Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tournament Of The Five Dunes!

In other times, he would be happy to be alive, but that could be later. His enemy wasnt defeated "Alright, lets wrap this up" Acaleus raised a hand and force pulled the blaster from Shados hand to his healthy hand "Do you know the diference between you and me?" said the assassin still on his knees, as he knew that if he tried to stand up, the pain would leave him unconscious "Im merciful...but you tried to kill me just a moment ago" they were a meter away, but Shado was on the floor, apparently unarmed and unable to stand up. That didnt mean that he could be celebrating victory.

The assassin had the wrist lightsaber and now the pistol at his advantage "You will not surrender right?" Acaleus cut the blaster and threw the pieces out. He projected his hand forward, pointing it at Shado, and went for a practical force punch towards the chest.

[member="Michael Shado"]

Michael Shado

Alor of Clan Shado
[member="Acaleus Thorn"]

Laying there, Michael watched as Thorn got his second wind and took his pistol from him. It was now disabled, leaving the Mando with nothing to shoot with. The man hovered over Michael who only stared the man in the eyes as he spoke. Of course he wouldn't give up. This Mando would have to be knocked out, or killed for the Jedi to win this. His shoulder continued to bleed, but it was slowing down some with some throbbing action. Thorn wanted to wrap this up, probably getting ready to kill the alor of clan Shado.


The man went for a punch to the chest, and Michael knew it had to be another parlor trick, his armor would have taken his fist easily if it had not been otherwise. He assumed Thorn thought he was weaponless, and unable to defend himself or attack back. With a quick roll to the right side, Michael used all his strength to get up as he pulled out one of the daggers he still had. The Mando lunged at Thorn, aiming to drive the dagger into his back, hoping to stab over and over again if he could land it.
Acaleus had his vision blurred by the black dots, but he saw that Shado was taking out a knife and going to stab him. If he let the mando reach him, he would probably die. The advantage was that he got his lightsaber, but Michael didnt remembered that. The rage controlled him, not thinking straight. He would do anything to end Acaleus life, even if that meant risking his "Dont do this..." but it was too late. He was getting close and close by the moment, with the knife in hand and the will to kill.

"Sorry for this" he turned on his wrist lightsaber, raised his arm and drop it. It would cut the chest starting by the shoulder. One thing was healing of a stab, and with the current technology he would live. A cut of a lightsaber on the other hand, could end up killing Michael.

[member="Michael Shado"]

Michael Shado

Alor of Clan Shado
[member="Acaleus Thorn"]

Whatever Thorn was thinking, he read Michael wrong. This wasn't anger, it was survival, this was a man trying his damnedest to live. The lightsaber dug into his shoulder, the smell of flesh sizzling filled the air. The Mando gritted his teeth as he lost the use of his arm, tendons would need to have surgery on them if he ever wanted to get his arm. Probably some cybernetic fibers to keep it strong. Michael ducked, going down so that the cutting wouldn't go any further.

This was pure adrenaline now, and Michael would have to make the best of it to live. He threw his knee into the man's kidney, using all of his weight to push back off the guy. Then he would come back again for a round house kick to the face, he had loss the feeling of his foot now, nerve damage from the blaster shot. Luckly, though, the bleeding in his arm had stopped thanks to the lightsaber.
The knee to the kidney felt almost like hell on earth, leaving him without air. But he still had his broken rib, and it make Acaleus to spit blood. He didnt like the flavor of it. He didnt like to smell burned human flesh. The lightsaber was still on the shoulder.

The reason Acaleus used a wrist lightsaber wasnt because of some old fashion. The control and usage of the force was better if he had his hands free. Now Acaleus had two choices. Three in fact but he didnt trusted in the third one.

Force pull Michael into the lightsaber, killing him, cutting his entire body in half. Force pushing him away in an attempt to knocking him down. And the last one to surrender, and that wasnt a choice, as the mando was going for the kill.

The kicks didnt stopped and Acaleus vision was getting blurred. The assassin opened his right hand, the one that had the wrist lightsaber cutting the shoulder of Michael, and force pulled the body of the Mando up, towards the blade.

