Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To Dine on Mountains High

New Alderaan…

Stepping out of the shuttle Garith took a good look around the castle’s plaza. Here it was a place his family called home. One of the grand buildings his family called home anyways. Ok maybe not all of his immediate family. His father was rather difficult.

Yes, here was this magnificent castle. Was his mother here; were his sisters here, maybe his brother? Could his father be here? Garith’s emotions ran to rampant for him to sense how many of his family members were here. He could however sense the presence of family…just not the number of family members.

It had been eighteen years. Would anyone recognize him? If they had they most certainly had run to tell their Queen a lost Prince has returned.
‘Paxton Bon’ had a faint ring to it.

The identity wasn’t a lie, he was the senate leader of The Dominion; being second in command of a rather larger quarter of the galaxy, with all the perks and accrued interest that come with the title. However, the name was nothing more than a faux identity that gave him something to do; as the reason he inserted himself into the position wasn’t entirely known.

He was pretty sure he did it for fun.

There was a soft hum he offered them as they spoke before he was mentioned specifically, his words a carefully sweet timbre that didn’t betray the character he was flawlessly playing;

Oh, I always enjoy myself, but no I didn’t have the chance to see much of the planet. I had business elsewhere prior to coming here; though I appreciate your inquiry.

I must ask however, is it hard being royalty? The concept is… excuse my rudeness, but so foreign to me; what with being a democratically elected figure and what not.

His predatory like gaze moved to Laira now; letting it wash over her with its veredsicent strength. There was a danger in it, something so subtle there was no way to define in just what way; but there was no denying it could drive a chill up the spine.

Miss Darkhold, a pleasure to meet you.

You could say we’re associates, but acquaintances would be more accurate. What is it you do for your living? If it isn’t rude of me to ask, that is.

A hand held the wine he carried with him to them both, the other remaining on Joza. His entire demeanor cried out a proud man, that knew his worth; but with every comfort his words offered, a soft hue of coldness betrayed him. He simply wasn’t right.

Just how a predator in sheep’s clothing liked it.

│ [member="Joza Perl"] │ [member="Theo Vereen"] │ [member="Laira Vereen"] │
Rashae said:
“Good Security is hard to come by Myles. “ The woman made a mental note of that regard. “Perhaps we should speak soon, Give my Administrator a call if you would please.
His ears perked up at that comment. The Minister of Medicine just invited him to call her Administrator, this could be a very good opportunity and he didn't want to pass it up

"Of course, I would be more than honored, much obliged"

Myles can be rough around the edges but he was thankful for all cards that were dealt to him.....even bad ones. He would be sure to contact this Administrator after the dinner party. He wanted to relax and not worry about work for once in his life.

He stood by, keeping his ears attuned to the bodies near him. He wanted to observe the others and hear what other people had to say. He would add something here and there when he felt would be needed.
His glass was getting dangerously low on alcohol, it would be time for a refill soon enough.
[member="Rashae"] [member="Vengeance"] (anyone in hearing distance)
"Oh no, the Prince is more like an annoying little brother to me." Laira grinned at the pink skinned woman, showing her pearly white teeth while subtly pinching Theo's side with her hand. "My father served under his father years ago and we met. You know, kids the same age in the same area and all." Almost the same age, she was still the older sister by a little bit.

"I mostly came for the free food, bat my eyelashes at all the rich people to see if I could shake some work or contacts out of it." The Princess in hiding had gotten out of paying for quite a few meals by batting her eyelashes and using the right tone of voice. She did her best not to glare angrily at Theo with his teasing and mocking. "So far so good, plus I bumped into you Joza, and that's always a treat." The words rolled off her tongue and she winked at the pink skinned woman. If circumstances were different she'd be more excited to see Joza and more open to chatting about whatever.

Addressing the wild eyed man doing his best attempt at the classic crazy eyes Laira blinked at him, "Mister Bon, I'm sure its a pleasure." Chilling wasn't quite enough for Laira, she'd hunted sea serpents with nothing but a sky blue bikini and a spear and spent her youth learning to fight people bigger and scarier than a pale dude. She'd literally seen a Dark Jedi wookiee eat someone and raise the skeleton to fight for him. "I own a freighter, so I deliver cargo shipments, do some VIP transportation when the mood strikes me. What is it you do?"

"Well, I don't know about you two but I think perhaps Joza would like to see the west wing? I'm told its where the best views of the setting sun can be found." Anything to get Joza away from Theo and Laira off the floor if she could help it, but the odd man out presented a problem for her schemes.

