Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Unpopular Star Wars Opinions

StonewallJack said:
Wow. Compelling argument.
Watch Terminator 2. The opening sequence of that movie (the future battle) blows the openiong of Episode 3 away in virtually every way visually speaking, including realism. And Terminator 2 was filmed in 1990.

StonewallJack said:
For example, your view of "The movie should only be what is critical to the plot, erase everything else"
Not my view.

StonewallJack said:
if applied to the book All Quiet On the Western Front, would have it read "The main character went to war and got really sad and then died." Yep, that has all the basic plot points. But it's missing every detail that adds to the picture and makes it a great book. Same with movies.
The scene in question adds absolutely nothing to the story, for the reasons mentioned above. A scene that could have been pared down to 30 seconds or less and still have managed to get the point across effectively was instead dragged on for 5+ minutes, just so they could cram in some extra pointless action scenes. Nor is it particularly spectacular visually speaking, for reasons mentioned above. To call it "one of the greatest space battle scenes ever" is just absurd.

Shakespeare, a guy who presumably knew what he was doing, once said "brevity is the soul of wit". That statement couldn't be more applicable to movies.


  1. I like all the films.
  2. ...That includes the prequels.
  3. I don't nitpick about the Star Wars films. They're entertainment media, and they entertain me. Full stop.
  4. R2-D2 should have had a lady-friend, and instead of blue, she should have had pink and white finish!
  5. The CGI edits were stupid, but I can sympathize with why George Lucas would ever even want them.

Carona Totsari

It takes true strengh to turn the other cheek
StonewallJack said:
I just don't understand when people call themselves Star Wars fans but passionately hate so much about Star Wars

- Star Wars Rebels animated character moments better than the Clone Wars ever have. Rebels actually has, like, moving hair!
- Dave Filoni rocks!
- We need more terrelian jango jumpers in Star Wars. Way more!
- What's so great about Generasl Grevious?
- I really don't care for Luke. I like Leia and Han, not Luke.
- the CW and Rebels teams know how to make good death scenes! "Show up and blow up" as someone from the Clone Wars called it.
- (copying another comment I made in another thread) Ezra's lightsaber.Yes, Obi-Wan commented on the traditional lightsaber being elegant. However, it is not an elegant era that Ezra was in. He wasn't taught traditionally, with the jedi robes and padawan braids. Ezra was a street rat and a rebel, making a non-traditional lightsaber. Further more, lightsabers were illegal in his age, so he added the blaster option to cover it up and use the same weapon - but still fool anyone into thinking it was just any other blaster, not a lightsaber, and keeping him and his team safe another day. with accommodations that fit with the situations he and the jedi were in, was unavoidable, had multiple advantages, and was was pretty cool!
Don't know how popular/unpopular these beliefs are but here we go:

1. Original Saga is all great in its own way, prequels got a little too focused on the CGI and coolness of everything and perhaps lost an opportunity to really give good attention to story and development.

2. Almost all of the main heroes are terrible in my opinion: Luke, Leia, Anakin, Windu, and some others that I can't remember the names of. It does help me appreciate the good acting on the villain side though.

3. I agree with [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] star wars is not true sci-fi, my dad called it space opera, but it fits the idea of fantasy in space perfectly. (look to Isaac Asimov and Arthur C Clark for real good science fiction)

4. I truthfully like only one thing about Rogue One, the droid because they made him funny in line with almost every iconic droid in some way or another.

5. I do not mind Jar Jar or the Ewoks as much as some others, I believe that Lucas was attempting to create some comedy for children, though I think C-3PO and R2 fit that bill far better.

6. I enjoyed the Clone Wars more towards the beginning of the series, being a more lighthearted show intended for kids rather than the far darker tone they began to take on towards its end.
Well, I've never really had an unpopular opinion cause when people hear my opinions they normally end up going, "hey you are right" and change their opinions.


Ok, here goes:

