Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Uhh... New member here!

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim

Howdy there X, nice to meet you. If I may, what seems to be confusing you, or what are you not sure about? I've been around a while(though not on this alt) and I might could point you in the right direction.

Hey there, sorry about Aeizori, trying to get her to stop with all the threats on people about her furryness or what ever... come on you. -Grabs [member="Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae"] by the collar- We got to get back to that.

Skylar Ichor

Matsu Xiangu said:
Welcome to the forums [member="X-amela.E"]! If you have any questions or need help getting started we'd all be happy to assist. :)
You got that right!

Welcome and have some of Vulpesen's brownies!

Stephanie Swail


Welcome to the Chaos!

Enjoy your time here, and just shout if we can help you with anything.

See you out there!


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