Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tournament Of The Five Dunes!


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay turned her head so that she could roll her eyes as [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] gave her the common argument that peace was more expensive than conflict. Peace just took more work to accomplish, while others preferred the easier route.

She looked at him as he requested her permission to use her name, raising a brow. So that was what he wanted all along? His chuckle gave her a feeling of dread. She slowly shook her head in response. "No thank you. I'm not a smoker." Kay set the wine glass down. "And I won't be giving you permission to use my name, especially to support your crimes. I'll not have you drag my name through the mud." Maybe it was time for her to make her leave soon. Minister of Public Affairs, ha! He just wanted to use her reputation to his own advantage.
"[member="Lady Kay"], what makes you think I haven't started already?" His thumb and forefinger pressed together with the roll of tobacco in the middle, he pressed the lit end of his cigar into the neighbouring slave girls arm, the bright embers flaking at the contact smearing ash across her arm and a bright red burn mark where it had touched, forcing the small creature to yelp in pain and shudder under its touch. "We've been in bed for a long time Kay, you really think I didn't have a hand in keeping you alive, I never sent assassins. Thraxis, torture never killed you, barely touched you." he removed the cigar from the girls arm, the smashed in head of it twisted to an odd angle his head turned to meet the slave girl's eyes as if to say 'look what you did, you broke it'. "Kay." he turned back to face her with a thousand yard stare.

"I own you, I bought you as any other slave. Maybe not with credits, but with not snuffing your flame out." his hand clenched together the finger's biting deep into the cigar, turning it to a paste of dust and paper, he let it slowly flake out between them. "You're free to go, take the slave girl with you. She bores me."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay narrowed her eyes at [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] while he spoke. She clenched her jaw. He was the reason for her not being killed yet? She looked to the slave as he burned her arm and got to her feet. [member="Thraxis"] always told her that he never killed her because he wanted to break her first, cause her to lose hope. Even with the mental institution he built, it hadn't happened.

She held his gaze, her eyes still narrowed while he claimed to own her. She didn't even drop her gaze while he destroyed his cigar and let it fall. "Only weak people rule by fear, Flannigan. Strong leaders rule with the respect of those they lead. Telling me that you own me doesn't make it so. I am no one's slave, least of all yours.

Thank you for the invite. Have a good rest of your evening."
Kay broke her gaze then and took the slave gently by her arm. "Come. We're going home."

Einon waited until his charge had walked past him, before he followed them. His hand rested on one of blasters as they began making their way down from the balcony to the main level.

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