Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vanity Hello? [Zambranos | OS]

Panatha, the most tenuous stretch of control the One Sith could muster. Pravus had heard tale from his various employers of a castle on the hill, covered in darkness and founded by fire. The way they worded it, one could hardly imagine it as simple fantasy. After all, these weren't the type heavily burdened with an artists touch. Nothing existed for them lest it land in plain site. Of course, the description was entirely lacking and for the mind that wandered about in the line between dreams and reality, the imperfect visualization needed remedy.

The transport ship cut through the darkened sky of the planet, more rust than anything else. Killing people only afforded so much money but the knowledge that came from the scraps, one could hardly put a price on it. Like the scientists of old, dependent on ghouls and cadavers for their schooling, Pravus took a more forward approach to his specimens. Gripping his hand against the dash, he could almost feel the muck between his fingers. Viscous, gushy, slimy. Beautiful. The hankering for more knowledge often resembled spontaneous blood thirst, but it soothed the wicked soul to have more divine reasoning to justify the gore and sacrifice. Lifting his hand towards the cabin ceiling, he slammed his fist into the dash.

"Land! You stupid ship! LAND!"

The lights blared in response to the unnecessary gesture. The man wasn't exactly equipped for flight, particularly the taking off and landing bit. Hence the state of the ship, lacking in many modifications, as he squandered what credits were left on a voice command navigation system. Though it had its quirks, it responded well enough to his high pitched voice. Cutting hard, the display lit up with contours that showed the proposed landing location.

"Yes yes, that looks fine!" He waved to the thing, absentmindedly.

Hitting the button, and then a good deal more for good measure, the thrusters kicked on to place the ship outside of the Vain Hollow Keep. As the ship crunched upon dry soil, cracking beneath extended metal feet, the ramp ejected. Hunching down, Pravus moved out slowly and descended the ramp. It wasn't until he turned that he was given full view of the castle. The spires, the black coiling upon black, and the storm in the background. The way the lightning hit the dirty sky, contrasting against the tan soil and cliffs outstretched in the distance.

"My...Vahl!" Moving forward, he lumbered as he dragged the vibrant tails of the robe along with him. "It's..." Lifting his hands into the sky, fingers curled into a fist. "So beautiful!" He pulled his elbow to his face, wiping away a tear, as he caught his breath. Coming into atmosphere, he had missed the dark and dank labs his employers had provided him for his spare time and hobbies. But now, standing on Panatha, he couldn't be more enthused. Seemingly quick to ramble, the man moved towards the castle in search of the entrance.

[member="Darth Gilda"] | [member="Darth Prazutis"] | [member="Darth Vornskr"] | [member="Natasa Zambrano"] | [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"] | [member="Harley"] | [member="Soeht"]
Tricia did well to hide a swelling of heartbroken disappointment at the words of the God-King, her expression falling beneath the shadow of wilted hope. Another sigh, a dreary nod, "As you say, Your Eminence."

Veronica, however, was nothing short of ready to burst from the attention received by the man on the throne. She smiled wonderingly, maintaining an averted gaze as Kaine twisted her hair around his fingers and spoke words that sounded to her like simple, sweet nothings in her ear. Bright white teeth, clean and straight, showed through red lips split in a wide grin, the young woman twisting away with a hop as he dismissed her and skipping gleefully back to her mother, "Did you see, mother?"

"Come, stand off to the side, see what dear?"

"He touched me, teeheeee!" those gilded locks bounced with her stride as she moved into place out of the way for whoever this other guest might be.

Tricia smiled wearily at her daughter, gently patting her hand that she held in her own, brow knit at the girl's seeming incapability to understand what had just transpired, "I'm very proud of you."

"Heee," Veronica held up the lock of hair he'd played with, swinging it from side to side, "I'll never wash this curl again."

"Quiet now darling."

Veronica closed her mouth, biting on her lips, and continued to play with the curl. Hmmmnnnnn!

