Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tunnel Vision: Clans of Mandalore Dominion of Vortex

Tunnel Vision
Clans of Mandalore Dominion of Vortex

1. Engage in atmospheric flight maneuvers & dogfight/artillery training. In-Atmo fighters, bes’uliik’e & paratroop deployment live simulation. (blank round PvP)
2. Extra-planetary gangsters have been abusing the Vors. Take on this threat to the emotionless beings and preserve their unique way of life. (Mystery Adventure)

The cutting wind caused Yasha to shove her back against a collection of boulders made smooth by Vortex’s unique weather systems. According to the scientific surveys conducted of the planet, winter would arrive not long from when the Mandalorians arrived. It meant high pressure currents, unpredictable weather systems, and one heck of a training potential for the Mandalorian people.

Yasha waited for the wind to stop buffeting her side, before glancing to those acquaintances around her. A Vors by the name of Krima-Chis ruffled his feather-less wings and drifted his head to the side.

“The gangsters are holing their operations inside our Cathedral of Winds. It is… important.” Being realistically emotionless, the Vor twisted his head to the other side, clicking his tongue and hop-hopping to the side. “You, we hire to rid our planet of the gangsters, and preserve our Cathedral. Our talents lay too far in the academic and esotheric to deal with such violent brigands.”

Pragmatic to the nth, Krima-Chis searched the Mandalorians present. Yes, they would do.

On the other side of the planet, surrounded by magenta, and vermillion coloured grasslands, the Mandalorians were allowed a flight district by the Vors.

“Our task is simple. Vortex’s winds are as accommodating as a toddler with colic, when you’re trying to get to date night, so all you pilots, bes’uliik flyers and artillery specialists suit up, prep your cockpits and get in the air. I’ve reconfigured all our weapons to computational alerts, meaning we ain’t shooting each other with anything but blanks. I got two teams. Red Team, you’re starting at coordinates A-32. Blue Team, you’ve got coordinates B-35.

Last team standing gets a tech reward, custom built by me. You got your colours? Good! Get to it! Go! Scoot! Up up up!” [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"] nodded, waving the Mandalorians pilots and crews up and away from her viewing platform position. The shields she raised helped block the winds, yet Aditya still pulled on a sweater.

“You too, [member="Tamar Fitz Kierke"]. I know who you want to fly with, so you go on.” Patting Tamar on the shoulder, Aditya watched the former slave go as crimson as her cheeks were able, as she looked to [member="Mig Gred"].

“Y-yes, Lady Aditya.”

“No more of this Lady business. Call me Mama, child. Now git! Go on! Don’t make me see you lose and change my mind! Go!” Aditya shooed Tamar off, watching the Panathan-born Epicanthix scamper toward her dear one’s vessel. “Now… which of these mooks’ll crash first?”
Objective 1
Helmet: On
Location: Other side of the planet
Tags: [member="Yasha Cadera"] [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"]
Adenn had heard the two missions the Mandalorians had, deal with gangsters or go flying. Normally he'd go deal with slavers, but [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"] was on the flying side, so he decided to do that instead. However, he wasn't going to just fly around in some ship, nah, he was going to use his Tracyn Mirshko, Calyr. Adenn may join in the fighting sim, but really he just wanted to surprise Aditya and mess around with her. That's why he hadn't announced his presence yet, he wanted to sneak up on her.

He waited until Aditya was finished speaking before making his move. Riding up slowly on his dragon, Adenn looked down to her with a smirk on his face. So far he didn't think she'd noticed him, so he kept being quiet. Letting Calyr lay down quietly behind her, Adenn slowly stepped off. Still smiling, Adenn walked up quietly behind her. Now behind her, Adenn gazed at her affectionately, but didn't say anything, merely observing her for a moment. Then he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her from behind, engulfing her in a hug. Placing his head on her shoulder, arms around her waist and arms from behind, Adenn laughed gently.
"Hello c'yare." Adenn gently squeezed her with his hug before continuing. "So, where do I fall in, love? Also, a custom reward made by you?" Adenn hmmed "If I win, can I get a different kind of reward?" He chuckled at that, lightly tapping her lower back. "Or would I not participate, and instead entertain you with my lovable self?"

