Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Valen Space Battle Aftermath

Let's move on from that, or we'll be here all year.

I think you misunderstood me, Ayden. People look primarily at the OOC section, only quickly reading the IC. I mean, most people can only write "Admiral X gave orders" a few times.
However, I'll insist there's some sort of IC component next time, though not huge.
Tegaea Alcori said:
But in the end Ayden, isn't the form the only thing people really look at?
@[member="Ayden Cater"]@[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

No actually, I got much more out of the paragraph posts, I didn't have to go through line after line to figure out who the hell fired at me. My roleplay sections told you exactly who I was firing at and what I was doing in a far better capacity than the form. I actually thought the form while handy was a bit too much. I am much more use to rping my fleet battle not filling out a stupid form. I think that the problem was that there were too many fleets that didn't ever seem to be controlled by people. I had 2 fleets, on oppisite sides and I thought the both followed their orders quite well and was having fun. I didn't have any problem with people posting damage. I was firing at Davin, and we had one issue where my post was missed, and once he saw it, the damage was applied. I don't think there was any problems. It developed fine. I was looking forward to it because we were just getting to the point that everyone was in range. That was half the problem, it took so damn long to get in range. I don't get why we had to close this, and the only reason anyone controlled so much was cause of inactivity. I was even going to help control more of the fringe, so that one character didn't control so much, as you all seem to imply. I am with Ayden here I think there wasn't a problem and that it was just heating up. Betrayals happen, and suck. They shouldn't be forced to not happen. That is limiting on the RP and political situation if you ask me. Ok so sorry for the rant, I will probably regret clicking post but here we go :D

Carn Dista

Personally, I loved the concept of the fleet stuff, but I kept way out because I had a sinking feeling that something along the lines of everything being flooded with alts would happen. I'm highly considering getting in on the fleet action with my Sith character however.

IMO, by decreasing the alt level and increasing the ship level you're already 90% of the way to a better fleet event. Maybe though, you could assign X amount of ships to X rank, and assign people ranks based on their characters? Ie, an admiral/master would have say, two or three flagship/capital ship type things, double that in ships the next step down, and quadruple that in terms of fighters bombers. It's not the most well thought out idea I've ever had, but it's worth mulling over and discussing to help the fleet event thing go more smoothly.
@[member="Carn Dista"] Thanks, it's definitely worth considering.

@[member="Jonathan Walsh"] While I agree that things could have and should have continued, half the people stopped posting and highlighted some flaws. Betrayals are fun IC...not so much OOC. It causes drama, resentment and angst. We don't want any of that more than usual.

Carn Dista

@[member="Tegaea Alcori"]
I guess if you worked out the rank-to-ship ratio properly it'd work well.

Did a bit of a rethink, and maybe it could go something like:

Padawan/military equivalent: 3 fighter/bomber squadeens

Knight/militaty equivalent: Some form of destroyer, 6 fighter/bomber squadrens

Master/military equivalent: larger destroyer/w.e, two of the knight level destroyers, 12 squadrens

Grandmaster/supreme chancellor/emperor/w.e equivalent: flag/capital ship, two master level destroyers, four knight level destroyers, 24 squadrens.

One squadren could = say, 5 ships.

That way the highest rank would have a maximum of 127 ships under their direct control. Throw in a master or two, and a bunch of knights / padawans, and presuming the sides are roughly equal you could easily have 1000+ ships flying around and blowing seven bells of crap out of eachother. And that's just presuming it's a two sided battle.


Darth Vazela

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
In my other SWRP, we didn't have a map to use when we moved our forces in a specific system or sector. We would denote the time it took to get from point A to B by the position of our ships at the time. For example, if I wanted to go along the Hydian Way from the Horuset system to the Toprawa system, then it would only take me one post to state I am moving from Korriban and then one other to state my arrival above Toprawa. These posts were done with a story, explaining how I was going to get there, why I was going there and what characters were doing what to make that happen.

In PVP environments, we would write our posts by explaining our tactics, positions of our ships, in character perspectives ect ect by simply writing it out. When firing upon another ship, we would state where we were shooting at and where from, giving a brief example of what might happen if the other person decided to take the hit. If the other person did something I didn't like, then I'd talk to them about it and if they were being a bit of a nerf herder I'd contact a mod to deal with them.

Our 'fleeting' as you call it was more story orientated and a lot more fun, rather than this complex system where you move a hex to get closer to a ship. I won't be participating in any fleeting with the system that was used in the Valen threads, which is a shame, because I thoroughly enjoy naval combat in SWRP. I also came here to write, not select a hexagon and state I am moving there.

