Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tournament Of The Five Dunes!

Michael Shado

Alor of Clan Shado
[member="Acaleus Thorn"]

Michael looked down as all it would take was for the man a slight movement, and the Mando's leg would be gone. At this very moment, many things could determine what happened here, and he was damn sure not ready to lose the leg. Luckily as his kicked landed Michael had pulled out his last pistol that he now had aimed at Thorn's head. One pull of the trigger was all Michael needed. The look in Thorn's eyes showed more than just anger, this man had nothing left, he was a shell of the being he once was. What did this guy have to live for? Michael hated that look, it meant loss, suffering, and much pain.

Removing his helmet so that Acaleus could look upon his face, the scars of past battles, his blue eyes, beard, and short black hair. The Mandalorian's lips barely moved as he breathed:

"Find peace vod."

Vod meant brother, it meant family, it meant respect to a Mandalorian, and he only hoped that Thorn knew this.

Michael's finger gently squeezed the trigger.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Both Kay and Einon squinted in the spotlight, bringing an arm up to shield their eyes yet still enable them to see, as [member="Thraxis"] had the light beaming down on them. Now what?

It wasn't long before the spotlight was turned away and [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] greeted her with a bow. "Yes...Thank you..." She followed Flannigan up into the booth, Einon close behind her. All the while she wasn't sure of their purpose in having her brought here just yet. Kay looked to [member="Visser Chernykh"] and bowed her head, having not seen the man before, but knowing the First Order well enough through their trade agreements and Embassies with Commenor.

And then came the arrival of the slave and the tray. She didn't have to ask as to how this place was going to be overcrowded. She had heard of the slave raids. Einon rescued a few slaves from the White Palace earlier and they provided her with great intel. And now she had just acquired a new one, as well as spice that she won't take and alcohol that she may just only take small sips of. But the remote? That was certainly odd. Kay picked it up from the tray and looked to the variety of buttons, perplexed at just what they were for. She saw which button Flannigan pushed, but made no move to push it herself. "I have a feeling that I'm not going to like this..." Kay slowly sat down in the other lounge chair, her eyes on the combats below them. The fact that she wasn't going to like this was more than likely the point of her being invited in the first place.
Death right? That would happen in a second. Acaleus wouldnt be fast enough in creating a force shield, and even if he managed to do that, the bolt would destroy it. Even turning his lightsaber on wouldnt mean that he would live. His left arm didnt respond and one of his ribs were broken. How many times was he in that kind of position but still managed to live. How many opponents he fought in his life and this one in particular was going to murder him with only a bolt to the head. Although all his life he put his life on the line, now when death was around the corner, he didnt wanted to die "Im a coward..." was the only thought it came through his mind.

Acaleus closed his eyes, making a last move, he pressed Shados leg and elevate it as fast as he could, positioning the foot between the pistol fire range "This is going to hurt...and smell to cooked flesh" if he was right, the bolt would hit the foot. If not...well he would like to be buried in a simple wood casket.

[member="Michael Shado"]

Visser Chernykh

No one makes the hero bleed.
[member="Lady Kay"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"]

"Ah, you must be the Lady Kay," Visser said as the named woman joined them. He noted her discomfort. It was entirely in keeping with the reports he'd heard on her. She had a soft heart for those less fortunate.

"I am Visser Chernykh, of the First Order," he said by way of introduction while inclining his head. His own feelings on slavery were neutral. The First Order didn't allow slavery in it's own borders. But it chose not to look beyond them insofar as laws went.

"What would make you say that?," he asked her with his toothless smile.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay turned her head to [member="Visser Chernykh"] as he introduced himself. "Pleasure...." Though why the First Order were brought here as well, she wasn't certain. Maybe the Cartel brought them here so that the First Order could see what side she was really on and question where her loyalties were. Of course they were always to Commenor, which was a neutral planet. And that's how she had wanted it to remain.