Laughing gently again, Adenn released her from his hold then and stood next to her, looking down with a smile behind his helmet. His dragon meanwhile was in the back, gently rumbling to itself. A quirk though from the norm was the seat, there was now more room, enough for 2 people to sit on him and ride comfortably. The intent of it was clear, Adenn would like to take Aditya flying later. But that was for later, now he just wanted to spend time with her.
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Objective 1

Mig sat by the Enigma as some engineers prepped her and a pair of Vipers, for the training session. It may have seemed weird to bring the corvette for an atmospheric training competition, but this particular corvette should be well suited for it. He smiled as the vessels were finally readied, and then felt a familiar presence coming that put a big smile on his face. Lidden chuckled, seeing his face.

"Hey lover boy. Just go see her already." Mig turned a bit red, and gave his sister a crossed look before turning to see [member="Tamar Fitz Kierke"] . He smiled at her, waving the woman over.

"Glad you could come, Tamar."
Objective two

Notch this down as one of the planets she hadnt visited before...shame to say she was visiting to deal with a little issue the local populace had. But of course she would make a note to come and visit after business had concluded maybe even visiting a library or two...or three...ok a lot

Stand beside yasha...her of the two people in this galaxy she ever called sister. Looking over at her brought a smile to stardust face which was hidden behind her helmet. Then she looked to Kaine, her brother and the one who had accepted her into Australis, he too put a smile on her face before she faced forward looking at the giant crystal dome

wonder how long it took for them to make that
What're you gonna do? Kill me?
Location: Flier’s Start Point
Objective: Flight Sim
Allies: [member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="Flash Australis"] [member="Mig Gred"]

While Yasha stayed behind with the Vors, her Guards around her and injured arm appearing functional, without being so, I’m leading this maneuver malarkey. Someone’s got to, and my baby girl is as scared of flying as I was of parental responsibility back in the early days.

Off pilots trot, and I’m pouring over documentation, when a pair of arms wrap around me from behind.

“Holy fethknuckles of Alderaan!” I throw up my elbow and swerve around, attempting to elbow whatever unfortunate mook decided to embrace me. Zounds! The mook’s guarded against my viscious elbow with his head on my shoulder!

“Oh… it’s you.” The only legitimate person to be able to hug me without a whallop is [member="Adenn Kyramud"]. My… somethingorother. Dang man’s all affectionate and loving. It’s adorable and I’m not entirely sure how to deal with it, to be truthful. Hard not to fall madly for the man. “You fall in with the rest of them, Kyramuddy… ooh hoh hoh hoooh you want your own reward? Well now, that’s fine as paint, but you’ve got to win first.”

I’m not grinning, other people are grinning! They’d better not be grinning at us, or I’ll find a way to wipe their smirks off. Did Vortex get an increase in temperature?

“You’re welcome to do either, although it might be boring being down on the ground with us four. Sounds like a good amount of people up there… but I’d like a few more before the drill begins in earnest.” I chime the ‘ready’ mark for the fliers, hoping they finally get themselves prepared.

Good timing, the wind’s picking up.
Location: Flier’s Start Point
Objective: Flight Sim
Allies: [member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="Flash Australis"] [member="Mig Gred"]

The Beskar’gam was new, worn a handful of times by Tamar. This time, she finally figured out how to clip her hemet to her belt, and tucked a loose strand of hair back into the braid atop her head.

Trying to fend off the monumental grin on her face, Tamar trotted over to Mig and vibrated on the balls of her feet.

