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Unexpected Bonus (The Moross Crusade Dominion of Q-27)

[member="Amorella Mae"]

Now, and only now, did he let himself relax. "The Horde tried. I ran a scout team into Aurum, almost didn't get out again. Yammosk crap. You wouldn't believe what I saw down there." He forced himself to move on, to think about something else. "The Rebel Alliance went to ground after the Empire died. Between the Fringe and Confederacy smartening up some, and the Republic shifting into full conquest mode, Castillon and I decided to put things to bed. Most of our best ships and people quietly folded into the Levantine Sanctum's patrol forces, or work for Firemane or Silk patrolling trade routes."
Inari frowned. Yammosks. The very thought of them caused her stomach to churn. They'd faced one and it's contingent of fighters at Silken and seen the effect to which the brain could control such vast resources. The Crusade had come prepared, all in thanks to Soliael's previous engagement against the Yuuzan Vong many hundreds of years ago, but his experience had not prepared her for what they were up against.

Her battle meditation hadn't stood a chance against the control of the Yammosk. The Aesir's brows drew taught over her eyes as she folded her hands together within her sleeves. She drew a short breath and nodded.

"I had wanted to contact you at Silk concerning some of the products. As we expand I am seeing the greater need for these things I once believed an unnecessary luxury. Seems I'm a bit late for that. This new woman in charge, is she one of yours?"

[member="Jorus Merrill"]
[member="Amorella Mae"] might sense a certain amused guardedness, as if concealing something he didn't especially care about. Someone else's secret. "The co-CEOs, Selka Ventus and Aldiel D'Lessio, they go way back with me and Alna. Aldiel's her cousin, and Selka flew with us in the Vagrant Fleet for a while. She's taken well to being the public face of the company; not bad for an AgriCorps washout from Metellos. Not bad at all."

Selka was real, and that brought a flicker of sadness. Selka had been working for him on Manaan when the Republic sank a third of Ahto City. She'd taken a blow to the head and never woken up. Her memories, and her face, had been taken by the master illusionist and apostate Jedi Grandmaster Je'gan Olra'en. And he and Olra'en went way back, not always for good. But at least Olra'en could run a company responsibly, and with more engagement than Jorus had ever managed.

"Your naval forces...what do you have, Aesir, and what do you need?"
Crystal was thinking along the same lines as Loxa when it came to those who would be constructing and building. She nodded in agreement.

"I have a similar skill set to Loxa it seems. So, it seems as though we have time while things get set into motion." The Sith Princess wasn't sure if Loxa wanted to kill time with her, or if she had other things to do. Either way, she was sure that she could find something to do. One of her apprentices was surely around here somewhere...

"We will let you get to work, Commander." She nodded to the woman and left her to her own tasks. And she lingered for a moment trying to determine whether or not she should stick around.

[member="Loxa Visl"] [member="Siara Vorru"]
Nodding ever so slightly Siara acknowledged the skills of both women, that trick would certainly come in handy but she was concerned those abilities could be one day used against her but she certainly wasn't going to reveal that to either woman. She would just ensure she kept a personal diary of the events on her datapad encrypted to a ridiculous level so if ever something didn't line up with her own memory she would know about this tampering.

"Very well I will start requisitioning the equipment we will require, all official documents you have to submit should be marked as being destined for Ceto or related to establishing a trade route there, we don't want something as simple as a classified report slipping into the wrong hands and revealing our prize to the galaxy." Siara was no stranger to these kinds of shell games, just on a much smaller scale, this would present a new challenge due to the sheer scope of the mission as compared to those in her previous experience. Stepping away from the other women the Kiffar woman headed for her office to set to work.


A few weeks later after work had already began on the communications relay on one of the moons of Q-27, most of the work being completed by droids, the majority of the crew of the ships involved in the construction being restricted from using any kind of external view-port anywhere on the ship, those that were in common areas that had to still be utilized had their view-ports either tinted or covered in some other manner to keep anyone from seeing outside it was likely quite isolating. All bridge crews were under a gag order with the promise of an eternity in Surkesh for anyone who dared violate that order. Of course she could just ask either Loxa or Crystal to wipe the memories of anyone who did violate the gag order but she had not yet found that necessary. Siara had become much more comfortable with this religion of Moross since realizing how much she could use it to manipulate the pod people to do her bidding. She wasn't one of the all powerful force users that ruled these people but that didn't mean she couldn't carve out her own power base within the structure they had already established and that suited her just fine.