[member="The Slave"] [member="Theo Vereen"] [member="Joza Perl"]
For her part, Amelia had found a little place out of the way from the rest of the guests. Standing there quietly, her glass clasped in hand, the few words exchanged or even spoke where between herself and the armored individual at her side. A soft smirk crossing her lips as she merely watched those that had arrived mingle among themselves. Golden hues slowly shifting over the crowd, and every now and again (if any where paying attention), she would slip away from a small patch of sunlight, always seeming to find a little shadow nearby. With the sun setting though, a soft sigh of relief would slip from her lips.

"Shouldn't be too long now ma'am."

"How many times do I need to tell you Braxis? You can call me Amelia."

"At least once more Ma'am, and it wouldn't be right to address you as such."

Amelia permitted a sigh to escape her lips, finding both amusement and annoyance in the way that her old friend would often speak or simply address her. Sometimes she hated titles and status among her kind. Other times it was useful as seen by the simple fact that she and her guards had slipped in without a problem. Once more her golden hues began to scan the room, picking up where her own guards had slipped off to and where others were moving about. For a moment they would settle on the younger individuals, watching them mingle and flirt with one another.

"To be young again..."

She whispered before taking a sip from her glass, setting the now empty vessel to the side, though feeling no effect of the alcohol within.

"Youth is overrated Ma'am."

Amelia smirked, stifling in a chuckle as she looked to her own companion. From what she knew he was far older than she, as well as far older than anyone else in the Sigma Praetorian. Returning her attention to the guests and those that were hosting the event, she offered a small nod to the Queen, not wanting to draw her attention for too long.

"Keep an eye out here. With the sun coming down I should be able to slip out to the balcony soon."

"Ma'am, shall I accompany you?"

"I'll be fine Braxis, take the time to mingle. I'm sure if I need help, Knight-Lieutenant Jiktar will be around somewhere."

[member="Faith Organa"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]
@Anyone else
Marcus nodded to [member="Rashae"] pausing for a extra minute.

"Ah yes pharmaceuticals nothing like profiting from the sick and dying. I am sure you are very well off then. Myself I prefer to from people at their best. The sick and dying need support not exploitation."

Marcus smiled.

"But hey nobody said business was moral or ethical. It tends to have a negative impact on profits."

Marcus glanced at [member="Myles Davorak"] with a chuckle.

"Let me guess former military? Injury or forced retirement?"
Dexen was about to answer the Queen when the two women came over, and for once his usual charm failed to make an appearance. His eyes seemed to be moving on their own to take in their assets, before returning to the Queen as she looked back at him after speaking to the duo. "The Syndicate designs and manufactures mostly civilian-grade weaponry for self defense as well as vehicles for day to day activities such as transportation, construction, and other utilities. We on occasion receive contracts from governments looking to arm their military." Yesh lied, knowing full well that the Syndicate exclusively dealt in military equipment.

"Once we've garnered enough profit, we're planning on buying some shipyards over Kuat and going into the starship business. It's why I'm here looking for other corporations willing to work with us." The man concluded, giving a smile to Her Highness, he raised his glass of scotch and took a drink, savoring the burning feeling and soothing taste of the beverage.

[member="Faith Organa"] | [member="Taryc Ap'Irae"] | [member="Elpsis Elaris"]
This man is a real piece of work alright Myles thought to himself. He met men like him before....hard doing business with sometimes but he put on his best poker face. He wondered what good ol' Doctor [member="Rashae"] thought of him. Then again, he didn't know what troubles the man was facing outside these palace walls, so it would be best not to judge anyone.....not yet.

Caught off guard momentarily by the man's questions he retorted back "Well you are right about that....Marcus, gave it away did I? Naboo military, 5th Rifle Regiment. I was discharged....honorably. I chose to save my men's lives instead of obeying an order of retreat."

Myles showed a slight frown at the mention of the discharge. If it hadn't been for his mother with the Naboo government, no telling what the outcome would have been. He needed more alcohol, so he would turn back to the bar counter and order another drink. He didn't want to ruin this first impression opportunity by letting his temper out. Alcohol sometimes kept him calmer during stressful environments--then again Myles' idea of stressful environment was being in the Queen's Palace trying to make a name for himself.

He returned back to the party, with a slight smile and asked Marcus "So you do investment? Seeing how you have different venues to prioritize in, I am sure by now your business is becoming lucrative?"
[member="Rashae"] [member="Vengeance"] (anyone in hearing distance)
She held no fear, but his movements weren’t to incite it; only a series of micro expression that left his otherwise perfect facade a cruel mask of personality. Though he wouldn’t tell her this directly, with wine hung up on his lips and a crooked smile pervading his words; he let the air linger before taking his time to respond, each word a carefully constructed passage of all its own.