Then came his question. With that toothless grin, it almost seemed like a taunt. More than likely he knew that such an event wasn't to her liking. Her very first visit to the White Palace had her watch as dozens of slaves of all ages were thrown into the pits and killed by Rancors and other beasts. And there was nothing that she could do to stop it. Kay was sure that something similar was going to happen again. So why did she come here in the first place? It was her second invitation, the first of which she had turned down. If the Cartel was going to grow, she wanted to try to stop it before it got too big for her and the rest of the Galaxy to handle.

"Flannigan knows that I'm not fond of...this needless display of bloodshed." She looked down to her remote and then to the fights going on below them. Already she was working out different strategies in her mind while she watched, knowing full well that she wouldn't be forced to cause anyone anguish. If only she had one other person on her side....

[member="Flannigan Mcnash"]

There was no more time to be spent on waiting. Precious seconds ticked away for his opponent; final moments for them to pray to whatever Gods they believed in and make peace with their past. They weren't leaving this arena without blood seeping from every pore or until the judges deemed the duel finished. He would beat whomever his foe was senseless, knock the living feth out of them and whoever stood in his way. The reward for winning this tournament was exponential - a lot of cash to do whatever he wished with.

His gear had already been donned, gleaming in the blazing sunlight. Internal cooling systems kept his body temperature at a moderate level. Gleaming yellow eyes peered through augmented reality slits, sending data and information right into his brain. The armored figure strode into the arena, unclipping the assault rifle off of his backplate before bringing it into his shoulder. It was go time.


Michael Shado

Alor of Clan Shado
[member="Acaleus Thorn"]

It seemed minutes passed by as the trigger was gently squeezed, taking a man's life was not easily done when it was just a game. When all you had to do was knock the man out, killing should always be last resort to win, but this Jedi didn't give up. Michael liked this guy, there was something about this fight that told a story, a learning experience of who these two men were.

As the man lifted his leg, Michael's reaction wasn't fast enough, the shot went right into foot, causing Michael to wail in pain, and agony. His arm getting ripped off did not feel as bad as this. Maybe it was because instead of losing nerves, he was burning them. The Mando fell backwards as he lost his balance, and could no longer use his foot to support his weight.

Curse this damn Jetii.
After punching the man, and my strike more or less making a mark on his hand, I was satisfied with what I had done. But that changed. All of a sudden, I was being grabbed onto. And being tossed over Alkor's shoulder to land square on my back. I smiled as I brought myself up and found that he now had a hold of my sword. Shaking my head, I stood up to face him. Even while I was kind of unarmed, I was not without my skills. You will bet your life on it, I will still fight.

"Very well done."

Drawing the parrying knife into my right hand, I then began to come at the man once more. Closing the distance to lash out with my left fist. Stopping at just a moment before swinging with my right hand. Intending to cut at his face. Only, my left hand wasn't a false punch. It came in after the knife slice at the man. Just before I jumped back should the man swipe at me with the longer blade he had. I would have to time my actions right to try and get my weapon back. Or at least overcome the range he now had on me. However, I had a feeling I could cover it given the right opportunity.

[member="Alkor Centaris"]
Blood dripped down the length of the blade as Alkor slowly rose. He inspected the weapon with an appraising eye, and it spun quickly in his palm as he felt the weight distribution out. Satisfied, he slid the weapon into his grip and turned his attention to the rising [member="Atheus"] . "They do have an interesting assortment of weapons," he commented as the man praised his efforts. "I am partial to these evenly weighted pieces, I find."

He did not seem to notice, or did not care that his own lifeblood coated the edge of the weapon, or that it dribbled down the handle as he adjusted his grip. Alkor tilted his head enough to allow an audible crack from either side of his neck.

He let both arms rest at his side as Atheus drew his secondary blade, and Alkor felt the faintest of smirks tug at his cheek. There was still a great deal of fight left in this man.

Battle was all he had lived for over the course of many years. Lives he had ended gave him the only form of gratification he understood, or even sought. The prospect of a battle with an opponent who did not simply die was tantalizing. An enemy who could continue unrelenting pressed the Demon of Corellia to murderous glee.

Alkor turned a fraction of an inch as the blade came, his reflexes honed without any need of the Force. Atheus would sense no reliance on the mystic power from Alkor if he were to open his mind to it. Ingrained by experience, conflict, and murder, the skills of a swordsman guided Alkor's every action.