Having left the Aurora in the capable hands of the Captain the Kiffar woman had opted to inspect the construction efforts on the surface as they progressed at regular intervals, she was going to make sure everything met her standards every step of the way. As she walked the construction site, sealed in a zero-g suit to protect from the lack of oxygen on the surface she walked along a corridor that some day would be occupied exclusively by droids. She had personally approved the designs of both communications centers, neither had much in the way of oxygen recyclers. Just enough that when entire structure was air tight it could be pumped full with oxygen if the need arose to conduct any sort of repairs that could not be completed by the droids for some reason or another otherwise the entire base would operate in the natural atmosphere of the planet which was completely non-existent on both moons. The oxygen recyclers were well hidden in the construction so on the off chance these facilities were discovered they would be difficult to infiltrate, even the best trained in zero-g combat suits were a little more clumsy then the normally would be making it more likely the droids would be able to fend off any potential invasion.

All of this was just as a precaution anyway, over the past few weeks Siara had meticulously scoured through all the records that related to Q-27 and anything she couldn't delete she classified and encrypted so only those with the highest level of security access within the Crusade would have access to those records. She still didn't understand why they were simply protecting this world and not exploiting it's natural resources but that was not an argument she was prepared to have yet and if the planet had to remain hidden for now that at least was cheaper then having to actually protect the world.

(Pushing this forward a bit, follow or don't whichever works better for your character at the moment, just want to open up more opportunities so we can complete this thread, also I assumed the moons are zero-g zero atmosphere if that is not the case please let the know and I will edit the post appropiately :))

[member="Crystal"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Amorella Mae"] [member="Jorus Merrill"]
All good things to hear, considering. Inari felt, perhaps mistakenly, an innate trust towards this man. She'd seen his work at Manpha and experienced his kinship and care for his people - if that wasn't enough to make her think well of him, then she didn't know what was. The Rebel Alliance had never since so much as caused a stir within Moross space, even if that had been due in part to their disbanding, she liked to think there was a certain sense of respect between them.

"Actually," the Aesir smiled, "I was more interested in your Halcyon Systems. I've seen them in my travels and read up on them and I believe it is something that would be worthwhile to install on our distant borders such as Ceto."

[member="Jorus Merrill"]
She nodded to Siara. The protocols were not unknown to her, as she'd always used similar protocols in the Tapani sector.

Loxa seemed to be in her own thoughts, so she nodded to her and wandered off down the corridor to check on her apprentices. Surely they were getting cagey at this point. It would be nice to stretch her legs and mind while she waited.
Having spent most of this mission completely in the dark as to what was going on Ashra’syle’nuruodo was getting absolutely bored of staring at blacked out viewports. That said she didn’t dare try to find a viewport that wasn’t obstructed in some way, she didn’t want to incur the wrath of the Gods. Instead she sat in the mess trying to figure out the mysteries of the powers she had. She at the table staring at the cup sitting in front of her trying desperately to make it do something, apparently before she had been rescued she had demonstrated a great deal of raw telekinetic power which had in part saved her from dying in a watery tomb. Even knowing that she couldn’t figure how she had done it, and couldn’t manage to get the cup to even wiggle a little without touching it.

Frustrated Asylen batted the cup over, perhaps the Gods had used their own power to bolster the powers they had gifted her long enough for her ship to move enough off its trajectory just enough. She glared at the cup, angry at it and to her great surprise the cup flung itself across the room, into a wall shattering all over the floor. It dawned on her that her emotions must be tied to this power somehow and she got up to get another cup to practise some more.

Crystal entered the mess hall just in time to hear the shattering of glass. Her eyes followed the sound, then gazed around for the source of the destruction. Ah, Asylen. She moved to her table and sat down beside her.

"Did the glass anger you?" She tilted her head as she waited for a response. Then chuckled. "That will teach it!"

Asylen had retrieved another cup, which would make it easy to demonstrate. "Have you learned anything about the Force since recovering?"