“Oh, I wouldn’t miss it. Never been on a corvette or a fighter before, and this sounded fun. I don’t think I could mess it up too poorly, at least… how… how’re… um…” That danged hair again! Tamar swerved round to fix it, nibbling on her lip and trying to regain her composure. “Are you having a good day? What shall we do if we win?”

Sidling around, Tamar thought she could see a smarmy smirk on Lidden’s face… no, that couldn’t be it. She looked to Mig, eyes wide and lips constantly licked.

“Which one are we… you… I understand if you don’t want me to help, I’m not a trained fighter and I’ve never fired a ship’s guns before and…”

Location: Cathedral of Winds
Objective: Gangster Roth
Allies: [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"]

“Long enough that I’m game with protecting it. I’m calling in our shield generators, see if we can’t spruce up its’ interiors a bit or dampen any damage we might find.” Shouldering her spear, Yasha nodded to her sister Stardust, and tried to breathe.

Her right lung still stung when she took a large breath, the matters of state dictating that she was back on the line before her injuries from Orinda were completely healed. Knowing it would make Caz worry even more for her wife, Yasha deigned to stay close and let Kaine lead the troops from the front on this one.

She hissed and triggered the wrist blade in her right arm. It could look more lethal than it was with her shoulder-pauldron and armour locked to prevent untoward movement.

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
Location: Cathedral of Winds
Objective: Wack some Mobsters
Allies: [member="Yasha Cadera"] - [member="Kaine Australis"] - [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"]

Noah groaned in slight pain as he rolled his neck only to feel the pain radiate up into his skull. The doctors had warned him against going into combat so soon after such a traumatic injury but Noah had waved of their warnings without a second thought. He was a warrior and a warrior did not let any wound hold them back, no matter how bad. That and he didn't want to be outdone by Yasha who was currently in front of him.

Looking down at the two small crates he was carrying he nodded and set them down. "Before we rush in there headlong perhaps you'd like the toys I brought." Cracking open the tops of the crates with one of his knives he revealed what looked to be some type of vambraces. Reaching in he took one out and let those around examine it. "These are prototype Bulwark-class Personal Shielding units my company has been developing. We've actually been developing them for your aunt Yasha."

Attaching the adjustable clasp of the unit to his armor he activated it and for a brief moment was surrounding in a purple-ish field before it disappeared. "Based off old Mandalorian and Telosian designs they'll protect you from blaster bolts, slugs, blades and even temperature extremes. These are a few prototypes that need field testing so have at it."
Objective 2 - Cathedral of the Winds

He met up with [member="Kaine"] @Australis and [member="Yasha Cadera"] and [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] and the other's and listened to the plan, Given the fragile nature of the cathedral and how important it was to the Vor he didnt bring anything but his Gam and his fists. He unsheathed the sharp claws on his gam as he watched the others get ready as well, The plan was simple however when do plans even go well so right now he readied his talons and made sure the toxins he chose where ready for quick use. He observed as the shield generators where brought in no doubt they will come in handy here.

He observed [member="Noah Corek"] opening one of the crates and pulling out a new toy his company made, A shield vambrace thats good against blasters, slugs, blades and temperatures and he was handing out the prototypes. He grabbed one and put it on his arm and made sure it was all active, It was good that it was easy to put on and he assumed the purple glow for a moment means its on but he will see how effective it is on the field as he waited for the order to move out.
Location: Flier's Start Point
Objective: Flight Sim
Tags: [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"] [member="Flash Australis"] [member="Mig Gred"] [member="Tamar Fitz Kierke"]
OOC: Aditya moved with authors permission

The documents [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"] are holding are of no concern to Adenn, especially not in stopping him from hugging her. However, her sudden attack is, and rather dangerous. Thankfully her elbow only grazes his helmet because his head is on her shoulder, grinning behind his helmet, Adenn poked her sides before deciding to be overly dramatic. Letting go of Aditya, Adenn went "AGH!" in 'pain' before falling to the floor next to Aditya. Flailing around in mock pain, he let out a groan and spoke.
"Oh no! The pain, I have been defeated by the elbow of doom by the one I love!" Adenn raised a gloved hand above his heart, and with his left reached up to grasp at Aditya. "This must be the end, I can see the light and she is beautiful." He was looking straight at Aditya from behind his T-visor. "If this is where I die, then know this c'yare. I love you, carry on without me beloved!" Then with an overdramatic groan, Adenn let his hand fall down and let out an "ack." He lay there for a few moments, 'playing' dead.