[member="Natasa Zambrano"] [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"]
Enroute to Vain Hollow Keep, Panatha
Two decades of exile from the realm of God-King and the skies of Panatha was as dark as Korinna had remembered them. Dim light would occasionally penetrate through the altostratus clouds that blanketed the entire planet even when there was no overcast. The weather of Zambrano homeworld was peculiar; turbulent, stormy and generally unstable, very much like the prevailing sentiment within Korinna's extended family. She leaned forwards in the seat of the transport dispatched to collect her from the starport, dark eyes settling onto the ominous spires of Vain Hollow ripping the torrid clouds in the distance. The edifice that in every way represented the uyielding reing of Kaine Zambrano was indeed worthy of a Sith of his renown and aspirations, with overt ambition to carve his name in galactic history, preferably by blood of infants of his enemies. As an archeologist, the thought of someone finding artifacts embued with the presence of her uncle was rather entertaining. Thousands of years in the future, dark scholars would dissect Kaine's legacy while attempting to decypher the scrolls where he recorded his thoughts on the Sith.

And here she was, Korinna Zambrano, not only related to the God-King by blood directly, but also enjoying his patronage during her studies across the known universe. The ebony-haired woman sat back and smiled mysteriously to herself, then pulled the hood of her velvet cloak over her head to conceal most of her face. A part of her wondered if her uncle would let her become his chronicler, to record the legends of conquests, his reflections and philosophy that stemmed from commandeering the One Sith. She hadn't spoken to him since she was seven, but the memories Korinna nurtured were diametrically opposite to what most had experienced. She remembered him as an individual who had genuine concerns for her well being and kept every desire she had as a child satiated, be it for toys or dresses. Even when she was reallocated offworld to attend the finest schools, gifts were a regular occurence, a package with the Panatha royal stamp left in her mailbox every now and then. On her tenth birthday, the final gift had arrived; a book bound in dark red leather, its covers worn and shabby from frequent use. Inside, a single piece of paper with an inscription written in ink - Read. But how can one read in a language she did not understand, the young Zambrano thought?

The very same book had made its way back to Panatha, back to its original owner. The palm of Kori's hand slid across the cover carved with symbols, almost lovingly, as if was the most precious thing in the universe. Vornskr had sent her his own personal copy of Book of the Sith, for her to study. The daughter of Demetrius Zambrano would return to her home planet when she was not only done reading it upon reading ancient Sith language, but when she understood it. That day had finally come.

The transport had docked on a landing platform at the foot of the spires, with Kori making way out of of it and onto Panathan soil. She looked up at the towers of Vain Hollow and drew a deep breath, filling her lungs with brisk air that smelled of rain and rot. She drew the book closer to her chest before turning to one of the guards who had been sent to escort her inside.
"Korinna Zambrano, to see his Majesty, the God-King." she announced and sunk deeper into her cloak, her prominent Epicantix features vanishing from plain sight.

Daughter of Demetrius Zambrano had finally returned home, ready to return the masterpiece to its rightful owner, and speak accolades of it, in fluent ancient Sith.

[member="Darth Prazutis"] | [member="Darth Vornskr"] | [member="Natasa Zambrano"] | [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"] | [member="Harley"] | [member="Soeht"] | [member="Darth Gilda"]
Prazutis watched with an utter lack of apathy as Kaine overlooked Veronica, a look of disappointment forming on his face as he told her she would never be a true Zambrano. The young woman however didn't seem to be disappointed in the slightest as she skipped across the floor and back to her mothers side. Foolish, Naive he thought to himself shaking his head in disappointment. Just as his nephew began explaining to the group the hustle and bustle of the crowds Prazutis' comlink exploded in communications chatter, causing him to turn away as he focused on all the voices. "My Lord there are two ships inbound requesting entry to the private hangar." A Crownguard said in a voice devoid of emotion.

"What are the passengers?" Prazutis replied back to him in a whisper.

"Aboard the one registered is Joycelyn and Evaelyn Zambrano. The other is bearing the house sigil: Korinna Zambrano."

Just great more of the family showing up and now Darth Apparatus was on his way up. They certainly didn't expect all this foot traffic but it wasn't usual to see this many people. The Zambrano Keep atop the mountain was massive in size, let alone all the tunnels and rooms honeycombed inside and the secret labyrinth under it. "Clear them for landing and send a retinue to meet them." Prazutis said as he looked over to his master, once more reaching out to the God-Kings mind "Forgive my interruption master. Two of your daughters Joycelyn and Evaelyn are arriving. Your niece Korinna is also going to be landing in the hangar shortly, should I have the family moved to a different chamber while you greet Lord Soeht?"