Looking up from her concentration Ashra'syle'nuruodo accidentally caused the cup to tumble over again, there was absolutely no control behind her actions. "I have learned that it reacts to my emotions and certainly becomes more powerful if I use my emotions to drive it. Beyond that I have learned very little, I require guidance that apparently no one has the time to provide a the moment."

Asylen wasn't trying to be rude but she was frustrated with her lack of progress on her own.


Crystal listened to the Chiss woman, and was not surprised at what she heard. Emotions were an easy way to get results, but not always the desired results. "The Force doesn't react. It is you that manipulates the Force. You bend it to your will. Emotions certainly make that easier, but it is also very draining and not at all reliable."

She demonstrated levitating the glass, without breaking eye contact with Asylen. "There is no half way. It's do it, or don't do it." She made the glass rotate in the air.
"Just because you can do it with ease does not mean I can, I don't have years of practice with these powers like you do. I have noticed of late I can sense the emotions of others as well, it can be overwhelming at times and I am having trouble sleeping because of all the voices, it gives me headaches. It is like I have turned on a faucet and can't turn it back off. It was amusing at first to gleen an understanding of what others were thinking through their emotions but now I would very much like it to go away." Asylen stated exhausted. That was part of the reason her temper was so short today, she hadn't slept well in the past couple weeks but she hadn't complained, if she was to suffer like this the Gods must have a reason for it.


Crystal chuckled. "I've been practicing for over four hundred years. I've learned a few things in that time."

She listened as Asylen described the overwhelming flood of thoughts and emotions of others. "That too can be fixed. You need to learn to meditate. It will be extremely helpful to clearing your mind and enabling you to focus on tasks without distractions from others."

Standing up from the table, she motioned for Asylen to join her. Crystal would lead the way to battle meditation chambers, where the walls would provide some relief to the overwhelming sense.

"Sit and close your eyes."
Following [member="Crystal"] the Chiss woman hoped this meditation would help, she followed into the meditation chamber and rather than sitting she chose to kneel and sit on her heels, she was more comfortable that way. She closed her eyes as instructed and waited for more instruction as she tried to clear her mind.

"Focus on breathing. Nothing else. Everything else will slowly disappear." She walked silently around the Chiss, monitoring her progress. It was of course a lot to ask of someone that was overwhelmed, but if she could follow instructions, she could at least escape when things got too overwhelming for her.
Sitting further back on her heels Ashra'syle'nuruodo tried to focus on just breathing, she let her mind guide her breathing more actively then it ever had. She took a slow deep breath in and then let a slow deep breath out. She wasn't getting any immediate results but she could be patient when needed just because she chose to be direct and act on most things immediately didn't mean she couldn't slow things down. She started to feel the strain on her mind that had been bombarding her for the past few weeks fading away. The raw emotions of others that had disturbed her sleep now seemed a quiet whisper compared to the roar she had been hearing. They were fading away even more as now all she could hear was the sound of her own thoughts and breathing, she was relieved.


Crystal didn't need to say anything more. She waited a few more minutes before speaking softly in her mind.

~In this state, you can feel your surroundings and stretch your senses. You can use the Force to see me.~
Distracted by Crystal's intrusion on her mind Ashra'syle'nuruodo opened her eyes again, the raw emotions of the crew were gone still but she had lost her focus. "How am I supposed to do that?"

The Chiss woman didn't understand the instruction, this training felt less like training and more like guidance, of course it was welcome as it had worked so far but she wanted things to be clearer if Crystal could put it in real terms Asylen would certainly have a better chance of understanding.
Crystal sighed. "Begin again. It will come to you with time. Just leave your mind open to see and hear." It was difficult to explain exactly how to do things, since each being's mind worked differently. However, meditation had always been helpful in bridging the gaps. "You'll feel it. Listen to the subtle whispers from the Force."
Closing her eyes again Ashra'syle'nuruodo started focusing on breathing again, slowing her breathing, calming her mind more and more until all she could hear was her own thoughts again. She tried to open her mind and imagined a bridge between herself and Crystal, she imagined her thoughts crossing the bridge towards Crystal and with all the lack of discipline in the technique she accidentally blasted the Sith's mind with her own thoughts. Nothing comprehensible just random thoughts, certainly nothing organized.

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