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Private Two Little Shadows

Dis the Shadow(cat)
Shadowcat, explorer and wanderer; Owner of the Cat’s Paw; Member of the Greystone Mercantile
Location: Tyrant's Row
Equipment: N/A
Tag: Kal Kal
[ Theme ]
<"Galactic Basic"> | ~ telepathic communication ~

Dis also found it amusing how the princess thinks about it. In addition to themselves, the Shadowcat knew of the Valkyrja that they thought of this question similarly to the Shadows. That's why they still loved their company. Now they listened a little amusedly as Kal replied to their Sith princess.

"This ... I think it is a rather confusing or complex issue…" she answered.

Kal's response was first interesting to the Shadowcat. The name, Lady Rozri, was unfamiliar to Dis. However, when Kal said what she was used to doing, they stopped and visibly shuddered. They were nowhere near as calm as their Shadow peer. They did not love the beings that ate the souls. They didn't like it and were afraid of Voracitos, too. And… and one was there here in the Masque?

~ I guess I don't want to know how you know her. Are you sure she doesn't want to eat us? ~ they asked anxiously.

Suddenly they didn’t find it a good idea anymore.

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<I am sure she won't eat us.>

The distinction between desire and action was important here, of course; whatever she might secretly wish, Rozri was no fool. She was well aware of the consequences should she assault a Shadow - especially here, in the heart of their influence.

Death alone was a potent deterrent - and there are fates far worse than death.

<She preys exclusively on fading spirits, those about to be absorbed into the wholeness of the Force. Considers herself just another step on the way, if you will.> It was unclear if Kal agreed, but he seemed to at the very least tolerate her.

As did the Powers That Be, thus her presence within the city.
Dis the Shadow(cat)
Shadowcat, explorer and wanderer; Owner of the Cat’s Paw; Member of the Greystone Mercantile
Location: Tyrant's Row
Equipment: N/A
Tag: Kal Kal
[ Theme ]
<"Galactic Basic"> | ~ telepathic communication ~

~ Oh, I hope you are right! ~ they responded with some worry and this was also conveyed to Kal.

They didn't think anything would attack them so deeply in their own city, but they were still worried about it. Dis had already seen escaped animals that were supposed to be kept in safe conditions, and then they wanted to eat everything and everyone in the area, because they were escaped. It was better to prepare for every bad opportunity.

~ Oh interesting taste! ~ they replied; they had never really heard of such a thing before.

So far, they have met two groups who have eaten everything they knew. Or those who only hunted for strong souls because they thought that if they swallowed them, they too would be stronger. But the fading souls? This was very interesting. For the Shadowcat, that wasn’t very good either, but a little more acceptable than what the Avatars, or just Voracitos did. Finally, their curiosity won:

~ How do you know her? ~ they asked.

They just hoped they wouldn’t regret being asked that.

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<Mutual interests, in a manner of speaking.>

A flash of ancient battlegrounds and dusty tombs followed, images of faded sentinels and long-dead lorekeepers. <Not for the same reasons, mind you. I seek out the ancient dead for what they know, she for what they are. I seek to preserve secrets that would otherwise be lost, she to assimilate their power before it returns to the whole.>

A recipe for rivalry, and yet they seemed to have reached an understanding, of sorts.

Ever the negotiator, even in such matters; Kal had always appreciated a good compromise.

<There we are, her residency. She will be expecting us.> In this place foresight was far from unusual, though the truth was far more mundane - as was expected of a polite guest, Kal had alerted her while en route. On cue, elegant doors depicting a serpent swallowing its own tail lead to a spacious waiting room whose dimensions exceeded the exterior.

Another relatively common trick, in this most malleable of realms.
Dis the Shadow(cat)
Shadowcat, explorer and wanderer; Owner of the Cat’s Paw; Member of the Greystone Mercantile
Location: Tyrant's Row
Equipment: N/A
Tag: Kal Kal
[ Theme ]
<"Galactic Basic"> | ~ telepathic communication ~

~ Mutual interests, in a manner of speaking? ~ they asked back.

This was hard for Dis to imagine. They knew that Kal was much more indifferent to the world and living things than they were. But it was still weird for them. They couldn’t imagine any mutual interests, though Shadowcat’s imagination was good. Fortunately, however, that was not the case. That is, Kal's answer was all among the better options.

~ Oh! I see! ~ they answered. ~ But I still prefer the Valkyrja's method! ~ they explained.