Just then his comm exploded yet again "My Lord apologies for the interruption but we have an unauthorized landing outside of the citadel. They didn't answer any of our hails." For a ship to even be allowed to land unauthorized like that can mean one of a few things: It had one or no passengers, the craft had no weapons, or they somehow evaded the weapons targeting systems, or someone made a mistake. If it was a mistake it would be one that would be repaid in blood by whatever Palace Security officer made it. "Confirmed. On my authority send a party of Horde Guard to bring them in, alive and unharmed."

The Imperial Horde Guard were an large, elite force of graug warriors that also operated with the Palace Guard in the lower levels of Vain Hollow. They were the elite troopers from the Iron Horde of Fornow. A sizeable party of roughly a dozen graug warriors armed to the teeth surged forth through the massive gates, wicked creatures as if they were belched from the depths of the abyss.

[member="Darth Vornskr"] | [member="Darth Gilda"] | [member="Natasa Zambrano"] | [member="Soeht"] | [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"] | [member="Evaelyn Zambrano"] | [member="Korinna Zambrano"] | [member="Harley"] | [member="Pravus Zambrano"]
Natasa was finally given the signal to rise - although it was a barely perceptible hand gesture, and she had to squint to make it out, while also trying not to make eye contact with her father. So complicated. Her knees creaked as she stood back up, hands clasped in front of her in, the picture of a proper lady.

But it appeared that Vain Hollow was more congested this weekend than CocoTown on a Saturday night. The pale-skinned, red-lipped Zambrano could sense that activity was afoot. And even though everything in the throne room remained carefully choreographed, there was a mild undercurrent of unease and disorder. She'd had some difficulty hearing the exchange between the unusually blonde Zambrano and her father, but the lilt in Tricia's voice said everything she needed to know. It dropped down a few octaves at a time like a waterfall over descending stepping stones until it reached the bottom where disappointment pooled.

And then, much like at any normal family gathering across the galaxy, Natasa's thoughts turned to boredom, boredom turned to hunger, and suddenly she very much wanted to figure out when dinner was being served.

Why, if it's not for a few hours, she thought, I'll just go off and find my own.

This idea cheered her immensely.

[member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Darth Gilda"] [member="Darth Prazutis"] [member="Soeht"] [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"] [member="Evaelyn Zambrano"] [member="Korinna Zambrano"] [member="Harley"] [member="Pravus Zambrano"]
Harley was still knelt down, wondering when the feth she be allowed to rise. Though she was listening into the conversation, she heard something about him complaining about her blond hair. He did not sound happy, but then again the old coot was never happy, well unless he was removing skin from a living enemy, then he was very happy. She did wonder why she had blond hair though, as she was pure blood. Her mum had brown hair, but she did not know her father was, well then again he did pay for night with her mum. She then realized her knee was starting to get wet, which was a little gross. Force only knew how many bottles of wine, she was going have to decanter later. Also if food was going to be need to brought in from McYoda, and all the other tasks she might have to do. Well at least it was not christmas get together, as then she had bodies to get rid off.

[member="Natasa Zambrano"] [member="Darth Prazutis"] [member="Korinna Zambrano"] [member="Darth Gilda"] [member="Pravus Zambrano"] [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"] [member="Soeht"]
Just as he crested the hills, paltry tan things ornately decorated by a bland nothingness, he spotted those black gates. And how they swung open with a certain finish, the sort of distressed temperament he had looked to instill in his own workings. New, but old. Shiny, but peppered with rust. And all the while, amidst his musings on the decor of the exterior of the keep, he failed to recognize the large figures moving out from it. Not until they were upon him.

Lifting his hands, to show he was unarmed, he looked across the wicked features of the Graug. Their smell, they way them seemed to snarl as they breathed, the way they seemed to be angry for no reason at all. Delightful.

"Gentlemen...Gentlemen! I mean you no harm!"

Not at the moment, anyway. They lifted their weapons, brandishing them towards the would-be sorcerer.

"Name! And Clearance!"

He sneered at the simplicity of the creatures and their desires. To be nothing but guards, what a sad thing. Such promise could have been put to true purpose, true study and knowledge. But alas, not all great things were meant for greatness.