[member="Michael Shado"]

Michael Shado

Alor of Clan Shado
[member="Acaleus Thorn"]

Damn it, Michael hated this. Had he brought his own weapons, maybe things would be different. Something grabbed him, lifted him up, and pulled on him. He was flying towards the man now.

"I concede!"

He yelled quickly. Michael still had somewhere to be after this. Death was not an option. He put up a good fight, he felt his honor was still intact enough to go back home.
Acaleus turned off the lightsaber in a second and stop using the force, leaving the mando alone. He scream of pain and didnt looked down at the mando. He turned back and walked to the door, every step holding his low chest to press the broken rib, with his other arm hanging. The crowd shouted "Kill! Kill! Kill!" but the assassin was done. He stopped looking to the floor "Good fight" said without turning. He want a bed after the painkillers knock him up. He waited to see if the doors opened for him to get out.

[member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Michael Shado"]
Jynx eyed her opponent. Slugthrowers, a net gun and mando-armour. Though her opponent's mask didn't exactly follow the indistinguishably mandolorian design: the crushgaunts and material - Jynx had seen enough Mandos in the galaxy - it was that new steel they've been using instead of beskar.

And knowing mandolorian armour, he could have any kind of tricks hidden in that suit. Flamethrowers being one of the more popular and worrying choices.

"Hey, a net gun's hardly in the competitive spirit is it? I thought the crowd came to be entertained.."

The chances of him relinquishing that weapon, assuming he thought out his choices before the match and willingly brought it in...not likely. Perhaps at close range it would be ineffective but that'd be a matter of getting past the slugthrowers.

[member="Flannigan Mcnash"] || [member="Xalus"]

ooc: i've super busy lately sorry xd
"What we've seen through these deadly combatants is nothing short of amazing, but a draw has there even been one before. How will we even figure out who goes to the next round, now a word from our sponsors." The Rodian, flick a switch with a green finger the speakers blaring their commercial propaganda, 'you need Jemba's moon pies, you want Jemba's moon pies' "We've also have the conclusion to the Mandalorians fight, [member="Michael Shado"], fought well but the winner is [member="Acaleus Thorn"]!"

"The next warrior to move on are [member="Acaleus Thorn"], and [member="Alkor Centaris"], he may give this honour to [member="Atheus"], we here at the arena don't accept 'friendship' as a placing!"

"Not everything is about you [member="Lady Kay"], I happen to enjoy the spectacle." he thumbed a cigar to lazy life, hazy tendrils of smoke stretched out and from the rolled tobacco like long vaporise arms they pulled on the nose and stung at the eyes. "What Thraxis, did to you." he looked out and onto the view, his hand coming to touch the glass of the booth. "Wasn't under my command, I'd have you know that. It cost me a lot of credits for his display, really I blame myself." His hand began to press into the glass the cursory cracks and dividers beginning to appear under the pressure. "He's like a child, Cadan too. Two spiced up and blood crazed children. They kill their own men, burn credits. Disobey orders, and put on weird multi million credit spectacle for their lovers."

"It gets under my skin, but their my problems. My history. And you know that's important to me, my legacy. What will I be remembered for, what will I leave." he paused catching himself in stoic silence, before breaking it with a roll of those titanic shoulder's. "But I'm rambling, next match."


"Our next contestants are [member="Darth Abyss"], vs [member="Phar'ra"], now these two creatures are the spawns of the failed Sith empire, will we be seeing the fabled power of the dark side, or just another strange men in a coats." he reshuffled his notes, speaking into the mic. "[member="Xalus"], and [member="Jynx"], you may begin. Lets get ready to rumble!"
"No, no Bob we have seen a draw before, but not under these circumstances I can say that much. As for who goes to the next round.... well we do have some beasts that we could use but I think we should leave that up to someone else to decide." Thraxis commented, chiming in to clarify the strange occurrence, "Though I do have to say, I was quite impressed with Shado's bravado going in to this and hope to see more from him in the future." he continued, a faint trim of disappointment dancing between every words, each breath bored from the lack of bloodshed. He was hoping to see some lives dash beneath the dunes though so far it has yet to happen. And it showed, the crowd was getting restless, they were disappointed at all the metaphorical blue-balling that had occurred so far today.

