Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Truly Outrgeous (CIS Domination of Kwenn)

Kage moved his way back to the roof, small laser fire bursting from the front of the Tart-Cart. The rooftop lit up with the lasers, sith troopers falling to the blasts. "Gotta love bein in the sky eh?" The clone couldn't help but grin. Man he loved to fly.
Krest finds himself in the temples main chamber. It was a huge, empty room. Along its edges were once the temples statues, heroes who once defended it. The Sith used them as target practice, destroying the once proud figures. In the center of a room a dark hooded figure stood. He was tall, and his back was to the Zabrak. Krest took off like an arrow for the Master's back. surprise was his only chance after all. He ripped his blade around, slashing lengthwise for the mans back, but his blade bounced off.

"Ah, I expected stronger."

Krest eyes go wide as he's picked up and tossed into a statue. He slams against it hard, but finds himself still in the air. Stuck in a grip he had no clue how to expace he was tossed around the room, slammed and bashed against the statues, floor, even ceiling. He was finally freed, laying on the ground. His saber had gone, lost from his grasp during the assault.

The Zabrak breathed heavy, pushing himself up. The Master had turned to him, smiling under his hood. "Too bad." Lightning shot out from the figures fingers, slamming into the Templars figure. Krest couldn't help but scream, curling up on the floor. Pain shot out through him, and on top of that, his cybernetics shorted.

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