"I am Pravus Zambrano. I'm here to see...well, I don't quite know!"

"Zambrano?" One said, equipped with a dull look and a drop of his weapon aim. The others followed suit.

"Mmm, yes." Pravus nodded excitedly, wringing his long fingers together. "May I go to the castle now?"

"Come with us!"

One moved to grab Pravus by the elbow. He deflected with a jerk of his arm away, scooting across the ground as he glared towards the beast. "I can see where I'm going. No need for touching!" He vowed to dissect that one for trying. Biding his time, he rebelliously nodded his head towards the castle. The man and his offender shared a moment of silence before acquiescing to the momentum of the battalion, heading in to the gate.

[member="Darth Prazutis"] | [member="Darth Vornskr"] | [member="Natasa Zambrano"] | [member="Harley"] | [member="Korinna Zambrano"] | [member="Darth Gilda"] | [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"] | [member="Soeht"]
Vain Hollow Keep, Panatha.

Tick, tick, tick tick tick, tick tick.

Silence for a moment.

Ahhh, Anthony… good- Hmm.” Chaddeus took a moment to ponder the natural conclusion to that sentence. “It is so darn difficult to figure out what time of day it is, what with the eternal darkness, gloom and thunder in the sky, no?

Y-yes, sir?

The elderly man nodded back with a soft twinkle behind those crispy white-blues.

I have decided that this is a morning time of day. So good morning to you, my dear, dear boy.”

S-sir.” the tone of the guard’s voice went slightly up. Almost as if it was a question rather than a statement of acceptance.

But Chaddeus had already moved on.

Tick, tick tick. His smoothly polished cane, brown pacinian wood imported from one world or the other, tapped a steady interval on the floor as its wielder walked his walk.

Morning, Samwell.” Chad would greet one of the aides walking by. Sam nodded with a nervous smile, before trying to outpace his speed even more.

These people. A herd of piglets just waiting for the eventual slaughter. How disappointing.

Chaddeus pulled a lever behind an unlit torch. Lo, behold, a secret passageway appeared. After a brief look behind him - ensuring that nobody was following - the Chad slipped through the small alcove and wandered into the depths of the keep.
Minutes - multiple ones - passed, until the Lord Zambrano finally reappeared once again.

Behind him the wall closed itself, reforming into one solid mass of solidness. Vain Hollow was positively filled to the brink with passageways such as these. Only his dearest cousin truly knew how many there were, but Chaddeus liked to use the few he knew of.

It was nice to be able to wander through the dark with only your own thoughts as your company.

He pushed open a door. One of the few adjacent doors that gave entry to the throne room itself.

There were a lot of people here today. Usually it was just the brooding Dark Lord, his brother and the eternally silent guards. But now it seemed the entire family had gathered before the Black Iro-

Wait, did he still use that alias?

Sometimes it was difficult to keep track of all the different nicknames.

Patiently the old Lord wove his way through the room.

Tick, tick, tick, tap.

Constantly keeping to the sidelines and away from the spotlight, until he finally reached his actual destination.

M’lady Tricia, little Veronica, what a pleasant surprise.”

Anyone who knew Chaddeus would know that was hardly a truthful statement, considering the old, wrinkled man had his fingers in most pies. Few things truly escaped his notice.

[member="Darth Gilda"] | [member="Darth Prazutis"] | [member="Darth Vornskr"] | [member="Natasa Zambrano"] | [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"] | [member="Harley"] | [member="Soeht"] | [member="Pravus Zambrano"] | [member="Aeron Zambrano"]
"Lord Chaddeus," Tricia gave a doe-eyed smile at the man, offering her hand in greeting, and then in a much softer tone over a fading expression, "Rederick sends his regards."

"Chaaaaaaad," Veronica hissed at the man with barely contained excitement, narrowly waiting for the exchange between the man and her mother to complete before snaking in to hug him, beaming from ear to ear.

"Veronica is overjoyed to see her family," Tricia added quietly, eyes straying towards the throne and along those other myriad assorted faces. A momentary pause as she glanced [member="Natasa Zambrano"] still waiting her turn. Poor thing, would she ever get beckoned forward?

"Oh," Veronica blinked and rubbed at her cheek with a giggle as she pulled away from Chaddeus, "prickles."