As Thraxis bubbled the water at his lips, a childish display away from the microphone he heard the higher ups make their decision, Alkor Centaris was moving on, and Atheus was to remain, his eyes narrowed for a second, he was hoping that they could put to use a beast, at least give some death for the crowd today. "Well, Alkor Centaris congratulations in pressing on, Atheus, ya put up a heck of a show but hey, you get to leave here with something not many who enter here get too." his voice upbeat and jolly for the most part, but as his voice trailed on it started to twist and turn, malice and anger boiling forward before he calmed down, a methodical voice for a few seconds almost warping the air with its every word, "Your Life."

"Ah yes, the Sith Empire, I trust most in this audience are familiar? he responded, a few screams of anger being bellowed out at the mention, "Ouch Bob, it seems that a few in the crowd aren't fans of them, but hey, maybe these two competitors can sway some minds by slaying some Sith?" he said, about to cheer for blood but instead letting the audience take over, a discorded choir taking over as they screamed for death, they had gotten their fill of blood, now they wanted to sate their hunger for death.

He paused for a second as he realized what was coming up, "Ahh yes, the match I have been personally looking forward to. Now, I know a lot of Xalus, but this Jynx, well, I have heard that she like quite a few in here are in fact, a Force User though lets get it straight, Xalus is one of the few that I know who is not a force user." he continued, the tinge of excitement running through his bloodstream as his fingers ran back and fourth, a constant motion along the dashboard, "Which will most definitely put Jynx at a disadvantage." he continued, his fingers wrapping to the palm as he made a closed fist, his hands starting to beat along the keyboard and making an audible disruption through the Mic, "So lets hope that she has more then just the Force up her sleeve, because if she doesn't, it is quite possible that Xalus is going to be forcing her out of this competition." he said as the crowd booed, ignored by a wide toothed smile gracing his face as he looked towards Bob, hoping that someone would have some appreciation for the forced pun.
[member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Visser Chernykh"] [member="Xalus"] [member="Phar'ra"]
[member="Jynx"] [member="Darth Abyss"]
The hooded and masked figure that was Darth Abyss stepped out in the arena, both his cybernetic and his biological leg leaving no sound at all as they touched the ground. He made no attempt to heat up the crowd for the coming fight. Not many outside the sith had a high opinion on the one sith he once belonged to, nor a high opinion of the sith as whole. He didn't came here to find fans, it was a diplomatic mission more than anything else. The cartel was a force to be reckoned with, and now that he started to make moves in the underworld himself it was important to gain allies. And the hutts and their minions had at least some respect for those skilled in combat, those with the strength to take what they wanted not unlike the sith.

His lightsaber still rested on his belt, instead a simple metal knife was blade down waiting in his hand. From the outside ths weapon was nothing special, but before any fight he would dip the blade into a venom that would either kill or weaken an enemy. Like a demon that was cursed to roam on the physical plane, he stood in the sand, waiting for apprentice to step in the ring. If he would give up, he was unworthy to be a sith. His only option was to be defeated and suffer the punishment for his weakness ... or beat him. Abyss knew the skills of the kalessh well, and he wouldn't make the mistake to underestimate him.



Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay raised a brow slightly as she listened to [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] . Not all about her? Well she realized that this entire event wasn't just to torment her with. That would be way too extravagant for even [member="Thraxis"] to pull off. Maybe. She watched Flannigan while he put his hand on the glass, pressurizing it to almost the breaking point. If he blamed himself for Thraxis and [member="Cadan Tazi"] 's actions, then what was she invited here for? An apology? It wasn't as though she was innocent. The amount of slaves that she had liberated, the amount of plans that she foiled, it was enough to call her one of their toughest rivals. So in light of that, she was looking for some kind of trap, some kind of catch revolving around this invitation.

"We all do what we need to to complete our goals. And everyone wants to be remembered...But I have to ask, Flannigan...Why invite me here? It wasn't that long ago that you attacked Chasin City and had many innocent people slaughtered. Are you trying to make an attempt to bury the hatchet?"

Kay tried not to insinuate that anything bad would happen, but it was very hard to read anything from Flannigan's metallic face.