Then with a hearty laugh, Adenn sat up beside Aditya, looking up at her with a grin on behind his helmet.
"Yes it's me darlin, miss me? Because I missed you. And who did you expect to come randomly hug you?" Adenns chuckle was filled with mirth and amusement.

Grinning up at her, Adenn decided to do something else. Reaching up with one hand, Adenn gently grabbed Adityas hands before pulling quickly but gently. Letting her fall onto his lap, Adenn laughed again before engulfing Aditya in a hug and falling down onto his back. He pulled Aditya down with him, still hugging her to his chest, and grinned.
"Well Aditya, I must say I do enjoy this, however unexpected it may be. Oh, fall in with the rest of them, but I want to keep bothering you with my adorable self." He winked with a head tilt, and chuckled again. "My own reward? What if it's a reward I want to give to you, one that we can share mesh'la?" Adenn squeezed her gently again, laughing quietly.

Oh he can do either? Well then, he'd much rather spend time with her than go win some flight sim. Then he looked at his dragon again and remembered what else he wanted to do. Laughing again, Adenn sat up, still hugging Aditya close to him. Then he stood up and dragged her up with him, chuckling, Adenn gestured to his dragon. "Oh, who said anything about staying down on the ground? I was thinking of flying off with you, way up there, and to have some fun in the sky."

Still having his arms wrapped around her, Adenn brought one arm up to hug her above her belly, while the other hand gently rubbed her growing belly. He was having too much fun so far, but there was more to come. Resting his head on her head, Adenn awaited her answer with a grin on his face, and anticipation in his veins.
What're you gonna do? Kill me?
Location: Flight Sim Area
Objective: Don't die of laughter
Allies: [member="Adenn Kyramud"]

“Hahaha! What are you doing, you goof?” My giggles burst across Vortex’s heavy winds as Adenn flops over as if mortally wounded. The ribcage surrounding my heart thunders like shutters in a storm, when he says he loves me. Me, Aditya Fitz Kierke. A downright goofy grin spreads on my face. I can’t help it. “Oh get up. People’re watching…”

Maybe there weren’t people watching, maybe we were as alone as we’d ever be once these triplets were born.

“Usually when beings came up behind me, it wasn’t to hug.” Hard to remind him where I’ve been the last twenty years. Thirty? Twenty four? However long it was, that Hell is over. He tugs me down, and for a second I’m worried about landing wrong, but Adenn’s strong and agile enough to catch me proper. “Yipes! Adenn!! Yes, I missed you! I missed you! What’re you doing, my love?”

The word slipped. My breath caught, maybe he’d miss it. He’s been so open, so accommodating, and there’s me, Ms. Heavy Baggage and I hadn’t told him how much I love him yet.

“Well, if you want to be a nuisance in my patoot, then I… reward for me? Do you get the idea of a training exercise? I’m not supposed to get rewarded for anything but not shooting one of ours in the face, when they annoy the dickens out of me.” His laugh is as infectious as a disease caught on a pleasure cruiser, and I partake in it. For just one moment I could believe that we’re actually off on our own, in the best two person company. “Flying!? Gosh you’re lucky Yash isn’t here. She’d flip her copper lid and call some form of intervention. I’d love to, maybe I could get a better view of the pilots up there, eh?”

