Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Time for a Burning


King of Pumpkins
Location: Tol Amn
Time: Midday, Tuesday​
Brom sat behind his desk looking over several forms of paperwork sighing as he did. "How does anyone do this all day. So much papers honestly?" Shuffling them again into the IN pile with the empty OUT pile next to him he looked out the window. Looking out at a very poverty stricken planet he watched as several people were starving on his streets. He did the best he could but the planet could never earn enough under current conditions. He also watched as several cops were getting beaten up by some thug street gang. He needed something powerful to step in and help. Too little time not enough people nor food.

That's when his comm link went off. "Governor Burningwood someone here to see you." Brom sighed as the female voice continued. "They said it was urgent and that the Foxtrot was in position at Alpha base with Tango on the way or something like that." He smiled as he heard the words. "But of course they are please send them in, they are exactly who we need right now." As the doors opened a hooded figure would be let in and they would close again behind them....


Location: Tol Amn
Time: Midday, Thursday​
An explosion would rock the governors office as a terrorist attack would begin. Brom would look up at the fires raging without any kind of emotion in his eye. This had been happening all over his world since early this morning and he was too tired to be upset about more people dying. He had sent a message to the silver jedi who owned the territory just nearby them. He only hoped they wouldn't see it as a wolf in sheep's clothing or as the boy who called wolf. As he was sending another message to them this time a full video a hovercraft came in view as it fired through his window and he ducked under his table "Oh Kark you."

As the message finally sent he would use his force powers to make the damned craft fall out of the sky causing even more damage as it hit the ground with a loud thunderous thump and explosion. It took out the driver and the passenger who had been firing at him. "Right I have had about enough of waiting for these silvers to show up and help us. Let's just hope someone manages to assist us soon. The silvers would be nice but right now I would even take the Sith or the Imperials." He would say as he pulled his lightsaber from it's hidden spot in his room and walked out the door to the streets below.
Message had been sent out that there was conflict on a nearby world outside of SJO territory, needing help. Kat wasn't sure how she could help but she felt like not doing anything was wrong, if it was Eshan she would want the whole SJO fleet to support her. She grabbed her Force Pike and several guns to make sure she was ready for combat. She also grabbed some of the Rescue Rangers she was forming to help her out. This was going to be the first time they would be seen in action so Kat was nervous but she was hopeful that they would help out with keeping the peace. Unfortunately, her Elite team were still in deep training so it wasn't time for them to come out and join the fray.

Perhaps it was time to show off the effectiveness of the Decoria Industries gear, also showing that the SJO have people to help maintain peace and keep others safe in combat scenarios. Kat jumped into a jumpship with her group of 12 Rescue Rangers and set the coordinates for Tol Amn. Kat took controls, she was pleased with how effective her piloting skills were coming along, she was definitely becoming an excellent pilot in her own mind. The jump didn't take too long, tapping her coms when they were close to the ground. Kat announced, "greetings citizens, this is Kat Decoria, member of the SJO and CEO of Decoria Industries. We heard that there was some trouble so we are here to help!" Kat wondered if she was saying the right thing. She tried avoiding mentioning she was only a Padawan as she doubted that would inspire confidence.

Landing the dropship, her Rescue Rangers stepped out and awaited orders. "Find civvies and evac them to a secure and safe location. Keep me in the loop at all times!" Kat ordered most of her men to go and do their jobs, leaving her with two, "lets find the guy that contacted us!"

[member="Brom Burningwood"]
Early morning training concluded just a bit before midday, leaving her both mentally and physically spent. Her body, unlike the first days of training, no longer ached and barked; but there was a state of weariness flickering about. Upon reaching her room, she was just about to cross over into a world where a hot shower and a nice, comfy bed awaited her arrival when she heard the commotion down the hall. Slightly curious, she headed toward the gathering of Padawans pushing aside the shower and bed temporarily. Even before her arrival she heard the murmurs about a call for help that was dispatched nearby.

"What's going on," she asked trying to narrow down one voice over the orchestra of voices that seemed to gather excitable strength from her peers. A boy, whose name she couldn't recall, spoke back to her. Through his interpretations, she learned a request for aid had been sent out to the Silver Jedi and that some of the Padawans were balancing the idea of answering. There was nothing she needed to balance, and quickly left the crowd running quickly toward the bays.....

Within a few hours, the transport vehicle landed allowing for all the passengers to freely disembark. Mikilanna stood on the streets with the only weapon she brought with her, a training lightsaber tuned to maximum power. The weapon wouldn't do much, but it was far better than the alternative. The area was a war zone, or as close to one she thought. Already, Rangers were aiding the civilians moving them away from the dangers; while the shore party she arrived with already springing into action. Mikilanna moved to a group of civilians who appeared shell shocked from the events, taking the small child in her arms and politely ordering the adults to follow her to safety.

[member="Brom Burningwood"] : [member="Kat Decoria"]


King of Pumpkins
Location: Tol Amn
Time: Midday, Thursday​
Things on the planet continued to deteriorate as the terrorists continued being an issue. Many of what was the police on the planet little more than a motley crew had all tried their best to hold whatever ground they could but they could hardly be ready for terrorists or anyone little more than simple rioters. Many of the guard houses were already lost with the few holding suffering heavy causalities. The space port managed to hold down a fair bit better than most other locations especially with many people landing in the area.

Brom walked out of his office finally on the street with a number of members within the building walking out with various weapons and bits of armour. If you wanna work in a government position on a planet like this most of the time you had to have some kind of training in case of raiders or pirates. He turned to most of them. "Gather who you can and get to the space port. We need to get them off world while we can." His assistant responded with "What about those in the hospitals we have?" Brom thought for a moment then replied. "Do what you can for them but focus on those who are still able to move first. I want to save some of my people even if that means I have to be less than optimistic about those who are already injured." They nodded and began searching for people.