[member="Visser Chernykh"]
"[member="Lady Kay"]," he turned to face her his luminous eye's reflecting her a thousand time in their picked pockets of light. "I want to offer you a job." he pulled a drink from a tray holding it to the rim of his face guard, the liquid sloshed nosily about in the cup as he shook it from side to side, thick red rivulets leapt out of the glass with a light prickling splashing sound as it hit the ground 'SPLASH'. "I want to try your thing, being the 'good guy'." it sounded strange coming from him, the way he stretched it out like a body on a slab ready to dissect, to see what had killed it. "The sphere of the silver Jedi, already hangs heavy over many of our operations, it won't be long until it spreads over us completely."

'CRACK' the glass shattering into his hand the fragments fell to the ground in a thousand glittering pieces, plastering his hand in a thick red liquid it dripped down and onto the floor, he regarded the mess for a moment with uncaring eye's before turning them back to [member="Lady Kay"]. "We're lucky really, that they are so occupied with gathering territory rather than policing it. I could raid a thousand worlds and they wouldn't even notice, but what happens on the thousand and one world? What happens when they do notice?"

"A lot of dead people happens, a lot. So I want to hire you as our minister of public affairs, in turn for that Commenor, will be completely be off limits. And you can soften our hand on the galaxy, I'd offer you riches beyond your wildest dreams, but I know that means little to you."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Her brow raised as soon as [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] said that he was offering her a job. Kay then blinked as he began talking about the Silver Jedi. She only knew a little about them, but was thinking about offering them an Embassy. But it seems as though they could be stretching themselves too thin.

She watched Flannigan slosh the drink around while he spoke of wanting to be a good guy. Was such a thing even possible? As she was pondering on that, the glass broke and Flannigan didn't seem to really care.

Kay listened to his description of the job, as well as the promise that Commenor would not be touched. It was a nice idea, but there had to be a catch. She cleared her throat a bit before speaking. You're right. Riches means very little to me. But keeping Commenor safe and saving lives does. Yet, will Commenor's safety be dependant upon my performance? Surely you have some sort of caveat in place?" But there was more that the Hutt Cartel did than kill people. They also robbed, kidnapped and blackmailed them using vices such as spice and wads of credits.
"Do you know how I keep loyalty?" he adjusted his finger's with a mechanical crinkling sound, as if a thousand minuscule typewriters clicked off their sentence and left them all humming with exclamation marks, that was the sound he made when he cracked his knuckle's. "I don't tell them they've failed me for the last time, I don't put a sword in their back like some old spacer short." he formed a fist and banged it on his chest striking a 'sinister' pose or at least what one thought sinister was if it had a snidely whiplash mustache. "You have failed me for the last time minion!" he called mockingly as if drawing from all the pantomimes of old reruns. "[member="Lady Kay"], I keep loyalty by accepting failures. It comes with the business, if I didn't they'd simply go else where."

"You gotta be realistic about these things, if you agree. I'll keep to the spirit of our agreement, if you go behind my back and stick a dagger in it I'll pull it out, I'll look at it and shove it so far into you, you will be picking the point out of your teeth." he adjusted his belt the large cutlass bobbing from side as if giving form to threat. "Besides, Commenor. Its just one rock in the galactic quarry, there's plenty of other veins else where."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
If there was ever a time that she wished for one of her advisers to be with her, it would be now. [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] laid out his promise as well as a veiled threat. Theatrics aside, she saw the seriousness of the situation. "And what would you consider as stabbing you in the back? You know that I'm not a fan of your slavery ring." Of course there were some that loved the lifestyle of a slave for some odd reason that she would never understand. But she would never include those or try to liberate them if they didn't want it.

Kay also knew that Commenor wasn't that significant in the grand scheme of things, but it was important enough to house many different Embassies and many different companies. She had to do what she could to prevent any attacks that could destabilize the current atmosphere of peace.

Working for the Cartel could put a dent in her reputation. In some eyes, it could even ruin it. But as they say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. That was partly why she had so many Embassies there in the first place. Kay saw so many pros and cons to Flannigan's proposal. Either way, she was going to anger some people.