I speak on behalf of the Senate of the Outer Rim, but in all honesty I consider it almost a past time.

A truth.

Do you enjoy what you do? I for one enjoy leading much of the free galaxy.

A lie.

His hand left Joza and moved to his pocket, idly running fingers over a credit allowance he had kept on him since Lorrd. It didn’t have much left on it he supposed, but it was worth a shot to try it again; yet these were only passive thoughts as the man watched Laira speak.

Her subtle glances between Joza and himself, back to Theo; even the words she spoke and the subtle ways she brought her lips up with each word. She held a strong spirit, but she didn’t hold her cards close enough to her heart; allowing the obvious hints she meant permeate not only Joza, but his own mind.

Oh? Already tired of the get together, Miss… Darkhold, was it?

│ [member="Joza Perl"] │ [member="Laira Vereen"] │ [member="Theo Vereen"] │
As [member="Theo Vereen"] softly kissed her hand, Joza’s lips couldn’t help but upturn into a small smile, emerald eyes glittering in amusement. “Oh, such a gentleman. Hard to find good men these days, isn’t it?” She turned an eye to [member="The Slave"], smiling politely with a vaguely knowing look before she turned back to the twins. Not that she knew, of course—but the way they were acting around eachother gave off a familial vibe.

“A mud pie? That’s not very nice, Laira.” She tsked once, shaking her head gently at their antics. Hey, it was nicer than some of the fancy events she’d gone to where the main motive is backstabbing. “You should really be more lady-like, you know.” Even if her voice didn’t have the mock scolding tone, one would hardly take that statement seriously when she’d just asked [member="Laira Vereen"] if she was gold-digging. Lady-like was a concept that just didn’t reach her ears.

“Bit early to try and whisk me away for a romantic tryst, but why not?” Shrugging, she half-turned back to ‘Paxton’. “You’ll manage if I abandon you for a short while, won’t you love?” The Zeltron gave him a pretty smile, hand grazing down the side of his arm in a fluid gesture. Joza wasn’t sure what he was playing at, but it was interesting to see the differences—his appearance—and the similarities between their first meeting and now.
He met her casual glance with his own, knowingly giving her the subtlest of smiles. Auriferous eyes met emerald green in quiet response, only to turn back towards the two others with the same grin. It was obvious they both knew, but while looking past the casual teasing to uncover some unruly secret; The Slave couldn’t quite care.

I’ll count the seconds until you return, my love.”, he mused with a roll of his eyes.

However, should I be gone before then; let me give you my card.”, and with a fluid motion; a hand slipped into his jacket and retrieved a small ivory piece of paper with fanciful gold inlay. On it, his new found identity, where to reach him, and much more.

I think we should have a… chat, in private. Let’s catch up then, Miss Perl.

His words were as heavy with oratory eloquence as ever, each articulation carefully molded and personalized to suit the ears of Joza herself. They were soft, his iconic speech patterns more akin to musical notes than a man; and yet he seemed as casual as he ever was.

Nothing was out of the ordinary.

Now, I believe I may have overstayed my welcome. Its been a pleasure, all of you.

A salute with his wine glass offered them each a goodbye, only to have him slowly begin to walk away. Disappearing into the crowd, an apathetic expression washed over his face before tossing the wine glass and contents into a potted plant just outside. He had already spent far too long playing hooky, and had a meeting to catch.

Until next time.

│ [member="Joza Perl"] │ [member="Theo Vereen"] │ [member="Laira Vereen"] │
[member="Garith Darkhold JR"]

The word was spreading like wildfire about the handsome young man who was entering the palace. Arianna stood staring at the image how long had it been? My god was that Garith?

She nodded to her aide then quickly turned about and headed down to where her son waited. She had been waiting to make an entrance at the dinner but this was so much more important. Her skirts rustled and dragged as she walked. Question after question filled her mind all of them she wanted to ask. The Dowager Queen stood now in the same place as her son.

She looked at him making sure it was his face, "Garith" she whispered in the stillness her voice carried, "is that you?"
[member="The Slave"] [member="Joza Perl"] [member="Laira Vereen"]

"There are always good men Ms. Joza it is a matter of finding one. A rare jewel is hard to find but once found you must be sure to hang on to it and treasure it always." Theo smiled. He looked over at his sister she was flirt he was the romantic. He figured that Laira would be whisking away anyone who ran the risk of finding out who she really was. Lucky for her the official family portrait was not hanging.

"Mr. Bon you have not, but I understand that there are many things to see and do here tonight" Theo watched him go hoping he had not said something out of turn. He nodded to Laira and Joza.