They were the ones who used to heal weak, damaged souls if they wanted to, and treated dead souls differently than everybody else. They usually ask for their help. That is, most of them, since there were Darksiders among them, rare but possible. The fact that the woman was already waiting for them, Dis was not surprised. They were Force users and they, too, always spoke in advance when they visited someone; whether the date is appropriate to the other.

"Really interesting design!" said the princess.

The fact that the building was larger inside surprised the droid, of course. However on the other hand it was completely ordinary for Dis.

"How is this possible?" she asked.

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"Reality is less firmly defined here then you will be used to; space and time can both be twisted to suit the needs of the powerful. Something that is possible in Realspace too, mind you, but it is far easier here."

Both spatial and temporal manipulation were counted among Masque's defences, in fact; even Kal was not privy to the totality, but he was aware of some of the more insidious traps awaiting would-be intruders - more than one demon had found itself trapped in an eternal nightmare loop within the Mirror Marches. A fate worse than death, by most standards.

"Welcome, Kal. Always a pleasure." The witch's tone was warm, but her eyes were inscrutable as they peered at the trio with interest. "I see you've brought me quite the novel little creature. Fascinating composition."

Rozri was not a large woman, but nor was she easy to overlook. 'Tattoos' of blackened chains snaked across the parts of her torso visible through her dress, shifting as if alive, while glyphs of warding and strengthening flanked a narrow face partially covered by slightly wavy brown hair; the left side of her head was shaved and covered in further diagrams.
Dis the Shadow(cat)
Shadowcat, explorer and wanderer; Owner of the Cat’s Paw; Member of the Greystone Mercantile
Location: Tyrant's Row
Equipment: N/A
Tag: Kal Kal
[ Theme ]
<"Galactic Basic"> | ~ telepathic communication ~

"I think it would hurt my head if I still had one…" she said a little sarcastically.

It was her first such manifestation, but the droid nodded at Kal's words nonetheless. Although it was still difficult to accept all of this, especially in such a short time. Of course, Dis didn't know about all the defences either, just the ones that defended the Cat's Paw; but it was because they made them, or friends they knew and told them what they were.

Shadowcat also looked around the building curiously, curiously. They were also impressed by what they saw, this place. Finally, the host arrived. Dis curiously turned in her direction and looked at her. They looked at the "tattoos" curiously and without any ulterior motives; for them, these were the most interesting things at the moment.

~ Welcome, Lady Rozri, I'm Dis! ~ they introduced themselves, though they knew that now they were not the interesting creatures in this place.

The princess turned to the woman after her words and looked at her. In the end, she shook her head slowly.

"I am not a little creature, I am Sith… that is, I was. Kal says you can help me find out what happened to me." she said.

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"Greetings, Shadow." It was difficult to tell whether Rozri respected their kind or simply played along, but she seemed polite enough either way. To them, potential peers as they were, anyway - a machine was another matter.

"To be Sith is not nearly as impressive as most Sith seem to think, little machine."

Even as the witch studied the strange droid before her, she also tested its reaction to stimulus. Anger was common enough in Darksiders. A source of power, to most - power which could be measured. Just another variable to consider.

The runes flanking Rozri's eyes glowed a soft violet as considered the being before her, her chain-like tattoos continuing to swirl across the exposed parts of her body - to an attentive observer they might seem vaguely hungry.
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Reactions: Dis
Dis the Shadow(cat)
Shadowcat, explorer and wanderer; Owner of the Cat’s Paw; Member of the Greystone Mercantile
Location: Tyrant's Row
Equipment: N/A
Tag: Kal Kal
[ Theme ]
<"Galactic Basic"> | ~ telepathic communication ~

To tell the truth, Dis felt uncomfortable in Rozri's presence. Despite her polite words, it felt as if the woman was wondering if Shadowcat should be the appetizer, main course, or dessert. maybe just because Kal told them about the woman's "eating" habits, but Dis was still uncomfortable with the other's closeness. Although, as they watched the woman more and more, they had a growing sense of seeing dinner in them. That’s why they went near Kal, as if hoping the other Shadow could protect them.

Meanwhile, Rozri was also examining the droid. Apparently and understandably, she didn’t like the woman calling her a droid and not a living thing. The princess continued to try to think of herself as a living being or a living entity and not a dead thing.

"I'm not a droid!" she said. "I don’t know what it could be like to be a different species. You and they are the first people, who are not members of the Sith… and I met them today." she answered.