The arming sword in his right hand flicked up as the left handed punch raced for his face. Alkor brought the weapon up to the outside of Atheus' arm and batted the weapon against the prosthetic. It would not do harm, but it would guide the motion out and away, causing adjustments some difficulty. The slash intended for his face would be caught up on the other side of Atheus' body, which increased the time the Mando Merc had to react.

As he spun through, Alkor brought the blade in his left hand around toward Atheus' back, a wicked kidney shot intended to rupture the organ outright.
Alkor was fast, as he was gifted at swordplay. His ability to react so fast to my actions could only provide proof on this matter. My punch was pushed aside with the sword. and in conjunction, both strikes missed the man. The move against my arm had turned my left side open to a strike. While my feet stayed in the same spot, I twisted my hips, bring my left shoulder back around towards the sword. Almost flexing down at my kidney as the blade came to strike at my kidney. It looked like I was trying to pump up for an uppercut punch with my left arm. The blade glance off my arm and pierced into the fleshy part of my side.

It stung to high heavens. I grimaced behind my mask. The blade was quite literally in the crook of my elbow. Fighting back the pain I felt for a moment, I pivoted on my left foot. Bring it around in a round-house kick. My right arm had to be way out to my side to create balance with the sword in my side, but it was worth it.

Or at least, I felt that it was worth the effort to do so. I had brought my elbow down on itself to try and keep alkor at such a close range, that he would be forced to let go of one of the blades to strike at me. I was willing to take a little bit of damage upon myself for it's use. Alkor could see this, and would likely figure out fast, I was going to take risks. High risk, high reward right?

[member="Alkor Centaris"]
As the blade pierced flesh, Alkor twisted it violently.

The pain born of a wound exacerbated to that degree would prove debilitating- hopefully. Even so, [member="Atheus"] had proven more than equal to the task of fighting on under duress. Alkor had watched the man take his own limb to prevent himself from slowing down.

The turn of the other man's body freed his weapon, but the possibility of further expanding on damage was also created. Alkor pulled the blade backward in a fluid motion. Or at least, he tried.

Resistance in the form of his foe's grip on the weapon made the effort futile. The weapon had done it's work. A wound to Atheus' side stood silent testament to that fact. As if to say, 'take it, you've earned it,' Alkor let the weapon go.

The fallen Jen'jidai stumbled backward a bit from the sudden release, momentum distorted by their combined movements. He fought for balance for only half a second, though, and righted himself with a deep breath.

With the kick Atheus had performed the man had turned his body to square with Alkor, and they stood several feet apart after the violent disengage. With a tilt of his head, the Corellian exile lifted the arming sword he'd deprived Atheus of and glanced along its length.

"It seems as though we've traded weapons," he drawled. "I rather like this blade. Perhaps I will comission a smith to forge one like it."
"You just had to stick a thorn in my side."

I sheathed the knife as Alkor took a step back. My kick sending him a little bit away from me for me to grab onto the sword with my right hand. Altering the blade with my left hand on the grip, the blade stuck within my flesh began to heat up to a red color. I grunted with pain as then removed the blade rather slowly. Letting the tip of the sword cauterize the wound as it exited.

I didn't want to bleed out here on the pit, nor did I want to knock myself out. Looking down as I saw the blade clean of blood, but my arm covered in it, I could say I lost a fair bit. I was losing this fight. Now, it was time to turn this around. Gruning in pain by my action upon myself, I felt it was worth the sacrifice. Some blood for the blood demon... or whatever it was.

The sword balanced in my left hand, I cracked my own neck as I turned to face alkor and his comment of needing to create a blade of his own. Sliding up towards him with a left step, and a jab with my left hand, I spoke.

"That's easy. Make one."

Even if my strike didn't hit, I brought the blade to flick around his right side, then back over to his left. I smiled a little under my mask as I made a rather snide comment.

"So is there something that I can do that you cannot?"

[member="Alkor Centaris"]
"Some of us make blades," Alkor commented offhand as he weaved away from [member="Atheus"] ' initial strike, "others of us use them."