[member="Chaddeus Zambrano"]
[member="Darth Gilda"]

The pleasant expression shifted down.

Whilst some of their illustrious family might have no respect for Rederick and his condition Chaddeus could only remember the man in his prime. Respectable, commendable, a family man to the core and an accomplished businessman.

At least one person here thinks fondly of your husband, Tricia.”

The fact that Rederick left Panatha to pursue his business had always saddened him, but Chad understood.

Few men could stay here and remain sane.

Sometimes he himself wondered how he did it, but any number of those contemplations washed away in the wind as a Veronica burst into him and gripped him in a very, very strong hold. Squeezed him tight and held him there.

Oef.” Chad patted her head and hair gently. “Little, little Nicky, oh so grown-up already.”

I like what you did with your hair.”

As she pulled away Chaddeus shifted his attention to the court, before going back to Tricia.

How long will you be staying with us?
The doors to the throne room opened. The family [member="Darth Prazutis"] mentioned was still here. Soeht entered. He wore his standard attire - armor plenty of lightsabers strapped to his waist. The cold greeted [member="Darth Vornskr"]. Two guards were escorting Soeht. Their journey from the gates was indeed a long one.

While others held Darth Vornskr’s attention, Soeht waited near the throne room’s entrance until the Keep’s lord could turn his focus toward Soeht.
"Darling," Tricia tempered her daughter's rising enthusiasm with a subtle glance, "inside voice."

Veronica quelled the high-pitched squeal working its way up through her chest, "Ohhh," she breathed an excited but hushed tone at Chaddeus, "you do? Father says I'm beautiful and all the boys will love me."

A frown took the older woman's face as her gaze panned from Chad to the arrival of [member="Soeht"] at the chamber entrance. She didn't know who this armor-clad man was, but certainly he was important--or dangerous--to warrant the placement of the royal guard where before there had been none. Her eyes flickered towards the throne once more before finally returning to Chad, her voice carefully quiet, "Staying? Well...why don't we have a talk after this?"

[member="Chaddeus Zambrano"]
Location: Pancanth countryside, not too far from Vain Hollow, Baroness Gerhild’s estate

Slava had just finished alphabetizing her collection of rare books on Pancanth history (geological surveys, architecture, genealogy records, and other incunabula). Already today, she’d tended to her rose garden, went horseback riding, and had accomplished some hand-weaving on a loom, working on a tapestry to hang in her study.

Suddenly and distastefully, she threw her craft project across the room, the threads unraveling, essentially erasing all of the hard work she’d done so far that day. Slava, you are thirty-seven, not seventy-seven, she thought. Even her own beloved hobbies were not causing her any joy today, not to mention making her feel like an ancient crone. But just because Natasa is in Vain Hollow not, it’s not as if I can’t be in touch with her, she mused.

Back in the throne room of the dark Zambrano citadel, Natasa’s own datapad rang, making a high-pitched chiming noise. Blushing, since she’d forgotten to turn the blasted device on silent, she slipped out of the room in order to take the call. The air in the corridor outside was much fresher, less stifling and thick with the smell of incense, sycophancy and fear.

It was her mother. Of course.

But this could be a blessing in disguise, thought Natasa, walking down the hallway, holocalling her mother back. She glanced momentarily at the stoic guards outside of the throne room, standing as still as vacant suits of armor in a museum. She was now unchaperoned again and still longed to explore the secret passageways in the mysterious palace. And if she couldn’t find any of them, she’d go back to the kitchen.

“Natasa, darling, how is your stay?” Slava cooed into the phone.

“It’s fine, Mother.”

“Where are you now?”

“I just finished meeting Father,” she said, smugly as she knew her mother would want to hear all of the details.

“Done?!? Where are you going now?”

“I’m off to the kitch-"

“You get right back into that throne room now, Natasa! Bah, the kitchen! You have an audience with the King of Panatha, and you want to play hide and seek in the palace?!? Haven’t I taught you anything?!?!”

Sometimes Natasa is such a child still, Slava thought. When would she wake up and realize she was a Zambrano? A half-breed afforded at least what the watered-down-blood bastards were granted – a name, an audience with the Black Iron Tyrant, access to the finest professors and Sith Lords for education, perhaps more if they showed promise.