As for her feelings while Rozri tested her, the droid, or princess, gave normal feelings in response to everything. Yes, anger and impatience came up very often because she didn’t really understand what this was all about or why this test's purpose. Because she didn't know what the woman was studying on her now, it was a completely unfamiliar terrain for her. In any case, her feelings of joy, sorrow, anger, anger, fear, fright, incomprehension, wonder were really normal; any other feelings that someone is able to imagine. Negative, positive, or even neutral emotion. It was conceivable that the runes in the princess’s armour were energized by emotions to function.

"What is the purpose of this childish test?" she asked angrily.

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The colour of the runes flanking the witch's eyes shifted slightly as she continued her observations, but that was the only response the droid's outburst would earn. Rozri had not come as far as she had by being overly concerned about the feelings of her lessers - and in her mind, very few were worthy of being considered a peer.

"That is none of your concern." Mouth quirking upwards into a sarcastic smile, her eyes were cold. "A shame you don't have a mute function. A primitive relic from a primitive age, I suppose. Why would I expect anything more?"

<Her emotional profile seems within normal parameters for her alleged species. That seems to have been preserved, at least. She is either the real deal or a convincing simulacrum.> Either way, it seemed the witch had determined her worthy of study. An intact soul of that age was rare indeed... and a convincing fake could provide solid data in a vivisection.

Assuming, of course, that the Shadows were not determined to keep it as a pet, but she was getting ahead of herself.
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Reactions: Dis
Dis the Shadow(cat)
Shadowcat, explorer and wanderer; Owner of the Cat’s Paw; Member of the Greystone Mercantile
Location: Tyrant's Row
Equipment: N/A
Tag: Kal Kal
[ Theme ]
<"Galactic Basic"> | ~ telepathic communication ~

That is, the truth is that Dis felt quite uncomfortable in the woman's presence and, for safety's sake, they were more behind Kal's back. Their Shadow peer knew the woman better anyway and had always survived the meeting with her, so far. They hoped they could survive behind him. The Shadowcat was not exactly famous for their courage; and in vain they were curious, cowardice often prevailed over curiosity. So they found it better to stay behind and watch events from a safe distance. It was behind Kal for them at the moment.

~ I feel uncomfortable. ~ they told Kal.

"It is my concern, because it's about me!" said the princess in an offended voice.

The droid turned her head offended at the woman's words, especially when she mentioned the silent feature and primitive things. It was quite clear that she didn't really like any of the wording.

Meanwhile, the sorceress returned to the two Shadows; after her words, Dis ruffled their fur, still feeling tense in the woman's presence. However, it also became clear to the Shadowcat that the woman didn’t even know if the princess was just a copy or not. At such times, they regretted not being more versed in the Force and not being able to do more. They weren’t really happy to have to address the sorceress, but there was no other option.

~ Can you ever tell if she’s really her, or just a soul imprint, an echo? ~ they asked.

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Even when she conversed with the Shadows, her eyes remained on the droid. Watching. Evaluating.

<She has a soul, so to speak. It is old enough to fit the timeline.> Pausing for a long moment, she seemed to eye the air around it with some interest. <That does, in all likelihood, make her the real deal. A synthetic soul seems unlikely.>

There was no record of the ancient Sith having done such a thing, especially one able to pass as one of them, but the droid added some degree of uncertainty. It seemed likely that other ancients had been involved.

As if sensing her thought process, Kal 'spoke' up. <A Rakatan chassis, perhaps?>

<Possibly, but it resembles no known design. Unfortunately, I'm no archaeotechnician.>

<It would also predate their encounter, according to our records. Not that they are infallible.>

The Princess, not that the title held any significance to them, was not made part to the discussion.

Dis Dis
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Reactions: Dis
Dis the Shadow(cat)
Shadowcat, explorer and wanderer; Owner of the Cat’s Paw; Member of the Greystone Mercantile
Location: Tyrant's Row
Equipment: N/A
Tag: Kal Kal
[ Theme ]
<"Galactic Basic"> | ~ telepathic communication ~

It still seemed to Dis that no one was counting the princess as a living being. It didn’t really matter to them whether the droid was just an artificial life form or natural. They were living things. That’s why the Winged Guardians, or just the Karza’Dis, were treated as living beings by Dis, due to the Artificial soul. It has always been thought that this may be because they spend too much time in the company of Valkyrja, not to mention that they were pacifists. They mean, not Valkyrja, but the Shadowcat.