With the blade still in his right hand, Alkor bashed the pommel of the weapon into Atheus' prosthetic arm and sent a quick left-handed uppercut toward the recently sealed wound at the other man's abdomen. The pain already existed, all Alkor had to do was increase the output. If it struck.

Atheus almost immediately twisted his body to probe for another stab, but Alkor stepped backward and away. Alkor tossed the arming sword from one hand to the other as he backed off. It would not do for him to take this man anything but seriously.

Now in his left hand, Alkor used the blade to parry his opponent's last thrust. He held the weapon at bay, their weapons shuddering long after impact.

Whoever had taught this man to fight had done so with malicious intent. He was as much a destroyer as Alkor. "You have slowed down," Alkor observed. "Would you like to concede? It would be a shame to kill the first worthwhile opponent I have faced in years."
As the man flicked away my own strikes, I had to grimace with a half smile as the pain was wearing on me already. However, I knew I was stronger than this. Hell, I cut off my own arm. The thing with that, was I was being stupid with that action, and went full on rage mode when I did it. Meaning it didn't hurt as much. Either way, What I did know was Alkor spoke about making blades and using them. In between our strikes, I spoke.

"Less of us do both."

Taking a swipe at my left side now that he knew there was a wound, I backed up bringing my sword down to parry the blade away, then advanced for my last strike which was met with a full block. The sword shuttered from the pure power behind our strokes. While Alkor would feel the heaviest of us both, my left arm was metal, and didn't feel pain. While I could feel a slight vibration all the way up to my shoulder, It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would, or my mind was more focused on the left side wound.

What perplexed me was how Alkor then asked if I would back down because he didn't want to kill me. Weakly changing from confusion to a smile, I realized this was the best way he was going to show respect. I bowed my head a little,

"It's a shame to concede for either of us."

With what happened on Omega, he should know I don't back down. Facing his first worth while opponent in years huh? And one who he wanted alive. One who he wanted to test his skills against. I could say the same. However, I wasn't.

"It's not in me to do so."

Drawing my throwing knife, I held it in my right hand. Sword in my left, I came in for him. Giving it all as I came in with an overhand strike towards his left neckline. Drawing my sword straight back if I hit or not, to send my throwing knife across the distance at him. One right after another, I had to fight for everything I had now.

I can't back down.

[member="Alkor Centaris"]
"I see."

Alkor closed his eyes for a half second and sighed. The block held strong, surprisingly. The man was skilled at wasting nothing- energy, time, or words. When [member="Atheus"] spoke his piece, Alkor could do nothing but respect his decision. "That is a shame."

The man went straight for the throat. Killing blows were precise and quick, but they lacked for efficiency against an opponent who had the wherewithal to defend against them. Assassins were best suited for combat with enemies caught unawares. That was why Alkor was honed into a combatant that could serve in multiple roles.

The arming sword batted the strike intended for his throat aside, and Alkor leaned back as the weapon was reneged. His hand shot up in the span of a millisecond, and Alkor snatched the throwing knife out of the air blade first.

Blood poured from his hand, even more cut than before as the edge carved into flesh. There was no preventing that wound. It was by far better than the weapon lodging anywhere else.

In that instant, Alkor swept low and moved with a quickness that he had not shown prior. The natural speed he had honed over years of slaughter. He aimed to sent the arming sword through Atheus' gut, up to the hilt.

It was a nonlethal target; if the blade struck, it would rob Atheus of consciousness via shock and blood loss, but a healer could treat and dress the wound effectively.
I had the man where I wanted him. As Alkor caught the blade with his hand after swiping away my strike to defend himself, It pushed my blade way left, However, I was more than prepared for this man. Alkor cut his words short. As they were meant to be. I knew he felt almost sad for having to possibly kill me, but that wouldn't happen on this field. I had a feeling I was meant to live on for now. Thalia needed me, my people of Makrosia needed me, and as much as I may have not wanted to admit it, The people of Spathi needed me. Like I had taken a strike earlier, Alkor expected me to suddenly do the same again.