Natasa sighed and said, “Okay.” But she had no intention of going back.

“Darling, do you think you can ask if I may visit?” she asked in a sweeter tone of voice. “Once you are in the good graces of [member="Darth Vornskr"], I’d love to pay him a visit. It’s been far too long since we’ve seen each other.”

“Sure. I’ll mention it.” After I go to have an evening meal, Natasa thought.

“Thanks, Love. Call me later with the details.”

As she hung up the holocall, Slava rose from her chair and gazed out of the window at her Pancanth estate. She had over two million acres of rich, fertile land at her disposal. Surely the Zambrano family could use that in some way, shape or form.

[member="Darth Gilda"] [member="Darth Prazutis"] [member="Soeht"] [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"] [member="Evaelyn Zambrano"] [member="Korinna Zambrano"] [member="Harley"] [member="Pravus Zambrano"] [member="Chaddeus Zambrano"]
[member="Darth Gilda"]

“I am sure they will, dear.” The Chad reaffirmed his belief in Veronica’s… sex appeal with the boys without skipping even one beat. His gaze followed that of Tricia and landed on the new visitor they had.


Hmm. How curious.

Chaddeus tried his best to steer clear from that particular region of politics. The Sith did as they would do and there was little that the aging Lord could do about that for now, it was best to just weather the storm for now.

One eyebrow rose when she suggested they… talked later.

“I… think that can be arranged.” The Chad answered carefully.
Natasa ended the call with her mother but before she went to the kitchen - which was her real destination of choice - like the dutiful daughter she was, she tugged on the sleeve of a courtier who escorted her to the Zambrano registry.

"My mother is Slava Gerhild," said Natasa. "She was a courtesan of the King a while ago. But she requests a meeting with him now."

The Keeper of Records, a battered and bruised old man, took his time looking up the Gerhild name in the archives. Come to find out, Slava Gerhild was a semi-resident of Vain Hollow prior to the demise and rebuilding of the glorious citadel. This was a very long time ago, so he needed to investigate and took his time doing so. Hmmm, at times the Zambrano cortigiana were treated as though royalty and at other times, not, but Slava had a good reputation, she'd given birth to a fit female Zambrano and there were no other black marks or warnings against her, the Keeper of Records thought.

"She's admitted," he wheezed, hoping his decision didn't cause his demise in some way, although he was old and tired. A demise right about now wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.

"Lovely," said Natasa, heading towards the kitchen. She typed out a response to her doting mother:

"You can come to Vain Hollow. Just don't embarrass me… please."

[member="Darth Vornskr"]
Throne Room of Vain Hollow Keep, Panatha

The plane of existence on which Korinna roamed was entirely different than the one of Zambrano bastards; while they were busy earning the favor of the God-King, she was already a full-fledged Zambrano, with all the perks and benefits that came with the title. She was raised to be the chronicler of the family, one who would record the legacy of the Zambranos for future generations. Unlike the spawn of Kaine's loins, she was completely sane,without any visible signs of being deranged or in any way mentally compromised. Perhaps Vornskr was aware none of his children were unfit to succeed him as sovereigns of Panathan dominion, so he entrusted the title of Prime Designate with someone who was equally unyielding, but still levelheaded. After all, Kaine preferred order over chaos. His order, to be precise.

An entourage of guards escorted Korinna through the halls of the Keep, leading her to the Throne room as it was ordered. She followed suit, matching their pace, cloak trailing across the floor behind her. Once the heavy blast doors of the throne room slid open, the group walked in unison towards the middle of the chamber, where Kori was left to stand, merely to wait an audience with the God-King. She slid the hood of her cloak, revealing her distinct Panathan features; jet-black hair, a pair of deeply-set dark eyes and immaculate pale skin with a slight olive undertone. She drew the book held in her arms closer and scanned the perimeter.

Upon noting her uncle on the throne, her gaze wondered to Braxus, who held his rightfil place by God-King's side. He hadn't aged a day since last time she saw him, almost two decades ago. His Anzanti blood warranted a long life span, well beyond those who saught to be close to the throne. She let her eyes linger on Prazutis' form a fraction of a second longer than it was necessary, before diverting her look to the floor. She remained quiet, waiting to be introduced. In her mind, several commandments echoed.

Speak only when spoken to. Bow. Address with utmost respect. Serve.