Brom himself with his sabre activated simply began walking along the street using his force powers to project his voice. "Dear raiding terrorist scum please get off my world before I move you off my world. My world isn't the wealthiest and lets be honest here I do try to listen to everyone I can even if their demands are sometimes less than achievable. So please either get going or come and have a chat with me in the centre of town." As he began moving in that direction. I hope this works how I am hoping it is.

[member="Mikilanna Mihaly"] l [member="Kat Decoria"]
Explosions of terrorists were going off everywhere, however, Kat remained calm and collective as she tapped her comms keeping in contact with the whole squad of Rescue Rangers. Most of them were working hard, grabbing civilians and guiding them away from the main areas of explosions and danger. Kat ordered the Rescue Rangers with her to keep close as she moved forward. Hearing the loud, booming voice of someone projecting their voice beyond the normal limits. Looking over to the direction of the shouting, Kat gestured that way, "well, that was the voice of the person who called us for help. Think we should head over to him."

Rushing forward, Kat readied her Force Pike in her hand looking for anyone nearby and she spotted the man who was shouting, charging forward. Kat sighed, what was it with Jedi and Force Users who recklessly charged into battle. Looking at the Rescue Rangers with her, "Well we better go support that guy then. Guns at the ready boys!" Kat called out as she moved forward and tried to hail down the guy rushing ahead of them.

[member="Brom Burningwood"] [member="Mikilanna Mihaly"]
The last people of the convoy she led finally made it to relative safety, though there were a couple of stragglers she had to prod to 'get a move on it'. All around her, and growing seemingly with more intensity, the sounds of explosions sung out proudly. Whomever was responsible for this cacophony of destruction had planned well; brining along many destructive devices. When the last able body found the circle of safety, Mikilanna took her leave, knowing there were others out and about that required her help.

Turning down a street, consumed by both debris and wreckage from the explosions she heard not to long ago, came a bellowing voice that snatched up her attention. The voice, loud and dominate, spoke with a conviction toward the people responsible for these terrorist acts; leading her to believe he was a potential ally, even possible the one that send the request of aid to the Silvers. Unaware of how the street system worked here, Mikilanna allowed the voice to be the beacon to direct her, channeling out all other distractions while focusing solely on that one particular voice.

Soon the voice led her around a charred building, where her eyes saw the owner of the voice walking proudly down the street; his weapon in hand. But she wasn't the only one to find him. There were others, it seemed, making their way to support this man. For the first time in her young life, she unclipped the hilt that swung on the belt of her Jedi robes for the sole purpose of defending the innocent; in a real life scenario and not in training holovids. Moving as quickly as her weary body would allow, she made her way to the man; catching her breath as she said, "Mikilanna Mihaly, Padawan of the Silver Jedi Order. How may I be of assistance?"

[member="Brom Burningwood"] : [member="Kat Decoria"]


King of Pumpkins
Location: Tol Amn
Time: Midday, Thursday​
Tags [member="Kat Decoria"] l [member="Mikilanna Mihaly"]​
Brom would continue to walk along the street his inactivate lightsaber hilt in his left hand. Continuing what he was saying he saw it had worked as a rather tired lady approached him. Yes she was in her teens but as far as he was concerned that made her a lady as another approached from behind with a group of people in armour. "Ladies welcome to Tol Amn. Given the gear and lightsabres you both have I assume you are here to assist from the Silver Jedi. I am glad some jedi......" He thought about it for a while before deciding to call them "Knights could join me in my hour of need."

He said knights because a padawan would probably be flustered about it while a master would accept it and instead tell him they were indeed a master. Either way knights was a very safe bet. He would keep walking to the centre assuming they would follow him. "Apologies for the poor reception. As you can see we are currently having some trouble against a group called the sons of the hutts. Basically they want us to go back to being a poor farming world under the rule of the hutts. Something I have been attempting to get around and bring better infrastructure."

Finally arriving in the centre there would be two hover bikes and one land speeder with a small group of rather heavily armed men. "Well this looks like the welcoming party. Apologies it took so long to find them." He would say to the two ladies before yelling out. "Where is your leader?" One of the armoured figures would get up and look him over. "Hahaha they don't want to speak to you old man nor your companions here. So why don't you go get someone else that we can talk to." Brom smiled. "Old man guess I am, well still I would like to whoever runs you." "Are you deaf old man I said no." This exchange would continue for a while longer.
When Brom called her a Jedi Knight, Kat shook her head, while it sounded nice to be considered one, Kat didn't want to let Brom expectations down. "I'm a Jedi Padawan, Kat Decoria." Kat admitted openly as she listened to Brom about the situation. "That is unfortunate, hopefully we can help you sort this issue. I have dispatched several Rescue Rangers throughout the area so they should be taking civilians to a protective area before they move forward tackling the bandits in the surrounding area. These two are with me so they can provide some backup and healing if we get outnumbered." Kat informed Brom in detail the plan that she had implemented when she landed on the world.

Soon enough a group of the terrorists arrive, Kat raised her gun at the ready, waiting from a signal from Brom to engage. He was in charge and Kat was more than happy to let the man take charge in terms of the negotiates but Kat wasn't sure that they would be getting far with these people, she sighed as she wasn't sure how they would be able to move forward and take on the leader of this group. She was curious as to who these people were and who their leader was. Whispering to Brom loudly enough for the terrorists to hear, "I don't think these guys know who their leader is. They don't look that scary."

[member="Brom Burningwood"] [member="Mikilanna Mihaly"]

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