Simply put: roleplay it out and just write. Here, I'll quote a recent post from my other SWRP to give you an example:


One Attrition -class Super Star Destroyer, Obscurity Armament ; Silencer -class AMX Megalaser cannon (2), Octuple barbette DBY-1027 heavy quadruple turbolaser cannons (72) (Fire linked in rows of eight), Dual heavy turbolaser cannons (954) (Fire linked in rows of six), Annihilator -class point defense laser's (1536) (Fire linked in groups of two), Annihilator -class 1.0 missile system (2100), Annihilator -class missile's (8,400,000) (Ammunition for the Annihilator-class 1.0 missile systems), Phylon Q7 tractor beam projectors (24). Complement ; Vengeance -class X2 starfighter's (536) (16 per squadron), Annihilator -class assault shuttle (176), Delta -class stormtrooper transports (30), Gamma -class assault shuttle (6), Hajen -class fleet tender (6). Passengers ; Forty five thousand, six hundred. (troops)
Six Attrition -class Star Destroyer, Attrition, Oblivion, Avenge, Silence, Decimation, Annihilation Armament ; Silencer -class AMX Megalaser cannon (1), Octuple barbette DBY-1027 heavy quadruple turbolaser cannons (24) (Fire linked in rows of eight), Dual heavy turbolaser cannons (318) (Fire linked in rows of six), Annihilator -class point defense laser's (512) (Fire linked in groups of two), Annihilator -class 1.0 missile system (700), Annihilator -class missile's (2,800,000) (Ammunition for the Annihilator -class 1.0 missile systems), Phylon Q7 tractor beam projectors (10). Complement ; Vengeance -class X2 starfighter's (112) (16 per squadron), Annihilator -class assault shuttle (52), Delta -class stormtrooper transports (8), Gamma -class assault shuttle (2), Hajen -class fleet tender (2) Passengers ; Thirteen thousand, four hundred. (troops)
One Decimate -class super fleet carrier, Decimate Armament ; Annihilator -class point defense laser's (348) (Fire linked in groups of two), Svarba -class interdiction field. Complement ; Vengeance -class X2 starfighter's (1338) (16 per squadron), Annihilator -class assault shuttle (402), Delta -class stormtrooper transports (60), Gamma -class assault shuttle (24), Hajen -class fleet tender (24). Passengers ; Seventy five, three hundred. (troops)
Three Decimate -class fleet carrier, Annexation, Conqueror, Defeatist Armament ; Annihilator -class point defense laser's (116) (Fire linked in groups of two), Svarba -class interdiction field. Complement ; Vengeance -class X2 starfighter's (446) (16 per squadron), Annihilator -class assault shuttle (134), Delta -class stormtrooper transports (20), Gamma -class assault shuttle (8), Hajen -class fleet tender (8). Passengers ; Twenty five thousand, one hundred. (troops)
Eight Annhilator -class medium frigates, Armament ; Octuple barbette DBY-1027 heavy quadruple turbolaser cannons (8) (Fire linked in rows of four), Dual medium turbolaser cannons (24), Annihilator -class point defense laser's (48) (Fire linked in groups of two) , Annihilator -class 1.0 missile system (72), Annihilator -class missile's (3,000) (Ammunition for the Annihilator-class 1.0 missile systems). Complement ; Annihilator -class Starfighters (10). Passengers ; Three hundred. (troops)

Esstran Sector, Horuset system, Korriban.

The Obscurity dropped out of hyperspace in the Horuset system. Darth Vazela's takeover of the Esstran Sector was coming to a close. With the Stygian Caldera and all of it's worlds and trade routes under his control, the surrounding planets such as Thule would soon be within the grasp of his Empire too. It was only a matter of time, as the sphere of influence ranging from the Sith Worlds would subsequently take such worlds under their control. Now was the time for invasion. With the Sith Empire under his control and the merge of Darth Skurge's Imperial Sith taken into account, the hooded Dark Lord of the Sith whom was sat on the unnatural architecture that was his throne could begin his invasion of Mandalorian space.

The Mandalorian Empire in the Third Galactic War era were not the allies that they used to be prior to the declaration of the all out war. Where once the Mandalorians could be hired, manipulated and or subjugated to the will of a Sith Lord, now stood a culture of people outraged, disgusted and above all else, angered by the actions of the Dark Lords of the Sith that reigned before him. From his own actions on Taris during the reign of Jaster Ardel as Mand'alor to Darth Endymions destruction of Mandalore only a few years ago, the Mandalorians had become quite the nemesis of the Sith Empire. With the Galactic Empire solidifying their territories in the Outer Rim, Vazela knew that he had to do the same at the heart of Sith space. The Daragon Trail would be an important hyperlane in the war and thus the first world to fall would be Toprawa.