"I am going to mingle a bit and eat. I'm starved thranta riding today was arduous. Unti we meet again." Theo headed off to find someone to talk to.

He heard Mr. [member="Dexen Yash"] and moved closer to listen.
Strangers, so many faces and none of them he recognized. Home and so far he felt so alone.
Until suddenly Garith heard a familiar voice.

'Mom', he thought as he turned to look…

Sorrow and happiness took him all at once. Seeing his mother painfully reminded him just how long he had been gone. Joy, so much joy overwhelmed that pain and apparent his ability to speak.

Apparently courtly protocol was too. Breaking royal etiquette, Garith reached over to hug his mother [member="Arianna Organa"] .
Faith turned her attention on [member="Dexen Yash"] listening and nodding to show she understood what he said. Faith pondered what was offered not knowing that he had just lied to her, "Kuat you say, have you had an opportunity to call on [member="Hadleigh Purkis"] ?" If the young man had something that was beneficial to Kuat one of their Coalition partners she would at least give him the name of who he should speak with.

Most companies were looking to expand most were looking for any opportunity. Vena was not part of the Coalition. As Faith spoke with her guest she did not realize there was a commotion close by. She did not hear the raised voices or see Captain Lindsey slip out to investigate. It was part of her role to remain in control of her gestures and emotions so as to not raise a concern.

Faith knew that if there was something for her to react to Ana would be at her elbow quickly with an update. But it did not stop the staff from whispering. In their attempt to say nothing Faith overheard them talk about Prince [member="Garith Darkhold JR"]. - her heart skipped a beat. Were they talking about her brother?

How long..she had to stop herself from excusing herself and running to see what the whispers were about.

Queen Arianna has greeted him

There is no doubt it is the Prince.

Faith rooted herself to the spot where she stood. If Garith was here, was Theo here to? Were they together? Was...she hoped and prayed that it was true her family was coming back together.

Faith smiled and remained with her guests. She glanced over at [member="Draco Vereen"] had he heard the whispers.
Arianna did not care about protocol. She embraced her son kissing the top of his head holding him tightly. She whispered to him, "You're in such trouble you man" she was teasing of course.

The time for questions and answers would come later right now all she wanted was to hold onto her son, 18 years was a long time to be gone. She had thought him dead with his brother Theo as she did Bud and Dar'yaim. But if Garith could come home...there was hope. It was a small flicker of hope but perhaps if she held onto it tight enough then there was still possibilities.

She looked beyond him was he alone? She saw no one had he been alone all this time. She shook her head not wanting to let go. Course she might smother him at this rate.

[member="Garith Darkhold JR"]
Marcus chuckled.

"Mercenaries with a code of honor are almost always former military. More of an educated guess than anything else."

He shook his head.

"Lucrative was never the goal. Sure by necessity I tend to focus of investments that make money. However any savvy businessman knows the benefit in making a few good will investments. The public relations benefits are not bad either."

He smiled.

"I imagine it would be similar to you doing an occasional pro bono job for the damsel in distress that can't afford to pay your fee."

[member="Myles Davorak"]
[member="Arianna Organa"]

Being in trouble and sent to his room would be most welcome to Garith. He was just thrilled to be home and to be able to hug his mother. He did not notice his mother looking over his shoulder. He had no idea there were still members of the family missing. He had many questions.

What do you even say when you come home after eighteen years?

“I’m sorry”, he said. It was the right thing to say, right?

“It took me eighteen years, but I’ve found my way back home”, if Garith had the choice he would have never let. He would have been there every moment. For the good and the bad, this was his family. Speaking of bad, Garith was wondering how mad his father had been. Or for that matter how mad his father was going to be. For as difficult as his father was, he had always stressed how important family was.
[member="Garith Darkhold JR"]

"Must have been those bread crumbs we left out" Reluctantly she let him go to look at him again, the same pensive blue eyes, the jet black hair that all around clean cut boy now a man. Arianna felt her stomach clench she had lost 18 years with her son.

How do you make that up? "Are you hungry, thirsty, tired? We can see to all your needs." She took his hand, "I want to shout that you're here..I just" She stopped and for a moment she put her hand to his cheek he was real she wasn't imaging it.

"Garith my son, welcome home."
[member="Arianna Organa"]

Yes he was home.

He wanted to tell he is mom where he had been. What would that accomplish? It would most likely make her feel sad.
Garith smiled, he was happy to be home.

“What I would like, is what I always wanted”, Garith trying to answer his mother, “I would like to be with my family. I do owe you and the family an explanation as well as an apology. I’m sure father is furious at me.” He braced himself. He expected to hear that his father was mad. Like most sons, they never would wish their fathers to be angry at them.

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