I place my arms atop his, forming a circle around my swelling belly. Hold him there. Wouldn’t be much time for flying before long…

“Yeah, Adenn? Take me up.”
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Mig smiled at the woman he loved when she walked up. She stuttered a bit as she explained that she had never seen a fighter and corvette. It made him happy that she was willing to go on a practice/competition with him, especially considering that she was new to this. [member="Tamar Fitz Kierke"] then asked how the day was, and what they'd do if they won. The Alor just smiled, thinking for a second.

"The day's been pretty good. A bit brighter now. And win or lose, I think celebrating a good competition and training session would be in order." He was then surprised by what Tamar said next. She wasn't sure he would want her to join him. Mig smiled, putting his hand on her shoulder before speaking.

"Tamar, I would love for you to join us on this. Never too late to learn."
Location: Flier's Start Point
Objective: Flight Sim
Tags: [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"] [member="Flash Australis"] [member="Mig Gred"] [member="Tamar Fitz Kierke"]

"What am I doing love?" Adenn flails a bit more, "Oh just dying is all. I've been mortally wounded, and must now be comforted." When she says people are watching, he dramatically looks around while holding a finger to the lower part of his T-visor. "There, now they won't say anything."

When she mentions that part of her life, Adenn can't help but frown behind his helmet. He dislikes that part of her life, even if it's probably the only reason he got to meet her. Still, it's a part of her life that Adenn sincerely hopes she doesn't have to repeat. Thus, after having pulled her down, he rests his head on her shoulder, gently connecting his helmets forehead with her forehead. When she speaks again, Adenn laughs slightly, but when she says 'my love,' his heart stops for a second. It was the first time she'd called him that, at least the first he could think of.

Smiling behind his helmet, Adenn laughs lightly again and hugs her closer.
"I'm glad you missed me, because I missed you. And what I'm doing? Enjoying every single second with you, each to the fullest." Adenn Keldabe kisses her then, smiling behind his helmet. Gently he rubs a hand up and down her side as she keeps talking. "Oh yeah, a reward just for you c'yare. Eh, I think you deserve a reward for more than just that, I think you deserve one for being the best, and one for being so loveable, and another for simply being you." Sighing contentedly, Adenn pulls her closer, hugging her tightly, but gently.

When she laughs with him, Adenn can't help but feel even more joy at all this, it's wonderful to hear her laugh as well. Then they're up and Aditya is still talking. Adenn can't help but laugh at the mental image of [member="Yasha Cadera"] trying to play it cool, while freaking out about flying. When she says get a better view, Adenn looks her up and down while nodding, a sly grin on his face. He let her know of that grin by gently pinching her behind and winking with a head tilt, before engulfing her in the hug. When she adds her arms to his, Adenn is positively beaming behind his helmet, this is better than he could've hoped for.
"We could get a better view, a much better view."

Smiling as she gives her assent that she wants to fly, Adenn motions with his head for Calyr to come over. The dragon does so, it stands up and stretches slightly before silently padding over to the pair. It sat down once more next to them and looked over at Aditya, tilting its head curiously, it sniffed her before letting its head fall down to sniff at her belly. Looking up, the dragon gave her a toothless grin before laying down beside the pair, showcasing the seat on the back, big enough for two.

Laughing at his dragons antics, Adenn let go of hugging Aditya from behind, instead bring his left arm around her and standing on her right side, next to his dragon. Smiling down to her behind his helmet, Adenn motioned to the seat with his right hand.
"Your noble steed has arrived milady." He gave a slight bow to her, chuckling.

Grinning, Adenn offered his hand for her to climb up onto the dragon. He wanted to help her up so she could sit in the front, so as to better get a view and so he could hold her. Helping [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"] up wasn't too hard, but Adenn did let his hands wander, but only for a second, as he helped her adjust herself. Grinning behind his helmet, Adenn climbed onto the dragon as well before reaching around Aditya and holding onto the reigns. Hugging her slightly, Adenn rested his head on her shoulder and whispered quietly to her.
"Are you ready c'yare?"