She picked up the drink from the tray that her soon-to-be-liberated-slave was holding, and had a small sip, the liquid slightly burning her throat as it was swallowed. "I am going to need a bit of time before I make my decision."
"I'm not a monster." tucking his arm's behind his back he stalked over to a decanter of wine, taking a glass between two massive finger's the slight shimmer in their bowls, sparkling with the whisper of riches. "I don't enjoy murder, [member="Lady Kay"]. Unlike Thraxis, all these horrible little things we do is a means to an end for me. Power, is what we crave, this is just an easy route. Maybe offer another solution, make deals on our behalf." He extended his arm out towards [member="Lady Kay"], the glass waiting for her to take it. "If not that, buy our slaves hm? Release them after that we don't care what you do with them. We've always been willing to work out a deal, its just no one ever asks."

"Take your time Prime Minister, and please know you won't be harmed if you say no, I'd prefer if you were straight with me. If you don't trust me, trust my word. After all I'm only as good as my word, its why people can work with me."
Tiali sat amongst the crowd sitting with in the cheering, yelling and chanting. It's been a long time since Tiali hit the arena, it brought back many memories of past bets good and bad mainly bad. The bloodshed never bothered him, fighting became the normal in the galaxy it would only be natural for people to eventually make a sport out of it and enjoy whatever they could from it even knowing it's quite morbid.

His grip tightens around a glass of corellian red bringing it up to his mouth, he empties the glass as fast as pouring it into a drain. Lowering the glass back down he Shifts his legs and body to a more comfortable position.
Taking his attention away from the fighting as interesting/intense it is. He takes a moment looking over the packed arena, when somthing particular steals his attention with in the crowd.

Squinting In an pointless attempt to see better, is that... Is that [member="Lady Kay"] in all the worlds and places to be why would she be here? He face spreads into a confused look as he drags his attention away.

Grabbing the bottle of what's left of the corelllian red he lifts it straight to his lips taking in a couple more mouthfuls. Whipping the liquid from his mouth on his sleeve, he continues to watch the fight occasionally looking back over the crowd.

[member="Flannigan Mcnash"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay put the glass back on the tray before reaching out to take the wine from [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] . "Thank you..." It was a terribly odd situation to be in, given the history between herself, the Jackals and the Hutt Cartel. All three had gone to great lengths to stop eachother and yet now, Flannigan was acting like a gentleman towards her. She sipped her wine while she listened to him. Buy their slaves? She had done so before, using a shell company to do it. That was quite successful until she had run out of credits due to having to pay funeral and medical expenses to the Mandalorians.

"If power is what you crave, then why don't you do what I'm doing on Commenor? Build Embassies and invite people in to do business. There is nothing shady or illegal about it and it'll spur your economy and grow your coffers in a much easier way than the costs of raids."

She leaned back in her chair, wondering what the First Order officer, [member="Visser Chernykh"] was making out of all of this. Her wine glass was cradled in one of her hands while she looked out to the gathered crowds below the balcony from which she sat. She spotted someone looking in her direction. Was that [member="Tiali Orazio"] ? She wondered where he had been and whether or not he was still on her side. Maybe she'd learn that later. For now though, she had a big decision to make.
"Heh." he raised an arm the long digits splayed apart, their glint and metallic shell whirring with the motion before coming back together, they opened up again a fat cigar sliding out between thumb and forefinger. "[member="Lady Kay"], for someone so smart. You sure are stupid, what trade? Will I give them Surillian rugs, do you know how much it would cost to convert our asserts to this side of the law." he lit the nub of the cigar hazy embers startling to lazy life, the greasy grey smoke making images in their form, a full breasted lady if ones eye's were inclined to that sort of thing, or a dog, or maybe just a cloud of smoke. He breathed it all in the slits in chest sucking up the air and depositing it back in a moment. "You gotta be realistic about these things Kay, can I call you Kay?"

"Now I ain't a bad guy, I just know a bad deal. But I'm offering you a good deal, you won't clean our act up, but you could point it in new directions. Just give me your permission to use your name." he let out a low chuckle, the kind that makes the hackles rise on small animals, the kind that vibrates bone in their skin suits, going straight to the marrow. "You'd be surprised how many doors you name opens, and how many it could shut." His hand rolled out the cigar between thumb and palm offering it to the Prime minister, it said in unspoken word's 'accept'.

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