  1. Star wars isn't meant to be sci fi, its the monomyth in a futuristic setting (that happened a long time ago), the classic story of all humanity, and it has the same basic plot as Wizard of Oz, Harry Potter, Gilgamesh, and a series of other stories that draws off this classic story type.
  2. Robot Chicken's star wars parodies have some better material than the cartoons that have been released (lookin at you Rebels and Clone Wars).
  3. VI, V and VI Ben Kenobi is a thousand times better than Obi Wan Kenobi. Ben Kenobi seems to actually have something to fight for, Obi Wan is too relativistic to really be good for anything. His very lack of a spine caused Anni to be a huge mistake and caused his whining to get worse. Instead of providing direction Obi Wan did nothing to Anni and that caused huge problems for the Chosen one.
  4. Its a crime to call a boy Anni, and is a big determinate into why Anikin became the whiny brat he did.
  5. Anikin sucks. He is in no way worthy of the title of "Future Vader." Hayden Christensen is a pathetic actor, but that is besides the point for now. Even with that aside all he wants to do is whine and B*tch about how he hates everything. I get no real motivation from him, nothing worth really being bad for. Even his excuse for falling is riddled with stupidity when he chokes the wife he is willing to go to hell for and kills her. He kills her trying to save her--its a pretty lame way to kill off a character. Besides this, every time he kills, or really does anything, all I can think is "your trying too hard." Its like he really just reminds me of that whiny brat nieghbor I had who wanted to roll with me in my bad days. He wanted to roll with me to be bad and he wanted to be goth because--it gave him street cred. Not because he liked emo or had anything to emo over. That's how Anikin makes me feel.
  6. Count Duku didn't get near enough screen time. The part was really a waste of Christopher Lee's talent. The man really should have filled up so much more screen time--as in all of episode 2, most of 1, and 2/3rds of 3. RIP, Christopher Lee. He was a true badass.
  7. Qui Gon didn't get near enough screen time either. The man should have carried through to Episode 2.
  8. Yoda didn't train Anikin, it was lame writing the way that played out that he ended up "teaching all younglings" or whatever.
  9. Did I mention how poorly episode 2 was written? I mean, really, it cannot be emphasized enough. I've seen better writing in Role play arcs by 6 year olds (I'm not even kidding, man). The whole thing is held together by rust, gum, tape, and the need for money. Jango Fett (another helmet/face who deserved more screen time) is hired to kill someone--so he hires an assassin who hires a droid who outsources to worms kill that person. What the hell man? Writing that alone gave me a headache. The overhead alone would have cost more than the clone army--who's very creation would have drained the coffers of the Republic to the max. But, I do give it to Pelagius for being smart and slick in making it ahead of time. The whole episode is a poorly made love/mystery story. Don't even get me started on the nasty bug Geonosians (who are only bugs so we don't feel bad watching them get smashed and are able to marvel at the CG). Again: Anikin's acting and character is unbelievable. But that aside, I watch it for the end where the Clones swoop in and take it all to pound town.
  10. Jar Jar sucks (but that is pretty popular).
  11. BB-88 sucks. He's a wanna be R2-D2. I really can't stand him.
  12. The Only reason Disney made Leia give up her Princesshood was so that she wouldn't shame their other weak-willed princesses, because she really is the greatest strong female in writing. Or at least, in running for the top 3. All strong female types aspire to be her, and for her time, she was ground breaking. The fact that she is part of the rescue mounted for her man instead of the other way around, that is a big deal. She is incredible, fantastic, and Carey Fisher will be missed.
Despite that wall of text, I really do love star wars. The original 3 were all we owned when I was small, and I've owned all six for as long as I possibly could. I love them, they are a part of my childhood, a part of my life, and Han Solo will always be the hero that helped inspire me. But like all good stories, there are parts I love, parts I don't, and parts that are in the middle. It doesn't mean I don't love it less only that I am self aware enough to say there are parts I hate and parts I love.

Khrelan Arke

Your Backstabbing Prince Charming
Jar Jar ruined Episode 1 enough for me to stay away from it. Maul is a pretty badass villain.

I personally like Rebels and Clones Wars more than the first two episodes, Rebels more than Clone Wars.

This is probably a majorly unpopular opinion but I think Hayden fit Anakin's role, did a great job, especially in Episode 3. That Obi Wan vs. Anakin duel, man. Solid.
clone wars art style sucks and ahsoka is annoying until like season four.

rebels can suck it. art style looks terrible. darth vader looks like a doodle.

the 2D clone wars is 1000000x better

the old republic has better stories than 90% of the EU

also the EU is like 90 percent trash at this point too, or legends or whatever

the je'daii are terrible

gray jedi are dumb

jedi are douchebags

sith are douchebags and admit it at least

the rule of two is stupid

blasters are terrifying weapons and jedi should be afraid of them

rogue one was better than episode 7

I don't care about Finn or the other lame rebels


why do they call themselves the first order if there's been 10 other empires just like them, same decor too
1. I like Episode 7 more than Rogue One ( I like Rogue One btw). But, Rogue One is a set of action cut-scenes with weak characters, and the setting is the main character.

2. I think Kylo Ren is a badass antagonist.

3. I actually enjoyed Episode 3.

4. Gendy Clone Wars is the best Clone Wars. (Although I do appreciate the CG one).

5. I see zero point in an Han Solo Movie.

6. SW is Space Fantasy with peppering of scifi techno babble.

7. 80% of the EU is pretty bad, not gonna lie.
- The animated Anakin (CW) is waayyyyyy than in the movies, is actually a fun character, and actually does emo in a not whiney way, unlike Hayden...
- SWR's Vader is incredible!
- I absolutely love Star Wars Rebels. The animation style is so much better than CW's. The CW models looked like poorly made dolls or something with hair made of plastic or something. Rebel's art is based off of the original trilogy's concept art, and I highly appreciate it. The animation is smoother, they look like actual people, and the hair ACTUALLY MOVES!
- I'm a diehard Ahsoka fan, but looking back she was pretty annoying in the first season...
- CPO is kinda annoying... I do feel sorry for the poor droid though.
- Ezra has a cliche backstory, but he's still really cool!
- Sabine rocks!
- Helicopter light sabers are still stupid, but those aside the Inquisitors were actually kind of cool! The Grand Inquisitor was legitimately creepy...
- Leia is one dimensional.
- I never liked the EU/ Legends. Why on earth is everybody whining about it?
- Terrelian Jango Jumpers are the best SW species!
1. Rogue One is just 'ok' for me. I don't see why so many fans find this movie to be amazing, its not even dark or gritty or fairly different.

2. A Han Solo movie is useless, especially with the current casting.

3. We should have been introduced to Anakin has a pre-teen/teenager in the Jedi Temple about to ship off to the Clone Wars. Leave more mystery surrounding who and what he is.

4.Midi-Chlorians couldn't be any stupider

5. Boba Fett is not the amazing badarse everyone wants him to be.
[member="Delila Castillon"]

"3. We should have been introduced to Anakin has a pre-teen/teenager in the Jedi Temple about to ship off to the Clone Wars. Leave more mystery surrounding who and what he is."

FUCKING THIS. I always thought it'd be way better if Anakin and Ben were Knights under Qui Jon during the Clone Wars and we start from there.

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