~ Oh, really interesting. Do you already have an idea how this is possible? ~ they asked.

I mean, they had never seen anything like it before, and it was hard to imagine, especially from that time. After all, to the best of their knowledge, such a thing did not exist at that time. Even Force using was very childish; they were mostly the Rakata, or Gree, who knew such things. But the princess did not resemble the technology they used. That is, what has survived in the historical data. Luckily, the woman continued, so Dis kept watching, and in the end Kal asked a question as well. They all seemed to think the same thing.

~ But it could actually be that it was made by the species that lived in Iokath. There are a lot of droids out there that aren't anywhere else and we found her there too. ~ they intervened in the conversation. ~ This may be an explanation for why Vitiate later sought that place. He could hear legends. ~

They thought "out loud", they didn't really know, but it seemed logical to them now. Then something else came to their mind.

~ I know you're dealing with souls, but have you ever seen a similar metal somewhere? It was not familiar to Zahra … ~

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<A chassis from Iokath does seem likely, yes, but the Force use is much more curious. Did Iokath have a Tradition?>

Most beings were connected to the Force to some degree or another, but true Force Sensitives were rare, the mechanisms to recognise and train them entirely absent from many civilisations. The ancient Sith were an exception, but they were more Force Sensitive by far than most species. Unfortunately, he knew little of the synthetic world's creators.

The witch seemed equally lost. After some consideration, she shrugged. <I have never encountered a spirit from that species. Or a spirit that has met a spirit from that species, at least to my knowledge.>

<As for the metal, I barely know the difference between iron and copper save for the colour.>

<There is also the issue of how a Sith could end up on the other side of the galaxy before the advent of the hyperdrive. The Rakata were severely limited and they served as a model for the later versions! Gree, perhaps?>

It seemed unlikely that the sphere-builders had traversed the entire galaxy. Surely there would be traces?
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Reactions: Dis
Dis the Shadow(cat)
Shadowcat, explorer and wanderer; Owner of the Cat’s Paw; Member of the Greystone Mercantile
Location: Tyrant's Row
Equipment: N/A
Tag: Kal Kal
[ Theme ]
<"Galactic Basic"> | ~ telepathic communication ~

Dis shook their head sadly at Kal's question; unfortunately they could not answer this. Although, they tried to read after it and get information about the time after Zahra said the clues were leading there. But not much has been found about the Force. Although it was thought to be an advanced civilization, the lack of technology related to the Force could be quite eloquent. Compared to the Rakatas, of course.

~ Unfortunately, I didn't know that when I read about the place after our meeting with Zahra, there is nothing to suggest it. Only the technology and the fact that they eventually destroyed themselves. But the fully computerized and droid-powered planet continued to function after their extinction. But these are not too relevant in our question. ~ they said and conveyed a little sorrow to the Lady and Kal.

Unfortunately, the Shadowcat didn’t meet anyone from the Iokath species, though it could have been really interesting. Probably all of them have now become completely one with the Force, or have evolved into some disgusting, very strong entity, which they have tried to avoid as far as possible, for understandable reasons. Such creatures were, for example, Vorcitos, or the Avatars of the Maw. They didn't know much more after the questions. It was still a mystery what could be and how she got there.

~ That's the "how" question, I think it's secondary. The question is more, why was this done to her? Why is she so special that someone made this out of her at a time when it was almost impossible? Maybe if we have the answer to this question, we will also know how she got to Iokath. ~ they said cautiously to the others as they looked at the princess.

They still had no idea if this might have been torture or if someone was trying to save the princess's life.

~ Or Kwa? After all, they built the Infinity Gates and Star Temples, with which such a journey is not very complicated. If I remember correctly what I read. ~ they said.

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The why would certainly provide some insight, but it was difficult to say how it could be uncovered.

The 'princess' clearly did not know, unless there were suppressed memories buried in her mind. <Perhaps, but I do not see how we could uncover the answer to that question with the sources available to us. As for the Kwa... possibly?>

It was difficult to know much with certainty, from that age, but he was not aware of any documented contact between the Kwa and the Sith. <Sith are known to have been present among the ancient Je'daii, no? Perhaps whoever brought them there?> The details on that was lost to him, however. Only partial records and preserved remains remained.