[member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Darth Prazutis"] [member="Darth Gilda"] [member="Soeht"] [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"] [member="Evaelyn Zambrano"] [member="Pravus Zambrano"] [member="Chaddeus Zambrano"]
Silently he sat listening to the hushed chatter of his many family members, their words background static as he focused on matters outside of the throne room. There was not a thing that went on within these hallowed walls that did not escape his notice, for he was as tied to this structure as it was tied to him, and through it he continued to solidify his grip on the planet and its people.

His people.

But in the end they were just cogs in a grand machine whose design was incomprehensible to senses unattuned to the darkness from which he was birthed and rebirthed, and even those he considered family were all components, some more integral than others, but nonetheless everyone was a tool to be wielded by his callous hands. Still, despite his clairvoyance he had been unable to anticipate the arrival of [member="Soeht"], and that perturbed him on some level. A dozen questions fumbled around in his mind about his uninvited guest, and all of them pointed to his ignorance of the man's reasoning for arriving now on this particular date, the day of the Gathering.

Still, he would not show discomfort or confusion. His face was an impassive mask as Soeht was led into the throne room by two of his eunuch Crownsguard, and despite Braxus' inquiry he did not dismiss the rest of his family. Whatever Soeht had to say could be said in the company of his kin, "Ah, Soeht. I thought I had sensed something familiar lurking outside these castle walls, but now that you're here I don't have to speculate any longer. So... What brings you to my domain?"

[member="Darth Prazutis"] | [member="Darth Gilda"] | [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"] | [member="Evaelyn Zambrano"] | [member="Pravus Zambrano"] | [member="Chaddeus Zambrano"] | [member="Korinna Zambrano"] | [member="Harley"] | [member="Slava Gerhild"]
When [member="Darth Gilda"] gave a moment to gaze upon Soeht, the face of Soeht’s helmet silently shifted toward her. Then as he took some of Chaddeus Zambrano’s attention, Soeht looked toward the older man.

Once addressed by [member="Darth Vornskr"], Soeht stepped forward. The sound of metal tapping against the floor echoed in the room as Soeht passed [member="Korinna Zambrano"]. A hiss escaped from his mask as he breathed in. He stopped his approach still some distance from the throne.

Soeht began with just a part of the answer to Darth Vornskr’s question.

I ̨c҉aḿe tǫ ͞see͡ h̷ow ҉th͘é ţwo of ͡you h̴a̶ve̛ a͝pp͞r̴e͡cįat̢ed͢ ̷my ҉gi̧f̴t.͢
As the family gathered off to the side inside the throne room, a small reunion of sorts as they socialized among one another, Prazutis remained silent alongside his masters throne. Even while he remained here he remained focused on his own thoughts. The conversations going on seemed distant to the Sith Lord focusing on a number of other things. For one family was an important one on his mind as the gathering of Zambranos unfolded in front of him. It took Prazutis back many years ago early on into his training under the Black-Iron Tyrant.

It was deep within the confines of his masters citadel on Thule where master and apprentice trained constantly, as often as they could the man now worshiped as a god pushed him to the brink each and every time they drew blades. Kaine didn't take it easy on anyone and if you couldn't keep up, if you couldn't grasp the concepts you were met with his wrath. Just as they trained with live blades they also trained in the mind. Long ago his nephew taught him many important lessons Prazutis takes to heart, but especially one on family.

Those who call themselves your family, your people are but tools, cogs in the grand machine and that was a realization that he had to come to. The God-King didn't believe in loyalty among his family, unless it was to himself. Loyalty was useful in the weak, and weak willed as a tool to keep those serving beneath you in line. It was important in other instances but loyalty should not drag one down, or make one feel compelled to do things with his family that he wouldn't normally do. They were Sith Lords, gods among men, wolves among sheep. Even Prazutis was a tool, perhaps an integral tool in his masters grand design but a tool nonetheless.

It in an unspoken was was almost a mutually beneficial relationship, while there was some foundation on loyalty through promises made long ago that wasn't entirely the reason why they came to one another' aid. It wasn't the reason why the God-King came to his aid when he needed it. It definitely wasn't the reason why Prazutis orchestrated the dark ritual on Lujo, crafted the runic inscriptions, gathered the slaves, and defended the High Priest who brought his master back to the world of the living once more. Both were necessary to the mutual design, both had usefulness, Prazutis knew full well if he failed Kaine enough to anger him the God-King would've had him killed long ago when he was weak.