Waiting a moment, Adenn gave a light flick and Calyr bunched his legs up before leaping into the air. Thanks to the wind, and his outstretched wings, the dragon soared up rather quickly into the air. Laughing, Adenn held Aditya close to himself while speaking once more to her, making sure he was heard.
"I'll go easy for now love, get you used to this. Then we can have some fun." He squeezed her side gently with a hand before returning it to the reigns.

With that said, Adenn let Calyr start floating in the wind, gently flapping his wings from time to time. Though Adenn made sure not to go too high, as he didn't want to scare Aditya or endanger her. Grinning, Adenn lay his head on her shoulder again, turning his visor to gaze at her, tilting his head to her, Adenn chuckled quietly, enjoying the moment.
“Bit brighter... oh Mig, you flatterer.” That danged piece of hair! Tamar wrestled with it, attempting to get her hair to cooperate in front of [member="Mig Gred"]. “Unless you meant the weather! The sun is brighter now I think. I could check!”

Something in the way he smiled had Tamar stand right there. Sidle closer as his sister snorted out a laugh. These two were three steps from hopeless.

“Yes! Yes, we should celebrate... except later I have to watch Yasha’s hellions and... well maybe I can trade with Caz. Or...” he wanted her on his team! He wanted her to learn how to fly a ship! “Kids be danged, lets do this!”

Tamar raced straight past Mig and onto the ramp of the ship, then turned around with an effervescent yell.

“Come on, Mig! Hurry! Flash is already up there! Oh goodness so are Adenn and Aditya! They’re on a dragon! A real live dragon!” She hopped up and down, pointing before rushing further in the ship.

Location: Cathedral of Wind
Objective: 2
Allies: [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Noah Corek"] @Stardust Solis Skirae [member="Skorvek"]

“Excellent, Noa’ik! Kaine’s right, I love it. You boys know me so well.” Yasha strapped the shield unit on her right forearm with a happy snarl. The pain in her arm throbbed, but this would indeed aid her mission of not furthering the damage. “I’m sure the Empress will use them well in the coming war.”

Kay was a sore subject for Yasha. Having sent her beloved [member="Ambrose Cadera"] to protect her, be there in prison with her, knowing conversations with those who had her best interest as at heart as a Vors’ emotion was disheartening. The people of Er’kit could have used a leader like Kay Arenais, and what was more, Yasha could have kept her safe.

Out in the open, Empress of a contested throne, Yasha couldn’t protect her aunt anymore than Noah’s shields could. Kay chose the dangers of a new empire over the freedom of her family. The thought stung.

The city rang quiet, a subtle nod to the Vors’ good sense to hire Mandalorians then get out of their way.

“Kain’ik... it’s being compiled, but I’d rather not be known for destroying a priceless galactic monument.” Walking beside her husband, Yasha put a hand on the small of his back. Movement around them...

Signal for being surrounded.
Objective II - Cathedral Approach

As Kaine brought up getting scans on the cathedral so that if need be restoration can be utilized Skorvek started said scans and kept it subtle so that he can continue fighting while getting every detail he could get on the Cathedrals workings. He followed [member="Kaine Australis"] and [member="Yasha Cadera"].

As they walked down the street to the Cathedral he took note of the Gangers that came to greet them, No weapons drawn yet sadly which meant he didn't have an excuse to break there heads yet. He kept with them as they made there way up to meet the group. As he heard Yasha's concern for the Cathedral he chimed in a little.

I too have been taking scans of the Cathedral but we will try and deal with these people without if possible destroying or damaging the cathedral.

[member="Noah Corek"] [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"]
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Mig chuckled a bit when @Tamar asked if he meant the weather was making it brighter, and shook his head slightly.

"No, I mean you." He then smiled, though he shot his sister a look before looking back at Tamar. It was nice to see her get excited about the possibility of celebrating, but then she brought up something. She had to watch Yasha's kids, or "hellions" as she put it. He understood that they both had duties, though it did bum him out some, but then Tamar surprised him, saying she'd just go ahead and do this. He still looked a bit surprised as she ran by and up the boarding ramo, being snapped back to reality when she called out to him. The man chuckled before running up the ramp.