Kal was an innately curious being, but investigating something so old was downright frustrating. The only primary source at his disposal was seemingly entirely ignorant of anything of consequence.
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Reactions: Dis
Dis the Shadow(cat)
Shadowcat, explorer and wanderer; Owner of the Cat’s Paw; Member of the Greystone Mercantile
Location: Tyrant's Row
Equipment: N/A
Tag: Kal Kal
[ Theme ]
<"Galactic Basic"> | ~ telepathic communication ~

Dis also had to think about what Kal said. They had to think a lot. They really thought, like their fellow Shadow, that it could all work, but how was an even better question. However, because they loved the past and history, they had some insight into what things could be used to get information. Although their skills and powers were far from good and strong in this area.

~ Maybe… maybe there is a solution. ~ they told Kal and the woman. ~ Couldn't the psychometry be used on the droid body? I know this would only reveal the body’s past, but maybe it would turn out who built it and how. Maybe the answer to the question of why will be answered. ~

They thought for a moment, then finally spoke again. Maybe they had another idea as well.

~ And if we could visit her memories? I mean… I recently heard some of my customers talk about the Flow-walking ability that Aing-Tii uses. But unfortunately, I don’t know anyone who would know all this. ~ the end was said sadly.

The next question was great; Dis has only met Je’daii once so far. With a padawan who tried to heal a bird. They had a chance to talk to him. They also knew that they had fought against Rakata and that they were the foundation of the modern Jedi Order in the end. And they had a special idea about the Force. It was actually conceivable, though they didn't remember that.

~ Maybe yes, but I'm not sure. Unfortunately, I don’t have too much knowledge about the ancient Je’daii order. ~ they conveyed sadness.

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Dis had certain ideas about how best to uncover the truth of the droid's origin. Feasible ideas, possibly, but far beyond what Kal himself was capable of. <I have some familiarity with Psychometry, but Zahra is my better in that area.> She had failed to procure anything tangible, which meant a true master would likely be needed.

<Percieving the past more directly would certainly do the trick, but I am dubious of the practice of Flow-walking. From what little I know it is a rather risky method.> While not as tied attached to the straightforward and predictable passage of time as your average organic, it was one of few phenomena he was content not to meddle with.

It seemed they were at an impasse. It was not easy to investigate ancient history with minimal clues.

<It is possible that her memories alone contain new clues, but even that would require significant expertise.> Expertise he was slowly amassing, but he doubted he was there yet - especially given the unusual nature of her existence.
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Reactions: Dis
Dis the Shadow(cat)
Shadowcat, explorer and wanderer; Owner of the Cat’s Paw; Member of the Greystone Mercantile
Location: Tyrant's Row
Equipment: N/A
Tag: Kal Kal
[ Theme ]
<"Galactic Basic"> | ~ telepathic communication ~

Yes, they knew about Zahra, too, but she hasn't achieved much so far, so she may not be able to help. Yet even Shadowcat was sure the girl was interested in it all. After all, she was the one who went to Iokath for the princess. For a few moments, they wondered what the best solution would be. Who may be their acquaintances who are familiar with this Force ability. Actually, one thing only came to their minds.

~ If Zahra can't help in this, and she doesn't know anyone, I can ask the Small Lady or the other Valkyrja if they can help. ~ they offered. ~ I know no one else who can know this ability. ~

They had only heard of the second thing; they never had the opportunity to try or study more seriously. No side effects or any conditions that could cause problems were known. But there was no reason not to believe Kal, as he was by far the more experienced of the two. Then they would rather have forgotten this opportunity. It wasn't so important.

~ Oh?! ~ they were asked in surprise and this feeling was also conveyed to Kal.

At the same time, the Shadowcat blinked in the direction of their companion with their huge snow-white eyes. They weren't really able to express their feelings in Shadow form, so "questioning blinks" were the most they could do in visible form. That is why they conveyed curiosity towards Kal.

~ What do you think? ~ they asked in the end.

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<Feel free, if you think they might be able to shed a light on its past.> There was always a risk that the droid itself held little significance, however; perhaps it had merely been a vessel of convenience. A hurried project soon abandoned.

In such a case her mind and spirit would be needed to explain what had occurred.

<I cannot claim to have studied the technique in detail, but all sources I have viewed encouraged caution. A few claimed those who had mastered it could change the past, but without providing proof for such a bold claim.> It was clear Kal saw such claims as meritless, but it was equally clear he viewed temporal affairs as risky business.

<If there are traces of truth in her mind, they are well-hidden. I lack the expertise to excavate them.> Without inflicting serious harm, anyway. <Referring the matter to a specialist may be the best choice, given the circumstances.>
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