Once a home of the Antarian Rangers, Toprawa was now under the domain of the Mandalorian Empire. Rumors had come to the ear of the Dark Lord that the remaining Rangers had moved away from Toprawa, serving on distant Jedi affiliated worlds such as Dantooine or Ossus as Jedi Vanguards. Those who hadn't moved away from their home world simply led a normal life as a civilian. Perhaps one or two had moved onto become Mandalorians themselves. Vazela presumed that he would find out in a moments time.

With the Horuset system blockaded, thus adding extra defenses that the Stygian Caldera already offered, it was time to instigate the invasion. He rose to his feet and turned away from the transparisteel screen that stretched across the observational deck, down into the bridge. As he arrived, Kane rose to his feet from the command seat and lowered his head. Once upon a time, Darth Vazela had left Malus Bligh to see out his invasions, silently taking orders and tips from the Sith Lord as he gazed upon the destruction that the General had caused. But that was a time of meditation of conflict, learning and absorbing more power of the dark side. Much like Malus's last engagement at Dorvalla, Vazela would take control of the situation as he had done on Dorvalla's surface. Lowering himself into the command seat, he averted his gaze from the helm to Kane and said, "Set course for the Toprawa system."
"Yes, my Lord," replied the Grand Admiral, who turned to the helmsman and gave the order. "Helm, set course for the Toprawa system."
"Yes sir," said the helmsman.

Recoiling further into the command chair, Vazela set his yellow predatory eyes on the transparisteel screen ahead. The Horuset star and the Animus disappeared to be replaced by hyperspace. When the Obscurity and her legion were on the move, he looked up to Kane again and said, "As you were Grand Admiral."
"Yes, my Lord." The Dark Lord turned his gaze back to the helm, with a malicious glare. Kane returned to taking control of the bridge area, while Darth Vazela played the waiting game. His eyes would not leave the transparisteel screen at the front of the bridge until they laid claim to Toprawa. Then it would fall and be the beginning of the Mandalorian implosion. For far too long they had stopped him.

No longer.
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
I see it as a different medium. Theres still traditional fleet battles going on, just check the Invasion of Atrisia.

I think the main reason there is a rule system and map for these events is to simplify managing the larger number of players.
I, uh, wasn't here for this RP event, so I'm not sure if my say will count for much lol But the idea for making smaller battles and breaking up the larger engagement sounds like an idea. In fleet combat I've participated in, watched, or managed it was harder on the mods to manage it depending on how many there were. Usually we had a few, maybe two or three for the whole thing. Often, fleet engagements aren't full on line engagements and do often break up into sections engaging sections. That gives precedence for setting up individual matches that cumulatively affect the larger outcome. Seeing that we have RP judges on this board, maybe assign one per match? You could limit the number of RPers in that match to a select number on each side and give those RPers a certain number of meters to use taken out of the main force. So they'd have a percentage of the main fleet to use which makes the overall admirals really think out tactics IC'ly and OOC'ly.

This would serve two purposes. I've noticed the big admiral character writers tend to like that more in depth tactical overview and challenge and that system would give them that and allow them to participate in their own fleet match. This means they're more likely to pay more attention to the battle as a whole and to actually step up and give orders IC'ly to their officers. It also promotes delegation among the factions members and teamwork among those within the match. That would mean, theoretically, more cooperation among members on the same side and more IC roleplaying in general among the factions.

Betrayals are harder to do and survive the experience as it would be a smaller match and therefore hit closer to home, IC'ly, to the others in the match. The plus? That action would affect that match heavily, but only moderately alter anything in the grand scheme of things. It would also be easier to manage and those betraying would be less likely to do so simply because their own side would now be gunning for them along with the enemy, depending on where that character is defecting to.

Also, having a RP judge watching the match would help maintain who takes damage, how damage affects things, etc. You can even assign match scenarios to accomplish to determine who wins that match. That keeps each match from turning into a full out slug fest/last man standing kind of event and forces those officers in the match to actually think through each post and maneuver.

On top of that, it removes a lot of the "boardgame" quality from the event while still maintaining "boardgame" rules and objectives. Instead of rolling dice and/or filling out a form, you do your post, you shoot where you want with what you want at who you want and the other side takes the hit. If they don't, a simple PM or some such should solve the issue and, if not, then there's already a RP judge watching that can step in.

Just my two bits :)
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
We were about to join in with the Fringe in backstabbing the Sith before you tagged me, @[member="Alli Wren"]. But I'm sure a fight can be arranged anyway. Hit me up after the Invasion is finished.

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