"I'm coming! Lidden, start her up!"

"Roger!" And with that the Enigma was airborne, and soon flanked by the two vipers. Lidden then called over the comms. "This is Enigma, ready to go."

"Varactyl Leader, ready."

"Varactyl Two, ready to light it up."

As they moved towards where this fight would take place, Mig led Tamar to the bridge, and looked around at the positions.

"Ok, there's the co-helm seat, turret controls, and launcher targeting. Take your pick."

[member="Yasha Cadera"] [member="Flash Australis"] [member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"]
Who let him here.

Sterling frowned behind his helmet as he tried to get the prototype Viper he'd been to take off. No matter the number of times he'd memorized the lil' instruction booklet he'd been given he still struggled to grasp more than the very remote basics. It hardly helped that none of the buttons were exactly labeled for him. Why he, a man known for a style of fighting revolving around brute force or standing still, was given a prototype interceptor was beyond him but it would have to be settled later.

Eventually the ship got off the ground, and settled into a gentle thrum as it began moving out into the training space. Teams made and settled, for whatever reason he'd been put on a team opposing most of his fellow tribesmen, that was fine. He opted to take a momentary test of his ship, and kicked the engines high as he could in the wind. It was, faster than he'd anticipated, and he tried activating the prototype's unique feature to fall in line, a line of thrusters along the side that allowed him to turn the craft on the same plane as it was moving, seemingly sliding into line.

That was... fun. He chuckled a bit as he tried desperately to not deactivate the engines on accident while deactivating the side's thrusters, failing briefly and falling a bit before fixing the mistake. Fighting family, call it Deja Vu.

[member="Mig Gred"] :|: [member="Adenn Kyramud"] :|: [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"] :|: [member="Tamar Fitz Kierke"]
“Me? You are a curious one, [member="Mig Gred"].” Tamar’s laughter curled around the Enigma as the Mand’alor’s nanny raced into the cockpit.

“Oh, I wouldn’t want to help you crash. Maybe the turret controls? I know how to use firearms.” Tamar trotted over, squeezing Mig’s arm before taking her seat in the appropriate chair.

She didn’t get very far through the details on the targeting system when her first target wobbled in...

“Goodness gracious me! Who in Yasha’s braid is that?!” She targeted [member="Sterling Kinslayer"], who quickly fell out of Tamar’s target sites. “Anyone know the... oh there he goes!”

Fighters were rising, most much better at piloting than Sterling. Some began to strafe and yaw, searching through the heavy winds to take control of their ships before the word to fire.

“Oy aye Sleppo, we got Mandos.” Glen slipped over a series of boxes half unloaded with weapons, armaments and spice.

The Cathedral of Wind was the best new shop to set up. Vors worshipped the place. It made perfect sense to settle in, take advantage of the normally emotionless and docile creatures. After all, the Mandalorians drove them out of Hela, Contruum, Ploo.

Times were lean. Sleppo grimaced and raised his rifle.

“Suit up, all! The Mandos can’t shoot at us without breaking the Cathedral. We tell them to poodoo off. It’s simple.” Slippo spoke and the rest followed her. Several climbed into the coils and crannies of the monument, weapons training on the Mandalorians.

“Oy! Nothing for you lot in here! Piss off!” Glen yelled, stepping forward toward the oncoming vode.