I wouldn't back down. Not today, and not ever. Quickly, I tossed the sword to my right hand. Alkor himself was bringing his blade around to strike, and to "rear" up for the lunge. Giving me plenty of time to react. Catching it in a reverse grip as I sidestepped to the left. The blade would pierce air, and air alone. Taking a single step forward into the man's lunge, I closed the gap between us as the man thrust his blade to where my stomach should have been. Bringing the reverse blade up towards the man's neck, but holding my stance. Not moving. My arm didn't falter nor shake.

"No you don't."

[member="Alkor Centaris"],
Alkor smirked.

"Fell for it," he whispered as Atheus stepped aside. The blaster pistol gave thunderous report as it fired, aimed directly for Atheus' torso from beneath Alkor's extended arm. Alkor had let the throwing knife clatter to the ground and wielded the other weapon, obstructed from view by his own body with the last few motions. He had known that if [member="Atheus"] noticed at all, he would never have gotten a clean shot.

It wasn't a stun shot, either.

With the man's hand on his blade, there was nothing obstructing his movements. "Yes," Centaris replied curtly. "I do."
A solid umph came from my stomach as the blaster fired off into my stomach as Alkor said he did see. I smiled behind my mask. Letting my left hand grip my stomach as I backed up away from the man. The pain was immense. It felt like someone had thrust their arm in my stomach and started to wiggle their arm. Looking to the man,


Sarcastic as I could be. Flashes of what transpired in the fight flashed in the back of my head as I looked down at my wound. Little lines flashed in and out of my vision as I shook my head. Swinging the sword to be held correctly, I didn't have to look to feel my right hand and arm shaking. Looking back up at Alkor, I held my sword out. Pointing at him. The tip shaking from the pain I was feeling. Adrenaline flooding my body even more.

"Can't do it."

My face solidifying, becoming stoic against what the rest of my body wanted to protest for me to stop. Only the strong survive right? Bringing the sword in a salute one last time, I stood there. Alkor knew he was going to have to knock me out, or make me faint. I wasn't about to do that on my own. I was born in this world kicking and screaming and fighting with someone else's blood on me. I intend to leave the same way.

[member="Alkor Centaris"]
Alkor tugged his blade back and replaced the blaster at his hip. As the man held his weapon up and stood in defiance, the fallen Jen'jidai held his right hand up. "This match is a draw," he spoke, loud enough that anyone who was listening might hear. "Send a medical droid down immediately."

He bowed his head respectfully, and would not attack [member="Atheus"] again. There was nothing to be gained from killing an already wounded adversary, especially when you had already learned a great deal from fighting them. Pure admiration for the man's fighting spirit and tenacity drove Alkor to declare a draw, despite what others might have to say about it, or even what conclusions that may have been drawn by Atheus' condition.

Alkor turned and headed slowly back toward the holding rooms, where they would rest and recuperate from their matches. He had to tape up his right hand, after all.

Atheus was left with a crew hurriedly scampering over to tend his wounds, and a medical droid with sedatives, antiseptics, and anesthetics at the ready. Before long, Alkor ceased to be even a shadow on the battlefield.

He took a seat in the bowels of the facility and began cleaning off the arming sword.
My face went from willing to die against this man, it would be an honor to be ended by him, only for his hand to raise. His voice carried over the entire arena. Saying that this fight was a draw. Boos rang out, and I almost felt a slight relief as he spoke those words. As the medical team came out They tried to take the sword from my grasp. Reluctantly, I let go. Alkor walked off the field, and I began to watch.

He wouldn't kill me. Why? Was I too weak for him? Did he simply want to mess with my head? Shaking my head, I looked at the much smaller woman who was leading me off of the field as I limped. Already I was using Accelerate healing and Revitalize at the same time. Trying to heal from my wounds. Grunting as I shoved past the woman and to where I was supposed to be. My right hand calling the throwing knife to my hand, and was put away after wiped clean for a moment.

After being able to sit down, the docs tried to remove my clothing. One reaching for my mask. Grabbing the man's hand, My eyes burned.

"Remove it, and I remove your arm."

The man knew I was telling the truth. breathing in, I grabbed the bandages, and wrapped myself up. Once done, I grabbed an ice pack, and set it on my head after taking some headache meds.


[member="Alkor Centaris"]

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