most well known Fire Shapers and Variese goes across the galaxy joining various Dark Sided organizations in an attempt to gain power.
    • Ignis and Caleo are trained in the force, while Ra'Syn grows among his own family as cousins to the Imura Dynasty.
  • 851 ABY - Ignis leaves home and joins the Je'daii, begining the hunt of Nickolas to bring him to justice for his Sith and Dark Sided actions against his Dynasty. Ignis as the oldest son of Morna is tasked with becoming the reining lord of the Imura Dynasty.
  • 858 ABY - Ignis marries his love and loses her to complications of childbirth. In his rage he kills almost all of his family with only Ra'syn, and a handful of members left of the Dynasty.
  • 859-862 ABY - Ra'Syn and his family attempt to rebuild their Dynasty while Ignis goes across the galaxy forming Death Cults and later Joins the New Imperial Order.
  • 864 ABY - Ra'Syn, as the last potential member of the Imura Dynasty to be a Lord, leaves his family in the task of doing what Ignis once did. To right the wrongs of a corrupted man. Joining the Je'daii Order while also continuing to reform the Variese to become open to the galaxy as a whole.
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Chaaj Priest Chaaj Priest

This is a good submission. I’ve been looking at this for the past couple of days, and I really like it.

Over the past couple of days I’ve been debating the image in your second image credit, Amazon Jungle. While there are no details showing, it is more than evident that the woman is topless. You are going to have find a different image.

Everything else on this submission is great! Love the work you put into that. Go ahead and tag me when you get that edit made please.

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