They worked together in tandem to work this grand design that constantly changed, and the galaxy would burn. Prazutis snapped back to reality as a Crownguard stepped in and loudly announced the presence of the only other Zambrano other than the Prime Designate himself who was legitimized. While it on one sense wasn't completely necessary among family, it was also a show of power. By nature of her title she was above the bastards, and it was a cunning maneuver. Unlike Veronica with her blond locks, Korinna was every bit the spitting image of a Zambrano woman. Pale almost porcelain skin with brown eyes and dark brown hair.

It was a long time ago since Prazutis saw her but she was just a little girl then, she was a woman now. Many years of education at prestigious galactic institutions on the dime of the royal treasury clearly paying off. As he took note of Korinna's gaze lingering he gave a curt nod acknowledging her existence before turning his head away, the voice of one of the Crownsguard erupting through his earpiece comlink: "My Lord the Graug have brought the intruder up to the keep, he claims to be a Zambrano, first name Pravus. A brief blood test shows he does share your blood."

A bold move by this man to come to such a heavily guarded citadel unannounced, uncleared, either it was brave or crazy one couldn't tell. But still there was no denying he shares Zambrano blood. "Bring him to the throne room." Prazutis said as he focused back onto the room and already its scope had changed greatly. He thought he might have more time but there was Soeht himself standing in the doorway. The last time he saw Soeht they were defending the ritual to return Kaine to this world, and the man empowered him with his magic. "It's truly unique how you can do that." Prazutis replied. It was an apathetic, official reply to lead into this conversation. Despite his many years alongside Kaine he couldn't exactly predict what the man would say especially to a question like this.

[member="Darth Vornskr"] | [member="Darth Gilda"] | [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"] | [member="Evaelyn Zambrano"] | [member="Pravus Zambrano"] | [member="Chaddeus Zambrano"] | [member="Korinna Zambrano"] | [member="Harley"] | [member="Slava Gerhild"]
Slava was pleased with this turn of events. See, my little, raven-haired ingénue is good for something after all, the Baroness mused. Of course her progeny had her drawbacks and her culinary quirks, but Natasa was well on her way to becoming a fine Sith, serving her Pancanth overlords well. The once-courtesan had lived on Panatha her entire life, she’d known the Zambrano family’s reach, and the inevitable reclamation of the planet by the One Sith. In order to keep her land holdings, over the generations, her family had to play a delicate game of appeasement and servitude to the powerful Epicanth lineage. But once, she’d had Natasa, her parents worried much less. This precious blood connection of her human-Epicanthix daughter would assure that the Gerhild’s would be protected to some extent. Or at least left alone to run their operations as they saw fit and completely in line with the Zambrano status quo. If only Natasa understood what it all meant, but surely the girl was too young and inexperienced to feel the gravity of the circumstances, she thought sullenly.

Slava arrived at Vain Hollow in a sleek, black, luxury speeder with tinted windows. Her dark umber-colored hair piled high, a large and rare Gallinorian gem fastened at her pale, swan-like neck, Slava’s dress was made with chiffon and plumage from the yellow-tailed summerbird of Coruscant.


But the Pacanth land baroness was well aware that she’d be taken, not to the throne room where most of the Zambrano family convened at this moment, but a separate room, comfortable and with refreshments. She’d be able to visit with Natasa, and any of the other family members who happened by. And then finally, when the God-King was through with his business and his relatives, the name of Slava Gerhild would reach his powerful ears and hopefully jar his memory of the teenage courtesan from nearly twenty-years ago who’d shared his bed.

In her porcelain hands she held a flimsiplast deed, a present for [member="Darth Vornskr"], but her reunion gift of sorts must be presented in person. Either way, it was the crown jewel of her holdings, and one she hoped he would put to good use.

[member="Darth Gilda"] [member="Darth Prazutis"] [member="Soeht"] [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"] [member="Evaelyn Zambrano"] [member="Korinna Zambrano"] [member="Harley"] [member="Pravus Zambrano"] [member="Chaddeus Zambrano"]

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