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Approved Species Totia Arana - Fury Angel

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  • Name: Totia Arana - High Sith for Fury Angel
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Elrood
  • Average Lifespan: 115 Galactic Standard Years
  • Estimated Population: Rare
  • Description: Armored in ruby and amethyst colors, with corrupted appearing wings of ashy gray feathers and a strange fleshy lattice that connects them, and burning red eyes framed by black hair, Totia Arana appear the perfect representation of the dark side aspects of fury and madness. The exposure to the Netherworld rift on Elrood and the corruptive properties of the planet have changed these angels into machines of blood, death, and insanity.
  • Breathes: Type I
  • Average Height of Adults: 2.6 meters
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Pale with either an ashy gray complexion or corrupted looking veins that appear blue or purple.
  • Hair color: Black with flecks of gray and red
  • Distinctions: The most distinctive physical traits of the Ayitatsa are the large wings that extend from their back, like all of the Arana Sithspawn. Unlike their sisters, their wings have mutated to have a fleshy lattice like structure that connects them to their backs. This mutation has also been seen to have grown along the arms of the Sithspawn.
  • Races:
  • Force Sensitivity: All (Due to their original creation process requiring the subject to be Force Sensitive)
  • Like the other Arana Sithspawn, the Totia Arana are powerful dark side Force users, but due to their evolution/mutation, they have focused almost exclusively on dark side abilities that enhance their battle prowess and rage.
  • Combat is always their first and only option, their embodiment of the dark side's rage and bloodlust have these formidable warriors into even more powerful vessels of battle. Many of the corrupted angels carry Sith swords and alchemized spears, dual-wielding them in a vicious style that focuses on causing pain and grievous injury on their enemies. Part of their mutation has allowed the thin tendrils to twist around their arms to hold their weapons to allow their attacks to have more power behind them, and to ensure their grip can never be broken.
  • Due to their wings, they are able to sustain flight for extended periods of time and are prone to hovering above the ground instead of walking across it.
  • Due to their mutation, the siren's call of their Kraujas Arana beginnings has been altered to a shriek of insanity and frenzied bloodlust. Beings that do not have a strong willpower or strength in the Force to resist the shriek are afflicted with the same effects as those of Force Insanity, reducing them to either a catatonic state or throwing them into a frenzied madness.
  • If subjected to an ysalamiri void bubble or if they are in close proximity to void stone, they lose the ability to use their Force abilities and their voices lose their ability to influence the thoughts of the weak-willed.
  • Force Light can be an effective counter against them, and while it might not kill them, it can strip them of their Force abilities as well, along with the powers infused into their armor and weapons. However, even if in a void bubble or stripped of the Force, they still retain their physical prowess.
  • If their wings are damaged, they cannot fly until the damage has been healed, a process that can take days or weeks unless they drain the life of enemies to quicken the process.
  • Diet: Omnivore, Force Energies
  • Communication: Can speak and understand Basic and the Sith language, have the capacity to learn other languages as well.
  • Technology level: Galactic Standard, although they prefer to use more basic equipment such as their alchemy treated armor and weapons
  • Religion/Beliefs: While they originally believed the same as their Kraujas Arana sisters, their mutation and madness has brought about a new belief system for the Totia Arana. They have moved away from direct worship of the Dark Lord of the Sith towards venerating the fury and rage of the dark side itself, believing their exposure and change has only them closer to purer embodiments of the destruction the darkness can cause. They have striven to emulate the most bloodthirsty and battle enjoying Sith, enjoying the near uncontrollable fury within them and believing that every kill, every drop of blood spilled, increases their power and the rage they nurture.
  • General behavior:
    • Totia Arana share the same three-tiered matriarchal society of their sisters of the Handmaidens, Daughters, and Matriarchs. However, due to their corruption and mutation, the martial aspects of their society have twisted towards those that reward the collection of grisly trophies and kills. Advancement is only possible by slaughtering creatures and beings the Totia Arana encounter and bringing back a suitable trophy as proof of a bloody kill, with those of Force Sensitive beings carrying the strongest weight.
    • In their bloodlust and madness, Totia Arana have no care for luxuries or other soft pleasures such as the arts. Their only desire is to unleash their fury and sake their bloodlust.
    • Out of all the Arana Sithspawn and their offshoots, Totia Arana are also the hardest to command, even by trained Sith. They will not respect a Sith unless they have seen proof of their ability to channel rage in battle and to spill blood in anger, and if they see any sign of cowardice or weakness, it is not surprising to see the angel turn on their former commander and slaughter them in a bloody display that the angel believes will make them a stronger embodiment of rage.

As studies from the Sphere of Research and Sciences continued on the corruption the planet Elrood suffered, the alchemists and sorcerers under Darth Arcanix brought a small flight of Kraujas Arana to the world. The flight was intended to act as capable bodyguards for Sith researchers working on the surface as their Netherworld connections were believed to give them some protection against the corrupting influences of the rifts on the world.

The researchers were mistaken, although it did not appear they were at first.

In the course of their duties, the Kraujas Arana had to engage against the mutated survivors the researchers were there studying in the first place, the unintentional Sithspawn and dark side twisted aberrations that were embodying different aspects of the dark side itself. These vicious battles, combined with their martial society and exposure to the twisted energies unleashed on the planet, slowly began to alter the angelic Sithspawn. Their eyes and hair started to change color, and their skin took on an ashy hue with signs of corruption. Their wings began to change, growing a fleshy lattice along where they met the body. The researchers discovered, too late, that the Arana had become embodiments themselves; angelic monsters of bloodlust and madness that represented the dark side's fury.

The loss of the first research team that brought the angels quickly caught the attention of Darth Arcanix, and these new Totia Arana were only to be approached or assigned to Sith squads with a powerful enough and distinguished Sith marauder or warrior to keep their respect... and bloodlust barely in check.
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