[member="Noah Corek"] [member="Skorvek"] @Stardust Solis Skirae
[member="Yasha Cadera"]

A personal shield? Oh yes stardust loved anything that gave her the advantage on the battle field, she activated it and looked it over before turning it off and nodded to Noah with respect. Moving forward with yasha she admired the cathedral...honestly she could see the tactical advantage of having this place hostage, youd wither have to get slaughtered or risk a entire planets wrath agaisnt you just for destroying it

yasha... in the event this does somehow crack get me a way in I can likely hold up the entire thing for a good amount of time but...let's hope dont have to

Better to have a plan then not, as they approached stardust spotted the scum all over the damned thing, she would stop with yasha guns in her holster no weapons out
((I had permission from [member="Kaine Australis"] do this)) As Kaine went off to a different section to handle that part of the Cathedral while the rest of the forces deal with the main road Skorvek commented on [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"]'s suggestion.

If need be I can hold while you use your flame to try and weld the damage so we don't sacrifice the whole cathedral.

As they approached he saw the gangsters start moving around no doubt thinking they where safe in that Cathedral from them, Assuming we wont go in just because they are in such a place is a stupid move on there part. While the cathedral being intact is important getting rid of those gangsters was equally as important, while he cant use his weapons he still has many gifts that can handle them without damaging the building.

[member="Yasha Cadera"] [member="Noah Corek"]
What're you gonna do? Kill me?
“Mortally wounded. You’re a piece, you know that? Here, poor baby, let’s cuddle.” I can’t help the giggle pushing out of my lungs at [member="Adenn Kyramud"] and his antics. He really is indecently sweet.

There’s a silence for a few seconds, like Adenn’s caught up to what I said. Don’t think he’s want to think about my past, but I can’t escape it. As a part of me as my now silver hair. I press my forehead to his, eliciting a contented sigh. As much as my mind attempts to freak out over my slip, the more I sit here it comes out more honest.

I do love him. The crazy Mando man, a complete surprise when I came back from the dark. Love’s a good thing here, it’s not the distraction I forced Yasha not to feel in the Netherworld, where love could destroy as easily as a Hellspawn.

“Wow. I’m the best, and loveable? And me? Gosh, how’m I going to find a gift for you, wonder-man? Other than triplets? Happy triplets, that love you as much as their mother.” We’re quickly on the dragon, and I feel along the saddle. Is it safe? Should I test it, first? Take a look at the schematics? Another look at Adenn, and my worries dissipate. “About that view. Let’s.”

And then the flying beast… sniffs me? “Aawwwww, Calyr, you’re so sweet! Smelling the lug on me.” I pet the dang thing, not too sure why, but I do. Also don’t know why I’m letting Adenn help me, besides the growing threesome in my belly. Still, most of the ships have ventured up in to the winds of Vortex, and it’s time to shout out to pick their targets.

“Aw my gawsh! I’m sitting on a dragon! Adenn! We’re on a dragon!” My grin brushes against my cheeks. I cough and run my hand through braided hair. “I’m readyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!”

We’re in the air, and I cling to the dragon’s saddle, yelling into the wind.

“AAAaaaaaaaaahahahahahhaaaaah!” The wind roars around us, whipping strands of my hair around a mouth I quickly learn to shut.

“Pbbththbthhpthhtthhpttthhh! Euch! Bug! Bug! Alien bug! Pbbbthbt!” I keep one arm on Adenn, the other on the saddle as we go up.

Often times all a situation requires to clear is a shift in perspective. For many that shift is mental. Another hypothesis. A refined thesis. Here, up on Calyr with Adenn’s arm around my waist and the winds of Vortex battering us around, I can’t help feeling… free.

“Aaawwoooooohhooooooo!” Leaning forward on the dragon, I pat Calyr’s neck. “This is so amazing!! Oh!”

Flicking on my comm, I cover my mouth with my hands to muffle the wind sound. “All pilots, all pilots. Engage! Engage! Engage!”
Dozens of flying droids pepper into the air, flying to and fro almost comically incapable of hovering in the Vortex wind.

“Who let the mook over there pilot a fighter!?” I point unwittingly at Sterling’s fighter, swinging like a pair of knickers in a hurricane.

[member="Sterling Kinslayer"] [member="Mig Gred"] [member="Flash Australis"]

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